--- /dev/null
+/* ezxml.c
+ *
+ * Copyright 2004-2006 Aaron Voisine <aaron@voisine.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#endif // EZXML_NOMMAP
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "ezxml.h"
+#define EZXML_WS "\t\r\n " // whitespace
+#define EZXML_ERRL 128 // maximum error string length
+typedef struct ezxml_root *ezxml_root_t;
+struct ezxml_root { // additional data for the root tag
+ struct ezxml xml; // is a super-struct built on top of ezxml struct
+ ezxml_t cur; // current xml tree insertion point
+ char *m; // original xml string
+ size_t len; // length of allocated memory for mmap, -1 for malloc
+ char *u; // UTF-8 conversion of string if original was UTF-16
+ char *s; // start of work area
+ char *e; // end of work area
+ char **ent; // general entities (ampersand sequences)
+ char ***attr; // default attributes
+ char ***pi; // processing instructions
+ short standalone; // non-zero if <?xml standalone="yes"?>
+ char err[EZXML_ERRL]; // error string
+char *EZXML_NIL[] = { NULL }; // empty, null terminated array of strings
+// returns the first child tag with the given name or NULL if not found
+ezxml_t ezxml_child(ezxml_t xml, const char *name)
+ xml = (xml) ? xml->child : NULL;
+ while (xml && strcmp(name, xml->name)) xml = xml->sibling;
+ return xml;
+// returns the Nth tag with the same name in the same subsection or NULL if not
+// found
+ezxml_t ezxml_idx(ezxml_t xml, int idx)
+ for (; xml && idx; idx--) xml = xml->next;
+ return xml;
+// returns the value of the requested tag attribute or NULL if not found
+const char *ezxml_attr(ezxml_t xml, const char *attr)
+ int i = 0, j = 1;
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)xml;
+ if (! xml || ! xml->attr) return NULL;
+ while (xml->attr[i] && strcmp(attr, xml->attr[i])) i += 2;
+ if (xml->attr[i]) return xml->attr[i + 1]; // found attribute
+ while (root->xml.parent) root = (ezxml_root_t)root->xml.parent; // root tag
+ for (i = 0; root->attr[i] && strcmp(xml->name, root->attr[i][0]); i++);
+ if (! root->attr[i]) return NULL; // no matching default attributes
+ while (root->attr[i][j] && strcmp(attr, root->attr[i][j])) j += 3;
+ return (root->attr[i][j]) ? root->attr[i][j + 1] : NULL; // found default
+// same as ezxml_get but takes an already initialized va_list
+ezxml_t ezxml_vget(ezxml_t xml, va_list ap)
+ char *name = va_arg(ap, char *);
+ int idx = -1;
+ if (name && *name) {
+ idx = va_arg(ap, int);
+ xml = ezxml_child(xml, name);
+ }
+ return (idx < 0) ? xml : ezxml_vget(ezxml_idx(xml, idx), ap);
+// Traverses the xml tree to retrieve a specific subtag. Takes a variable
+// length list of tag names and indexes. The argument list must be terminated
+// by either an index of -1 or an empty string tag name. Example:
+// title = ezxml_get(library, "shelf", 0, "book", 2, "title", -1);
+// This retrieves the title of the 3rd book on the 1st shelf of library.
+// Returns NULL if not found.
+ezxml_t ezxml_get(ezxml_t xml, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ ezxml_t r;
+ va_start(ap, xml);
+ r = ezxml_vget(xml, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return r;
+// returns a null terminated array of processing instructions for the given
+// target
+const char **ezxml_pi(ezxml_t xml, const char *target)
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)xml;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (! root) return (const char **)EZXML_NIL;
+ while (root->xml.parent) root = (ezxml_root_t)root->xml.parent; // root tag
+ while (root->pi[i] && strcmp(target, root->pi[i][0])) i++; // find target
+ return (const char **)((root->pi[i]) ? root->pi[i] + 1 : EZXML_NIL);
+// set an error string and return root
+ezxml_t ezxml_err(ezxml_root_t root, char *s, const char *err, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ int line = 1;
+ char *t, fmt[EZXML_ERRL];
+ for (t = root->s; t < s; t++) if (*t == '\n') line++;
+ snprintf(fmt, EZXML_ERRL, "[error near line %d]: %s", line, err);
+ va_start(ap, err);
+ vsnprintf(root->err, EZXML_ERRL, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return &root->xml;
+// Recursively decodes entity and character references and normalizes new lines
+// ent is a null terminated array of alternating entity names and values. set t
+// to '&' for general entity decoding, '%' for parameter entity decoding, 'c'
+// for cdata sections, ' ' for attribute normalization, or '*' for non-cdata
+// attribute normalization. Returns s, or if the decoded string is longer than
+// s, returns a malloced string that must be freed.
