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fixed a ton of compile errors
[palacios.git] / palacios / src / devices / nvram.c
index 52ae710..8df8b79 100644 (file)
@@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
 #include <palacios/vmm.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_types.h>
-extern struct vmm_os_hooks *os_hooks;
+#ifndef DEBUG_NVRAM
+#undef PrintDebug
+#define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)
 #define NVRAM_REG_PORT  0x70
 #define NVRAM_DATA_PORT 0x71
+#define NVRAM_RTC_IRQ   0x8
 typedef enum {NVRAM_READY, NVRAM_REG_POSTED} nvram_state_t;
@@ -17,7 +22,7 @@ typedef enum {NVRAM_READY, NVRAM_REG_POSTED} nvram_state_t;
 // These are borrowed from Bochs, which borrowed from
-// Ralf Brown's interupt list
+// Ralf Brown's interupt list, and extended
 #define NVRAM_REG_SEC                     0x00
 #define NVRAM_REG_SEC_ALARM               0x01
 #define NVRAM_REG_MIN                     0x02
@@ -34,30 +39,443 @@ typedef enum {NVRAM_READY, NVRAM_REG_POSTED} nvram_state_t;
 #define NVRAM_REG_STAT_D                  0x0d
 #define NVRAM_REG_DIAGNOSTIC_STATUS       0x0e  
 #define NVRAM_REG_SHUTDOWN_STATUS         0x0f
+#define NVRAM_IBM_HD_DATA                 0x12
+#define NVRAM_REG_FLOPPY_TYPE             0x10
 #define NVRAM_REG_EQUIPMENT_BYTE          0x14
+#define NVRAM_REG_BASE_MEMORY_HIGH        0x16
+#define NVRAM_REG_BASE_MEMORY_LOW         0x15
+#define NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_HIGH         0x18
+#define NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_LOW          0x17
+#define NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_2ND_HIGH     0x31
+#define NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_2ND_LOW      0x30
+#define NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_OLD             0x2d
+#define NVRAM_REG_AMI_BIG_MEMORY_LOW      0x34
 #define NVRAM_REG_CSUM_HIGH               0x2e
 #define NVRAM_REG_CSUM_LOW                0x2f
 #define NVRAM_REG_IBM_CENTURY_BYTE        0x32  
 #define NVRAM_REG_IBM_PS2_CENTURY_BYTE    0x37  
 struct nvram_internal {
   nvram_state_t dev_state;
   uchar_t       thereg;
   uchar_t       mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MAX];
+  uint_t        us;   //microseconds - for clock update - zeroed every second
+  uint_t        pus;  //microseconds - for periodic interrupt - cleared every period
+struct rtc_stata {
+  uint_t        rate: 4;  // clock rate = 65536Hz / 2 rate (0110=1024 Hz)
+  uint_t        basis: 3; // time base, 010 = 32,768 Hz
+  uint_t        uip: 1;   // 1=update in progress
+} __attribute__((__packed__)) __attribute__((__aligned__ (1)))  ;
+struct rtc_statb {
+  uint_t        sum: 1;  // 1=summer (daylight savings)
+  uint_t        h24: 1;  // 1=24h clock
+  uint_t        dm: 1;   // 1=date/time is in bcd, 0=binary
+  uint_t        rec: 1;  // 1=rectangular signal
+  uint_t        ui: 1;   // 1=update interrupt
+  uint_t        ai: 1;   // 1=alarm interrupt
+  uint_t        pi: 1;   // 1=periodic interrupt
+  uint_t        set: 1;  // 1=blocked update
+} __attribute__((__packed__))  __attribute__((__aligned__ (1))) ;
+struct rtc_statc {
+  uint_t        res: 4;   // reserved
+  uint_t        uf: 1;    // 1=source of interrupt is update
+  uint_t        af: 1;    // 1=source of interrupt is alarm interrupt
+  uint_t        pf: 1;    // 1=source of interrupt is periodic interrupt
+  uint_t        irq: 1;   // 1=interrupt requested
+}  __attribute__((__packed__))  __attribute__((__aligned__ (1))) ;
+struct rtc_statd {
+  uint_t        res: 7;   // reserved
+  uint_t        val: 1;   // 1=cmos ram data is OK
+}  __attribute__((__packed__))  __attribute__((__aligned__ (1))) ;
+struct vm_device *thedev=NULL;
+static struct vm_device *demultiplex_timer_interrupt(uint_t period_us)
+  // hack
+  return thedev;
+struct bcd_num {
+  uchar_t bot:4;
+  uchar_t top:4;
+} ;
+static uchar_t add_to(uchar_t *left, uchar_t *right, uchar_t bcd)
+  uchar_t temp;
+  if (bcd) { 
+    struct bcd_num *bl = (struct bcd_num *)left;
+    struct bcd_num *br = (struct bcd_num *)right;
+    uchar_t carry=0;
+    bl->bot += br->bot;
+    carry = bl->bot / 0xa;
+    bl->bot %= 0xa;
+    bl->top += carry + br->top;
+    carry = bl->top / 0xa;
+    bl->top %= 0xa;
+    return carry;
+  } else {
+    temp=*left;
+    *left+=*right;
+    if (*left<temp) { 
