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added extension code for software interrupts
Kyle Hale [Wed, 22 Jun 2011 23:11:09 +0000 (18:11 -0500)]

index eb63cc9..5eedb3f 100644 (file)
 int v3_handle_swintr (struct guest_info * core);
-int v3_signal_swintr (struct guest_info * core, int vec);
+int v3_signal_swintr (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector);
+int v3_hook_swintr (struct guest_info * core,
+        uint8_t vector,
+        int (*handler)(struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector, void * priv_data),
+        void * priv_data);
+int v3_hook_passthrough_swintr (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector);
index 26e8bb4..ff43f3f 100644 (file)
 #include <palacios/vmm.h>
 #include <palacios/vmcb.h>
 #include <palacios/vm_guest.h>
+#include <palacios/vm_guest_mem.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_decoder.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_extensions.h>
 #include <interfaces/sw_intr.h>
-static int init_swintr_intercept (struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg, void ** priv_data);
-    return 0;
+static int init_swintr_intercept (struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg, void ** priv_data) {
-static int deinit_swintr_intercept (struct v3_vm_info * vm, void * priv_data) {
     return 0;
@@ -40,47 +37,164 @@ static int init_swintr_intercept_core (struct guest_info * core, void * priv_dat
     vmcb_t * vmcb = (vmcb_t*)core->vmm_data;
     vmcb_ctrl_t * ctrl_area = GET_VMCB_CTRL_AREA(vmcb);
-    ctrl_rea->instrs.INTn = 1;
+    ctrl_area->instrs.INTn = 1;
     return 0;
-static int deinit_swintr_intercept_core (struct guest_info * core, void * priv_data) {
-    return 0;
+struct v3_swintr_hook {
+    int (*handler)(struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector, void * priv_data);
+    void * priv_data;
-static int swintr_entry (struct guest_info * core, void * priv_data) {
-    return 0;
+static struct v3_swintr_hook * swintr_hooks[256];
-static int swintr_exit (struct guest_info * core, void * priv_data) {
-    return 0;
+static inline struct v3_swintr_hook * get_swintr_hook (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector) {
+    return swintr_hooks[vector];
 static struct v3_extension_impl swintr_impl = {
     .name = "swintr_intercept",
     .init = init_swintr_intercept,
-    .deinit = deinit_swintr_intercept,
+    .deinit = NULL,
     .core_init = init_swintr_intercept_core,
-    .core_deinit = deinit_swintr_intercept_core,
-    .on_entry = swintr_entry,
-    .on_exit = swintr_exit
+    .core_deinit = NULL,
+    .on_entry = NULL,
+    .on_exit = NULL
 int v3_handle_swintr (struct guest_info * core) {
+    int ret = 0;
+    void * instr_ptr = NULL;
+    struct x86_instr instr;
+    if (core->mem_mode == PHYSICAL_MEM) { 
+        ret = v3_gpa_to_hva(core, get_addr_linear(core, core->rip, &(core->segments.cs)), (addr_t *)&instr_ptr);
+    } else { 
+        ret = v3_gva_to_hva(core, get_addr_linear(core, core->rip, &(core->segments.cs)), (addr_t *)&instr_ptr);
+    }   
+    if (ret == -1) {
+        PrintError("V3 SWintr Handler: Could not translate Instruction Address (%p)\n", (void *)core->rip);
+        return -1; 
+    }   
+    if (v3_decode(core, (addr_t)instr_ptr, &instr) == -1) {
+        PrintError("V3 SWintr Handler: Decoding Error\n");
+        return -1; 
+    }   
+    uint8_t vector = instr.dst_operand.operand;
+    struct v3_swintr_hook * hook = swintr_hooks[vector];
+    if (hook == NULL) {
+        if (v3_hook_passthrough_swintr(core, vector) == -1) {
+            PrintDebug("V3 SWintr Handler: Error hooking passthrough swintr\n");
+            return -1; 
+        }
+        hook = swintr_hooks[vector];
+        core->rip += instr.instr_length;
+        return v3_signal_swintr(core, vector);
+    }   
+    ret = hook->handler(core, vector, NULL);
+    if (ret == -1) {
+        PrintDebug("V3 SWintr Handler: Error in swintr hook\n");
+        return -1; 
+    }   
+    /* at some point we _may_ need to prioritize swints 
+       so that they finish in time for the next
+       instruction... */
+    core->rip += instr.instr_length;
+    return v3_signal_swintr(core, vector);
+int v3_signal_swintr (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector) {
+    struct v3_intr_core_state * intr_state = &(core->intr_core_state);
+    PrintDebug("Signaling software interrupt in v3_signal_swintr()\n");
+    PrintDebug("\tINT vector: %d\n", vector);
+    intr_state->swintr_posted = 1;
+    intr_state->swintr_vector = vector;
+    return 0;
+int v3_hook_swintr (struct guest_info * core,
+        uint8_t vector,
+        int (*handler)(struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector, void * priv_data),
+        void * priv_data)
+    struct v3_swintr_hook * hook = (struct v3_swintr_hook*)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct v3_swintr_hook));
+    if (hook == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (get_swintr_hook(core, vector) != NULL) {
+        PrintError("swint %d already hooked\n", vector);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    hook->handler = handler;
+    hook->priv_data = priv_data;
+    swintr_hooks[vector] = hook;
     return 0;
+static int passthrough_swintr_handler (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector, void * priv_data) {
+    PrintDebug("[passthrough_swint_handler] INT vector=%d (guest=0x%p)\n",
+        vector, (void*)core);
+    return 0;
+int v3_hook_passthrough_swintr (struct guest_info * core, uint8_t vector) {
+    int rc = v3_hook_swintr(core, vector, passthrough_swintr_handler, NULL);
+    if (rc) {
+        PrintError("guest_swintr_injection: failed to hook swint 0x%x (guest=0x%p)\n", vector, (void*)core);
+        return -1;
+    } else {
+        PrintDebug("guest_swintr_injection: hooked swint 0x%x (guest=0x%p)\n", vector, (void*)core);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* shouldn't get here */
+    return 0;