+char *ezxml_decode(char *s, char **ent, char t)
+ char *e, *r = s, *m = s;
+ long b, c, d, l;
+ for (; *s; s++) { // normalize line endings
+ while (*s == '\r') {
+ *(s++) = '\n';
+ if (*s == '\n') memmove(s, (s + 1), strlen(s));
+ }
+ }
+ for (s = r; ; ) {
+ while (*s && *s != '&' && (*s != '%' || t != '%') && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ if (! *s) break;
+ else if (t != 'c' && ! strncmp(s, "&#", 2)) { // character reference
+ if (s[2] == 'x') c = strtol(s + 3, &e, 16); // base 16
+ else c = strtol(s + 2, &e, 10); // base 10
+ if (! c || *e != ';') { s++; continue; } // not a character ref
+ if (c < 0x80) *(s++) = c; // US-ASCII subset
+ else { // multi-byte UTF-8 sequence
+ for (b = 0, d = c; d; d /= 2) b++; // number of bits in c
+ b = (b - 2) / 5; // number of bytes in payload
+ *(s++) = (0xFF << (7 - b)) | (c >> (6 * b)); // head
+ while (b) *(s++) = 0x80 | ((c >> (6 * --b)) & 0x3F); // payload
+ }
+ memmove(s, strchr(s, ';') + 1, strlen(strchr(s, ';')));
+ }
+ else if ((*s == '&' && (t == '&' || t == ' ' || t == '*')) ||
+ (*s == '%' && t == '%')) { // entity reference
+ for (b = 0; ent[b] && strncmp(s + 1, ent[b], strlen(ent[b]));
+ b += 2); // find entity in entity list
+ if (ent[b++]) { // found a match
+ if ((c = strlen(ent[b])) - 1 > (e = strchr(s, ';')) - s) {
+ l = (d = (s - r)) + c + strlen(e); // new length
+ r = (r == m) ? strcpy(malloc(l), r) : realloc(r, l);
+ e = strchr((s = r + d), ';'); // fix up pointers
+ }
+ memmove(s + c, e + 1, strlen(e)); // shift rest of string
+ strncpy(s, ent[b], c); // copy in replacement text
+ }
+ else s++; // not a known entity
+ }
+ else if ((t == ' ' || t == '*') && isspace(*s)) *(s++) = ' ';
+ else s++; // no decoding needed
+ }
+ if (t == '*') { // normalize spaces for non-cdata attributes
+ for (s = r; *s; s++) {
+ if ((l = strspn(s, " "))) memmove(s, s + l, strlen(s + l) + 1);
+ while (*s && *s != ' ') s++;
+ }
+ if (--s >= r && *s == ' ') *s = '\0'; // trim any trailing space
+ }
+ return r;
+// called when parser finds start of new tag
+void ezxml_open_tag(ezxml_root_t root, char *name, char **attr)
+ ezxml_t xml = root->cur;
+ if (xml->name) xml = ezxml_add_child(xml, name, strlen(xml->txt));
+ else xml->name = name; // first open tag
+ xml->attr = attr;
+ root->cur = xml; // update tag insertion point
+// called when parser finds character content between open and closing tag
+void ezxml_char_content(ezxml_root_t root, char *s, size_t len, char t)
+ ezxml_t xml = root->cur;
+ char *m = s;
+ size_t l;
+ if (! xml || ! xml->name || ! len) return; // sanity check
+ s[len] = '\0'; // null terminate text (calling functions anticipate this)
+ len = strlen(s = ezxml_decode(s, root->ent, t)) + 1;
+ if (! *(xml->txt)) xml->txt = s; // initial character content
+ else { // allocate our own memory and make a copy
+ xml->txt = (xml->flags & EZXML_TXTM) // allocate some space
+ ? realloc(xml->txt, (l = strlen(xml->txt)) + len)
+ : strcpy(malloc((l = strlen(xml->txt)) + len), xml->txt);
+ strcpy(xml->txt + l, s); // add new char content
+ if (s != m) free(s); // free s if it was malloced by ezxml_decode()
+ }
+ if (xml->txt != m) ezxml_set_flag(xml, EZXML_TXTM);
+// called when parser finds closing tag
+ezxml_t ezxml_close_tag(ezxml_root_t root, char *name, char *s)
+ if (! root->cur || ! root->cur->name || strcmp(name, root->cur->name))
+ return ezxml_err(root, s, "unexpected closing tag </%s>", name);
+ root->cur = root->cur->parent;
+ return NULL;
+// checks for circular entity references, returns non-zero if no circular
+// references are found, zero otherwise
+int ezxml_ent_ok(char *name, char *s, char **ent)
+ int i;
+ for (; ; s++) {
+ while (*s && *s != '&') s++; // find next entity reference
+ if (! *s) return 1;
+ if (! strncmp(s + 1, name, strlen(name))) return 0; // circular ref.
+ for (i = 0; ent[i] && strncmp(ent[i], s + 1, strlen(ent[i])); i += 2);
+ if (ent[i] && ! ezxml_ent_ok(name, ent[i + 1], ent)) return 0;
+ }
+// called when the parser finds a processing instruction
+void ezxml_proc_inst(ezxml_root_t root, char *s, size_t len)
+ int i = 0, j = 1;
+ char *target = s;
+ s[len] = '\0'; // null terminate instruction
+ if (*(s += strcspn(s, EZXML_WS))) {
+ *s = '\0'; // null terminate target
+ s += strspn(s + 1, EZXML_WS) + 1; // skip whitespace after target
+ }
+ if (! strcmp(target, "xml")) { // <?xml ... ?>
+ if ((s = strstr(s, "standalone")) && ! strncmp(s + strspn(s + 10,
+ EZXML_WS "='\"") + 10, "yes", 3)) root->standalone = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! root->pi[0]) *(root->pi = malloc(sizeof(char **))) = NULL; //first pi
+ while (root->pi[i] && strcmp(target, root->pi[i][0])) i++; // find target
+ if (! root->pi[i]) { // new target
+ root->pi = realloc(root->pi, sizeof(char **) * (i + 2));
+ root->pi[i] = malloc(sizeof(char *) * 3);
+ root->pi[i][0] = target;
+ root->pi[i][1] = (char *)(root->pi[i + 1] = NULL); // terminate pi list
+ root->pi[i][2] = strdup(""); // empty document position list
+ }
+ while (root->pi[i][j]) j++; // find end of instruction list for this target
+ root->pi[i] = realloc(root->pi[i], sizeof(char *) * (j + 3));
+ root->pi[i][j + 2] = realloc(root->pi[i][j + 1], j + 1);
+ strcpy(root->pi[i][j + 2] + j - 1, (root->xml.name) ? ">" : "<");
+ root->pi[i][j + 1] = NULL; // null terminate pi list for this target
+ root->pi[i][j] = s; // set instruction
+// called when the parser finds an internal doctype subset
+short ezxml_internal_dtd(ezxml_root_t root, char *s, size_t len)
+ char q, *c, *t, *n = NULL, *v, **ent, **pe;
+ int i, j;
+ pe = memcpy(malloc(sizeof(EZXML_NIL)), EZXML_NIL, sizeof(EZXML_NIL));
+ for (s[len] = '\0'; s; ) {
+ while (*s && *s != '<' && *s != '%') s++; // find next declaration
+ if (! *s) break;
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "<!ENTITY", 8)) { // parse entity definitions
+ c = s += strspn(s + 8, EZXML_WS) + 8; // skip white space separator
+ n = s + strspn(s, EZXML_WS "%"); // find name
+ *(s = n + strcspn(n, EZXML_WS)) = ';'; // append ; to name
+ v = s + strspn(s + 1, EZXML_WS) + 1; // find value
+ if ((q = *(v++)) != '"' && q != '\'') { // skip externals
+ s = strchr(s, '>');
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, ent = (*c == '%') ? pe : root->ent; ent[i]; i++);
+ ent = realloc(ent, (i + 3) * sizeof(char *)); // space for next ent
+ if (*c == '%') pe = ent;
+ else root->ent = ent;
+ *(++s) = '\0'; // null terminate name
+ if ((s = strchr(v, q))) *(s++) = '\0'; // null terminate value
+ ent[i + 1] = ezxml_decode(v, pe, '%'); // set value
+ ent[i + 2] = NULL; // null terminate entity list
+ if (! ezxml_ent_ok(n, ent[i + 1], ent)) { // circular reference
+ if (ent[i + 1] != v) free(ent[i + 1]);
+ ezxml_err(root, v, "circular entity declaration &%s", n);
+ break;
+ }
+ else ent[i] = n; // set entity name
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "<!ATTLIST", 9)) { // parse default attributes
+ t = s + strspn(s + 9, EZXML_WS) + 9; // skip whitespace separator
+ if (! *t) { ezxml_err(root, t, "unclosed <!ATTLIST"); break; }
+ if (*(s = t + strcspn(t, EZXML_WS ">")) == '>') continue;
+ else *s = '\0'; // null terminate tag name
+ for (i = 0; root->attr[i] && strcmp(n, root->attr[i][0]); i++);
+ while (*(n = ++s + strspn(s, EZXML_WS)) && *n != '>') {
+ if (*(s = n + strcspn(n, EZXML_WS))) *s = '\0'; // attr name
+ else { ezxml_err(root, t, "malformed <!ATTLIST"); break; }
+ s += strspn(s + 1, EZXML_WS) + 1; // find next token
+ c = (strncmp(s, "CDATA", 5)) ? "*" : " "; // is it cdata?
