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-known{[7 UniqueID]true}{false}ifelse}ifelse}bind def/BuildT3EuroFont{exch 16\r
-dict begin dup/FontName exch def findfont dup/Encoding get/Encoding exch def\r
-dup length 1 add dict copy dup/FID undef begin dup dup/FontName exch def\r
-/Encoding 256 array 0 1 255{1 index exch/.notdef put}for def GetNewXUID{/XUID\r
-exch def}if currentdict end definefont pop/BaseFont exch findfont 1000\r
-scalefont def/EuroFont exch findfont 1000 scalefont def pop/EuroGlyphName exch\r
-def/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix[.001 0 0 .001 0 0]def/FontBBox BaseFont/FontBBox\r
-get def/Char 1 string def/BuildChar{exch dup begin/Encoding get 1 index get\r
-/Euro eq{BaseFont T1FontHasEuro{false}{true}ifelse}{false}ifelse{EuroFont\r
-setfont pop userdict/Idx 0 put EuroFont/Encoding get{EuroGlyphName eq{exit}\r
-{userdict/Idx Idx 1 add put}ifelse}forall userdict/Idx get}{dup dup Encoding\r
-exch get BaseFont/Encoding get 3 1 roll put BaseFont setfont}ifelse Char 0 3 -1\r
-roll put Char stringwidth newpath 0 0 moveto Char true charpath flattenpath\r
-pathbbox setcachedevice 0 0 moveto Char show end}bind def currentdict end dup\r
-/FontName get exch definefont pop}bind def/AddEuroToT1Font{dup findfont dup\r
-length 10 add dict copy dup/FID undef begin/EuroFont 3 -1 roll findfont 1000\r
-scalefont def CharStrings dup length 1 add dict copy begin/Euro{EuroFont\r
-setfont pop EuroGBBox aload pop setcachedevice 0 0 moveto EuroGName glyphshow}\r
-bind def currentdict end/CharStrings exch def GetNewXUID{/XUID exch def}if 3 1\r
-roll/EuroGBBox exch def/EuroGName exch def currentdict end definefont pop}bind\r
-def/BuildNewFont{UseT3EuroFont{BuildT3EuroFont}{pop AddEuroToT1Font}ifelse}bind\r
-def/UseObliqueEuro{findfont/FontMatrix get dup 2 get 0 eq exch dup 0 get exch 3\r
-get eq and UseT3EuroFont or}bind def\r
-end reinitialize\r
-/Helvetica FontHasEuro not\r
- [556 0 24 -19 541 703 ] \r
-/Euro /Helvetica /Helvetica-Copy BuildNewFont\r
-} if\r
-F /F0 0 /256 T /Helvetica mF
-/F0S2F4 F0 [756 0 0 -756 0 0 ] mFS
-F0S2F4 Ji
-17741 10256 M (Master)[630 420 378 210 420 0]xS
-/F0S24C F0 [588 0 0 -588 0 0 ] mFS
-F0S24C Ji
-15243 10997 M (\(~)[194 0]xS
-15779 10997 M (palacios/palacios_master)[325 327 130 325 294 131 326 294 162 326 327 130 325 294 131 326 293 326 488 325 294 162 326 0]xS
-22360 10997 M (\))S
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-1 setlinecap\r
-0 setlinejoin\r
-8 setmiterlimit\r
-31.4930 setlinewidth\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 15117 13101 m 15117 15116 l 22675 15116 l 22675 13101 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol F0S2F4 Ji
-16250 14035 M (Current Version)[546 420 252 252 420 420 210 210 504 420 252 378 168 419 0]xS
-F0S24C Ji
-16298 14776 M (\(~)[194 0]xS
-16834 14776 M (palacios/palacios)[325 327 130 325 294 131 326 294 162 326 327 130 325 294 131 326 0]xS
-21300 14776 M (\))S
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
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- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 18518 13101 m 18518 11967 l 18770 11967 l 18770 13101 l CP \r
-18266 12093 m 18644 11337 l 19022 12093 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol F0S2F4 Ji
-19400 12345 M (Pull)[504 420 168 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
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- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
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-{setglobal} if\r
-1 setlinecap\r
-1 setlinejoin\r
-10 setmiterlimit\r
-31.4930 setlinewidth\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 15621 18896 m 14368 18896 13353 19403 13353 20029 c 13353 20656 14368 21163 15621 21163 c 16873 21163 17888 20656 17888 20029 c 17888 19403 16873 18896 15621 18896 c CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol /F0S498 F0 [1176 0 0 -1176 0 0 ] mFS
-F0S498 Ji
-14413 20470 M (Jack)[588 656 588 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
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- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-1 setlinecap\r
-1 setlinejoin\r
-10 setmiterlimit\r
