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v3_cpu_mapper_admit_vm function call moved from start_thread to create_thread
[palacios.git] / palacios / src / palacios / vmm_halt.c
index ef796e4..741b2d9 100644 (file)
 #include <palacios/vmm_halt.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_intr.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_lowlevel.h> 
+#include <palacios/vmm_perftune.h>
 #undef PrintDebug
 #define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)
 // This should trigger a #GP if cpl != 0, otherwise, yield to host
-int v3_handle_halt(struct guest_info * info) {
+int v3_handle_halt(struct guest_info * info) 
     if (info->cpl != 0) { 
        v3_raise_exception(info, GPF_EXCEPTION);
     } else {
-       uint64_t yield_start = 0;
-       uint64_t yield_stop = 0;
-       uint32_t gap = 0;
+       uint64_t start_cycles;
-       PrintDebug("CPU Yield\n");
-       while(1){
-               if (v3_intr_pending(info)) {
-              /* if there is pending interrupt, just return */
-                   break;
-               }
-               rdtscll(yield_start);
-               v3_yield(info);
-               rdtscll(yield_stop);
-               gap = yield_stop - yield_start;
-                /*
-                  If we got here, either an interrupt has occured or
-                  sufficient time has passed that we may need to inject 
-                  a timer interrupt.  
-                  First, we will update time, which may or may not inject an
-                  interrupt 
-               */
-               v3_update_time(info, gap);
-               info->time_state.cached_hlt_tsc += gap;
-               /* At this point, we either have some combination of 
-                  interrupts, including perhaps a timer interrupt, or 
-                  no interrupt.
-               */
-               if (!v3_intr_pending(info)) {
-              /* if no interrupt, then we do halt*/
-                   asm("hlt");
-               }
-       }
+       PrintDebug(info->vm_info, info, "CPU Yield\n");
+       start_cycles  = v3_get_host_time(&info->time_state);
+       while (!v3_intr_pending(info) && (info->vm_info->run_state == VM_RUNNING)) {
+            uint64_t t, cycles;
+           t = v3_get_host_time(&info->time_state);
+           /* Yield, allowing time to pass while yielded */
+           v3_strategy_driven_yield(info, v3_cycle_diff_in_usec(info, start_cycles, t));
+           cycles = v3_get_host_time(&info->time_state) - t;
+           v3_advance_time(info, &cycles);
+           v3_update_timers(info);
+           /* At this point, we either have some combination of 
+              interrupts, including perhaps a timer interrupt, or 
+              no interrupt.
+           */
+           if (!v3_intr_pending(info)) {
+               /* if no interrupt, then we do halt */
+               /* asm("hlt"); */
+           }
+           // participate in any barrier that might be raised
+           v3_wait_at_barrier(info);
+           // stop if the VM is being halted
+           if (info->core_run_state == CORE_STOPPED) { 
+               break;
+           }
-#if 0
-       /*  WARNING!!! WARNING!!!
-        *  
-        *
-        * It is common for an OS to issue an IO op, and then sit in a halt loop
-        * waiting for the device to complete and raise an irq.
-        * If you remove this then the timer interrupt will ALWAYS subvert the completion 
-        * interrupt and stall the guest.
-        */
-       if (!v3_intr_pending(info)) {
-           v3_advance_time(info);
-      //PrintError("HLT instruction issued\n");
-       PrintDebug("CPU Yield Done (%d cycles)\n", gap);
+       /* V3_Print(info->vm_info, info, "palacios: done with halt\n"); */
        info->rip += 1;