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+static uchar_t days_in_month(struct vm_device *dev, uchar_t month, uchar_t bcd)
+  // This completely ignores Julian / Gregorian stuff right now
+  if (bcd) { 
+    switch (month) {
+    case 0x1: //jan
+    case 0x3: //march
+    case 0x5: //may
+    case 0x7: //july
+    case 0x8: //aug
+    case 0x10: //oct
+    case 0x12: //dec
+      return 0x31;
+      break;
+    case 0x4: //april
+    case 0x6: //june
+    case 0x9: //sept
+    case 0x11: //nov
+      return 0x30;
+      break;
+    case 0x2: //feb
+      return 0x28;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return 0x30;
+    }
+  } else {
+    switch (month) {
+    case 1: //jan
+    case 3: //march
+    case 5: //may
+    case 7: //july
+    case 8: //aug
+    case 10: //oct
+    case 12: //dec
+      return 31;
+      break;
+    case 4: //april
+    case 6: //june
+    case 9: //sept
+    case 11: //nov
+      return 30;
+      break;
+    case 2: //feb
+      return 28;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return 30;
+    }
+  }
+static void update_time(struct vm_device *dev, uint_t period_us)
+  struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) (dev->private_data);
+  struct rtc_stata *stata = (struct rtc_stata *) &((data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_A]));
+  struct rtc_statb *statb = (struct rtc_statb *) &((data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_B]));
+  struct rtc_statc *statc = (struct rtc_statc *) &((data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_C]));
+  //struct rtc_statd *statd = (struct rtc_statd *) &((data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_D]));
+  uchar_t *sec = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_SEC]);
+  uchar_t *min = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MIN]);
+  uchar_t *hour = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_HOUR]);
+  uchar_t *weekday = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_WEEK_DAY]);
+  uchar_t *monthday = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MONTH_DAY]);
+  uchar_t *month = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MONTH]);
+  uchar_t *year = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_YEAR]);
+  uchar_t *cent = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_IBM_CENTURY_BYTE]);
+  uchar_t *seca = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_SEC_ALARM]);
+  uchar_t *mina = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MIN_ALARM]);
+  uchar_t *houra = (uchar_t *) &(data->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_HOUR_ALARM]);
+  uchar_t hour24;
+  uchar_t bcd = (statb->dm==1);
+  uchar_t carry=0;
+  uchar_t nextday=0;
+  uint_t  periodic_period;
+  //PrintDebug("nvram: sizeof(struct rtc_stata)=%d\n", sizeof(struct rtc_stata));
+  //PrintDebug("nvram: update_time\n",statb->pi);
+  // We will set these flags on exit
+  statc->irq=statc->pf=statc->af=statc->uf=0;
+  // We will reset us after one second
+  data->us += period_us;
+  // We will reset pus after one periodic_period
+  data->pus += period_us;
+  if (data->us > 1000000) { 
+    carry=1;
+    //PrintDebug("nvram: adding 1 to seconds=0x%x (bcd=%d)...", *sec, bcd);
+    carry=add_to(sec,&carry,bcd);
+    //PrintDebug("got 0x%x with carry=%d\n",*sec,carry);
+    if (carry) { PrintDebug("nvram: somehow managed to get a carry in second update\n"); }
+    if ((bcd && *sec==0x60) || (!bcd && *sec==60)) { 
+      *sec=0;
+      carry=1;
+      carry=add_to(min,&carry,bcd);
+      if (carry) { PrintDebug("nvram: somehow managed to get a carry in minute update\n"); }
+      if ((bcd && *min==0x60) || (!bcd && *min==60)) { 
+       *min=0;
+       hour24 = *hour;
+       if (!(statb->h24)) { 
+         if (hour24&0x80) { 
+           hour24&=0x8f;
+           uchar_t temp = bcd ? 0x12 : 12;
+           add_to(&hour24,&temp, bcd);
+         }
+       }
+       carry=1;
+       carry=add_to(&hour24,&carry,bcd);
+       if (carry) { PrintDebug("nvram: somehow managed to get a carry in hour update\n"); }
+       if ((bcd && hour24==0x24) || (!bcd && hour24==24)) { 
+         carry=1;
+         nextday=1;
+         hour24=0;
+       } else {
+         carry=0;
+       }
+       if (statb->h24) { 
+         *hour=hour24;
+       } else {
+         if ((bcd && hour24<0x12) || (!bcd && hour24<12)) { 
+           *hour=hour24;
+         } else {
