Palacios Public Git Repository

To checkout Palacios execute

  git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel branch, simply execute
  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.

Updated TR
Peter Dinda [Thu, 4 Dec 2008 17:44:21 +0000 (11:44 -0600)]
Added Kevin's patch for the stack problems (-fno-stack-protector)


index b03e9ee..d6644e5 100644 (file)
Binary files a/README.pdf and b/README.pdf differ
index 8712934..6dfb426 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# Makefile for GeekOS kernel, userspace, and tools
 #  Northwestern University 
 # (c) 2008, Jack Lange <>
@@ -435,6 +434,7 @@ CC_COMPILE = \
        $(call build,CC,$(TARGET_CC) \
                $(CC_GENERAL_OPTS) \
                $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) \
+                -fno-stack-protector \
                -c \
                $< \
                -o $@ \