-31.4930 setlinewidth\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 7684 21163 m 6780 21163 6047 21558 6047 22045 c 6047 22532 6780 22927 7684 22927 c 8589 22927 9322 22532 9322 22045 c 9322 21558 8589 21163 7684 21163 c CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol /F0S348 F0 [840 0 0 -840 0 0 ] mFS
-F0S348 Ji
-6818 22360 M (DEV)[609 562 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 9294 21863 m 13043 19988 l 13100 20101 l 9350 21975 l CP \r
-12931 19903 m 13353 19903 l 13100 20241 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol F0S24C Ji
-10886 21883 M (Email )[392 490 327 131 131 0]xS
-10886 22586 M (Patch)[392 327 163 293 0]xS
-F0S2F4 Ji
-19452 17012 M (Push)[504 420 378 0]xS
-6855 18775 M (Pull)[504 420 168 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 15117 14172 m 15030 14172 l 14944 14174 l 14858 14177 l 14772 14182 l 14686 14188 l 14599 14194 l 14514 14202 l 14428 14212 l 14342 14222 l 14256 14234 l 14170 14247 l 14085 14261 l 13999 14276 l 13914 14293 l 13829 14310 l 13744 14329 l 13659 14348 l 13574 14369 l 13490 14391 l 13406 14414 l 13321 14439 l 13238 14464 l 13154 14490 l 13070 14517 l 12987 14546 l 12904 14575 l 12822 14606 l 12739 14637 l 12657 14669 l 12575 14703 l 12412 14773 l 12251 14847 l 12091 14924 l 11933 15005 l 11776 15090 l 11621 15178 l 11468 15270 l 11316 15365 l 11167 15463 l 11019 15565 l 10874 15670 l 10730 15777 l 10589 15888 l 10451 16002 l 10314 16118 l 10181 16238 l 10050 16359 l 9922 16484 l 9796 16611 l 9673 16740 l 9554 16871 l 9437 17005 l 9323 17141 l 9213 17279 l 9106 17419 l 9003 17561 l 8902 17705 l 8806 17851 l 8713 17998 l 8624 18146 l 8538 18297 l 8457 18448 l 8418 18524 l 8379 18601 l 8342 18678 l 8306 18755 l 8271 18833 l 8237 18911 l 8203 18989 l 8171 19067 l 8141 19146 l 8111 19225 l 8082 19304 l 8054 19383 l 8028 19463 l 8002 19542 l 7978 19622 l 7955 19702 l 7933 19783 l 7912 19863 l 7893 19944 l 7874 20024 l 7857 20105 l 7841 20186 l 7826 20267 l 7813 20349 l 7800 20430 l 7789 20511 l 7780 20593 l 7771 20674 l 7764 20756 l 7759 20852 l 7633 20845 l 7638 20744 l 7646 20661 l 7654 20578 l 7664 20494 l 7676 20411 l 7688 20328 l 7702 20245 l 7717 20162 l 7734 20079 l 7751 19996 l 7770 19914 l 7790 19832 l 7811 19749 l 7834 19667 l 7858 19586 l 7882 19504 l 7908 19423 l 7935 19342 l 7963 19261 l 7993 19180 l 8023 19100 l 8055 19020 l 8087 18940 l 8121 18860 l 8156 18781 l 8192 18702 l 8229 18623 l 8267 18545 l 8306 18467 l 8346 18389 l 8429 18234 l 8516 18082 l 8606 17930 l 8701 17781 l 8799 17633 l 8901 17487 l 9006 17343 l 9115 17201 l 9227 17060 l 9342 16922 l 9460 16787 l 9582 16653 l 9706 16522 l 9834 16393 l 9964 16267 l 10097 16144 l 10233 16023 l 10371 15905 l 10511 15789 l 10655 15677 l 10800 15567 l 10948 15461 l 11097 15358 l 11249 15258 l 11403 15162 l 11559 15069 l 11716 14979 l 11875 14893 l 12036 14811 l 12199 14732 l 12363 14657 l 12528 14586 l 12611 14552 l 12694 14519 l 12778 14487 l 12862 14456 l 12947 14426 l 13031 14398 l 13116 14370 l 13201 14343 l 13287 14317 l 13372 14293 l 13458 14269 l 13544 14247 l 13630 14226 l 13717 14206 l 13804 14187 l 13890 14169 l 13977 14152 l 14064 14137 l 14152 14122 l 14239 14109 l 14326 14097 l 14414 14087 l 14502 14077 l 14589 14069 l 14677 14062 l 14765 14056 l 14853 14052 l 14941 14048 l 15029 14046 l 15116 14046 l CP \r
-7887 20793 m 7684 21163 l 7510 20778 l CP \r
-1 setlinecap\r
-0 setlinejoin\r
-8 setmiterlimit\r
-31.4930 setlinewidth\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 15369 5543 m 15369 7054 l 22675 7054 l 22675 5543 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol 17237 6577 M (Web Repo)[714 420 420 210 546 420 420 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 18266 9322 m 18266 7684 l 18518 7684 l 18518 9322 l CP \r
