Palacios Public Git Repository

To checkout Palacios execute

  git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel branch, simply execute
  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.

v3_file_close asserts open rather than close
Erik van der Kouwe [Thu, 3 Mar 2011 18:08:36 +0000 (12:08 -0600)]

index 6e69ce1..f2e191a 100644 (file)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ v3_file_t v3_file_open(struct v3_vm_info * vm, char * path, uint8_t mode) {
 int v3_file_close(v3_file_t file) {
-    V3_ASSERT(file_hooks->open);
+    V3_ASSERT(file_hooks->close);
     return file_hooks->close(file);