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  git clone
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  cd palacios
  git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
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Minor fixes
Peter Dinda [Mon, 9 Jun 2014 23:01:46 +0000 (18:01 -0500)]
- friendlier yield in vtime
- VMM launch observes started vcores (from checkpoint resume with >1 vcores)


index 6fd9931..6dfe5d1 100644 (file)
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ int v3_adjust_time(struct guest_info * info) {
     old_guest_time = v3_get_guest_time(time_state);
     while (target_host_time > host_time) {
-       v3_yield(info);
+       // this will immediately yield if there is noone to yield to.
+       v3_yield(info,-1);
        host_time = v3_get_host_time(time_state);
index 88fa79a..ac91873 100644 (file)
@@ -387,7 +387,14 @@ int v3_start_vm(struct v3_vm_info * vm, unsigned int cpu_mask) {
         PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE, "run: core=%u, func=0x%p, arg=0x%p, name=%s\n",
                   core->pcpu_id, start_core, core, core->exec_name);
-       core->core_run_state = CORE_STOPPED;  // core zero will turn itself on
+       if (core->core_run_state==CORE_INVALID) { 
+         // launch of a fresh VM
+         core->core_run_state = CORE_STOPPED;  
+         // core zero will turn itself on
+       } else {
+         // this is a resume - use whatever its current run_state is
+       }
        core->core_thread = V3_CREATE_THREAD_ON_CPU(core->pcpu_id, start_core, core, core->exec_name);
        if (core->core_thread == NULL) {