-18014 7810 m 18392 7054 l 18770 7810 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol 19200 8949 M (Pull)[504 420 168 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 15369 6361 m 15278 6362 l 15187 6364 l 15097 6368 l 15006 6372 l 14916 6378 l 14826 6385 l 14736 6394 l 14647 6404 l 14558 6414 l 14469 6426 l 14381 6440 l 14293 6454 l 14206 6469 l 14120 6486 l 14033 6504 l 13948 6522 l 13863 6542 l 13780 6563 l 13614 6607 l 13452 6655 l 13373 6681 l 13295 6707 l 13218 6734 l 13142 6762 l 13066 6791 l 12993 6820 l 12920 6851 l 12849 6882 l 12779 6913 l 12711 6946 l 12644 6979 l 12578 7013 l 12514 7047 l 12452 7082 l 12391 7118 l 12332 7154 l 12275 7190 l 12219 7227 l 12165 7265 l 12114 7303 l 12064 7341 l 12015 7380 l 11969 7419 l 11925 7459 l 11883 7499 l 11844 7539 l 11806 7579 l 11771 7619 l 11738 7660 l 11707 7701 l 11678 7742 l 11652 7783 l 11628 7824 l 11607 7865 l 11588 7906 l 11572 7947 l 11558 7987 l 11546 8028 l 11538 8069 l 11531 8109 l 11528 8150 l 11526 8190 l 11525 8234 l 11520 8283 l 11513 8331 l 11503 8378 l 11489 8426 l 11473 8473 l 11454 8520 l 11433 8567 l 11409 8613 l 11382 8659 l 11353 8704 l 11322 8749 l 11288 8794 l 11252 8838 l 11214 8882 l 11174 8925 l 11131 8968 l 11087 9010 l 11040 9052 l 10992 9093 l 10941 9134 l 10889 9174 l 10835 9214 l 10779 9253 l 10721 9291 l 10662 9329 l 10600 9367 l 10538 9403 l 10473 9439 l 10407 9475 l 10340 9510 l 10271 9544 l 10201 9577 l 10129 9609 l 10056 9641 l 9982 9672 l 9906 9703 l 9830 9732 l 9752 9761 l 9673 9788 l 9593 9815 l 9512 9841 l 9347 9890 l 9179 9935 l 9093 9956 l 9007 9977 l 8920 9996 l 8832 10014 l 8744 10030 l 8655 10046 l 8565 10061 l 8476 10074 l 8385 10087 l 8294 10098 l 8203 10108 l 8112 10116 l 8020 10124 l 7876 10131 l 7870 10005 l 8010 9998 l 8100 9991 l 8190 9982 l 8279 9973 l 8368 9962 l 8457 9950 l 8545 9936 l 8633 9922 l 8720 9907 l 8807 9890 l 8893 9873 l 8978 9854 l 9063 9834 l 9146 9814 l 9311 9769 l 9473 9721 l 9553 9696 l 9631 9669 l 9708 9642 l 9785 9614 l 9860 9586 l 9933 9556 l 10006 9526 l 10077 9495 l 10147 9463 l 10215 9431 l 10282 9398 l 10348 9364 l 10412 9330 l 10474 9295 l 10535 9259 l 10594 9223 l 10651 9187 l 10707 9149 l 10760 9112 l 10812 9074 l 10862 9036 l 10910 8997 l 10956 8958 l 11000 8918 l 11042 8879 l 11082 8839 l 11119 8799 l 11155 8758 l 11188 8718 l 11219 8677 l 11247 8636 l 11273 8596 l 11297 8555 l 11319 8514 l 11338 8473 l 11354 8433 l 11368 8392 l 11380 8351 l 11389 8311 l 11395 8271 l 11399 8230 l 11401 8186 l 11402 8138 l 11407 8090 l 11415 8042 l 11425 7994 l 11439 7947 l 11455 7900 l 11474 7853 l 11495 7806 l 11519 7760 l 11546 7715 l 11575 7670 l 11606 7625 l 11640 7580 l 11676 7536 l 11714 7493 l 11754 7450 l 11797 7407 l 11841 7365 l 11888 7323 l 11936 7282 l 11987 7241 l 12039 7201 l 12093 7162 l 12149 7123 l 12207 7084 l 12266 7046 l 12328 7009 l 12390 6972 l 12455 6936 l 12521 6901 l 12588 6866 l 12657 6832 l 12727 6799 l 12799 6766 l 12872 6734 l 12946 6703 l 13021 6673 l 13098 6644 l 13176 6615 l 13255 6588 l 13335 6561 l 13416 6535 l 13581 6486 l 13749 6441 l 13835 6419 l 13921 6399 l 14008 6380 l 14096 6362 l 14184 6345 l 14273 6330 l 14362 6315 l 14452 6302 l 14543 6289 l 14633 6278 l 14725 6268 l 14816 6260 l 14908 6252 l 15000 6246 l 15092 6242 l 15184 6238 l 15277 6236 l 15368 6235 l CP \r
-7942 10255 m 7558 10078 l 7930 9877 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol 10382 7186 M (Pull)[504 420 168 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-1 setlinecap\r
-1 setlinejoin\r
-10 setmiterlimit\r
-31.4930 setlinewidth\r
-[] 0 setdash\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 5291 8818 m 4038 8818 3023 9382 3023 10078 c 3023 10773 4038 11337 5291 11337 c 6543 11337 7558 10773 7558 10078 c 7558 9382 6543 8818 5291 8818 c CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol 3910 9905 M (External)[504 378 210 420 252 420 420 0]xS
-3574 10813 M (Developer)[546 420 378 420 168 420 420 420 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
-NP 5589 11294 m 13183 19379 l 13092 19465 l 5497 11380 l CP \r
-13232 19247 m 13353 19651 l 12957 19505 l CP \r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /resume get exec\r
-/DeviceRGB dup setcolorspace /colspABC exch def\r
-0 0 0 1 scol F0S24C Ji
-7611 12561 M (Email )[392 490 327 131 131 0]xS
-7611 13264 M (Patch)[392 327 163 293 0]xS
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat begin /$x mysetup def end\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Incr dup /suspend get exec\r
-Pscript_WinNT_Compat dup /initialize get exec\r
-%%BeginDocument: Pscript_Win_PassThrough\r
-/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse\r
-2 ge dup {currentglobal exch true setglobal globaldict} {userdict} ifelse\r
-/GpPBeg1 {\r
- gsave initclip\r
