} __attribute__((packed));
struct virtio_dev_state {
struct vm_device * pci_bus;
struct list_head dev_list;
struct v3_vm_info *vm;
+ uint64_t lower_thresh_pps, upper_thresh_pps, period_us;
uint8_t mac[ETH_ALEN];
struct virtio_net_state {
struct virtio_net_config net_cfg;
struct virtio_config virtio_cfg;
return 0;
+static int virtio_deinit_state(struct guest_info *core, struct virtio_net_state *ns)
+ if (ns->timer) {
+ v3_remove_timer(core,ns->timer);
+ }
+ return 0;
static int tx_one_pkt(struct guest_info * core,
struct virtio_net_state * virtio,
struct vring_desc * buf_desc)
list_for_each_entry_safe(backend, tmp, &(virtio->dev_list), dev_link) {
- // unregister from PCI
+ virtio_deinit_state(&(virtio->vm->cores[0]),backend);
return 0;
return 0;
-#if 0
-#define RATE_UPPER_THRESHOLD 10 /* 10000 pkts per second, around 100Mbits */
-#define PROFILE_PERIOD 10000 /*us*/
+#define RATE_UPPER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 10000 /* 10000 pkts per second, around 100Mbits */
+#define RATE_LOWER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 1000 /* 1000 pkts per second, around 10Mbits */
+#define PROFILE_PERIOD_DEFAULT 10000 /* us */
static void virtio_nic_timer(struct guest_info * core,
uint64_t cpu_cycles, uint64_t cpu_freq,
struct virtio_net_state * net_state = (struct virtio_net_state *)priv_data;
uint64_t period_us;
static int profile_ms = 0;
+ uint64_t target_period_us = net_state->virtio_dev->period_us;
+ uint64_t upper_thresh_pps = net_state->virtio_dev->upper_thresh_pps;
+ uint64_t lower_thresh_pps = net_state->virtio_dev->lower_thresh_pps;
if(!net_state->status){ /* VNIC is not in working status */
period_us = (1000*cpu_cycles)/cpu_freq;
net_state->past_us += period_us;
- if(net_state->past_us > PROFILE_PERIOD){
- uint32_t tx_rate, rx_rate;
- tx_rate = (net_state->stats.tx_pkts - net_state->tx_pkts)/(net_state->past_us/1000); /* pkts/per ms */
- rx_rate = (net_state->stats.rx_pkts - net_state->rx_pkts)/(net_state->past_us/1000);
+ if (net_state->past_us > target_period_us) {
+ uint64_t tx_count, rx_count;
+ uint64_t lb_tx_count, lb_rx_count;
+ uint64_t ub_tx_count, ub_rx_count;
+ lb_tx_count = lb_rx_count = (lower_thresh_pps * 1000000) / net_state->past_us; // packets expected in this interval
+ ub_tx_count = ub_rx_count = (upper_thresh_pps * 1000000) / net_state->past_us;
+ tx_count = net_state->stats.tx_pkts - net_state->tx_pkts;
+ rx_count = net_state->stats.rx_pkts - net_state->rx_pkts;
net_state->tx_pkts = net_state->stats.tx_pkts;
net_state->rx_pkts = net_state->stats.rx_pkts;
- if(tx_rate > RATE_UPPER_THRESHOLD && net_state->tx_notify == 1){
- V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Switch TX to VMM driven mode\n");
+ if(tx_count > ub_tx_count && net_state->tx_notify == 1) {
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: Switch TX to VMM driven mode\n");
net_state->tx_notify = 0;
- if(tx_rate < RATE_LOWER_THRESHOLD && net_state->tx_notify == 0){
- V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Switch TX to Guest driven mode\n");
+ if(tx_count < lb_tx_count && net_state->tx_notify == 0) {
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: Switch TX to Guest driven mode\n");
net_state->tx_notify = 1;
- if(rx_rate > RATE_UPPER_THRESHOLD && net_state->rx_notify == 1){
- V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Switch RX to VMM None notify mode\n");
+ if(rx_count > ub_rx_count && net_state->rx_notify == 1) {
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: Switch RX to VMM None notify mode\n");
net_state->rx_notify = 0;
- if(rx_rate < RATE_LOWER_THRESHOLD && net_state->rx_notify == 0){
+ if(rx_count < lb_rx_count && net_state->rx_notify == 0) {
V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Switch RX to VMM notify mode\n");
net_state->rx_notify = 1;
profile_ms += period_us/1000;
if(profile_ms > 20000){
- V3_Net_Print(1, "Virtio NIC: TX: Pkt: %lld, Bytes: %lld\n\t\tRX Pkt: %lld. Bytes: %lld\n\t\tDropped: tx %lld, rx %lld\nInterrupts: tx %d, rx %d\nTotal Exit: %lld\n",
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: TX: Pkt: %lld, Bytes: %lld\n\t\tRX Pkt: %lld. Bytes: %lld\n\t\tDropped: tx %lld, rx %lld\nInterrupts: tx %d, rx %d\nTotal Exit: %lld\n",
net_state->stats.tx_pkts, net_state->stats.tx_bytes,
net_state->stats.rx_pkts, net_state->stats.rx_bytes,
net_state->stats.tx_dropped, net_state->stats.rx_dropped,
static struct v3_timer_ops timer_ops = {
.update_timer = virtio_nic_timer,
static int connect_fn(struct v3_vm_info * info,
void * frontend_data,
net_state->backend_data = private_data;
net_state->virtio_dev = virtio;
- net_state->tx_notify = 1;
- net_state->rx_notify = 1;