+ if (! strncmp(s, "NOTATION", 8))
+ s += strspn(s + 8, EZXML_WS) + 8;
+ s = (*s == '(') ? strchr(s, ')') : s + strcspn(s, EZXML_WS);
+ if (! s) { ezxml_err(root, t, "malformed <!ATTLIST"); break; }
+ s += strspn(s, EZXML_WS ")"); // skip white space separator
+ if (! strncmp(s, "#FIXED", 6))
+ s += strspn(s + 6, EZXML_WS) + 6;
+ if (*s == '#') { // no default value
+ s += strcspn(s, EZXML_WS ">") - 1;
+ if (*c == ' ') continue; // cdata is default, nothing to do
+ v = NULL;
+ }
+ else if ((*s == '"' || *s == '\'') && // default value
+ (s = strchr(v = s + 1, *s))) *s = '\0';
+ else { ezxml_err(root, t, "malformed <!ATTLIST"); break; }
+ if (! root->attr[i]) { // new tag name
+ root->attr = (! i) ? malloc(2 * sizeof(char **))
+ : realloc(root->attr,
+ (i + 2) * sizeof(char **));
+ root->attr[i] = malloc(2 * sizeof(char *));
+ root->attr[i][0] = t; // set tag name
+ root->attr[i][1] = (char *)(root->attr[i + 1] = NULL);
+ }
+ for (j = 1; root->attr[i][j]; j += 3); // find end of list
+ root->attr[i] = realloc(root->attr[i],
+ (j + 4) * sizeof(char *));
+ root->attr[i][j + 3] = NULL; // null terminate list
+ root->attr[i][j + 2] = c; // is it cdata?
+ root->attr[i][j + 1] = (v) ? ezxml_decode(v, root->ent, *c)
+ : NULL;
+ root->attr[i][j] = n; // attribute name
+ }
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "<!--", 4)) s = strstr(s + 4, "-->"); // comments
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "<?", 2)) { // processing instructions
+ if ((s = strstr(c = s + 2, "?>")))
+ ezxml_proc_inst(root, c, s++ - c);
+ }
+ else if (*s == '<') s = strchr(s, '>'); // skip other declarations
+ else if (*(s++) == '%' && ! root->standalone) break;
+ }
+ free(pe);
+ return ! *root->err;
+// Converts a UTF-16 string to UTF-8. Returns a new string that must be freed
+// or NULL if no conversion was needed.
+char *ezxml_str2utf8(char **s, size_t *len)
+ char *u;
+ size_t l = 0, sl, max = *len;
+ long c, d;
+ int b, be = (**s == '\xFE') ? 1 : (**s == '\xFF') ? 0 : -1;
+ if (be == -1) return NULL; // not UTF-16
+ u = malloc(max);
+ for (sl = 2; sl < *len - 1; sl += 2) {
+ c = (be) ? (((*s)[sl] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((*s)[sl + 1] & 0xFF) //UTF-16BE
+ : (((*s)[sl + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((*s)[sl] & 0xFF); //UTF-16LE
+ if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF && (sl += 2) < *len - 1) { // high-half
+ d = (be) ? (((*s)[sl] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((*s)[sl + 1] & 0xFF)
+ : (((*s)[sl + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((*s)[sl] & 0xFF);
+ c = (((c & 0x3FF) << 10) | (d & 0x3FF)) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ while (l + 6 > max) u = realloc(u, max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ if (c < 0x80) u[l++] = c; // US-ASCII subset
+ else { // multi-byte UTF-8 sequence
+ for (b = 0, d = c; d; d /= 2) b++; // bits in c
+ b = (b - 2) / 5; // bytes in payload
+ u[l++] = (0xFF << (7 - b)) | (c >> (6 * b)); // head
+ while (b) u[l++] = 0x80 | ((c >> (6 * --b)) & 0x3F); // payload
+ }
+ }
+ return *s = realloc(u, *len = l);
+// frees a tag attribute list
+void ezxml_free_attr(char **attr) {
+ int i = 0;
+ char *m;
+ if (! attr || attr == EZXML_NIL) return; // nothing to free
+ while (attr[i]) i += 2; // find end of attribute list
+ m = attr[i + 1]; // list of which names and values are malloced
+ for (i = 0; m[i]; i++) {
+ if (m[i] & EZXML_NAMEM) free(attr[i * 2]);
+ if (m[i] & EZXML_TXTM) free(attr[(i * 2) + 1]);
+ }
+ free(m);
+ free(attr);
+// parse the given xml string and return an ezxml structure
+ezxml_t ezxml_parse_str(char *s, size_t len)
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)ezxml_new(NULL);
+ char q, e, *d, **attr, **a = NULL; // initialize a to avoid compile warning
+ int l, i, j;
+ root->m = s;
+ if (! len) return ezxml_err(root, NULL, "root tag missing");
+ root->u = ezxml_str2utf8(&s, &len); // convert utf-16 to utf-8
+ root->e = (root->s = s) + len; // record start and end of work area
+ e = s[len - 1]; // save end char
+ s[len - 1] = '\0'; // turn end char into null terminator
+ while (*s && *s != '<') s++; // find first tag
+ if (! *s) return ezxml_err(root, s, "root tag missing");
+ for (; ; ) {
+ attr = (char **)EZXML_NIL;
+ d = ++s;
+ if (isalpha(*s) || *s == '_' || *s == ':' || *s < '\0') { // new tag
+ if (! root->cur)
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "markup outside of root element");
+ s += strcspn(s, EZXML_WS "/>");
+ while (isspace(*s)) *(s++) = '\0'; // null terminate tag name
+ if (*s && *s != '/' && *s != '>') // find tag in default attr list