+           if (!bcd) { 
+             *hour = (hour24-12) | 0x80;
+           } else {
+             *hour = hour24;
+             struct bcd_num *n = (struct bcd_num *) hour;
+             if (n->bot<0x2) { 
+               n->top--;
+               n->bot+=0xa;
+             }
+             n->bot-=0x2;
+             n->top-=0x1;
+           }
+         }
+       }
+       // now see if we need to carry into the days and further
+       if (nextday) { 
+         carry=1;
+         add_to(weekday, &carry, bcd);
+         *weekday%=0x7;  // same regardless of bcd
+         if (!(*monthday==days_in_month(dev,*month,bcd))) {
+           add_to(monthday, &carry, bcd);
+         } else {
+           *monthday=0x1;
+           carry=1;
+           add_to(month,&carry,bcd);
+           if ((bcd && *month==0x13) || (!bcd && *month==13)) { 
+             *month=1; // same for both 
+             carry=1;
+             carry=add_to(year,&carry,bcd);
+             if ((bcd && carry) || (!bcd && *year==100)) { 
+               *year=0;
+               carry=1;
+               add_to(cent,&carry,bcd);
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    data->us-=1000000;
+    // OK, now check for the alarm, if it is set to interrupt
+    if (statb->ai) { 
+      if (*sec==*seca && *min==*mina && *hour==*houra) { 
+       statc->af=1;
+       PrintDebug("nvram: interrupt on alarm\n");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (statb->pi) { 
+    periodic_period = 1000000/(65536/(0x1 << stata->rate));
+    if (data->pus >= periodic_period) { 
+      statc->pf=1;
+      data->pus -= periodic_period;
+      PrintDebug("nvram: interrupt on periodic\n");
+    }
+  }
+  if (statb->ui) { 
+    statc->uf=1;
+    PrintDebug("nvram: interrupt on update\n");
+  }
+  statc->irq= statc->pf || statc->af || statc->uf;
+  //PrintDebug("nvram: time is now: YMDHMS: 0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x,0x%x bcd=%d\n", *year, *month, *monthday, *hour, *min, *sec,bcd);
+  // Interrupt associated VM, if needed
+  if (statc->irq) { 
+    PrintDebug("nvram: injecting interrupt\n");
+    dev->vm->vm_ops.raise_irq(dev->vm, NVRAM_RTC_IRQ);
+  }
+void deliver_timer_interrupt_to_vmm(uint_t period_us)
+  struct vm_device *dev = demultiplex_timer_interrupt(period_us);
+  if (dev) {
+    update_time(dev,period_us);
+  }
+static int set_nvram_defaults(struct vm_device *dev)
+  struct nvram_internal * nvram_state = (struct nvram_internal*) dev->private_data;
+  //
+  // 2 1.44 MB floppy drives
+  //
+#if 1
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_FLOPPY_TYPE]= 0x44;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_FLOPPY_TYPE] = 0x00;
+  //
+  // For old boot sequence style, do floppy first
+  //
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_OLD]= 0x10;
+#if 0
+  // For new boot sequence style, do floppy, cd, then hd
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_NEW_FIRST]= 0x31;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_NEW_SECOND]= 0x20;
+  // For new boot sequence style, do cd, hd, floppy
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_NEW_FIRST]= 0x23;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BOOTSEQ_NEW_SECOND]= 0x10;
+  // Set equipment byte to note 2 floppies, vga display, keyboard,math,floppy
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EQUIPMENT_BYTE]= 0x4f;
+  //nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EQUIPMENT_BYTE] = 0xf;
+  // Set conventional memory to 640K
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BASE_MEMORY_HIGH]= 0x02;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_BASE_MEMORY_LOW]= 0x80;
+  // Set extended memory to 15 MB
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_HIGH]= 0x3C;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_LOW]= 0x00;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_2ND_HIGH]= 0x3C;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_EXT_MEMORY_2ND_LOW]= 0x00;
+  // Set the extended memory beyond 16 MB to 128-16 MB
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_AMI_BIG_MEMORY_HIGH] = 0x7;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_AMI_BIG_MEMORY_LOW] = 0x00;
+  //nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_AMI_BIG_MEMORY_HIGH]= 0x00;
+  //nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_AMI_BIG_MEMORY_LOW]= 0x00;
+  // This is the harddisk type.... Set accordingly...