- 16 dict begin\r
- /c {curveto} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def\r
- /rc {rcurveto} def /rl {rlineto} def\r
- /NP {newpath} def /CP {closepath} def /SC {setrgbcolor} def\r
- /GSE {end grestore} def\r
-} put\r
-{setglobal} if\r
-0 0 0 SC\r
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-Palacios Internal Developer Manual
-This manual is written for Internal Palacios developers. It contains
-information on how to obtain the palacios code base, how to go about
-the development process, and how to commit those changes to the
-mainline source tree. This assumes that the reader has read {\em An
-Introduction to the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor -- Release 1.0}
-and also has a slight working knowledge of {\em git}.
-Both Palacios and Kitten follow a hybrid development process that
-uses both the centralized repository and distributed development
-models. A central repository exists that holds the master version of
-the code base. This central repository is cloned by multiple people
-and in multiple places to support various development efforts. A
-feature of git is that every developer actually has a fully copy of
-the entire repository, and so can function independently until such
-time as they need to resync with the master version.
-There are typically multiple levels of access to the central
-repository, that are granted based on the type of developer being
-granted access. The three basic developer types and their access
-privileges are:
-\item Core Developers: These are the lead developers and are in
-charge of managing the master repository. They have full read/write
-access permissions to the central repository.
-\item Internal Developers: Formal members of the development
-team. These people are capable of pulling directly from the central
-repository, but lack the ability to write directly to it.
-\item External Developers: People who are not actual members of the
-development team. These people can only access the public repository
-which is only updated to contain the release versions.
-Because internal and external developers cannot write directly to the
-master repository, they need to first submit their changes to a core
-developer before they can be added to the mainline. We will discuss
-that process in Section~\ref{sec:submission}.
-\section{Checking out Palacios}
-The central palacios repository is located on {\em
-newskysaw.cs.northwestern.edu} in {\em /home/palacios/palacios}. All
-internal developers have read access to the directory. Each developer
-must create their own local version of the repository, this is done
-with {\em git clone}.
-git clone /home/palacios/palacios
-This creates a local copy of the repository at {\em ./palacios/}.
-All development work is done in the {\em devel} branch of the
-repository. The developer can access this branch via:
-git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
-/opt/vmm-tools/bin/checkout_branch devel
-{\em Important:}
-Note that palacios is very actively developed so the contents of the
-{\em devel} branch are frequently changing. In order to keep up to
-date with the latest version, it is necessary to periodically pull the
-latest changes from the master repository by running \verb.git pull..
-\section{Checking out Kitten}
-Kitten is available from Sandia National Labs, and is the main host OS
-we are targetting with Palacios. Loosely speaking core Palacios
-developers are internal Kitten developers, and internal Palacios
-developers are external Kitten developers. Because we have limited
-access to the Kitten repository, we are maintaining a local mirror
-copy in {\em /home/palacios/kitten}.
-Kitten uses Mercurial for their source management, so you will have to
-make sure the local mercurial version is configured correctly.
-Specifically you should add the following python path to your shell environment.
-export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/
-You can then clone Kitten from the local mirror:
-hg clone /home/palacios/kitten
-Both the Kitten and Palacios clone commands should be run from the
-same direcotyr. This means that both repositories should be located at
-the same directory level. The Kitten build process depends on this.