+ for (i = 0; (a = root->attr[i]) && strcmp(a[0], d); i++);
+ for (l = 0; *s && *s != '/' && *s != '>'; l += 2) { // new attrib
+ attr = (l) ? realloc(attr, (l + 4) * sizeof(char *))
+ : malloc(4 * sizeof(char *)); // allocate space
+ attr[l + 3] = (l) ? realloc(attr[l + 1], (l / 2) + 2)
+ : malloc(2); // mem for list of maloced vals
+ strcpy(attr[l + 3] + (l / 2), " "); // value is not malloced
+ attr[l + 2] = NULL; // null terminate list
+ attr[l + 1] = ""; // temporary attribute value
+ attr[l] = s; // set attribute name
+ s += strcspn(s, EZXML_WS "=/>");
+ if (*s == '=' || isspace(*s)) {
+ *(s++) = '\0'; // null terminate tag attribute name
+ q = *(s += strspn(s, EZXML_WS "="));
+ if (q == '"' || q == '\'') { // attribute value
+ attr[l + 1] = ++s;
+ while (*s && *s != q) s++;
+ if (*s) *(s++) = '\0'; // null terminate attribute val
+ else {
+ ezxml_free_attr(attr);
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "missing %c", q);
+ }
+ for (j = 1; a && a[j] && strcmp(a[j], attr[l]); j +=3);
+ attr[l + 1] = ezxml_decode(attr[l + 1], root->ent, (a
+ && a[j]) ? *a[j + 2] : ' ');
+ if (attr[l + 1] < d || attr[l + 1] > s)
+ attr[l + 3][l / 2] = EZXML_TXTM; // value malloced
+ }
+ }
+ while (isspace(*s)) s++;
+ }
+ if (*s == '/') { // self closing tag
+ *(s++) = '\0';
+ if ((*s && *s != '>') || (! *s && e != '>')) {
+ if (l) ezxml_free_attr(attr);
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "missing >");
+ }
+ ezxml_open_tag(root, d, attr);
+ ezxml_close_tag(root, d, s);
+ }
+ else if ((q = *s) == '>' || (! *s && e == '>')) { // open tag
+ *s = '\0'; // temporarily null terminate tag name
+ ezxml_open_tag(root, d, attr);
+ *s = q;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (l) ezxml_free_attr(attr);
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "missing >");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*s == '/') { // close tag
+ s += strcspn(d = s + 1, EZXML_WS ">") + 1;
+ if (! (q = *s) && e != '>') return ezxml_err(root, d, "missing >");
+ *s = '\0'; // temporarily null terminate tag name
+ if (ezxml_close_tag(root, d, s)) return &root->xml;
+ if (isspace(*s = q)) s += strspn(s, EZXML_WS);
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "!--", 3)) { // xml comment
+ if (! (s = strstr(s + 3, "--")) || (*(s += 2) != '>' && *s) ||
+ (! *s && e != '>')) return ezxml_err(root, d, "unclosed <!--");
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "![CDATA[", 8)) { // cdata
+ if ((s = strstr(s, "]]>")))
+ ezxml_char_content(root, d + 8, (s += 2) - d - 10, 'c');
+ else return ezxml_err(root, d, "unclosed <![CDATA[");
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp(s, "!DOCTYPE", 8)) { // dtd
+ for (l = 0; *s && ((! l && *s != '>') || (l && (*s != ']' ||
+ *(s + strspn(s + 1, EZXML_WS) + 1) != '>')));
+ l = (*s == '[') ? 1 : l) s += strcspn(s + 1, "[]>") + 1;
+ if (! *s && e != '>')
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "unclosed <!DOCTYPE");
+ d = (l) ? strchr(d, '[') + 1 : d;
+ if (l && ! ezxml_internal_dtd(root, d, s++ - d)) return &root->xml;
+ }
+ else if (*s == '?') { // <?...?> processing instructions
+ do { s = strchr(s, '?'); } while (s && *(++s) && *s != '>');
+ if (! s || (! *s && e != '>'))
+ return ezxml_err(root, d, "unclosed <?");
+ else ezxml_proc_inst(root, d + 1, s - d - 2);
+ }
+ else return ezxml_err(root, d, "unexpected <");
+ if (! s || ! *s) break;
+ *s = '\0';
+ d = ++s;
+ if (*s && *s != '<') { // tag character content
+ while (*s && *s != '<') s++;
+ if (*s) ezxml_char_content(root, d, s - d, '&');
+ else break;
+ }
+ else if (! *s) break;
+ }
+ if (! root->cur) return &root->xml;
+ else if (! root->cur->name) return ezxml_err(root, d, "root tag missing");
+ else return ezxml_err(root, d, "unclosed tag <%s>", root->cur->name);
+// Wrapper for ezxml_parse_str() that accepts a file stream. Reads the entire
+// stream into memory and then parses it. For xml files, use ezxml_parse_file()
+// or ezxml_parse_fd()
+ezxml_t ezxml_parse_fp(FILE *fp)
+ ezxml_root_t root;
+ size_t l, len = 0;
+ char *s;
+ if (! (s = malloc(EZXML_BUFSIZE))) return NULL;
+ do {
+ len += (l = fread((s + len), 1, EZXML_BUFSIZE, fp));
+ if (l == EZXML_BUFSIZE) s = realloc(s, len + EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ } while (s && l == EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ if (! s) return NULL;
+ root = (ezxml_root_t)ezxml_parse_str(s, len);
+ root->len = -1; // so we know to free s in ezxml_free()
+ return &root->xml;
+// A wrapper for ezxml_parse_str() that accepts a file descriptor. First
+// attempts to mem map the file. Failing that, reads the file into memory.
+// Returns NULL on failure.
