#!/usr/bin/perl -w print <$maxalloc && !powerof2($memblocksize)); } $mem = 1024; print "How much memory (in MB) do you want to initially allocate for Palacios? [$mem] : "; $mem = get_user($mem); $devmem='y'; print "Do you need userspace access to your VMs' physical memory? [$devmem] : "; $devmem = get_user($devmem); print <ENV"); print ENV "export PALACIOS_DIR=$pdir\n"; print ENV "export PATH=$pdir/linux_usr:\$PATH\n"; close(ENV); `chmod 644 ENV`; print "Writing ./v3_init\n"; open(INIT,">v3_init"); print INIT "#!/bin/sh\n"; print INIT "source $pdir/ENV\n"; # just in case # this file will track memory allocations # made at user level so that they can be recovered later # v3_mem will append to it print INIT "rm -f $pdir/.v3offlinedmem\n"; print INIT "\n\n# insert the module\n"; $cmd = "insmod $pdir/v3vee.ko"; $cmd.= " allow_devmem=1 " if $devmem eq 'y'; $cmd.= " options=\"mem_block_size=$memblocksize\" " if $override_memblocksize eq 'y'; print INIT $cmd, "\n"; %numa = get_numa_data(); if (defined($numa{numnodes})) { $numnodes=$numa{numnodes}; } else { $numnodes=1; } if (defined($numa{numcores})) { $numcores=$numa{numcores}; $numcorespalacios = get_palacios_core_feature($pdir,"V3_CONFIG_MAX_CPUS"); if (defined($numcorespalacios) && $numcores>$numcorespalacios) { print "WARNING: Your Palacios configuration is configured to support\n"; print " a maximum of $numcorespalacios cores, but this machine has $numcores cores.\n"; print " Your Palacios will work on this machine, but will not be able to use\n"; print " the additional cores.\n"; if ($numnodes>1) { print " This is also a NUMA machine, so this will also affect the initial\n"; print " allocation of memory in the NUMA nodes produced by this script.\n"; print " We highly recommend you reconfigure Palacios with at least $numcores cores and rebuild it.\n"; } } } $chunk = $memblocksize / (1024 * 1024) ; $numchunks = $mem / $chunk; $chunkspernode = $numchunks / $numnodes; print "The initial memory allocation will be:\n\n"; print " Total memory: $mem MB\n"; print " Memory block size: $chunk MB\n"; print " Number of blocks: $numchunks\n"; print " Number of nodes: $numnodes\n"; print " Blocks/node: $chunkspernode\n"; print " 32 bit limit? $shadow\n"; print " Hot-removed? $hotremove\n"; if ($numnodes*$chunkspernode*$chunk != $mem) { print "\nWARNING: The memory is not evenly divided among nodes or blocks.\n"; print " This means that LESS memory is allocated than requested.\n\n"; } $cmd = "v3_mem -a"; $cmd.= " -k " if $hotremove eq 'n'; $cmd.= " -l " if $shadow eq 'y'; for ($i=0;$i<$numnodes;$i++) { for ($j=0;$j<$chunkspernode;$j++) { if ($numnodes>1) { print INIT "$cmd -n $i $chunk\n"; } else { print INIT "$cmd $chunk\n"; } } } close(INIT); `chmod 755 v3_init`; print "Writing ./v3_deinit\n"; open(DEINIT,">v3_deinit"); print DEINIT "#!/bin/sh\n"; # bring any offlined memory back to the kernel print DEINIT "v3_mem -r offline\n"; # a side effect here is that the offline file will be empty # the rmmod will free any in-kernel allocated memory print DEINIT "rmmod v3vee\n"; close(DEINIT); `chmod 755 v3_deinit`; print "Done.\n"; sub get_user { my $def = shift; my $inp = ; chomp($inp); if ($inp eq "") { return $def; } else { return $inp; } } sub get_kernel_feature { my $dir=shift; my $feature=shift; my $x; $x=`grep $feature $dir/config-\`uname -r\``; if ($x=~/^\s*\#/) { return undef; } else { if ($x=~/\s*$feature\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/) { return $1; } else { return undef; } } } sub get_palacios_core_feature { my $dir=shift; my $feature=shift; my $x; $x=`grep $feature= $dir/.config`; if ($x=~/^\s*\#/) { return undef; } else { if ($x=~/\s*$feature=\s*(\S*)\s*$/) { return $1; } else { return undef; } } } sub powerof2 { my $x = shift; my $exp; $exp = log($x) /log(2); return $exp==int($exp); } sub get_numa_data() { my $line; my $maxnode=0; my $maxcpu=0; my %numa; open (N, "numactl --hardware |"); while ($line=) { if ($line=~/^node\s+(\d+)\s+cpus:\s+(.*)$/) { my $node=$1; my @cpus = split(/\s+/,$2); my $cpu; if ($node>$maxnode) { $maxnode=$node; } foreach $cpu (@cpus) { if ($cpu>$maxcpu) { $maxcpu=$cpu; } } $numa{"node$node"}{cores}=\@cpus; } } $numa{numnodes}=$maxnode+1; $numa{numcores}=$maxcpu+1; return %numa; }