Palacios Public Git Repository
To checkout Palacios execute
git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the
devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel
branch, simply execute
cd palacios
git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.
Implementation of resource control host os interface for Linux
This associates a pointer to a resource control structure with
each thread created by Palacios. If this structure exists, its
contents are then used to control resource allocations. Currently,
the controls are on page allocation: alignment, numa node, and
page allocation filtering. The latter is what cache partitioning
builds on.
This also changes the /proc/v3vee/v3-guest-info-details output
slightly. For a guest with too many cores or memory regions to
display, the output is now truncated in a graceful way.