+ezxml_t ezxml_parse_fd(int fd)
+ ezxml_root_t root;
+ struct stat st;
+ size_t l;
+ void *m;
+ if (fd < 0) return NULL;
+ fstat(fd, &st);
+ l = (st.st_size + sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) - 1) & ~(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) -1);
+ if ((m = mmap(NULL, l, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) !=
+ madvise(m, l, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); // optimize for sequential access
+ root = (ezxml_root_t)ezxml_parse_str(m, st.st_size);
+ madvise(m, root->len = l, MADV_NORMAL); // put it back to normal
+ }
+ else { // mmap failed, read file into memory
+#endif // EZXML_NOMMAP
+ l = read(fd, m = malloc(st.st_size), st.st_size);
+ root = (ezxml_root_t)ezxml_parse_str(m, l);
+ root->len = -1; // so we know to free s in ezxml_free()
+ }
+#endif // EZXML_NOMMAP
+ return &root->xml;
+// a wrapper for ezxml_parse_fd that accepts a file name
+ezxml_t ezxml_parse_file(const char *file)
+ int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ ezxml_t xml = ezxml_parse_fd(fd);
+ if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
+ return xml;
+// Encodes ampersand sequences appending the results to *dst, reallocating *dst
+// if length excedes max. a is non-zero for attribute encoding. Returns *dst
+char *ezxml_ampencode(const char *s, size_t len, char **dst, size_t *dlen,
+ size_t *max, short a)
+ const char *e;
+ for (e = s + len; s != e; s++) {
+ while (*dlen + 10 > *max) *dst = realloc(*dst, *max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\0': return *dst;
+ case '&': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, "&"); break;
+ case '<': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, "<"); break;
+ case '>': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, ">"); break;
+ case '"': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, (a) ? """ : "\""); break;
+ case '\n': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, (a) ? "
" : "\n"); break;
+ case '\t': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, (a) ? "	" : "\t"); break;
+ case '\r': *dlen += sprintf(*dst + *dlen, "
"); break;
+ default: (*dst)[(*dlen)++] = *s;
+ }
+ }
+ return *dst;
+// Recursively converts each tag to xml appending it to *s. Reallocates *s if
+// its length excedes max. start is the location of the previous tag in the
+// parent tag's character content. Returns *s.
+char *ezxml_toxml_r(ezxml_t xml, char **s, size_t *len, size_t *max,
+ size_t start, char ***attr)
+ int i, j;
+ char *txt = (xml->parent) ? xml->parent->txt : "";
+ size_t off = 0;
+ // parent character content up to this tag
+ *s = ezxml_ampencode(txt + start, xml->off - start, s, len, max, 0);
+ while (*len + strlen(xml->name) + 4 > *max) // reallocate s
+ *s = realloc(*s, *max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, "<%s", xml->name); // open tag
+ for (i = 0; xml->attr[i]; i += 2) { // tag attributes
+ if (ezxml_attr(xml, xml->attr[i]) != xml->attr[i + 1]) continue;
+ while (*len + strlen(xml->attr[i]) + 7 > *max) // reallocate s
+ *s = realloc(*s, *max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, " %s=\"", xml->attr[i]);
+ ezxml_ampencode(xml->attr[i + 1], -1, s, len, max, 1);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, "\"");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; attr[i] && strcmp(attr[i][0], xml->name); i++);
+ for (j = 1; attr[i] && attr[i][j]; j += 3) { // default attributes
+ if (! attr[i][j + 1] || ezxml_attr(xml, attr[i][j]) != attr[i][j + 1])
+ continue; // skip duplicates and non-values
+ while (*len + strlen(attr[i][j]) + 7 > *max) // reallocate s
+ *s = realloc(*s, *max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, " %s=\"", attr[i][j]);
+ ezxml_ampencode(attr[i][j + 1], -1, s, len, max, 1);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, "\"");
+ }
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, ">");
+ *s = (xml->child) ? ezxml_toxml_r(xml->child, s, len, max, 0, attr) //child
+ : ezxml_ampencode(xml->txt, -1, s, len, max, 0); //data
+ while (*len + strlen(xml->name) + 4 > *max) // reallocate s
+ *s = realloc(*s, *max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ *len += sprintf(*s + *len, "</%s>", xml->name); // close tag
+ while (txt[off] && off < xml->off) off++; // make sure off is within bounds
+ return (xml->ordered) ? ezxml_toxml_r(xml->ordered, s, len, max, off, attr)
+ : ezxml_ampencode(txt + off, -1, s, len, max, 0);
+// Converts an ezxml structure back to xml. Returns a string of xml data that
+// must be freed.
+char *ezxml_toxml(ezxml_t xml)
+ ezxml_t p = (xml) ? xml->parent : NULL, o = (xml) ? xml->ordered : NULL;
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)xml;
+ size_t len = 0, max = EZXML_BUFSIZE;
+ char *s = strcpy(malloc(max), ""), *t, *n;
+ int i, j, k;
+ if (! xml || ! xml->name) return realloc(s, len + 1);
+ while (root->xml.parent) root = (ezxml_root_t)root->xml.parent; // root tag
+ for (i = 0; ! p && root->pi[i]; i++) { // pre-root processing instructions
+ for (k = 2; root->pi[i][k - 1]; k++);
+ for (j = 1; (n = root->pi[i][j]); j++) {
+ if (root->pi[i][k][j - 1] == '>') continue; // not pre-root
+ while (len + strlen(t = root->pi[i][0]) + strlen(n) + 7 > max)
+ s = realloc(s, max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ len += sprintf(s + len, "<?%s%s%s?>\n", t, *n ? " " : "", n);
+ }
+ }
+ xml->parent = xml->ordered = NULL;
+ s = ezxml_toxml_r(xml, &s, &len, &max, 0, root->attr);
+ xml->parent = p;
+ xml->ordered = o;
+ for (i = 0; ! p && root->pi[i]; i++) { // post-root processing instructions
+ for (k = 2; root->pi[i][k - 1]; k++);
+ for (j = 1; (n = root->pi[i][j]); j++) {
+ if (root->pi[i][k][j - 1] == '<') continue; // not post-root
+ while (len + strlen(t = root->pi[i][0]) + strlen(n) + 7 > max)
