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modified the irq layout to match what is seen on actual hardware
Jack Lange [Wed, 25 May 2011 22:59:18 +0000 (17:59 -0500)]

index 64cf96f..3b6a463 100644 (file)
@@ -363,7 +363,20 @@ static int write_mptable(void * target, uint32_t numcores) {
     ioapic->ioapic_flags.en = 1;
     ioapic->ioapic_address = IOAPIC_ADDR;
+    // The MPTABLE IRQ mappings are kind of odd. 
+    // We don't include a bus IRQ 2, and instead remap Bus IRQ 0 to dest irq 2
     for (irq = 0; irq < 16; irq++) { 
+       uint8_t dst_irq = irq;
+       if (irq == 0) {
+           dst_irq = 2;
+       } else if (irq == 2) {
+           continue;
+       }
        interrupt = (struct mp_table_io_interrupt_assignment *)cur;
        memset((void *)interrupt, 0, sizeof(struct mp_table_io_interrupt_assignment));
@@ -374,7 +387,7 @@ static int write_mptable(void * target, uint32_t numcores) {
        interrupt->source_bus_id = 0;
        interrupt->source_bus_irq = irq;
        interrupt->dest_ioapic_id = numcores;
-       interrupt->dest_ioapic_intn = irq;
+       interrupt->dest_ioapic_intn = dst_irq;
        cur += sizeof(struct mp_table_io_interrupt_assignment);