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IDE hard drive works past grub
[palacios.git] / palacios / src / devices / atapi.h
index 3407101..acc90ff 100644 (file)
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ static void atapi_cmd_nop(struct vm_device * dev, struct ide_channel * channel)
 static int atapi_read_chunk(struct vm_device * dev, struct ide_channel * channel) {
     struct ide_drive * drive = get_selected_drive(channel);
-    int ret = drive->cd_ops->read(drive->data_buf, ATAPI_BLOCK_SIZE, drive->cd_state.current_lba, drive->private_data);
+    int ret = drive->cd_ops->read(drive->data_buf, 1, drive->current_lba, drive->private_data);
     if (ret == -1) {
-       PrintError("IDE: Error reading CD block (LBA=%x)\n", drive->cd_state.current_lba);
+       PrintError("IDE: Error reading CD block (LBA=%p)\n", (void *)(addr_t)(drive->current_lba));
        return -1;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ static int atapi_update_data_buf(struct vm_device * dev, struct ide_channel * ch
        case 0xa8: // read(12)
            // Update lba address to point to next block
-           drive->cd_state.current_lba++;
+           drive->current_lba++;
            // read the next block
            return atapi_read_chunk(dev, channel);
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static int atapi_read10(struct vm_device * dev, struct ide_channel * channel) {
     //    PrintDebug("Reading %d blocks from LBA 0x%x\n", xfer_len, lba);
-    drive->cd_state.current_lba = lba;
+    drive->current_lba = lba;
     // Update the request length value in the cylinder registers