-{\em Important:} Like Palacios, Kitten is very actively developed so
-source tree is frequently changing. In order to keep up to date with
-the latest version, it is necessary to periodically pull the latest
-changes from the mirror repository by running \verb.hg pull. followed
-by \verb.hg update..
-\section{Compiling Palacios}
-Palacios is capable of targeting 32 and 64 bit operating systems, and
-includes a build process that supports both these
-architectures. Furthermore, Palacios has multiple build locations,
-with multiple makefiles: a top level build directory and a Palacios
-specific build directory. The Palacios build process first generates a
-static library that includes the Palacios VMM. This static library is
-then linked into a host operating system. Palacios internally supports
-GeekOS and can generate a complete OS image via a unified build
-process. To combine Palacios with Kitten, it is necessary to first
-compile Palacios and then to compile Kitten externally link it with
-Palacios. The output of the compilation process is a bit more complex
-and generates multiple binaries, and the specifics can be found in the
-The top level build directory provides a number of high level make
-targets, and is located in {\em palacios/build/}. It supports building
-32 and 64 bit versions of the Palacios library independently as well
-as building an integrated version of GeekOS. The basic targets are:
-\item \verb.make palacios-full32. -- Generates a 32 bit version of the Palacios static library
-\item \verb.make palacios-full64. -- Generates a 64 bit version of the
-Palacios static library
-\item \verb.make geekos. -- Compiles the GeekOS kernel, and link it with the
-Palacios static library
-\item \verb.make geekos-iso. -- Generate an ISO boot disk image from the
-GeekOS kernel that has been compiled
-The second build directory is located at {\em palacios/palacios/build}
-and handles only the Palacios compilation process. It supports a
-differnt set of targets and arguments:
-\item \verb.make ARCH=32. -- iteratively compiles a 32 bit version of Palacios
-\item \verb.make ARCH=64. -- iteratively compiles a 64 bit version of
-\item \verb.make ARCH=32 world. -- fully recompiles a 32 bit version of
-\item \verb.make ARCH=64 world. -- fully recompiles a 64 bit version of
-Both build levels support compilation directives that control the
-debugging messages that are generated by Palacios. These are specified
-by appending a \verb.DEBUG_<COMPONENT>=1. to the end of the
-\verb.make. command. The components that are currently supported are:
-\item \verb.DEBUG_ALL=1. -- enables debugging for all the VMM components
-({\em Warning:} this generates a {\em lot} of debug information.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_SHADOW_PAGING=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_CTRL_REGS=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_INTERRUPTS=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_IO=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_KEYBOARD=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_PIC=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_PIT=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_NVRAM=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_GENERIC=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_EMULATOR=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_RAMDISK=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_XED=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_HALT=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_DEV_MGR=1.
-\item \verb.DEBUG_APIC=1.
-\section{Compiling Kitten}
-Kitten requires a 64 bit version of Palacios, so make sure that
-Palacios has been correctly compiled before compiling Kitten.
-Kitten borrows a lot of concepts from Linux, including the Linux build
-process. As such it must be configured before it is actually compiled.
-The Kitten configuration process is the same as Linux, and can be
-accessed via any of these make targets.
-\item \verb.make xconfig.
-\item \verb.make config.
-\item \verb.make menuconfig.
-There are some specific configuration options that should be disabled
-to work with Palacios. Because Palacios is configured by default to
-provide a guest with direct access to the VGA console, the {\em VGA
-console} device driver should be disbabled in the Kitten
-configuration. Similarly the {\em VM console} driver should be
-disabled as well.
-Furthermore, because the VGA console is not being used the {\em Kernel
-Command Line Arguments} must be modified to remove the {\em VGA}
-device from the console list.
-The guest OS that is booted as a VM is included as an ISO image in raw
-binary format inside Kitten's {\em init\_task}. To change the guest
-ISO, you must change the makefile for the init\_task. This is located
-in {\em user/hello\_world/Makefile} and the syntax is well commented.
-On {\em newskysaw} a collection of guest ISO images are located in
-{\em /opt/vmm-tools/isos/}.
-After Kitten has been configured the compilation can be done. The
-general process is to compile a reference build of Kitten, followed by
-compiling Palacios support as a kernel module, and then doing a new
-full recompilation of Kitten.
-The specific compilation steps are run from the top level Kitten directory:
-cd palacios
-make -C .. M=`pwd`
-cp built-in.o ../modules/palacios-mod.o
-cd ..
-make isoimage
-\note{This should probably explain how to change the iso (helloworld,etc)}
-This generates an ISO boot image containing Kitten, Palacios, and the
-guest that will be run as a VM. The ISO image is located at {\em
-\section{Running Palacios/Kitten}
-Kitten and Palacios are capable of running under Qemu, which makes
-debugging much simpler.
