/* * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. * * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University * and the University of New Mexico. You can find out more at * http://www.v3vee.org * * Copyright (c) 2009, Lei Xia * Copyright (c) 2009, Yuan Tang * Copyright (c) 2009, Jack Lange * Copyright (c) 2009, Peter Dinda * All rights reserved. * * Author: Lei Xia * Yuan Tang * Jack Lange * Peter Dinda #define MAX_ADDRESS 10 typedef enum {LOCAL,REMOTE} ctype; struct handler{ int fd; int local_address; short local_port; struct vnet_device *local_device; int remote_address; short remote_port; struct vnet_device *remote_device; struct ethAddr addresses[MAX_ADDRESS]; ctype local_config; ctype remote_config; }; typedef struct { int size; char data[ETHERNET_PACKET_LEN]; int index; }RawEthernetPacket; #define NUM_DEVICES 1 #define NUM_HANDLERS 1 static struct vnet_device *available_devices[NUM_DEVICES]; struct handler *active_handlers[NUM_HANDLERS]; static int bind_address = 0; static short bind_port = 22; //static char *vnet_version = "0.9"; static int vnet_server = 0; static bool use_tcp = false; static void print_packet(char *pkt, int size) { int i; PrintDebug("Vnet: packet: size: %d\n", size); for (i = 0; i < size; i ++) PrintDebug("%x ", pkt[i]); PrintDebug("\n"); } #if !(ROUTE) static struct vnet_device *get_device(RawEthernetPacket *pt) { return available_devices[0]; } #endif static struct handler * get_handler() { return active_handlers[0]; } static inline bool add_handler(struct handler *hd) { int num = 0; while (active_handlers[num] != NULL) num ++; if (num >= NUM_HANDLERS) return false; active_handlers[num] = hd; return true; } static inline bool add_device(struct vnet_device *dev) { int num = 0; while (available_devices[num] != NULL) num ++; if (num >= NUM_DEVICES) return false; available_devices[num] = dev; return true; } int CreateAndSetupTcpSocket(const int bufsize, const bool nodelay, const bool nonblocking) { int mysocket; // create socket for connections if ((mysocket = V3_Create_TCP_Socket()) < 0) { return -1; } return mysocket; } int BindSocketwPort(const int mysocket, const int myport) { if (V3_Bind_Socket(mysocket, myport) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int ListenSocket(const int mysocket, const int maxc) { return V3_Listen_Socket(mysocket, maxc); } int ConnectToHost(const int mysocket, const int hostip, const int port) { return V3_Connect_To_IP(mysocket, hostip, port); } /* void close(int mysocket) { V3_Close_Socket(mysocket); } */ #if 0 //May be needed later int SendTo(int const mysocket, const unsigned ip, const int port, const char *buf, const int len, const bool sendall) { int left; int sent; if (!sendall) { return V3_SendTo_IP(mysocket, ip, port, buf, len); } else { left = len; while (left>0) { sent = V3_SendTo_IP(mysocket, ip, port, buf, len); if (sent < 0) { return -1; } else { left-=sent; } } return len; } } int ReceiveFrom(const int mysocket, const unsigned ip, const int port, char *buf, const int len, const bool recvall) { int left; int received; if (!recvall) { return V3_RecvFrom_IP(mysocket, ip, port, buf, len); } else { left = len; while (left > 0) { received = V3_RecvFrom_IP(mysocket, ip, port, buf, len); if (received < 0) { return -1; } else if (received == 0) { break; } else { left -= received; } } return len-left; } } int Send(int socketfd, const char *buf, const int len, const bool sendall) { int left; int sent; if (!sendall) { return V3_Send(socketfd, buf, len); } else { left = len; while (left>0) { sent = V3_Send(socketfd, &(buf[len-left]), left); if (sent < 0) { return -1; } else if (sent == 0) { break; } else { left -= sent; } } return len-left; } } int GetLine(int fd, char *buf, int size) { int rc; int received = 0; char c; while (1) { rc = Receive(fd, &c, 1, true); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } if (rc == 0 || c == '\n') { return received; } buf[received] = c; received += rc; if (received >= size) break; } return received; } int PutLine(int mysocket, char *buf, int size) { buf[size] = '\n'; return (Send(mysocket, buf, size+1, true) - 1); } #endif static int readall(const int fd, char *buf, const int len, const int oneshot, const int awaitblock) { int rc; int left; left = len; while (left > 0) { rc = V3_Recv(fd, &(buf[len-left]), left); if (oneshot) { return rc; } if (rc <= 0) { return rc; } else { left -= rc; } } return len; } static int writeall(const int fd, const char *buf, const int len, const int oneshot, const int awaitblock) { int rc; int left; left = len; while (left > 0) { rc = V3_Send(fd, &(buf[len-left]), left); if (oneshot) { return rc; } if (rc <= 0) { return rc; } else { left -= rc; } } return len; } static void RawEthernetPacketInit(RawEthernetPacket *pt, const char *data, const size_t size) { pt->size = size; memcpy(pt->data, data, size); } static bool RawEthernetPacketSerialize(RawEthernetPacket *pt, const int fd) { if (writeall(fd,(char*)&(pt->size),sizeof(pt->size),0,1)!=sizeof(pt->size)) { PrintError("Vnet: Serialization Exception\n"); return false; } if (writeall(fd,pt->data,pt->size,0,1)!=(int)(pt->size)) { PrintError("Vnet: Serialization Exception\n"); return false; } return true; } static bool RawEthernetPacketUnserialize(RawEthernetPacket *pt, const int fd) { if (readall(fd,(char*)&(pt->size),sizeof(pt->size),0,1) != sizeof(pt->size)) { PrintError("Vnet: Unserialization Exception\n"); return false; } if (readall(fd,pt->data,pt->size,0,1) != pt->size) { PrintError("Vnet: Unserialization Exception\n"); return false; } return true; } static bool RawEthernetPacketSendUdp(RawEthernetPacket *pt, int sock_fd, int ip, short port) { int size; PrintDebug("Vnet: sending by UDP socket %d ip: %x, port: %d\n", sock_fd, ip, port); if ((size = V3_SendTo_IP(sock_fd, ip, port, pt->data, pt->size)) != pt->size) { PrintError("Vnet: sending by UDP Exception, %x\n", size); return false; } return true; } #if 0 static void print_packet_addr(char *pkt) { int i; PrintDebug("Vnet: print_packet_destination_addr: "); for (i = 8; i < 14; i ++) PrintDebug("%x ", pkt[i]); PrintDebug("\n"); PrintDebug("Vnet: print_packet_source_addr: "); for (i = 14; i < 20; i ++) PrintDebug("%x ", pkt[i]); PrintDebug("\n"); } /* static void print_device_addr(char *ethaddr) { int i; PrintDebug("Vnet: print_device_addr: "); for (i = 0; i < 6; i ++) PrintDebug("%x ", ethaddr[i]); PrintDebug("\n"); } */ #endif #if ROUTE //new routing accrding to VNET-VTL, no hash --TY struct topology g_links[MAX_LINKS]; int g_num_links; //The current number of links int g_first_link; int g_last_link; struct routing g_routes[MAX_ROUTES]; int g_num_routes; //The current number of routes int g_first_route; int g_last_route; struct device_list g_devices[MAX_DEVICES]; int g_num_devices; int g_first_device; int g_last_device; #define in_range(c, lo, up) ((char)c >= lo && (char)c <= up) #define islower(c) in_range(c, 'a', 'z') //------------------hash function begin------------------- #define HASH_KEY_SIZE 16 /* Hash key format: * 0-5: src_eth_addr * 6-11: dest_eth_addr * 12: src type * 13-16: src index */ struct hash_key { char *key_from_addr; }; struct hash_value // This is the hash value, defined as a dynamic array. Format: 0: num_matched_routes, 1...n: matches[] -- TY { int num_matched_routes; int *matches; }; /* static int insert_some (struct hashtable * htable, struct hash_key *key, struct hash_value *value) { return hashtable_insert(htable, (addr_t)key, (addr_t)value); } */ DEFINE_HASHTABLE_INSERT(insert_some, struct hash_key *, struct hash_value *); DEFINE_HASHTABLE_SEARCH(search_some, struct hash_key *, struct hash_value); //DEFINE_HASHTABLE_REMOVE(remove_some, struct hash_key *, struct hash_value, 1); //DEFINE_HASHTABLE_ITERATOR_SEARCH(search_itr_some, struct