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HVM capability enhancement: asynchronous upcalls to ROS userspace
[palacios.git] / palacios / src / palacios / vmm_hvm.c
index 3818663..43e7c33 100644 (file)
@@ -444,6 +444,40 @@ static int hvm_hcall_handler(struct guest_info * core , hcall_id_t hcall_id, voi
+       case 0x40: // install or remove signal handler
+           if (v3_is_hvm_hrt_core(core)) { 
+               PrintError(core->vm_info,core, "hvm: HRT cannot install signal handler...\n");
+               core->vm_regs.rax=-1;
+           } else {
+               PrintDebug(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: install signal handler for CR3=%p, handler=%p, stack=%p\n",(void*)core->ctrl_regs.cr3, (void*)a2, (void*)a3);
+               if (h->ros_signal.code) { 
+                   PrintError(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: signal is pending...\n");
+                   core->vm_regs.rax=-1;
+               } else {
+                   if ((a2 || a3) && (h->ros_signal.handler || h->ros_signal.stack)) { 
+                       PrintError(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: attempt to replace existing handler without removing it first\n");
+                       core->vm_regs.rax=-1;
+                   } else {
+                       // actually make the change
+                       h->ros_signal.handler=a2;
+                       h->ros_signal.stack=a3;
+                       h->ros_signal.cr3=core->ctrl_regs.cr3;
+                       core->vm_regs.rax=0;
+                       // test by signalling back a hello 
+                       // if (a2 && a3) { 
+                       //    v3_hvm_signal_ros(core->vm_info,0xf00d);
+                       //}
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+           break;
+       case 0x41: // raise signal in the ROS from HRT or ROS
+           PrintDebug(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: HRT raises signal code=0x%llx\n", a2);
+           core->vm_regs.rax = v3_hvm_signal_ros(core->vm_info,a2);
+           break;
            PrintError(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: unknown hypercall %llx\n",a1);
@@ -1805,3 +1839,111 @@ int v3_handle_hvm_reset(struct guest_info *core)
        return 0;
+int v3_handle_hvm_entry(struct guest_info *core)
+    if (!core->vm_info->hvm_state.is_hvm        // not relevant to non-HVM
+       || core->hvm_state.is_hrt              // not relevant to an HRT in an HVM
+       || !core->vm_info->hvm_state.ros_signal.code) { // not relevant if there is no code to inject
+       // Note that above check for code could race with a writer, but
+       // if that happens, we'll simply inject at the next opportunity instead of 
+       // this one (see below for atomic update)
+       return 0;
+    } else {
+       struct v3_ros_signal *s = &core->vm_info->hvm_state.ros_signal;
+       // HVM ROS
+       if (! (s->handler && // handler installed
+              s->cr3 &&     // process installed
+              s->stack &&   // stack installed
+              core->cpl == 3 &&  // user mode
+              core->ctrl_regs.cr3 == s->cr3) // right process active
+           ) {
+           // Cannot inject at this time
+           return 0;
+       } else {
+           // We can inject now, let's atomically see if we have something
+           // and commit to doing it if we do
+           uint64_t code;
+           // Get code, reset to allow next one
+           code = __sync_fetch_and_and(&(s->code), 0);
+           if (!code) { 
+               // nothing to do after all
+               return 0;
+           } else {
+               // actually do inject
+               uint64_t rsp;
+               uint64_t frame[6];
+               PrintDebug(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: ROS interrupt starting with rip=%p rsp=%p\n", (void*) core->rip, (void*) core->vm_regs.rsp);
+               // build interrupt frame
+               frame[0] = code;
+               frame[1] = core->rip;
+               frame[2] = core->segments.cs.selector; // return cs
+               frame[3] = core->ctrl_regs.rflags;
+               frame[4] = core->vm_regs.rsp;
+               frame[5] = core->; // return ss
+               rsp = (s->stack - 8) & (~0x7); // make sure we are aligned
+               rsp -= sizeof(frame);
+               if (v3_write_gva_memory(core,(addr_t)rsp,sizeof(frame),(uint8_t*)frame)!=sizeof(frame)) { 
+                   PrintError(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: failed to write interrupt frame\n");
+                   // we just lost this inject
+                   return -1;
+               }
+               // now make us look like we are jumping to the entry
+               core->rip = s->handler;
+               core->vm_regs.rsp = rsp;
+               PrintDebug(core->vm_info,core,"hvm: ROS frame is 0x%llx|0x%llx|0x%llx|0x%llx|0x%llx|0x%llx and and on entry rip=%p and rsp=%p\n", frame[0],frame[1],frame[2],frame[3],frame[4],frame[5],(void*) core->rip, (void*) core->vm_regs.rsp);
+               // and we should be good to go
+               return 0;
+           } 
+       }
+    }
+int v3_handle_hvm_exit(struct guest_info *core)
+    // currently nothing
+    return 0;
+int v3_hvm_signal_ros(struct v3_vm_info *vm, uint64_t code)
+    struct v3_ros_signal *s = &vm->hvm_state.ros_signal;
+    if (!code) { 
+       PrintError(vm,VCORE_NONE,"hvm: cannot signal ros with code zero\n");
+       return -1;
+    }
+    // handler, etc, must exist
+    if (!s->handler || !s->stack) { 
+       PrintError(vm,VCORE_NONE,"hvm: cannot signal ros with no installed handler\n");
+       return -1;
+    } else {
+       // we set the code only if we are idle (code 0), 
+       // and we do so only 
+       if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&(s->code), 0, code)) {
+           PrintError(vm,VCORE_NONE,"hvm: signal was already asserted\n");
+           return -1;
+       } else {
+           PrintDebug(vm,VCORE_NONE,"hvm: raised signal 0x%llx to the ROS\n",code);
+           return 0;
+       }
+    }