+ s = realloc(s, max += EZXML_BUFSIZE);
+ len += sprintf(s + len, "\n<?%s%s%s?>", t, *n ? " " : "", n);
+ }
+ }
+ return realloc(s, len + 1);
+// free the memory allocated for the ezxml structure
+void ezxml_free(ezxml_t xml)
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)xml;
+ int i, j;
+ char **a, *s;
+ if (! xml) return;
+ ezxml_free(xml->child);
+ ezxml_free(xml->ordered);
+ if (! xml->parent) { // free root tag allocations
+ for (i = 10; root->ent[i]; i += 2) // 0 - 9 are default entites (<>&"')
+ if ((s = root->ent[i + 1]) < root->s || s > root->e) free(s);
+ free(root->ent); // free list of general entities
+ for (i = 0; (a = root->attr[i]); i++) {
+ for (j = 1; a[j++]; j += 2) // free malloced attribute values
+ if (a[j] && (a[j] < root->s || a[j] > root->e)) free(a[j]);
+ free(a);
+ }
+ if (root->attr[0]) free(root->attr); // free default attribute list
+ for (i = 0; root->pi[i]; i++) {
+ for (j = 1; root->pi[i][j]; j++);
+ free(root->pi[i][j + 1]);
+ free(root->pi[i]);
+ }
+ if (root->pi[0]) free(root->pi); // free processing instructions
+ if (root->len == -1) free(root->m); // malloced xml data
+ else if (root->len) munmap(root->m, root->len); // mem mapped xml data
+#endif // EZXML_NOMMAP
+ if (root->u) free(root->u); // utf8 conversion
+ }
+ ezxml_free_attr(xml->attr); // tag attributes
+ if ((xml->flags & EZXML_TXTM)) free(xml->txt); // character content
+ if ((xml->flags & EZXML_NAMEM)) free(xml->name); // tag name
+ free(xml);
+// return parser error message or empty string if none
+const char *ezxml_error(ezxml_t xml)
+ while (xml && xml->parent) xml = xml->parent; // find root tag
+ return (xml) ? ((ezxml_root_t)xml)->err : "";
+// returns a new empty ezxml structure with the given root tag name
+ezxml_t ezxml_new(const char *name)
+ static char *ent[] = { "lt;", "<", "gt;", ">", "quot;", """,
+ "apos;", "'", "amp;", "&", NULL };
+ ezxml_root_t root = (ezxml_root_t)memset(malloc(sizeof(struct ezxml_root)),
+ '\0', sizeof(struct ezxml_root));
+ root->xml.name = (char *)name;
+ root->cur = &root->xml;
+ strcpy(root->err, root->xml.txt = "");
+ root->ent = memcpy(malloc(sizeof(ent)), ent, sizeof(ent));
+ root->attr = root->pi = (char ***)(root->xml.attr = EZXML_NIL);
+ return &root->xml;
+// inserts an existing tag into an ezxml structure
+ezxml_t ezxml_insert(ezxml_t xml, ezxml_t dest, size_t off)
+ ezxml_t cur, prev, head;
+ xml->next = xml->sibling = xml->ordered = NULL;
+ xml->off = off;
+ xml->parent = dest;
+ if ((head = dest->child)) { // already have sub tags
+ if (head->off <= off) { // not first subtag
+ for (cur = head; cur->ordered && cur->ordered->off <= off;
+ cur = cur->ordered);
+ xml->ordered = cur->ordered;
+ cur->ordered = xml;
+ }
+ else { // first subtag
+ xml->ordered = head;
+ dest->child = xml;
+ }
+ for (cur = head, prev = NULL; cur && strcmp(cur->name, xml->name);
+ prev = cur, cur = cur->sibling); // find tag type
+ if (cur && cur->off <= off) { // not first of type
+ while (cur->next && cur->next->off <= off) cur = cur->next;
+ xml->next = cur->next;
+ cur->next = xml;
+ }
+ else { // first tag of this type
+ if (prev && cur) prev->sibling = cur->sibling; // remove old first
+ xml->next = cur; // old first tag is now next
+ for (cur = head, prev = NULL; cur && cur->off <= off;
+ prev = cur, cur = cur->sibling); // new sibling insert point
+ xml->sibling = cur;
+ if (prev) prev->sibling = xml;
+ }
+ }
+ else dest->child = xml; // only sub tag
+ return xml;
+// Adds a child tag. off is the offset of the child tag relative to the start
+// of the parent tag's character content. Returns the child tag.
+ezxml_t ezxml_add_child(ezxml_t xml, const char *name, size_t off)
+ ezxml_t child;
+ if (! xml) return NULL;
+ child = (ezxml_t)memset(malloc(sizeof(struct ezxml)), '\0',
+ sizeof(struct ezxml));
+ child->name = (char *)name;
+ child->attr = EZXML_NIL;
+ child->txt = "";
+ return ezxml_insert(child, xml, off);
+// sets the character content for the given tag and returns the tag
+ezxml_t ezxml_set_txt(ezxml_t xml, const char *txt)
+ if (! xml) return NULL;
+ if (xml->flags & EZXML_TXTM) free(xml->txt); // existing txt was malloced
+ xml->flags &= ~EZXML_TXTM;
+ xml->txt = (char *)txt;
+ return xml;
+// Sets the given tag attribute or adds a new attribute if not found. A value
+// of NULL will remove the specified attribute. Returns the tag given.
+ezxml_t ezxml_set_attr(ezxml_t xml, const char *name, const char *value)
+ int l = 0, c;
+ if (! xml) return NULL;
+ while (xml->attr[l] && strcmp(xml->attr[l], name)) l += 2;
+ if (! xml->attr[l]) { // not found, add as new attribute
+ if (! value) return xml; // nothing to do
+ if (xml->attr == EZXML_NIL) { // first attribute
+ xml->attr = malloc(4 * sizeof(char *));
+ xml->attr[1] = strdup(""); // empty list of malloced names/vals
+ }
+ else xml->attr = realloc(xml->attr, (l + 4) * sizeof(char *));
+ xml->attr[l] = (char *)name; // set attribute name
+ xml->attr[l + 2] = NULL; // null terminate attribute list
+ xml->attr[l + 3] = realloc(xml->attr[l + 1],
+ (c = strlen(xml->attr[l + 1])) + 2);
+ strcpy(xml->attr[l + 3] + c, " "); // set name/value as not malloced
+ if (xml->flags & EZXML_DUP) xml->attr[l + 3][c] = EZXML_NAMEM;
+ }
+ else if (xml->flags & EZXML_DUP) free((char *)name); // name was strduped
+ for (c = l; xml->attr[c]; c += 2); // find end of attribute list
+ if (xml->attr[c + 1][l / 2] & EZXML_TXTM) free(xml->attr[l + 1]); //old val
+ if (xml->flags & EZXML_DUP) xml->attr[c + 1][l / 2] |= EZXML_TXTM;
+ else xml->attr[c + 1][l / 2] &= ~EZXML_TXTM;
+ if (value) xml->attr[l + 1] = (char *)value; // set attribute value
+ else { // remove attribute
+ if (xml->attr[c + 1][l / 2] & EZXML_NAMEM) free(xml->attr[l]);
+ memmove(xml->attr + l, xml->attr + l + 2, (c - l + 2) * sizeof(char*));
