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Extended keyed stream interface to include preallocation
Peter Dinda [Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:51:49 +0000 (16:51 -0500)]

index e06535d..06fafd5 100644 (file)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ typedef enum {V3_KS_RD_ONLY,V3_KS_WR_ONLY,V3_KS_WR_ONLY_CREATE} v3_keyed_stream_
 v3_keyed_stream_t     v3_keyed_stream_open(char *url, v3_keyed_stream_open_t open_type);
 void                  v3_keyed_stream_close(v3_keyed_stream_t stream);
+void                  v3_keyed_stream_preallocate_hint_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream, char *key, uint64_t size);
 v3_keyed_stream_key_t v3_keyed_stream_open_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream, char *key);
 void                  v3_keyed_stream_close_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream,  char *key);
 sint64_t              v3_keyed_stream_write_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream,  
@@ -85,6 +86,10 @@ struct v3_keyed_stream_hooks {
     void (*close)(v3_keyed_stream_t stream);
+    void (*preallocate_hint_key)(v3_keyed_stream_t stream,
+                                char *key,
+                                uint64_t size);
     v3_keyed_stream_key_t (*open_key)(v3_keyed_stream_t stream,
                                      char *key);
index 4ba376b..79d69ac 100644 (file)
@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ void                  v3_keyed_stream_close(v3_keyed_stream_t stream)
+void v3_keyed_stream_preallocate_hint_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream, char *key, uint64_t size)
+    V3_ASSERT(keyed_stream_hooks != NULL);
+    V3_ASSERT(keyed_stream_hooks->preallocate_hint_key != NULL);
+    return keyed_stream_hooks->preallocate_hint_key(stream,key,size);
 v3_keyed_stream_key_t v3_keyed_stream_open_key(v3_keyed_stream_t stream, char *key)
     V3_ASSERT(keyed_stream_hooks != NULL);