-The basic form of the command to start the Qemu emulator is:
-/usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -smp 1 -m 1024 \
- -serial file:./serial.out \
- -cdrom ./arch/x86_64/boot/image.iso \
- < /dev/null
-The command starts up a single processor emulated machine, with 1gig
-of RAM and a cdrom drive loaded with the Kitten ISO image. Furthermore
-all output to the serial port is written directly to a file called
-{\em serial.out}. This command can be copied into a shell script for easy access.
-\section{Development Guidelines}
-There are standard requirements we have for code entering the mainline.
-First and foremost, Palacios is designed to be OS indenpendent and
-support 32 and 64 bit architectures. This means that developers should
-not include any external OS specific dependencies in any Palacios
-component. Also all changes need to be tested on both 32 and 64 bit
-architectures to make sure that they compile as well as run corrrectly.
-\paragraph*{Coding Style}
-"The use of equal negative space, as a balance to positive space, in a
-composition is considered by many as good design. This basic and often
-overlooked principle of design gives the eye a "place to rest,"
-increasing the appeal of a composition through subtle means."
-Translation: Use the spacebar, newlines, and parentheses.
-Curly-brackets are not optional, even for single line conditionals.
-Tabs should be 4 characters in width.
-{\em Special:} If you are using XEmacs add the following to your \verb.init\.el. file:
-(setq c-basic-offset 4)
-(c-set-offset 'case-label 4)
-{\em Bad}
-if(a&&b==5||c!=0) return;
-{\em Good}
-if (((a) && (b == 5)) ||
- (c != 0)) {
- return;
-\paragraph*{Fail Stop}
-Because booting a basic linux kernel results in over 1 million VM exits
-catching silent errors is next to impossible. For this reason
-ANY time your code has an error it should return -1, and expect the
-execution to halt.
-This includes unimplemented features and unhandled cases. These cases
-should ALWAYS return -1.
-\paragraph*{Function names}
-Externally visible function names should be used rarely and have
-unique names. Currently we have several techniques for achieving this:
-\item \verb.#ifdefs. in the header file
-When the V3 Hypervisor is compiled it defines the symbol
-\verb.__V3VEE__. Any function that is not needed outside the Hypervisor
-context should be inside an \verb.#ifdef __V3VEE__. block, this will make it
-invisible to the host environment.
-\item Static Functions
-Any utility functions that are only needed in the .c file where they
-are defined should be declared as static and not included in the
-header file. You should make an effort to use static functions
-whenever possible.
-\item \verb.v3_. prefix
-Major interface functions should be named with the prefix \verb.v3_. This
-xallows easy understanding of how to interact with the subsystems. And
-in the case that they need to be externally visible to the host os,
-make them unlikely to collide with other functions.
-\paragraph*{Debugging Output}
-Debugging output is sent through the host os via functions in the
-\verb.os_hooks. structure. These functions have various wrappers of the form
-\verb.Print*., with printf style semantics.
-Two functions of note are \verb.PrintDebug. and \verb.PrintError..
-\item PrintDebug:
-Should be used for debugging output that will often be turned off
-selectively by the VMM configuration.
-\item PrintError
-Should be used when an error occurs, this will never be optimized out
-and will always print.
-\section{Code Submission}
-To commit changes to the central repository they need to be exported
-as a patch set that can be applied directly to a mainline. Both Git
-and Mercurial contain functionality to allow developers to maintain
-changes as a patch set. There are also a few options that make dealing
-with patches easier.
-Git includes support for directly exporting local repository commits
-as a patch set. The basic operation is for a developer to commit a
-change to a local repository, and then export that change as a patch
-that can be applied to another git repository. While this is
-functionally possible, there are a number of issues. The main problem
-is that it is difficult to fully encapsulate a new feature in a single
-commit, and dealing with multiple patches that often overwrite each
-other is not a viable option either. Furthermore, once a patch is
-applied to the mainline, it will generate a conflicting commit that
-will become present when the developer next pulls from the central
-repository. This can result in both repositories getting out of
-sync. It is possible to deal with this by manually rebasing the local
-repository, but it is difficult and error-prone.
-This approach also does not map well when patches are being revised. A
-normal patch will go through multiple revisions as it is reviewed and
-modified by others. This often leads to synchronization issues as well
-as errors with patch revisions. Ultimately it is the responsibility of
-the developer to generate a patch that will apply cleanly to the
-For this reason most internal developers should seriously consider
-{\em stacked git}. Stacked git is designed to make patch development
-easier and less of a headache. The basic mode of operation is for a
-developer to intialize a patch for a new feature and then continuously
-apply changes to the patch. Stacked Git allows a developer to layer a
-series of patches on top of a local git repository, without causing
-the repository to unsync due to local commits. Basically, the
-developer never commits changes to the repository itself but instead
-commits the changes to a specific patch. The local patches are managed
-using stack operations (push/pop) which allows a developer to apply
-and unapply patches as needed. Stacked git also manages new changes to
-the underlying git repository as a result of a pull operation and
-prevents collisions as changes are propagated upstream. For instance
-if you have a local patch that is applied to the mainline as a commit,
-when the commit is pulled down the patch becomes empty because it is
-effectively identical to the mainline. It also makes incorporating
-external revisions to a patch easier. Stacked git is installed on {\em
-newskysaw} in \verb./opt/vmm-tools/bin/.