+ xml->attr = realloc(xml->attr, (c + 2) * sizeof(char *));
+ memmove(xml->attr[c + 1] + (l / 2), xml->attr[c + 1] + (l / 2) + 1,
+ (c / 2) - (l / 2)); // fix list of which name/vals are malloced
+ }
+ xml->flags &= ~EZXML_DUP; // clear strdup() flag
+ return xml;
+// sets a flag for the given tag and returns the tag
+ezxml_t ezxml_set_flag(ezxml_t xml, short flag)
+ if (xml) xml->flags |= flag;
+ return xml;
+// removes a tag along with its subtags without freeing its memory
+ezxml_t ezxml_cut(ezxml_t xml)
+ ezxml_t cur;
+ if (! xml) return NULL; // nothing to do
+ if (xml->next) xml->next->sibling = xml->sibling; // patch sibling list
+ if (xml->parent) { // not root tag
+ cur = xml->parent->child; // find head of subtag list
+ if (cur == xml) xml->parent->child = xml->ordered; // first subtag
+ else { // not first subtag
+ while (cur->ordered != xml) cur = cur->ordered;
+ cur->ordered = cur->ordered->ordered; // patch ordered list
+ cur = xml->parent->child; // go back to head of subtag list
+ if (strcmp(cur->name, xml->name)) { // not in first sibling list
+ while (strcmp(cur->sibling->name, xml->name))
+ cur = cur->sibling;
+ if (cur->sibling == xml) { // first of a sibling list
+ cur->sibling = (xml->next) ? xml->next
+ : cur->sibling->sibling;
+ }
+ else cur = cur->sibling; // not first of a sibling list
+ }
+ while (cur->next && cur->next != xml) cur = cur->next;
+ if (cur->next) cur->next = cur->next->next; // patch next list
+ }
+ }
+ xml->ordered = xml->sibling = xml->next = NULL;
+ return xml;
+#ifdef EZXML_TEST // test harness
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ ezxml_t xml;
+ char *s;
+ int i;
+ if (argc != 2) return fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s xmlfile\n", argv[0]);
+ xml = ezxml_parse_file(argv[1]);
+ printf("%s\n", (s = ezxml_toxml(xml)));
+ free(s);
+ i = fprintf(stderr, "%s", ezxml_error(xml));
+ ezxml_free(xml);
+ return (i) ? 1 : 0;
+#endif // EZXML_TEST
* (c) Jack lange, 2010
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
#include "v3_ctrl.h"
+#include "ezxml.h"
+struct cfg_value {
+ char * tag;
+ char * value;
+struct xml_option {
+ char * tag;
+ ezxml_t location;
+ struct xml_option * next;
+struct file_info {
+ int size;
+ char filename[2048];
+ char id[256];
+#define MAX_FILES 256
+unsigned long long num_files = 0;
+struct file_info files[MAX_FILES];
int read_file(int fd, int size, unsigned char * buf);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- char * filename = argv[1];
- char * name = argv[2];
- int guest_fd = 0;
- int v3_fd = 0;
+int create_vm(char * vm_name, void * img_data, unsigned int img_size) {
struct v3_guest_img guest_img;
- struct stat guest_stats;
+ int v3_fd = 0;
int dev_idx = 0;
memset(&guest_img, 0, sizeof(struct v3_guest_img));
- if (argc <= 2) {
- printf("usage: v3_create <guest_img> <vm name>\n");
+ guest_img.size = img_size;
+ guest_img.guest_data = img_data;
+ strncpy(guest_img.name, vm_name, 127);
+ v3_fd = open(v3_dev, O_RDONLY);
+ if (v3_fd == -1) {
+ printf("Error opening V3Vee control device\n");
return -1;
- printf("Creating guest: %s\n", filename);
+ dev_idx = ioctl(v3_fd, V3_CREATE_GUEST, &guest_img);
+ if (dev_idx < 0) {
+ printf("Error (%d) creating VM\n", dev_idx);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printf("VM (%s) created at /dev/v3-vm%d\n", vm_name, dev_idx);
+ /* Close the file descriptor. */
+ close(v3_fd);
+ return 0;
+int load_image(char * vm_name, char * filename) {
+ int guest_fd = 0;
+ struct stat guest_stats;
+ int img_size = 0;
+ void * img_data = NULL;
guest_fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
printf("ERROR: Could not stat guest image file -- %s\n", filename);
return -1;
+ img_size = guest_stats.st_size;
+ // load guest image into user memory
+ img_data = malloc(img_size);
+ read_file(guest_fd, img_size, img_data);
- guest_img.size = guest_stats.st_size;
+ close(guest_fd);
+ printf("Guest image Loaded (size=%u)\n", img_size);
+ return create_vm(vm_name, img_data, img_size);
+ezxml_t open_xml_file(char * filename) {
+ ezxml_t xml_input = ezxml_parse_file(filename);
- // load guest image into user memory
- guest_img.guest_data = malloc(guest_img.size);
- if (!guest_img.guest_data) {
- printf("ERROR: could not allocate memory for guest image\n");
- return -1;
+ if (xml_input == NULL) {
+ printf("Error: Could not open XML input file (%s)\n", filename);
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (strcmp("", ezxml_error(xml_input)) != 0) {
+ printf("%s\n", ezxml_error(xml_input));
+ return NULL;
- read_file(guest_fd, guest_img.size, guest_img.guest_data);
+ return xml_input;
+int find_xml_options(ezxml_t xml, struct xml_option ** opts) {
+ int num_opts = 0;
+ ezxml_t child = xml->child;
+ struct xml_option * next_opt = NULL;
+ char * opt = (char *)ezxml_attr(xml, "opt_tag");
+ if (opt) {
+ next_opt = malloc(sizeof(struct xml_option));
+ memset(next_opt, 0, sizeof(struct xml_option));
+ next_opt->tag = opt;
+ next_opt->location = xml;
+ next_opt->next = NULL;
+// printf("Option found: %s\n", opt);
+ *opts = next_opt;
+ num_opts++;
+ }
+ while (child) {
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if (next_opt != 0x0) {
+ num_opts += find_xml_options(child, &(next_opt->next));
+ } else {
+ num_opts += find_xml_options(child, opts);
+ if (*opts) {
+ next_opt = *opts;
+ }
+ }
+ if (next_opt) {
+ while (next_opt->next) {
+ next_opt = next_opt->next;
+ }
+ }
+ child = child->ordered;
+ }
- close(guest_fd);
+ return num_opts;
+char * get_val(ezxml_t cfg, char * tag) {
+ char * attrib = (char *)ezxml_attr(cfg, tag);
+ ezxml_t txt = ezxml_child(cfg, tag);
+ if ((txt != NULL) && (attrib != NULL)) {
+ printf("Invalid Cfg file: Duplicate value for %s (attr=%s, txt=%s)\n",
+ tag, attrib, ezxml_txt(txt));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ return (attrib == NULL) ? ezxml_txt(txt) : attrib;
