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Corrected PCI printdebug errors
Peter Dinda [Sun, 24 Feb 2013 21:07:57 +0000 (15:07 -0600)]

index b5abc15..7bac081 100644 (file)
@@ -170,19 +170,19 @@ static void pci_dump_state(struct pci_internal * pci_state) {
     struct rb_node * node = v3_rb_first(&(pci_state->bus_list[0].devices));
     struct pci_device * tmp_dev = NULL;
-    PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "===PCI: Dumping state Begin ==========\n");
+    PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "===PCI: Dumping state Begin ==========\n");
     do {
        tmp_dev = rb_entry(node, struct pci_device, dev_tree_node);
-       PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "PCI Device Number: %d (%s):\n", tmp_dev->dev_num,  tmp_dev->name);
-       PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "irq = %d\n", tmp_dev->config_header.intr_line);
-       PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "Vend ID: 0x%x\n", tmp_dev->config_header.vendor_id);
-       PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "Device ID: 0x%x\n", tmp_dev->config_header.device_id);
+       PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "PCI Device Number: %d (%s):\n", tmp_dev->dev_num,  tmp_dev->name);
+       PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "irq = %d\n", tmp_dev->config_header.intr_line);
+       PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "Vend ID: 0x%x\n", tmp_dev->config_header.vendor_id);
+       PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "Device ID: 0x%x\n", tmp_dev->config_header.device_id);
     } while ((node = v3_rb_next(node)));
-    PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "====PCI: Dumping state End==========\n");
+    PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "====PCI: Dumping state End==========\n");
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ static int get_free_dev_num(struct pci_bus * bus) {
     int i, j;
     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bus->dev_map); i++) {
-       PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "i=%d\n", i);
+       PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "i=%d\n", i);
        if (bus->dev_map[i] != 0xff) {
            // availability
            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
-               PrintDebug(core->vm_info, core, "\tj=%d\n", j);
+               PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE, "\tj=%d\n", j);
                if (!(bus->dev_map[i] & (0x1 << j))) {
                    return ((i * 8) + j);