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Intel VMX ASM fixes
Jack Lange [Sat, 30 Jan 2010 21:18:55 +0000 (15:18 -0600)]

index 81872e0..9ea6ffb 100644 (file)
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ static inline int vmcs_read(vmcs_field_t vmcs_field, void * dst) {
                 "seteb %1;" // fail valid
-                "setnaeb %2;" // fail invalid
-                :  "=&c"(val), "=q"(ret_valid), "=q"(ret_invalid) // Use ECX
-                : "a" (vmcs_field), "1"(ret_valid), "2"(ret_invalid)
+                "setnaeb %1;" // fail invalid
+                :  "=c"(val), "=d"(ret_valid) //, "=r"(ret_invalid) // Use ECX
+                : "a" (vmcs_field), "0"(0), "1"(ret_valid)
                 : "memory"
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ static inline int vmcs_write(vmcs_field_t vmcs_field, addr_t value) {
                 "seteb %0;" // fail valid (ZF=1)
                 "setnaeb %1;" // fail invalid (CF=1)
-                : "=q" (ret_valid), "=q" (ret_invalid)
-                : "a" (vmcs_field), "c"(value), "0"(ret_valid), "1"(ret_invalid)
+                : "=r" (ret_valid), "=r" (ret_invalid)
+                : "a" (vmcs_field), "c"(value)
                 : "memory");
     CHECK_VMXFAIL(ret_valid, ret_invalid);
index aba5656..4a8c021 100644 (file)
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ void v3_init_vmx_cpu(int cpu_id) {
     uint64_t ret = 0;
+#ifdef __V3_64BIT__
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
                          "movq %%cr4, %%rbx;"
                          "orq  $0x00002000, %%rbx;"
@@ -823,6 +823,38 @@ void v3_init_vmx_cpu(int cpu_id) {
                          : "%rbx"
+#elif __V3_32BIT__
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+                         "movq %%cr4, %%ecx;"
+                         "orq  $0x00002000, %%ecx;"
+                         "movq %%ecx, %0;"
+                         : "=m"(ret) 
+                         :
+                         : "%ecx"
+                         );
+    if ((~ret & tmp_msr.value) == 0) {
+        __asm__ __volatile__ (
+                             "movq %0, %%cr4;"
+                             :
+                             : "q"(ret)
+                             );
+    } else {
+        PrintError("Invalid CR4 Settings!\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+                         "movq %%cr0, %%ecx; "
+                         "orq  $0x00000020,%%ecx; "
+                         "movq %%ecx, %%cr0;"
+                         :
+                         :
+                         : "%ecx"
+                         );
     // Should check and return Error here....