+int parse_aux_files(ezxml_t cfg_input) {
+ ezxml_t file_tags = NULL;
+ ezxml_t tmp_file_tag = NULL;
+ // files are transformed into blobs that are slapped to the end of the file
+ file_tags = ezxml_child(cfg_input, "files");
- printf("Loaded guest image. Creation begins.\n");
+ tmp_file_tag = ezxml_child(file_tags, "file");
+ while (tmp_file_tag) {
+ char * filename = get_val(tmp_file_tag, "filename");
+ struct stat file_stats;
+ char * id = get_val(tmp_file_tag, "id");
+ char index_buf[256];
+ if (stat(filename, &file_stats) != 0) {
+ perror(filename);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ files[num_files].size = (unsigned int)file_stats.st_size;
+ strncpy(files[num_files].id, id, 256);
+ strncpy(files[num_files].filename, filename, 2048);
+ snprintf(index_buf, 256, "%llu", num_files);
+ ezxml_set_attr_d(tmp_file_tag, "index", index_buf);
+ num_files++;
+ tmp_file_tag = ezxml_next(tmp_file_tag);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int build_image(char * vm_name, char * filename, struct cfg_value * cfg_vals, int num_options) {
+ int i = 0;
+ ezxml_t xml = NULL;
+ struct xml_option * xml_opts = NULL;
+ int num_xml_opts = 0;
+ void * guest_img_data = NULL;
+ int guest_img_size = 0;
+ xml = open_xml_file(filename);
+ // parse options
+ num_xml_opts = find_xml_options(xml, &xml_opts);
- strncpy(guest_img.name, name, 127);
+ // printf("%d options\n", num_xml_opts);
+ // apply options
+ for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++) {
+ struct cfg_value * cfg_val = &cfg_vals[i];
+ struct xml_option * xml_opt = xml_opts;
- v3_fd = open(v3_dev, O_RDONLY);
+ while (xml_opt) {
+ if (strcasecmp(cfg_val->tag, xml_opt->tag) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ xml_opt = xml_opt->next;
+ }
- if (v3_fd == -1) {
- printf("Error opening V3Vee control device\n");
- return -1;
+ if (!xml_opt) {
+ printf("Could not find Config option (%s) in XML file\n", cfg_val->tag);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ezxml_set_txt(xml_opt->location, cfg_val->value);
- dev_idx = ioctl(v3_fd, V3_CREATE_GUEST, &guest_img);
+ // parse files
+ parse_aux_files(xml);
+ // create image data blob
+ {
+ char * new_xml_str = ezxml_toxml(xml);
+ int file_data_size = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ int offset = 0;
+ unsigned long long file_offset = 0;
- if (dev_idx < 0) {
- printf("Error (%d) creating VM\n", dev_idx);
+ /* Image size is:
+ 8 byte header +
+ 4 byte xml length +
+ xml strlen +
+ 8 bytes of zeros +
+ 8 bytes (number of files) +
+ num_files * 16 byte file header +
+ 8 bytes of zeroes +
+ file data
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
+ file_data_size += files[i].size;
+ }
+ guest_img_size = 8 + 4 + strlen(new_xml_str) + 8 + 8 +
+ (num_files * 16) + 8 + file_data_size;
+ guest_img_data = malloc(guest_img_size);
+ memset(guest_img_data, 0, guest_img_size);
+ memcpy(guest_img_data, "v3vee\0\0\0", 8);
+ offset += 8;
+ *(unsigned int *)(guest_img_data + offset) = strlen(new_xml_str);
+ offset += 4;
+ memcpy(guest_img_data + offset, new_xml_str, strlen(new_xml_str));
+ offset += strlen(new_xml_str);
+ memset(guest_img_data + offset, 0, 8);
+ offset += 8;
+ *(unsigned long long *)(guest_img_data + offset) = num_files;
+ offset += 8;
+ // The file offset starts at the end of the file list
+ file_offset = offset + (16 * num_files) + 8;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
+ *(unsigned int *)(guest_img_data + offset) = i;
+ offset += 4;
+ *(unsigned int *)(guest_img_data + offset) = files[i].size;
+ offset += 4;
+ *(unsigned long long *)(guest_img_data + offset) = file_offset;
+ offset += 8;
+ file_offset += files[i].size;
+ }
+ memset(guest_img_data + offset, 0, 8);
+ offset += 8;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
+ int fd = open(files[i].filename, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ printf("Error: Could not open aux file (%s)\n", files[i].filename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ read_file(fd, files[i].size, (unsigned char *)(guest_img_data + offset));
+ close(fd);
+ offset += files[i].size;
+ }
+ free(new_xml_str);
+ }
+ printf("Guest Image Created (size=%u)\n", guest_img_size);
+ return create_vm(vm_name, guest_img_data, guest_img_size);
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ char * filename = NULL;
+ char * name = NULL;
+ int build_flag = 0;
+ int c = 0;
+ opterr = 0;
+ while (( c = getopt(argc, argv, "b")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':
+ build_flag = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc - optind + 1 < 3) {
+ printf("usage: v3_create [-b] <guest_img> <vm name> [cfg options]\n");
return -1;
- printf("VM (%s) created at /dev/v3-vm%d\n", name, dev_idx);
+ filename = argv[optind];
+ name = argv[optind + 1];
- /* Close the file descriptor. */
- close(v3_fd);
+ if (build_flag == 1) {
+ int cfg_idx = optind + 2;
+ int i = 0;
+ struct cfg_value * cfg_vals = NULL;
+ printf("Building VM Image (cfg=%s) (name=%s) (%d config options)\n", filename, name, argc - cfg_idx);
+ cfg_vals = malloc(sizeof(struct cfg_value) * argc - cfg_idx);
+ while (i < argc - cfg_idx) {
+ char * tag = NULL;
+ char * value = NULL;
+ value = argv[cfg_idx + i];
+ tag = strsep(&value, "=");
+ // parse
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ printf("Invalid Option format: %s\n", argv[cfg_idx + i]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cfg_vals[i].tag = tag;
+ cfg_vals[i].value = value;
+ printf("Config option: %s: %s\n", tag, value);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return build_image(name, filename, cfg_vals, argc - cfg_idx);
+ } else {
+ printf("Loading VM Image (img=%s) (name=%s)\n", filename, name);
+ return load_image(name, filename);
+ }
return 0;