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Use of information interface to enhance output of /proc/v3vee-/v3-guests in Linux
Peter Dinda [Sat, 29 Dec 2012 00:47:39 +0000 (18:47 -0600)]

index 17229c5..6996bfa 100644 (file)
@@ -224,22 +224,95 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *palacios_get_procdir(void)
     return dir;
+#define MAX_VCORES 32
 static int read_guests(char * buf, char ** start, off_t off, int count,
                       int * eof, void * data)
     int len = 0;
     unsigned int i = 0;
+    struct v3_vm_state *s =palacios_alloc(sizeof(struct v3_vm_state)+MAX_VCORES*sizeof(struct v3_vcore_state));
+    if (!s) { 
+      ERROR("No space for state structure\n");
+      goto out;
+    }
     for(i = 0; i < MAX_VMS; i++) {
-       if (guest_map[i] != NULL) {
-           if (len<count) { 
-               len += snprintf(buf+len, count-len,
-                               "%s\t/dev/v3-vm%d\n", 
-                               guest_map[i]->name, i);
+      if (guest_map[i] != NULL) {
+       if (len>=count) { 
+         goto out;
+       } else {
+         len += snprintf(buf+len, count-len,
+                         "%s\t/dev/v3-vm%d ", 
+                         guest_map[i]->name, i);
+         if (len>=count) { 
+           *(buf+len-1)='\n';
+           goto out;
+         } else {
+           // Get extended data
+           s->num_vcores=MAX_VCORES; // max we can handle
+           if (v3_get_state_vm(guest_map[i]->v3_ctx, s)) {
+             ERROR("Cannot get VM info\n");
+             *(buf+len-1)='\n';
+             goto out;
+           } else {
+             unsigned long j;
+             len+=snprintf(buf+len, count-len,
+                           "%s [0x%p-0x%p] %lu vcores ",
+                           s->state==V3_VM_INVALID ? "INVALID" :
+                           s->state==V3_VM_RUNNING ? "running" :
+                           s->state==V3_VM_STOPPED ? "stopped" :
+                           s->state==V3_VM_PAUSED ? "paused" :
+                           s->state==V3_VM_ERROR ? "ERROR" :
+                           s->state==V3_VM_SIMULATING ? "simulating" : "UNKNOWN",
+                           s->mem_base_paddr, s->mem_base_paddr+s->mem_size-1,
+                           s->num_vcores);
+             if (len>=count) { 
+               *(buf+len-1)='\n';
+               goto out;
+             }
+             for (j=0;j<s->num_vcores;j++) {
+               len+=snprintf(buf+len, count-len,
+                             "[vcore %lu %s on pcore %lu %llu exits rip=0x%p %s %s %s] ",
+                             j, 
+                             s->vcore[j].state==V3_VCORE_INVALID ? "INVALID" :
+                             s->vcore[j].state==V3_VCORE_RUNNING ? "running" :
+                             s->vcore[j].state==V3_VCORE_STOPPED ? "stopped" : "UNKNOWN",
+                             s->vcore[j].pcore,
+                             s->vcore[j].num_exits,
+                             s->vcore[j].last_rip,
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_REAL ? "real" :
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_PROTECTED ? "protected" :
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_PROTECTED_PAE ? "protectedpae" :
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_LONG ? "long" :
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_LONG_32_COMPAT ? "long32" :
+                             s->vcore[j].cpu_mode==V3_VCORE_CPU_LONG_16_COMPAT ? "long16" : "UNKNOWN",
+                             s->vcore[j].mem_mode==V3_VCORE_MEM_MODE_PHYSICAL ? "physical" :
+                             s->vcore[j].mem_mode==V3_VCORE_MEM_MODE_VIRTUAL ? "virtual" : "UNKNOWN",
+                             s->vcore[j].mem_state==V3_VCORE_MEM_STATE_SHADOW ? "shadow" :
+                             s->vcore[j].mem_state==V3_VCORE_MEM_STATE_NESTED ? "nested" : "UNKNOWN");
+               if (len>=count) {
+                 *(buf+len-1)='\n';
+                 goto out;
+               }
+             }
+             *(buf+len-1)='\n';
+         }
+      }
+ out:
+    if (s) { palacios_free(s); }
     return len;