Palacios Public Git Repository

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  git clone
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  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.

Minor Fix to NE2000 and RTL8139 NIC
Lei Xia [Thu, 3 Nov 2011 19:35:04 +0000 (14:35 -0500)]

index bc51c78..d4e8852 100644 (file)
@@ -1175,8 +1175,9 @@ static int connect_fn(struct v3_vm_info * info,
     nic_state->backend_data = private_data;    
     ops->recv = ne2k_rx;
-    ops->poll = NULL;
-    memcpy(ops->config.fnt_mac, nic_state->mac, ETH_ALEN);
+    ops->poll = NULL;   
+    ops->config.frontend_data = nic_state;
+    ops->config.fnt_mac = nic_state->mac;
     return 0;
index 0a1a335..176d053 100644 (file)
@@ -1774,7 +1774,8 @@ static int connect_fn(struct v3_vm_info * info,
     ops->recv = rtl8139_rx;
     ops->poll = NULL;
-    memcpy(ops->config.fnt_mac, nic_state->mac, ETH_ALEN);
+    ops->config.frontend_data = nic_state;
+    ops->config.fnt_mac = nic_state->mac;
     return 0;