-Brief command overview:
-\item \verb.stg init. -- Initialize stacked git in a given branch
-\item \verb.stg new. -- create a new patch set, an editor will open
-asking for a commit message that will be used when the patch is
-ultimately committed.
-\item \verb.stg pop. -- pops a patch off of the source tree.
-\item \verb.stg push. -- pushes a patch back on to a source tree.
-\item \verb.stg export. -- exports a patch to a directory as a file
-that can then be emailed.
-\item \verb.stg refresh. -- commits local changes to the patch set at
-the top of the applied stack.
-\item \verb.stg fold. -- Apply a patch file to the current
-patch. (This is how you can manage revisions that are made by other developers).
-You should definately look at the online documentation to better
-understand how stacked git works. It is not required of course, but if
-you want your changes to be applied its up to you to generate a patch
-that is acceptable to a core developer. Ultimately using Stacked git
-should be easier than going it alone.
-All patches should be emailed to Jack for inclusion in the
-mainline. An overview of the organization is given in
-Figure~\ref{fig:process}. You should assume that the first revision of
-a patch will not be accepted, and that you will have to make
-changes. Furthermore, the final form of the patch most likely will not
-be exactly what you submitted.
-\caption{Development organization}
-Writing code for Kitten follows essentially the same process as
-Palacios. The difference is that the patches need to be emailed to the
-Kitten developers. To send in a patch, you can just email it to the
-V3Vee development list.
-Also, instead of Stacked git you should use Mercurial patch
-queues. This feature is enabled in your .hgrc file.
-Mercurial queues use the same stack operations as stacked git, however
-it does not automatically handle the synchronization with pull
-operations. Before you update from the central version of Kitten you
-need to pop all of the patches, and then push them once the update is
-hg qpop -a
-hg pull
-hg update
-hg qpush -a
-%Also, remember that Kitten is not a Northwestern project and is being
-%developed by professional developers at Sandia National Labs. So keep
-%in mind that you are representing Northwestern and the rest of the
-%Palacios development group. We are collaborating with them because
-%Kitten and the resources they have are very important for our research
-%efforts. They are collaborating with us because they believe that
-%Palacios might be able to help them. Therefore it is important that we
-%continue to ensure that they see value in our collaboration. In plain
-%terms, we need to make sure they think we're smart and know what we're
-%doing. So please keep that in mind when dealing with the Kitten group.
-Both the Kitten and GeekOS substrates on which Palacios can run
-currently include drivers for two simple network cards, the NE2000,
-and the RTL8139. The Kitten substrate is acquiring an ever increasing
-set of drivers for specialized network systems. A lightweight
-networking stack is included so that TCP/IP networking is possible
-from within the host OS kernel and in Palacios.
-When debugging Palacios on QEMU, it is very convenient to add an
-RTL8139 card to your QEMU configuration, and then drive it from within
-Palacios. QEMU can be configured to provide local connectivity to the
-QEMU emulated machine, including bridging the emulated machine with a
-physical network. Local connectivity can be done with redirection, or
-with a TAP interface. For global connectivity, a TAP interface must
-be used; it is bridged to a physical interface.
-\section{Configuring the development host's QEMU network}
-To get local connectivity with redirection, no networking changes on
-the host are needed. However, people usually want to use TAP-based
-networking, which does require changes. For one thing, TAP interfaces
-can be inspected with tools like wireshark, which makes for much
-easier debugging of network code.
-In order to get QEMU networking to function, it is necessary to create
-TAP interfaces, and, optionally, to bridge them to real networks. A
-developmet machine typically will have several TAP interfaces, and
-more can be created. Generally, each developer should have a TAP
-interface of his or her own. In the following, we will use our
-development machine, newskysaw, as an example.
-To set up a TAP interface on newskysaw, the following comand is used:
-/root/util/tap_create tapX
-When QEMU runs with a tap interface, it will use /etc/qemu-ifup to
-bring up the interface. On newskysaw, /etc/qemu-ifup looks like this:
-echo "Executing /etc/qemu-ifup - no external bridging"
-echo "Bringing up $1 for bridged mode..."
-NET=`echo $1 | cut -dp -f2`
-sudo /sbin/ifconfig $1 172.2${NET}.0.1 up
-sleep 2
-The interface tap$N$ is brought up with the IP address 172.2$N$.0.1.
