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Merge branch 'devel' of ssh://
[palacios.git] / palacios / src / palacios / vmm_dev_mgr.c
index 81f053c..c7a8f95 100644 (file)
+ * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed
+ * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National 
+ * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.  
+ *
+ * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University
+ * and the University of New Mexico.  You can find out more at 
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Jack Lange <> 
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, The V3VEE Project <> 
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Author: Jack Lange <>
+ *
+ * This is free software.  You are permitted to use,
+ * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE".
+ */
-#include <palacios/vmm_dev.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_dev_mgr.h>
 #include <palacios/vm_guest.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_decoder.h>
-extern struct vmm_os_hooks *os_hooks;
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
+#undef PrintDebug
+#define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)
-int dev_mgr_init(struct vmm_dev_mgr *mgr, struct guest_info *vm)
-  mgr->vm=vm;
-  mgr->dev_list=NULL;
-  mgr->num_devices=0;
-  return 0;
+static struct hashtable * master_dev_table = NULL;
+static uint_t dev_hash_fn(addr_t key) {
+    char * name = (char *)key;
+    return v3_hash_buffer((uchar_t *)name, strlen(name));
+static int dev_eq_fn(addr_t key1, addr_t key2) {
+    char * name1 = (char *)key1;
+    char * name2 = (char *)key2;
+    return (strcmp(name1, name2) == 0);
-int dev_mgr_deinit(struct vmm_dev_mgr *mgr)
-  int rc;
+int v3_init_devices() {
+    extern struct v3_device_info __start__v3_devices[];
+    extern struct v3_device_info __stop__v3_devices[];
+    struct v3_device_info * tmp_dev =  __start__v3_devices;
+    int i = 0;
+    {
+       int num_devices = (__stop__v3_devices - __start__v3_devices) / sizeof(struct v3_device_info);
+       PrintDebug("%d Virtual devices registered with Palacios\n", num_devices);
+    }
+    PrintDebug("Start addres=%p, Stop address=%p\n", __start__v3_devices, __stop__v3_devices);
+    master_dev_table = v3_create_htable(0, dev_hash_fn, dev_eq_fn);
-  while (mgr->dev_list) { 
-    rc=dev_mgr_detach_device(mgr->vm,mgr->dev_list);
-    if (rc) { 
-      // Bad bad bad
+    while (tmp_dev != __stop__v3_devices) {
+       PrintDebug("Device: %s\n", tmp_dev->name);
+       if (v3_htable_search(master_dev_table, (addr_t)(tmp_dev->name))) {
+           PrintError("Multiple instance of device (%s)\n", tmp_dev->name);
+           return -1;
+       }
+       if (v3_htable_insert(master_dev_table, 
+                            (addr_t)(tmp_dev->name), 
+                            (addr_t)(tmp_dev->init)) == 0) {
+           PrintError("Could not add device %s to master list\n", tmp_dev->name);
+           return -1;
+       }
+       tmp_dev = &(__start__v3_devices[++i]);
-  }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
-int dev_mgr_attach_device(struct guest_info *vm, struct vm_device *device)
-  struct vmm_dev_mgr *mgr= &(vm->dev_mgr);
-  if (device->io_hooks || device->mem_hooks) { 
-    return -1;
-  }
-  device->next = mgr->dev_list;
-  device->prev = 0;
-  if (device->next) { 
-    device->next->prev = device;
-  }
-  mgr->dev_list = device;
-  device->vm=vm;
-  return 0;
+int v3_init_dev_mgr(struct guest_info * info) {
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(info->dev_mgr);
+    INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(mgr->dev_list));
+    mgr->num_devs = 0;
+    mgr->dev_table = v3_create_htable(0, dev_hash_fn, dev_eq_fn);
+    INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(mgr->blk_list));
+    INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(mgr->net_list));
+    INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(mgr->console_list));
+    mgr->blk_table = v3_create_htable(0, dev_hash_fn, dev_eq_fn);
+    mgr->net_table = v3_create_htable(0, dev_hash_fn, dev_eq_fn);
+    mgr->console_table = v3_create_htable(0, dev_hash_fn, dev_eq_fn);
+    return 0;
-int dev_mgr_detach_device(struct guest_info *vm, struct vm_device *device)
-  if (device->prev==0) { 
-    vm->dev_mgr.dev_list = device->next;
-  } else {
-    device->prev->next = device->next;
-  }
-  if (device->next) { 
-    device->next->prev=device->prev;
-  }
-  // avoid interrupts here
-  device->deinit_device(device);
-  device->vm=NULL;
-  return 0;
+int v3_dev_mgr_deinit(struct guest_info * info) {
+    struct vm_device * dev;
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(info->dev_mgr);
+    struct vm_device * tmp;
+    list_for_each_entry_safe(dev, tmp, &(mgr->dev_list), dev_link) {
+       v3_detach_device(dev);
+       v3_free_device(dev);
+    }
+    return 0;
-#define INSERT_FRONT(listhead,item)         \
-  do {                                      \
-    if (!(listhead)) {                      \
-      (listhead)=(item);                    \
-      (item)->prev=NULL;                    \
-      (item)->next=NULL;                    \
-    }  else {                               \
-      (item)->prev=NULL;                    \