- //net_state->timer = v3_add_timer(&(info->cores[0]), &timer_ops,net_state);
+ switch (virtio->model) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Guest-driven operation\n");
+ net_state->tx_notify = 1;
+ net_state->rx_notify = 1;
+ break;
+ case VMM_DRIVEN:
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: VMM-driven operation\n");
+ net_state->tx_notify = 0;
+ net_state->rx_notify = 0;
+ break;
+ case ADAPTIVE: {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Adaptive operation (begins in guest-driven mode)\n");
+ net_state->tx_notify = 1;
+ net_state->rx_notify = 1;
+ net_state->timer = v3_add_timer(&(info->cores[0]), &timer_ops,net_state);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Unknown model, using GUEST_DRIVEN\n");
+ net_state->tx_notify = 1;
+ net_state->rx_notify = 1;
+ break;
+ }
ops->recv = virtio_rx;
ops->poll = virtio_poll;
return 0;
+static int setup_perf_model(struct virtio_dev_state *virtio_state, v3_cfg_tree_t *t)
+ char *mode = v3_cfg_val(t,"mode");
+ // defaults
+ virtio_state->model = GUEST_DRIVEN;
+ virtio_state->lower_thresh_pps = RATE_LOWER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
+ virtio_state->upper_thresh_pps = RATE_UPPER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
+ virtio_state->period_us = PROFILE_PERIOD_DEFAULT;
+ // overrides
+ if (mode) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(mode,"guest-driven")) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Setting static GUEST_DRIVEN mode of operation (latency optimized)\n");
+ virtio_state->model=GUEST_DRIVEN;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(mode, "vmm-driven")) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Setting static VMM_DRIVEN mode of operation (throughput optimized)\n");
+ virtio_state->model=VMM_DRIVEN;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(mode, "adaptive")) {
+ char *s;
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: Setting dynamic ADAPTIVE mode of operation\n");
+ virtio_state->model=ADAPTIVE;
+ if (!(s=v3_cfg_val(t,"upper"))) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: No upper bound given, using default\n");
+ } else {
+ virtio_state->upper_thresh_pps = atoi(s);
+ }
+ if (!(s=v3_cfg_val(t,"lower"))) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: No lower bound given, using default\n");
+ } else {
+ virtio_state->lower_thresh_pps = atoi(s);
+ }
+ if (!(s=v3_cfg_val(t,"period"))) {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: No period given, using default\n");
+ } else {
+ virtio_state->period_us = atoi(s);
+ }
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: lower_thresh_pps=%llu, upper_thresh_pps=%llu, period_us=%llu\n",
+ virtio_state->lower_thresh_pps,
+ virtio_state->upper_thresh_pps,
+ virtio_state->period_us);
+ } else {
+ PrintError("Virtio NIC: Unknown mode of operation '%s', using default (guest-driven)\n",mode);
+ virtio_state->model=GUEST_DRIVEN;
+ }
+ } else {
+ V3_Print("Virtio NIC: No model given, using default (guest-driven)\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+ <device class="LNX_VIRTIO_NIC" id="nic">
+ <bus>pci-bus-to-attach-to</bus> // required
+ <mac>mac address</mac> // if ommited with pic one
+ <model mode="guest-driven|vmm-driven|adaptive" upper="pkts_per_sec" lower="pkts" period="us" />
+ </device>
static int virtio_init(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg) {
struct vm_device * pci_bus = v3_find_dev(vm, v3_cfg_val(cfg, "bus"));
struct virtio_dev_state * virtio_state = NULL;
char * dev_id = v3_cfg_val(cfg, "ID");
- char macstr[128];
- char * str = v3_cfg_val(cfg, "mac");
- memcpy(macstr, str, strlen(str));
+ char * mac = v3_cfg_val(cfg, "mac");
+ v3_cfg_tree_t *model = v3_cfg_subtree(cfg,"model");
if (pci_bus == NULL) {
PrintError("Virtio NIC: Virtio device require a PCI Bus");
return -1;
virtio_state->pci_bus = pci_bus;
virtio_state->vm = vm;
- if (macstr != NULL && !str2mac(macstr, virtio_state->mac)) {
- PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: Mac specified %s\n", macstr);
- }else {
+ if (mac) {
+ if (!str2mac(mac, virtio_state->mac)) {
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: Mac specified %s\n", mac);
+ } else {
+ PrintError("Virtio NIC: Mac specified is incorrect, picking a randoom mac\n");
+ random_ethaddr(virtio_state->mac);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PrintDebug("Virtio NIC: no mac specified, so picking a random mac\n");
+ if (setup_perf_model(virtio_state,model)<0) {
+ PrintError("Cannnot setup performance model\n");
+ V3_Free(virtio_state);
+ return -1;
+ }
struct vm_device * dev = v3_add_device(vm, dev_id, &dev_ops, virtio_state);
if (dev == NULL) {