-ifconfig will also create a routing rule that sends 172.2$N$.0.1/16
-traffic to tap$N$. The upshot is that if the code running in QEMU
-uses an IP address in this network (for example: 172.2$N$.0.2), you
-will be able to talk to it from newskysaw. For example, from
-newskysaw, if you ping, the packet (and ARP) will go out via
-tap1. The source address will appear to be The QEMU
-machine will see these packets on its interface, and the software
-controling its interface can respond to
-This form of networking is local to the machine. You can also bridge
-a TAP interface with a physical interface. The result of this is that
-a packet sent on it will be sent on the physical interface. To do
-this requires more effort (and is not set up by default on newskysaw).
-As an example, consider that on newskysaw, the physical interface eth1
-is connected to a private network switch to which the lab test
-computers (v-test-amd, v-test-amd2, etc.) are connected. To bridge,
-for example, tap10, to this interface, you would do the following
-(with root's help):
-\item You need to bring up eth1 (ifconfig eth1 up {\em address}
-netmask {\em mask}). It is important that the address and mask you
-choose are appropriate for the network eth1 is connected to.
-\item You would bring up tap10 without an address: /sbin/ifconfig
-tap10 up
-\item You would bridge tap10 and eth1: /usr/sbin/brctl addif br0
-tap10; /usr/sbin/brctl addif eth1. This assumes that br0 was
-previously created.
-Bridging tap$N$ with eth1 will only work (where ``work'' means sending
-a packet on the network and making the packet visible on localhost) if
-the IP address in the code running in QEMU is set correctly. This
-means that it needs to be set to correspond to the network of eth1).
-For the newskysaw configuration, this is a 10-net address.
-\subsection{Configuring Kitten}
-Kitten needs to be explicitly configured to use networking. Currently
-only a subset of the networking configurations are supported. To
-enable an ethernet network you should enable the following options:
-\item Enable TCP Support
-\item Enable UDP Support
-\item Enable socket API
-\item Enable ARP support
-The other options are not supported, and enabling them will probably
-break the kernel compilation.
-To allow Kitten to communicate with the Qemu network card you also
-need to enable the appropriate device driver: \newline
-\verb.NE2K Device Driver (rtl8139).
-The driver then needs to be listed as a Kernel Command Line argument
-in the {\em ISOIMAGE configuration}. To do this add
-\verb.net=rtl819. to the end of the argument string.
-Kitten currently does not support the dynamic assignment or IP
-addresses at runtime. Because of this it is necessary to hardcode the
-IP address into the device driver. For the rtl8139 network driver look
-in the file {\em drivers/net/ne2k/rtl8139.c} for the function
-There shoule be a block of code that looks like the following:
- struct ip_addr ipaddr = { htonl(0 | 10 << 24 | 0 << 16 | 2 << 8 | 16 << 0) };
- struct ip_addr netmask = { htonl(0xffffff00) };
- struct ip_addr gw = { htonl(0 | 10 << 24 | 0 << 16 | 2 << 8 | 2 << 0) };
-This sets the ip address as, netmask and
-gateway address Change these assignments to match your configuration.
-\paragraph*{Kitten as the Guest OS}
-When running Kitten as a VM, the above applies except that you will
-want to enable the {\em VMNET} device driver instead of the {\em rtl8139}.
-\subsection{Running with networking}
-\paragraph*{TAP Interface}
-Running with a TAP interface provides either local or global
-connectivity (depending on how the TAP interface is configured and/or
-bridged). From the perspective of the QEMU command line, both look
-the same, however. You simply add something like this to the command
--net tap,ifname=tap2 -net nic,model=rtl8139
-The first \verb.-net. option indicates that you want to use a tap
-interface, specifically \verb.tap2.. The second \verb.-net. option
-specifies that this interface will appear to code in the QEMU machine
-to be a network interface card of the specific model RTL8139. Note
-that this is a model for which we have a driver. If tap2 were
-bridged, we'd get global connectivity. If not, we would just get
-local connectivity.
-It is also possible to achieve limited local connectivity even if you
-have no TAP support on your development machine. In redirection, QEMU
-essentially acts as a proxy, translating TCP or other connections and
-low-level packet operations on the network interface in the QEMU
-machine. For example, the following options will redirect the host's
-9555 port to the QEMU machine's 80 port:
--net user -net nic,model=rtl8139 -redir tcp:9555:
-The first \verb.-net. option indicates that we are using user-level
-networking (proxying). The secod \verb.-net. option indicates that
-this user-level network will appear in the QEMU machine as an RTL8139
-network card. The \verb.-redir. option indicates that connections on
-localhost:9555 will be translated into equivalent packet exchanges on
-the RTL8139 card in the QEMU machine. However, we have to tell QEMU
-which IP address and port to use on the QEMU machine's side. This is
-what the address, and port 80 are. In the example, if you
-access port 9555 on localhost, say with:
-telnet localhost 9555
-The packets that appear in the QEMU machine will be bound for
-, port 80. Within the QEMU machine, your RTL8139 interface
-had better then be up on that address.
-Qemu has many options to build up a virtual or real networking. See
-http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/$\sim$qemu-win/HowToNetwork-en.html for more
-For more questions, talk to Jack, Lei, or Peter.