/* * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. * * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University * and the University of New Mexico. You can find out more at * http://www.v3vee.org * * Copyright (c) 2008, Jack Lange * Copyright (c) 2008, The V3VEE Project * All rights reserved. * * Author: Jack Lange * * This is free software. You are permitted to use, * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE". */ #include #include #include #include void init_shadow_region(struct shadow_region * entry, addr_t guest_addr_start, addr_t guest_addr_end, guest_region_type_t guest_region_type, host_region_type_t host_region_type) { entry->guest_type = guest_region_type; entry->guest_start = guest_addr_start; entry->guest_end = guest_addr_end; entry->host_type = host_region_type; entry->host_addr = 0; entry->next=entry->prev = NULL; } int add_shadow_region_passthrough( struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_addr_start, addr_t guest_addr_end, addr_t host_addr) { struct shadow_region * entry = (struct shadow_region *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct shadow_region)); init_shadow_region(entry, guest_addr_start, guest_addr_end, GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY); entry->host_addr = host_addr; return add_shadow_region(&(guest_info->mem_map), entry); } int hook_guest_mem(struct guest_info * info, addr_t guest_addr_start, addr_t guest_addr_end, int (*read)(addr_t guest_addr, void * dst, uint_t length, void * priv_data), int (*write)(addr_t guest_addr, void * src, uint_t length, void * priv_data), void * priv_data) { struct shadow_region * entry = (struct shadow_region *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct shadow_region)); struct vmm_mem_hook * hook = (struct vmm_mem_hook *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct vmm_mem_hook)); memset(hook, 0, sizeof(struct vmm_mem_hook)); hook->read = read; hook->write = write; hook->region = entry; hook->priv_data = priv_data; init_shadow_region(entry, guest_addr_start, guest_addr_end, GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, HOST_REGION_HOOK); entry->host_addr = (addr_t)hook; return add_shadow_region(&(info->mem_map), entry); } struct vmm_mem_hook * get_mem_hook(struct guest_info * info, addr_t guest_addr) { struct shadow_region * region = get_shadow_region_by_addr(&(info->mem_map), guest_addr); if (region == NULL) { PrintDebug("Could not find shadow region for addr: %x\n", guest_addr); return NULL; } return (struct vmm_mem_hook *)(region->host_addr); } /* mem_addr is the guest physical memory address */ static int mem_hook_dispatch(struct guest_info * info, addr_t fault_gva, addr_t fault_gpa, pf_error_t access_info, struct vmm_mem_hook * hook) { // emulate and then dispatch // or dispatch and emulate if (access_info.write == 1) { if (v3_emulate_memory_write(info, fault_gva, hook->write, fault_gpa, hook->priv_data) == -1) { PrintError("Memory write emulation failed\n"); return -1; } } else { if (v3_emulate_memory_read(info, fault_gva, hook->read, fault_gpa, hook->priv_data) == -1) { PrintError("Memory read emulation failed\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } int handle_special_page_fault(struct guest_info * info, addr_t fault_gva, addr_t fault_gpa, pf_error_t access_info) { struct shadow_region * reg = get_shadow_region_by_addr(&(info->mem_map), fault_gpa); switch (reg->host_type) { case HOST_REGION_HOOK: return mem_hook_dispatch(info, fault_gva, fault_gpa, access_info, (struct vmm_mem_hook *)(reg->host_addr)); default: return -1; } return 0; } void init_shadow_map(struct guest_info * info) { struct shadow_map * map = &(info->mem_map); map->num_regions = 0; map->head = NULL; } void free_shadow_map(struct shadow_map * map) { struct shadow_region * cursor = map->head; struct shadow_region * tmp = NULL; while(cursor) { tmp = cursor; cursor = cursor->next; V3_Free(tmp); } V3_Free(map); } int add_shadow_region(struct shadow_map * map, struct shadow_region * region) { struct shadow_region * cursor = map->head; PrintDebug("Adding Shadow Region: (0x%x-0x%x)\n", region->guest_start, region->guest_end); if ((!cursor) || (cursor->guest_start >= region->guest_end)) { region->prev = NULL; region->next = cursor; map->num_regions++; map->head = region; return 0; } while (cursor) { // Check if it overlaps with the current cursor if ((cursor->guest_end > region->guest_start) && (cursor->guest_start < region->guest_start)) { // overlaps not allowed return -1; } if (!(cursor->next)) { // add to the end of the list cursor->next = region; region->prev = cursor; region->next = NULL; map->num_regions++; return 0; } else if (cursor->next->guest_start >= region->guest_end) { // add here region->next = cursor->next; region->prev = cursor; cursor->next->prev = region; cursor->next = region; map->num_regions++; return 0; } else if (cursor->next->guest_end <= region->guest_start) { cursor = cursor->next; } else { // This cannot happen! // we should panic here return -1; } } // This cannot happen // We should panic here return -1; } int delete_shadow_region(struct shadow_map * map, addr_t guest_start, addr_t guest_end) { return -1; } struct shadow_region *get_shadow_region_by_index(struct shadow_map * map, uint_t index) { struct shadow_region * reg = map->head; uint_t i = 0; while (reg) { if (i == index) { return reg; } reg = reg->next; i++; } return NULL; } struct shadow_region * get_shadow_region_by_addr(struct shadow_map * map, addr_t addr) { struct shadow_region * reg = map->head; while (reg) { if ((reg->guest_start <= addr) && (reg->guest_end > addr)) { return reg; } else if (reg->guest_start > addr) { return NULL; } else { reg = reg->next; } } return NULL; } host_region_type_t get_shadow_addr_type(struct guest_info * info, addr_t guest_addr) { struct shadow_region * reg = get_shadow_region_by_addr(&(info->mem_map), guest_addr); if (!reg) { return HOST_REGION_INVALID; } else { return reg->host_type; } } addr_t get_shadow_addr(struct guest_info * info, addr_t guest_addr) { struct shadow_region * reg = get_shadow_region_by_addr(&(info->mem_map), guest_addr); if (!reg) { return 0; } else { return (guest_addr - reg->guest_start) + reg->host_addr; } } host_region_type_t lookup_shadow_map_addr(struct shadow_map * map, addr_t guest_addr, addr_t * host_addr) { struct shadow_region * reg = get_shadow_region_by_addr(map, guest_addr); if (!reg) { // No mapping exists return HOST_REGION_INVALID; } else { switch (reg->host_type) { case HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY: *host_addr = (guest_addr - reg->guest_start) + reg->host_addr; return reg->host_type; case HOST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE: case HOST_REGION_UNALLOCATED: // ... default: *host_addr = 0; return reg->host_type; } } } void print_shadow_map(struct shadow_map * map) { struct shadow_region * cur = map->head; int i = 0; PrintDebug("Memory Layout (regions: %d) \n", map->num_regions); while (cur) { PrintDebug("%d: 0x%x - 0x%x (%s) -> ", i, cur->guest_start, cur->guest_end - 1, cur->guest_type == GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY ? "GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY" : cur->guest_type == GUEST_REGION_NOTHING ? "GUEST_REGION_NOTHING" : cur->guest_type == GUEST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE ? "GUEST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE" : "UNKNOWN"); if (cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY || cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_UNALLOCATED || cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE) { PrintDebug("0x%x", cur->host_addr); } PrintDebug("(%s)\n", cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY ? "HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY" : cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_UNALLOCATED ? "HOST_REGION_UNALLOACTED" : cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_HOOK ? "HOST_REGION_HOOK" : cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE ? "HOST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE" : cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_REMOTE ? "HOST_REGION_REMOTE" : cur->host_type == HOST_REGION_SWAPPED ? "HOST_REGION_SWAPPED" : "UNKNOWN"); cur = cur->next; i++; } } #ifdef VMM_MEM_TEST #include #include #include struct vmm_os_hooks * os_hooks; void * TestMalloc(uint_t size) { return malloc(size); } void * TestAllocatePages(int size) { return malloc(4096 * size); } void TestPrint(const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } int mem_list_add_test_1( vmm_mem_list_t * list) { uint_t offset = 0; PrintDebug("\n\nTesting Memory List\n"); init_mem_list(list); offset = PAGE_SIZE * 6; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + (PAGE_SIZE * 10)); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 10); print_mem_list(list); offset = 0; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + PAGE_SIZE * 4); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 4); print_mem_list(list); offset = PAGE_SIZE * 20; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + (PAGE_SIZE * 1)); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 1); print_mem_list(list); offset = PAGE_SIZE * 21; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + (PAGE_SIZE * 3)); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 3); print_mem_list(list); offset = PAGE_SIZE * 10; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + (PAGE_SIZE * 30)); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 30); print_mem_list(list); offset = PAGE_SIZE * 5; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", offset, offset + (PAGE_SIZE * 1)); add_mem_list_pages(list, offset, 1); print_mem_list(list); return 0; } int mem_layout_add_test_1(vmm_mem_layout_t * layout) { uint_t start = 0; uint_t end = 0; PrintDebug("\n\nTesting Memory Layout\n"); init_mem_layout(layout); start = 0x6000; end = 0x10000;; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", start, end); add_guest_mem_range(layout, start, end); print_mem_layout(layout); start = 0x1000; end = 0x3000; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", start, end); add_guest_mem_range(layout, start, end); print_mem_layout(layout); start = 0x2000; end = 0x6000; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", start, end); add_guest_mem_range(layout, start, end); print_mem_layout(layout); start = 0x4000; end = 0x5000; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", start, end); add_guest_mem_range(layout, start, end); print_mem_layout(layout); start = 0x5000; end = 0x7000; PrintDebug("Adding 0x%x - 0x%x\n", start, end); add_guest_mem_range(layout, start, end); print_mem_layout(layout); return 0; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { struct vmm_os_hooks dummy_hooks; os_hooks = &dummy_hooks; vmm_mem_layout_t layout; vmm_mem_list_t list; os_hooks->malloc = &TestMalloc; os_hooks->free = &free; os_hooks->print_debug = &TestPrint; os_hooks->allocate_pages = &TestAllocatePages; printf("mem_list_add_test_1: %d\n", mem_list_add_test_1(&list)); printf("layout_add_test_1: %d\n", mem_layout_add_test_1(&layout)); return 0; } #endif