--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+print <<END
+Welcome. The purpose of this tool is to simplify configuration
+of the V3VEE environment on a Linux system. It assumes you
+have already built Palacios, the Linux embedding, and the Linux
+user-sapce tools. If you haven't, hit CTRL-C now and do the
+at least the following:
+ make menuconfig
+ [choose your options]
+ make
+ cd linux_usr
+ make
+ cd ..
+ ./v3_config.pl
+This tool will create (or overwrite) the following for you:
+ ./ENV An environment file that you can source
+ ./v3_init A script that will insert Palacios with
+ relevant options and with appropriate memory
+ allocations.
+ ./v3_deinit A script that will free memory and remove
+ Palacios.
+After these are created, you can insert Palacio in the following way:
+ source ./ENV
+ ./v3_init
+Then create and run VMs:
+ v3_create image_file name
+ v3_launch /dev/v3-vmN
+ v3_stop /dev/v3-vmN
+ v3_free /dev/v3-vmN
+And you can remove Palacios and free memory it is using.
+ ./v3_deinit
+We begin with a set of questions.
+$pdir = `pwd`; chomp($pdir);
+print "What is your Palacios directory? [$pdir] : ";
+$pdir = get_user($pdir);
+$kdir = "/boot";
+print "Where are your Linux kernel config files? [$kdir] : ";
+$kdir = get_user($kdir);
+$hotremove = get_kernel_feature($kdir, "CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTREMOVE");
+if (!defined($hotremove)) {
+ $hotremove="n";
+$memblocksize = get_palacios_core_feature($pdir,"V3_CONFIG_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE");
+if (!defined($memblocksize)) {
+ print "Cannot determine your memory block size from your Palacios configuration.\n";
+ exit -1;
+if (!powerof2($memblocksize)) {
+ print "Cannot handle a memory block size that is not a power of two ($memblocksize)...\n";
+ exit -1;
+$compmemblocksize = $memblocksize;
+$maxalloc = 4194304;
+print "What is your kernel's maximum contiguous page allocation size in bytes (typicaly (MAX_ORDER-1)*4096) [$maxalloc] : ";
+$maxalloc = get_user($maxalloc);
+$shadow = 'y';
+print "Do you need to run guests with shadow paging or for other reasons that require 4GB enforcement of page allocation? [$shadow] : ";
+$shadow = get_user($shadow);
+if ($hotremove eq "y") {
+ print "Your kernel supports hot remove. Do you want to use it? [$hotremove] : ";
+ $hotremove = get_user($hotremove);
+$override_memblocksize = 'n';
+if ($hotremove eq "n") {
+ do {
+ $override_memblocksize = 'y';
+ print "You are not using hot-remove, so we will adjust memory block size\n";
+ print "Desired memory block size? [$maxalloc or less, power of 2] : ";
+ $memblocksize = get_user($maxalloc);
+ } while ($memblocksize>$maxalloc && !powerof2($memblocksize));
+$mem = 1024;
+print "How much memory (in MB) do you want to initially allocate for Palacios? [$mem] : ";
+$mem = get_user($mem);
+print "Do you need userspace access to your VMs' physical memory? [$devmem] : ";
+$devmem = get_user($devmem);
+print <<END2
+ Palacios Direcotry: $pdir
+ Kernel Configs Directory: $kdir
+ Initial Palacios Memory (MB) $mem
+ Can Hot Remove: $canhotremove
+ Will Hot Remove: $hotremove
+ Enforce 4 GB Limit: $shadow
+ Compiled Memory Block Size: $compmemblocksize
+ Override Memory Block Size: $override_memblocksize
+ Actual Memory Block Size: $memblocksize
+ Allow Devmem: $devmem
+print "Writing ./ENV\n";
+print ENV "export PATH=\$PATH:$pdir/linux_usr\n";
+`chmod 644 ENV`;
+print "Writing ./v3_init\n";
+print INIT "#!/bin/sh\n";
+print INIT "source $pdir/ENV\n"; # just in case
+print INIT "\n\n# insert the module\n";
+$cmd = "insmod $pdir/v3vee.ko";
+$cmd.= " allow_devmem=1 " if $devmem eq 'y';
+$cmd.= " options=\"mem_block_size=$memblocksize\" " if $override_memblocksize eq 'y';
+print INIT $cmd, "\n";
+$cmd = "v3_mem";
+$cmd.= " -k " if $hotremove eq 'n';
+$cmd.= " -l " if $shadow eq 'y';
+$chunk = $memblocksize / (1024 * 1024) ;
+$numchunks = $mem / $chunk;
+for ($i=0;$i<$numchunks;$i++) {
+ print INIT "$cmd $chunk\n";
+`chmod 755 v3_init`;
+print "Writing ./v3_deinit\n";
+print DEINIT "#!/bin/sh\n";
+print DEINIT "rmmod v3vee\n";
+`chmod 755 v3_deinit`;
+print "Done.\n";
+sub get_user {
+ my $def = shift;
+ my $inp = <STDIN>; chomp($inp);
+ if ($inp eq "") {
+ return $def;
+ } else {
+ return $inp;
+ }
+sub get_kernel_feature {
+ my $dir=shift;
+ my $feature=shift;
+ my $x;
+ $x=`grep $feature $dir/config-\`uname -r\``;
+ if ($x=~/^\s*\#/) {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ if ($x=~/\s*$feature\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/) {
+ return $1;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+sub get_palacios_core_feature {
+ my $dir=shift;
+ my $feature=shift;
+ my $x;
+ $x=`grep $feature $dir/.config`;
+ if ($x=~/^\s*\#/) {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ if ($x=~/\s*$feature\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/) {
+ return $1;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+sub powerof2 {
+ my $x = shift;
+ my $exp;
+ $exp = log($x) /log(2);
+ return $exp==int($exp);