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HVM capability enhancement: asynchronous upcalls to ROS userspace
[palacios.git] / gears / services / mpi / hcall.h
1 #ifndef __HCALL__
2 #define __HCALL__
4 /*
5   Calling convention:
7 64 bit:
8   rax = hcall number
9   rbx = 0x6464646464646464...
10   rcx = 1st arg
11   rdx = 2nd arg
12   rsi = 3rd arg
13   rdi = 4th arg
14   r8  = 5th arg
15   r9  = 6th arg
16   r10 = 7th arg
17   r11 = 8th arg
19 32 bit:
20   eax = hcall number
21   ebx = 0x32323232
22   arguments on stack in C order (first argument is TOS)
23      arguments are also 32 bit
24 */
25 #define HCALL64(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)                \
26   asm volatile ("movq %1, %%rax; "                    \
27                 "pushq %%rbx; "                       \
28                 "movq $0x6464646464646464, %%rbx; "   \
29                 "movq %2, %%rcx; "                    \
30                 "movq %3, %%rdx; "                    \
31                 "movq %4, %%rsi; "                    \
32                 "movq %5, %%rdi; "                    \
33                 "movq %6, %%r8 ; "                    \
34                 "movq %7, %%r9 ; "                    \
35                 "movq %8, %%r10; "                    \
36                 "movq %9, %%r11; "                    \
37                 "vmmcall ;       "                    \
38                 "movq %%rax, %0; "                    \
39                 "popq %%rbx; "                        \
40                 : "=m"(rc)                            \
41                 : "m"(id),                            \
42                   "m"(a), "m"(b), "m"(c), "m"(d),     \
43                   "m"(e), "m"(f), "m"(g), "m"(h)      \
44                 : "%rax","%rcx","%rdx","%rsi","%rdi", \
45                   "%r8","%r9","%r10","%r11"           \
46                 )
48 #define HCALL32(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)                \
49   asm volatile ("movl %1, %%eax; "                    \
50                 "pushl %%ebx; "                       \
51                 "movl $0x32323232, %%ebx; "           \
52                 "pushl %9;"                           \
53                 "pushl %8;"                           \
54                 "pushl %7;"                           \
55                 "pushl %6;"                           \
56                 "pushl %5;"                           \
57                 "pushl %4;"                           \
58                 "pushl %3;"                           \
59                 "pushl %2;"                           \
60                 "vmmcall ;       "                    \
61                 "movl %%eax, %0; "                    \
62                 "addl $32, %%esp; "                   \
63                 "popl %%ebx; "                        \
64                 : "=r"(rc)                            \
65                 : "m"(id),                            \
66                   "m"(a), "m"(b), "m"(c), "m"(d),     \
67                 "m"(e), "m"(f), "m"(g), "m"(h)        \
68                 : "%eax"                              \
69                 )
71 #ifdef __x86_64__
72 #define HCALL(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)  HCALL64(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
73 #else
74 #define HCALL(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)  HCALL32(rc,id,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)   
75 #endif
77 #endif