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_IBM_HD_DATA] = 0x20;
+  // Set the shutdown status gently
+  // soft reset
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_SHUTDOWN_STATUS] = 0x0;
+  // RTC status A
+  // 00100110 = no update in progress, base=32768 Hz, rate = 1024 Hz
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_A] = 0x26; 
+  // RTC status B
+  // 00000100 = not setting, no interrupts, blocked rect signal, bcd mode, 24 hour, normal time
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_B] = 0x06; 
+  // RTC status C
+  // No IRQ requested, result not do to any source
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_C] = 0x00;
+  // RTC status D
+  // Battery is OK
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_STAT_D] = 0x80;
+  // january 1, 2008, 00:00:00
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MONTH] = 0x1;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_MONTH_DAY] = 0x1;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_WEEK_DAY] = 0x1;
+  nvram_state->mem_state[NVRAM_REG_YEAR] = 0x08;
+  nvram_state->us=nvram_state->pus=0;
+  return 0;
 int nvram_reset_device(struct vm_device * dev)
   struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) dev->private_data;
+  PrintDebug("nvram: reset device\n");
   data->dev_state = NVRAM_READY;
   return 0;
@@ -69,12 +487,14 @@ int nvram_reset_device(struct vm_device * dev)
 int nvram_start_device(struct vm_device *dev)
+  PrintDebug("nvram: start device\n");
   return 0;
 int nvram_stop_device(struct vm_device *dev)
+  PrintDebug("nvram: stop device\n");
   return 0;
@@ -89,10 +509,11 @@ int nvram_write_reg_port(ushort_t port,
   struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) dev->private_data;
   memcpy(&(data->thereg), src, 1);
+  PrintDebug("Writing To NVRAM reg: 0x%x\n", data->thereg);
-  return 0;
+  return 1;
 int nvram_read_data_port(ushort_t port,
                       void   * dst, 
@@ -101,9 +522,19 @@ int nvram_read_data_port(ushort_t port,
   struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) dev->private_data;
   memcpy(dst, &(data->mem_state[data->thereg]), 1);
-  return 0;
+  PrintDebug("nvram_read_data_port(0x%x)=0x%x\n", data->thereg, data->mem_state[data->thereg]);
+  // hack
+  if (data->thereg==NVRAM_REG_STAT_A) { 
+    data->mem_state[data->thereg] ^= 0x80;  // toggle Update in progess
+  }
+  return 1;
 int nvram_write_data_port(ushort_t port,
@@ -115,16 +546,24 @@ int nvram_write_data_port(ushort_t port,
   memcpy(&(data->mem_state[data->thereg]), src, 1);
-  return 0;
+  PrintDebug("nvram_write_data_port(0x%x)=0x%x\n", data->thereg, data->mem_state[data->thereg]);
+  return 1;
 int nvram_init_device(struct vm_device * dev) {
-  struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) dev->private_data;
+  struct nvram_internal *data = (struct nvram_internal *) dev->private_data;
+  PrintDebug("nvram: init_device\n");
   memset(data->mem_state, 0, NVRAM_REG_MAX);
+  // Would read state here
+  set_nvram_defaults(dev);
   // hook ports
@@ -159,10 +598,19 @@ static struct vm_device_ops dev_ops = {
 struct vm_device *create_nvram() {
-  struct nvram_internal * nvram_state = os_hooks->malloc(sizeof(struct nvram_internal));
+  struct nvram_internal * nvram_state = (struct nvram_internal *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct nvram_internal)+1000);
+  PrintDebug("nvram: internal at %x\n",nvram_state);
   struct vm_device *device = create_device("NVRAM", &dev_ops, nvram_state);
+  if (thedev!=NULL) {
+    PrintDebug("nvram: warning! overwriting thedev\n");
+  }
+  thedev=device;
   return device;