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VM reset from keyboard controller
Peter Dinda [Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:26:15 +0000 (17:26 -0500)]

index 2751cc0..3609058 100644 (file)
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include <palacios/vm_guest.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_debug.h>
 #undef PrintDebug
 #define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)
@@ -813,7 +812,7 @@ static int keyboard_write_command(struct guest_info * core, ushort_t port, void
        case 0xf2:   // instead of what is currently in output_byte (I think)
        case 0xf3:   // main effect is taht if bit zero is zero
        case 0xf4:   // should cause reset
-       case 0xf5:   // I doubt anything more recent than a 286 running  OS2 with the penalty box will care
+       case 0xf5:   
        case 0xf6:   
        case 0xf7:
        case 0xf8:
@@ -822,9 +821,15 @@ static int keyboard_write_command(struct guest_info * core, ushort_t port, void
        case 0xfb:
        case 0xfc:
        case 0xfd:
-       case 0xfe:
        case 0xff:
-           PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "keyboard: ignoring command 0x%x on output port\n", cmd);
+           if (!(cmd & 0x1)) { 
+               // general purpose reset
+               PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "keyboard: reseting VM\n");
+               v3_reset_vm(core->vm_info);
+           } else {
+               PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "keyboard: ignoring command 0x%x on output port\n", cmd);
+           }
            // case ac  diagonstic - returns 16 bytes from keyboard microcontroler on 60h