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HVM updates to support apic partitioning
Peter Dinda [Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:59:03 +0000 (15:59 -0500)]

index 423b80d..3fd0091 100644 (file)
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ int      v3_is_hvm_ros_core(struct guest_info *core);
 int      v3_is_hvm_hrt_core(struct guest_info *core);
+int      v3_hvm_should_deliver_ipi(struct guest_info *src, struct guest_info *dest);
+void     v3_hvm_find_apics_seen_by_core(struct guest_info *core, struct v3_vm_info *vm, 
+                                       uint32_t *start_apic, uint32_t *num_apics);
 #endif /* ! __V3VEE__ */
index 20c2408..4225d28 100644 (file)
@@ -256,3 +256,44 @@ int v3_is_hvm_ros_core(struct guest_info *core)
     return !core->hvm_state.is_hrt;
+int      v3_hvm_should_deliver_ipi(struct guest_info *src, struct guest_info *dest)
+    if (!src) {
+       // ioapic or msi to apic
+       return !dest->hvm_state.is_hrt;
+    } else {
+       // apic to apic
+       return src->hvm_state.is_hrt || (!src->hvm_state.is_hrt && !dest->hvm_state.is_hrt) ;
+    }
+void     v3_hvm_find_apics_seen_by_core(struct guest_info *core, struct v3_vm_info *vm, 
+                                       uint32_t *start_apic, uint32_t *num_apics)
+    if (!core) { 
+       // Seen from ioapic, msi, etc: 
+       if (vm->hvm_state.is_hvm) {
+           // HVM VM shows only the ROS cores/apics to ioapic, msi, etc
+           *start_apic = 0;
+           *num_apics = vm->hvm_state.first_hrt_core;
+       } else {
+           // Non-HVM shows all cores/APICs to apic, msi, etc.
+           *start_apic = 0;
+           *num_apics = vm->num_cores;
+       }
+    } else {
+       // Seen from apic
+       if (core->hvm_state.is_hrt) { 
+           // HRT core/apic sees all apics
+           // (this policy may change...)
+           *start_apic = 0;
+           *num_apics = vm->num_cores;
+       } else {
+           // non-HRT core/apic sees only non-HRT cores/apics
+           *start_apic = 0 ;
+           *num_apics = vm->hvm_state.first_hrt_core;
+       }
+    }