Palacios Public Git Repository

To checkout Palacios execute

  git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel branch, simply execute
  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.

descriptionPalacios Public Git Repository - Tracks Internal By 30 Minutes
last changeSun, 26 Oct 2008 01:18:33 +0000
2008-10-26 Jack Lange Merge branch 'devel' master
2008-10-26 Jack Lange fixed format string issues due to printf attribute...
2008-10-25 Jack Lange Merge branch 'devel' 1.0
2008-10-25 Jack Lange backed out support for long paged real mode
2008-10-25 Jack Lange added 32 bit support for geekos
2008-10-22 Jack Lange Merge branch 'kitten' of ssh://sharedev@newskysaw.cs...
2008-10-22 Jack Lange added 64 bit paging for paged real mode
2008-10-22 Trammell Hudson Merge branch 'kitten' of ssh://sharedev@localhost/home...
2008-10-22 Trammell Hudson Added auto-dependency tracking.
2008-10-22 Jack Lange Merge branch 'kitten' of ssh://sharedev@newskysaw.cs...
2008-10-22 Jack Lange changed VMCB to enter long paged real mode(?) if it...
2008-10-22 Trammell Hudson It works!
2008-10-22 Trammell Hudson Improve panic message if asked to free a bad page
2008-10-22 Trammell Hudson Merge branch 'kitten' of ssh://sharedev@localhost/home...
2008-10-22 Jack Lange fixed shadow paging up to the next error
2008-10-22 Jack Lange more printf format fixes
15 years ago 1.0 Release candidate with 32/64 bit...
15 years ago vmmhack1-ramdisk-boot-iso-puppy
15 years ago puppy-and-xed
15 years ago boots-puppy-iso-to-command-prompt
15 years ago reaches-user-mode-on-qemu-and-both-amd-boxes-nested-paging-faults
15 years ago boot386puppy-26-to-ide
15 years ago working-cdboot-physical-but-not-qemu
16 years ago working-vmxassist-dinda
16 years ago PDINDA0
12 years ago devel
12 years ago Release-1.3
13 years ago Release-1.2
14 years ago release-1.1
15 years ago release-1.0
15 years ago master