key); struct hash_key *cache_key; //maybe these three variables should be defined as local variable. -- TY struct hash_value *cache_entry; struct hashtable *hash_route; /* malloc_key_value() { cache_key = (hash_key *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(hash_key)); addr_t key = *cache_key; } */ // This is the hash algorithm used for UNIX ELF object files inline size_t hash_from_key(const char * arg) { size_t hash = 0; size_t temp = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < HASH_KEY_SIZE; i++) { hash = (hash << 4) + *(arg + i) + i; if ((temp = (hash & 0xF0000000))) { hash ^= (temp >> 24); } hash &= ~temp; } PrintDebug("Hash Value: %lu\n", (unsigned long)hash); return hash; } inline bool hash_key_equal(const char * left, const char * right) { int i; for(i = 0; i < HASH_KEY_SIZE; i++) { if (left[i] != right[i]) { PrintDebug("HASHes not equal\n"); return false; } } return true; } void make_hash_key(char * hash_key, char src_addr[6], char dest_addr[6], char src_type, int src_index) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) { hash_key[j] = src_addr[j]; hash_key[j + 6] = dest_addr[j] + 1; } hash_key[12] = src_type; *(int *)(hash_key + 12) = src_index; } int AddMatchedRoutesToCache(int num_matched_r, int * matches) { cache_entry->num_matched_routes = num_matched_r; int i; for(i = 0; i < num_matched_r; i++) { cache_entry->matches = (int *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(int)); *(cache_entry->matches) = matches[i]; } if (!insert_some(hash_route, cache_key, cache_entry)) return -1; /*oom*/ return 0; } void clear_hash_cache() { hashtable_destroy(hash_route, 1, 1); //maybe there are some problems. /* hashtable_destroy(hash_route, 1, 1); hash_route = NULL; V3_Free(cache_key); V3_Free(cache_entry); cache_key = NULL; cache_entry = NULL; */ } //int LookIntoCache(char compare_address[HASH_KEY_SIZE], int * do_we_analyze, int * matches) { int LookIntoCache(char compare_address[HASH_KEY_SIZE], int * matches) { int n_matches = 0; int i; struct hash_value *found; cache_key->key_from_addr = compare_address; if (NULL != (found = search_some(hash_route, cache_key))) { n_matches = found->num_matched_routes; for (i = 0; i < found->num_matched_routes; i++) { //*(matches+i) = *(found->matches+i); matches[i] = found->matches[i]; } return n_matches; } else { PrintDebug("VNET: LookIntoCache, hash key not found\n"); return -1; } } //------------------hash function end------------------- char vnet_toupper(char c) { if (islower(c)) c -= 'a'-'A'; return c; } char hexnybbletonybble(const char hexnybble) { char x = vnet_toupper(hexnybble); if ((x >= '0') && (x <= '9')) { return x - '0'; } else { return 10 + (x - 'A'); } } void hexbytetobyte(const char hexbyte[2], char *byte) { *byte = ((hexnybbletonybble(hexbyte[0]) << 4) + (hexnybbletonybble(hexbyte[1]) & 0xf)); } char nybbletohexnybble(const char nybble) { return (nybble >= 10) ? (nybble - 10 + 'A') : (nybble + '0'); } void bytetohexbyte(const char byte, char hexbyte[2]) { hexbyte[0] = nybbletohexnybble((byte >> 4) & 0xf); hexbyte[1] = nybbletohexnybble(byte & 0xf); } void string_to_mac(const char * str, char mac[6]) { int k; for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) { hexbytetobyte(&(str[(2 * k) + k]), mac + k); } } void mac_to_string(char address[6], char * buf) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { bytetohexbyte(address[i], &(buf[3 * i])); buf[(3 * i) + 2] = ':'; } buf[17] = 0; } /* void ip_to_string(ulong_t addr, char * buf) { struct in_addr addr_st; char * tmp_str; addr_st.s_addr = htonl(addr); tmp_str = inet_ntoa(addr_st); memcpy(buf, tmp_str, strlen(tmp_str)); } */ int find_link_by_fd(SOCK sock) { int i; FOREACH_LINK(i, g_links, g_first_link) { if (g_links[i].link_sock == sock) { return i; } } return -1; } int if_write_pkt(iface_t *iface, RawEthernetPacket *pkt) { iface->input((uchar_t *)pkt->data, pkt->size); return 0; } //int add_link_entry(unsigned long dest, int type, int link_class, int data_port, int authenticated, SOCK fd) { int add_link_entry(unsigned long dest, int type, int data_port, SOCK fd) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_LINKS; i++) { if (g_links[i].use == 0) { g_links[i].dest = dest; // g_links[i].authenticated = authenticated; g_links[i].type = type; g_links[i].link_sock = fd; g_links[i].remote_port = data_port; g_links[i].use = 1; // g_links[i].link_class = link_class; if (g_first_link == -1) g_first_link = i; g_links[i].prev = g_last_link; g_links[i].next = -1; if (g_last_link != -1) { g_links[g_last_link].next = i; } g_last_link = i; g_num_links++; return i; } } return -1; } int add_sock(struct sock_list * socks, int len, int * first_sock, int * last_sock, SOCK fd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (socks[i].sock == -1) { socks[i].sock = fd; if (*first_sock == -1) *first_sock = i; socks[i].prev = *last_sock; socks[i].next = -1; if (*last_sock != -1) socks[*last_sock].next = i; *last_sock = i; return i; } } return -1; } int add_route_entry(char src_mac[6], char dest_mac[6], int src_mac_qual, int dest_mac_qual, int dest, int type, int src, int src_type) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTES; i++) { if (g_routes[i].use == 0) { if ((src_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (src_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { memcpy(g_routes[i].src_mac, src_mac, 6); } else { memset(g_routes[i].src_mac, 0, 6); } if ((dest_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (dest_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { memcpy(g_routes[i].dest_mac, dest_mac, 6); } else { memset(g_routes[i].dest_mac, 0, 6); } g_routes[i].src_mac_qual = src_mac_qual; g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual = dest_mac_qual; g_routes[i].dest = dest; g_routes[i].type = type; g_routes[i].src = src; g_routes[i].src_type = src_type; g_routes[i].use = 1; if (g_first_route == -1) g_first_route = i; g_routes[i].prev = g_last_route; g_routes[i].next = -1; if (g_last_route != -1) { g_routes[g_last_route].next = i; } g_last_route = i; g_num_routes++; return i; } } return -1; } /* * This returns an integer, if the interger is negative then AddLink failed, else it was * successful and returns the socket descriptor */ #if 0 int AddLink(string input, SOCK * link_sock, string * ret_str) { string output; string hello, password, version, command; string remote_address, type, remote_password; int ctrl_port = 0; int data_port = 0; char buf[128]; struct hostent * remote_he; struct in_addr dest_addr; unsigned long dest; SOCK data_sock; con_t ctrl_con; int link_index; int ret = CTRL_DO_NOTHING; struct sockaddr_in local_address; int local_port; *link_sock = 0; { istringstream is(input,istringstream::in); is >> hello >> password >> version >> command >> remote_address >> ctrl_port >> data_port >> remote_password >> type; } if ((remote_address.empty()) || (remote_password.empty()) || (type.empty()) || (ctrl_port == 0) || (data_port == 0)) { *ret_str = "Invalid Addlink command"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (get_tunnel_type(type) == -1) { *ret_str = "Invalid link type"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if ((remote_he = gethostbyname(remote_address.c_str())) == NULL) { *ret_str = "Could not lookup address of " + remote_address; return CTRL_ERROR; } dest_addr = *((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr); dest = dest_addr.s_addr; link_index = find_link_entry(dest, get_tunnel_type(type)); if (link_index != -1) { JRLDBG("Link already exists\n"); *ret_str = "Link already Exists"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if(type == TCP_STR) { struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; if ((data_sock = CreateAndSetupTcpSocket()) < 0) { cerr << "the client