Palacios Public Git Repository

To checkout Palacios execute

  git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel branch, simply execute
  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.

multiboot memory header corrections
Kyle Hale [Mon, 31 Aug 2015 19:51:32 +0000 (14:51 -0500)]

index f4aaac1..7feeb50 100644 (file)
@@ -190,8 +190,10 @@ typedef struct mb_info_cmdline {
 #define MEM_RAM   1
+#define MEM_RESV  2
 #define MEM_ACPI  3
-#define MEM_RESV  4
+#define MEM_NVS   4
+#define MEM_BAD   6
 typedef struct mb_info_memmap_entry {
     uint64_t  base_addr;