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exit handler tweaks
Jack Lange [Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:34:56 +0000 (14:34 -0400)]

index e793137..899bf0b 100644 (file)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ int v3_hook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type,
                 void * priv_data, 
                 struct guest_info * current_core);
-int v3_unhook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type);
+int v3_unhook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type, struct guest_info * current_core);
index e76a3b3..8093fae 100644 (file)
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ int v3_hook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type,
     hook->handler = handler;
     hook->priv_data = priv_data;
-    if (vm->run_state != VM_INVALID) {
+    if ((vm->run_state == VM_RUNNING) || 
+       (vm->run_state == VM_SIMULATING)) {
        int i = 0;
        while (v3_raise_barrier(vm, current_core) == -1);
@@ -173,8 +174,56 @@ int v3_hook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type,
+    return 0;
-    return 0;
+int v3_unhook_exit(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_exit_type_t exit_type, struct guest_info * current_core) {
+    struct v3_exit_map * map = &(vm->exit_map);         
+    struct v3_exit_hook * hook = NULL;
+    if (exit_type >= V3_EXIT_INVALID) {
+       PrintError("Error: Tried to unhook invalid exit type (%d)\n", exit_type);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    hook = &(map->exits[exit_type]);
+    if (hook->registered == 0) {
+       PrintError("Tried to unhook an unregistered exit (%d)\n", exit_type);
+       return -1;
+    } 
+    if (hook->hooked == 0) {
+       PrintError("Tried to unhook and unhooked exit (%d)\n", exit_type);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    hook->hooked = 0;
+    hook->handler = NULL;
+    hook->priv_data = NULL;
+    if ((vm->run_state == VM_RUNNING) || 
+       (vm->run_state == VM_SIMULATING)) {
+       int i = 0;
+       while (v3_raise_barrier(vm, current_core) == -1);
+       for (i = 0; i < vm->num_cores; i++) {
+           if (hook->disable(&(vm->cores[i]), exit_type) != 0) {
+               PrintError("Error could not enable exit hook %d on core %d\n", exit_type, i);
+               v3_lower_barrier(vm);
+               return -1;
+           }   
+       }
+       v3_lower_barrier(vm);
+    }
+    return 0;