-      (item)->next=(listhead);              \
-      if ((listhead)->next) {               \
-       (listhead)->next->prev=(item);      \
-      }                                     \
-      (listhead)=(item);                    \
-    }                                       \
-  } while (0)
-#define DELETE(listhead,item)               \
-  do {                                      \
-    if ((item)->prev) {                     \
-      (item)->prev->next=(item)->next;      \
-    } else {                                \
-      (listhead)=(item)->next;              \
-    }                                       \
-    if ((item)->next) {                     \
-      (item)->next->prev=(item)->prev;      \
-    }                                       \
-  } while (0)
-int dev_mgr_hook_io(struct guest_info    *vm,
-                   struct vm_device   *device,
-                   ushort_t            portno,
-                   enum access_control control,
-                   enum access_type    atype)
-  struct vm_device_io_hook *hook = os_hooks->malloc(sizeof(struct vm_device_io_hook));
-  if (!hook) { 
-    return -1;
-  }
-  int (*read)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *) = NULL;
-  int (*write)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *) = NULL;
-  switch (control) { 
-    switch (atype) { 
-    case DEVICE_READ:
-      read = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *,uint_t, void *))  (device->read_io_port);
-      break;
-    case DEVICE_WRITE:
-      write = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *)) (device->write_io_port);
-      break;
-      read = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *)) (device->read_io_port);
-      write = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *)) (device->write_io_port);
-      break;
+int v3_create_device(struct guest_info * info, const char * dev_name, v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg) {
+    int (*dev_init)(struct guest_info * info, void * cfg_data);
+    dev_init = (void *)v3_htable_search(master_dev_table, (addr_t)dev_name);
+    if (dev_init == NULL) {
+       PrintError("Could not find device %s in master device table\n", dev_name);
+       return -1;
-    break;
-    read=write=NULL;
-    break;
-  }
-  hook_io_port(&(vm->io_map), 
-              portno, 
-              read,
-              write,
-              device);
-  hook->control=control;
-  hook->atype=atype;
-  hook->guest_port = portno;
-  INSERT_FRONT(device->io_hooks,hook);
-  return 0;
+    if (dev_init(info, cfg) == -1) {
+       PrintError("Could not initialize Device %s\n", dev_name);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void v3_free_device(struct vm_device * dev) {
+    V3_Free(dev);
-int dev_mgr_unhook_io(struct guest_info    *vm,
-                     struct vm_device   *device,
-                     ushort_t            portno)
-  struct vm_device_io_hook *hook = device->io_hooks;
-  while (hook) { 
-    if (hook->guest_port==portno) { 
-      DELETE(device->io_hooks,hook);
-      break;
+struct vm_device * v3_find_dev(struct guest_info * info, const char * dev_name) {
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(info->dev_mgr);
+    if (!dev_name) {
+       return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!hook) { 
-    // Very bad - unhooking something that doesn't exist!
-    return -1;
-  }
+    return (struct vm_device *)v3_htable_search(mgr->dev_table, (addr_t)dev_name);
-  return unhook_io_port(&(vm->io_map),
-                       portno);
+/* The remaining functions are called by the devices themselves */
+/* IO HOOKS */
+int v3_dev_hook_io(struct vm_device * dev, uint16_t port,
+                  int (*read)(uint16_t port, void * dst, uint_t length, struct vm_device * dev),
+                  int (*write)(uint16_t port, void * src, uint_t length, struct vm_device * dev)) {
+    return v3_hook_io_port(dev->vm, port, 
+                          (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))read, 
+                          (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))write, 
+                          (void *)dev);
+int v3_dev_unhook_io(struct vm_device * dev, uint16_t port) {
+    return v3_unhook_io_port(dev->vm, port);
+int v3_detach_device(struct vm_device * dev) {
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(dev->vm->dev_mgr);
-int dev_mgr_hook_mem(struct guest_info    *vm,
-                    struct vm_device   *device,
-                    void               *guest_physical_address_start,
-                    void               *guest_physical_address_end,
-                    enum access_control control,
-                    enum access_type    atype)
+    dev->ops->free(dev);
+    list_del(&(dev->dev_link));
+    mgr->num_devs--;
+    dev->vm = NULL;
-  struct vm_device_mem_hook *hook = os_hooks->malloc(sizeof(struct vm_device_mem_hook));
-  if (!hook) { 
     return -1;
-  }
-  int (*read)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *) = NULL;
-  int (*write)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *) = NULL;
-  switch (control) { 
-    switch (atype) { 
-    case DEVICE_READ:
-      read = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))(device->read_mapped_memory);
-      break;
-    case DEVICE_WRITE:
-      write = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))(device->write_mapped_memory);
-      break;
-      read = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))(device->read_mapped_memory);
-      write = (int (*)(ushort_t, void *, uint_t, void *))(device->write_mapped_memory);
-      break;
-    }
-    break;
-    read=write=NULL;
-    break;
-  }
-  /* not implemented yet
-  hook_memory(vm->mem_map, 
-             guest_physical_address_start, 
-             guest_physical_address_end, 
-             read,
-             write,
-             device);
-  */
+struct vm_device * v3_allocate_device(char * name, 
+                                     struct v3_device_ops * ops, 
+                                     void * private_data) {
+    struct vm_device * dev = NULL;
-  return -1;   // remove when hook_memory works
+    dev = (struct vm_device*)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct vm_device));
-  hook->control=control;
-  hook->atype=atype;
-  hook->guest_physical_start = guest_physical_address_start;
-  hook->guest_physical_end = guest_physical_address_end;
+    strncpy(dev->name, name, 32);
+    dev->ops = ops;
+    dev->private_data = private_data;
-  INSERT_FRONT(device->mem_hooks,hook);
+    dev->vm = NULL;
-  return 0;
+    return dev;
-int dev_mgr_unhook_mem(struct guest_info    *vm,
-                      struct vm_device   *device,
-                      void               *guest_physical_start,
-                      void               *guest_physical_end) 
-  struct vm_device_mem_hook *hook = device->mem_hooks;
+int v3_attach_device(struct guest_info * vm, struct vm_device * dev ) {
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(vm->dev_mgr);
-  while (hook) { 
-    if (hook->guest_physical_start==guest_physical_start &&
-       hook->guest_physical_end==guest_physical_end) {
-      DELETE(device->mem_hooks,hook);
-      break;
+    dev->vm = vm;
+    list_add(&(dev->dev_link), &(mgr->dev_list));
+    mgr->num_devs++;
+    v3_htable_insert(mgr->dev_table, (addr_t)(dev->name), (addr_t)dev);
+    return 0;
+void v3_print_dev_mgr(struct guest_info * info) {
+    struct vmm_dev_mgr * mgr = &(info->dev_mgr);
+    struct vm_device * dev;
+    V3_Print("%d devices registered with manager\n", mgr->num_devs);
+    list_for_each_entry(dev, &(mgr->dev_list), dev_link) {
+       V3_Print("Device: %s\n", dev->name);
-  }
-  if (!hook) { 
-    // Very bad - unhooking something that doesn't exist!
-    return -1;
-  }
+    return;
+struct blk_frontend {
+    int (*connect)(struct guest_info * info, 
+                   void * frontend_data, 
+                   struct v3_dev_blk_ops * ops, 
+                   v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg, 
+                   void * priv_data);
-  /* not implemented yet
-  return unhook_mem_port(vm->mem_map,
-                        guest_physical_start,
-                        guest_physical_end) ;
+    struct list_head blk_node;
-  */
-  return -1;
+    void * priv_data;
+int v3_dev_add_blk_frontend(struct guest_info * info, 
+                           char * name, 
+                           int (*connect)(struct guest_info * info, 
+                                           void * frontend_data, 
+                                           struct v3_dev_blk_ops * ops, 
+                                           v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg, 
+                                           void * priv_data), 
+                           void * priv_data) {
+    struct blk_frontend * frontend = NULL;
+    frontend = (struct blk_frontend *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct blk_frontend));
+    memset(frontend, 0, sizeof(struct blk_frontend));
+    frontend->connect = connect;
+    frontend->priv_data = priv_data;
+    list_add(&(frontend->blk_node), &(info->dev_mgr.blk_list));
+    v3_htable_insert(info->dev_mgr.blk_table, (addr_t)(name), (addr_t)frontend);
+    return 0;
+int v3_dev_connect_blk(struct guest_info * info, 
+                      char * frontend_name, 
+                      struct v3_dev_blk_ops * ops, 
+                      v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg, 
+                      void * private_data) {
-int dev_mgr_unhook_device(struct guest_info  *vm,
-                         struct vm_device *device)
-  struct vm_device_io_hook *iohook=device->io_hooks;
-  struct vm_device_mem_hook *memhook=device->mem_hooks;
+    struct blk_frontend * frontend = NULL;
-  while (iohook) { 
-    if (dev_mgr_unhook_io(vm,device,iohook->guest_port)) { 
-      return -1;
+    frontend = (struct blk_frontend *)v3_htable_search(info->dev_mgr.blk_table,
+                                                      (addr_t)frontend_name);
+    if (frontend == NULL) {
+       PrintError("Could not find frontend blk device %s\n", frontend_name);
+       return 0;
-  }
-  while (memhook) { 
-    if (dev_mgr_unhook_mem(vm,device,memhook->guest_physical_start, memhook->guest_physical_end)) {
-      return -1;
+    if (frontend->connect(info, frontend->priv_data, ops, cfg, private_data) == -1) {
+       PrintError("Error connecting to block frontend %s\n", frontend_name);
+       return -1;
-  }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;