Palacios Public Git Repository
To checkout Palacios execute
git clone
This will give you the master branch. You probably want the
devel branch or one of the release branches. To switch to the devel
branch, simply execute
cd palacios
git checkout --track -b devel origin/devel
The other branches are similar.
add ability to load custom BIOS ROMs.
This patch allows you to override the default ROMBIOS and VGABIOS with
your own ROM binaries in the guest pal file.
here's an example overriding the default rombios and vgabios, with
another non-default BIOS rom:
<file id="somebios" filename="/path/to/mybios.bin"/>
<file id="somevgabios" filename="/path/to/myvgabios.bin"/>
<file id="somerombin" filename="/path/to/myrom.bin"/>
here's the new PAL syntax:
<disable_rombios/> <--- kills the default rombios
<disable_vgabios/> <--- kills the default vgabios
<bios file="somebios" address="0xf0000"/>
<bios file="somevgabios" address="0xc0000"/>
<bios file="somerombin" address="0xe70000"/>