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made virtio nic an experimental feature
[palacios.git] / palacios / include / palacios / vmm_sym_iface.h
index 5fcb69a..5de9720 100644 (file)
 struct v3_sym_interface {
     uint64_t magic;
     union {
        uint32_t feature_flags;
        struct {
-           uint_t cur_proc_valid         : 1;
-           uint_t proc_list_valid        : 1;
+           uint_t pci_map_valid            : 1;
+           uint32_t sym_call_enabled       : 1;
+       } __attribute__((packed));
+    } __attribute__((packed));
+    union { 
+       uint32_t state_flags;
+       struct {
+           uint32_t sym_call_active        : 1;
        } __attribute__((packed));
     } __attribute__((packed));
-    addr_t current_proc;
-    addr_t proc_list;
+    uint64_t current_proc;
+    uint64_t proc_list;
+    uint8_t pci_pt_map[(4 * 256) / 8]; // we're hardcoding this: (4 busses, 256 max devs)
-    uint8_t pci_pt_map[256 / 8];
 } __attribute__((packed));
+#include <palacios/vm_guest.h>
+struct v3_sym_context {
+    struct v3_gprs vm_regs;
+    struct v3_segment cs;
+    struct v3_segment ss;
+    uint64_t gs_base;
+    uint64_t fs_base;
+    uint64_t rip;
+    uint64_t flags;
+    uint8_t cpl;
 struct v3_sym_state {
     struct v3_sym_interface * sym_page;
     addr_t sym_page_pa;
-    uint_t active;
     uint64_t guest_pg_addr;
+    struct {
+       uint_t active                  : 1; // activated when symbiotic page MSR is written
+       uint_t sym_call_active         : 1;
+       uint_t sym_call_returned       : 1;
+       uint_t sym_call_error          : 1;
+    } __attribute__((packed));
+    struct v3_sym_context old_ctx;
+    int sym_call_errno;    
+    uint64_t sym_call_rip;
+    uint64_t sym_call_cs;
+    uint64_t sym_call_rsp;
+    uint64_t sym_call_gs;
+    uint64_t sym_call_fs;
 int v3_init_sym_iface(struct guest_info * info);
+typedef uint64_t sym_arg_t;
+#define v3_sym_call0(info, call_num)           \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+#define v3_sym_call1(info, call_num, arg1)             \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, arg1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+#define v3_sym_call2(info, call_num, arg1, arg2)       \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, 0, 0, 0)
+#define v3_sym_call3(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3, 0, 0)
+#define v3_sym_call4(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)   \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, 0)
+#define v3_sym_call5(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)     \
+    v3_sym_call(info, call_num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
 int v3_sym_map_pci_passthrough(struct guest_info * info, uint_t bus, uint_t dev, uint_t fn);
 int v3_sym_unmap_pci_passthrough(struct guest_info * info, uint_t bus, uint_t dev, uint_t fn);
+/* Symcall numbers */
+#define SYMCALL_TEST 1
+/* ** */
+int v3_sym_call(struct guest_info * info, 
+               uint64_t call_num, sym_arg_t * arg0, 
+               sym_arg_t * arg1, sym_arg_t * arg2,
+               sym_arg_t * arg3, sym_arg_t * arg4);