descriptor could not be opened" << endl; *ret_str = "Could not establish link"; return CTRL_ERROR; } serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(data_port); serv_addr.sin_addr = dest_addr; memset(&(serv_addr.sin_zero), 0, 8); JRLDBG("Connecting TCP Data link\n"); /*we establish a connection with the server */ if (connect(data_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { cerr << "the connection could not be established : " << endl; *ret_str = "Could not establish link"; return CTRL_ERROR; } local_port = data_port; *ret_str = "Successfully added a TCP link to " + remote_address; ret = CTRL_ADD_TCP_SOCK; } else if(type == UDP_STR) { if (GetLocalSockAddress(g_udp_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&local_address) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not get local address\n"); return CTRL_ERROR; } local_port = ntohs(local_address.sin_port); data_sock = g_udp_sockfd; *ret_str = "Successfully added a virtual UDP link to " + remote_address; } *link_sock = data_sock; if (create_ctrl_connection(&ctrl_con, remote_address, ctrl_port) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not establish control connection\n"); *ret_str = "Could not register new link"; if (type == TCP_STR) { CLOSE_SSL(use_ssl_data, ssl); CLOSE(*link_sock); } return CTRL_ERROR; } JRLDBG("ctrl session established\n"); snprintf(buf, 128, "%s %d", "myself", local_port); output = "REGISTERLINK "; output = output + buf + " " + type; if (send_ctrl_msg(ctrl_con, output, remote_password) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not send the control message\n"); *ret_str = "Could not register new link"; if (type == TCP_STR) { CLOSE_SSL(use_ssl_data, ssl); CLOSE(*link_sock); } return CTRL_ERROR; } JRLDBG("Ctrl message sent\n"); if (close_ctrl_connection(ctrl_con, remote_password) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not close control connection\n"); } link_index = add_link_entry(dest, get_tunnel_type(type), LINK, data_port, 1, data_sock); if (link_index == -1) { *ret_str = "Could not add link entry"; if (type == TCP_STR) { CLOSE_SSL(use_ssl_data, ssl); CLOSE(*link_sock); } return CTRL_ERROR; } JRLDBG("Addlink Created link: FD=%d\n", g_links[link_index].link_sock); return ret; } int AddRoute(string input, string * ret_str) { int src_mac_qual; int dest_mac_qual; int dest; int src; int route_index; int route_type; int src_route_type; char src_mac[6]; char dest_mac[6]; string hello, version, password, command; string src_str, dest_str, src_mac_str, dest_mac_str, src_type, type; { istringstream is(input,istringstream::in); is >> hello >> password >> version >> command >> src_mac_str >> dest_mac_str >> type >> dest_str >> src_type >> src_str; } if ((src_mac_str.empty()) || (dest_mac_str.empty()) || (dest_str.empty()) || (type.empty())) { *ret_str = "Invalid AddRoute command"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (get_route_type(type) == -1) { *ret_str = "Invalid route type"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (!(src_type.empty()) && (get_route_src_type(src_type) == -1)) { *ret_str = "Invalid route source type"; return CTRL_ERROR; } //We will first do some parsing to obtain correct the qualifier for source and destination address if (src_mac_str.find(":",0) == string::npos) { src_mac_qual = get_qual_type(src_mac_str); if (src_mac_qual == -1) { *ret_str = "Invalid Qual Type"; return CTRL_ERROR; } memset(src_mac, 0, 6); } else { if(src_mac_str.substr(0,3) == NOT) { src_mac_qual = NOT_TYPE; src_mac_str = src_mac_str.substr(4); } else { src_mac_qual = EMPTY_TYPE; } src_mac_str = src_mac_str.substr(0,2) + src_mac_str.substr(3,2) + src_mac_str.substr(6,2) + src_mac_str.substr(9,2) + src_mac_str.substr(12,2) + src_mac_str.substr(15,2); ConvertHexEthernetAddressToBinary(src_mac_str.c_str(), src_mac); } if (dest_mac_str.find (":",0) == string::npos) { dest_mac_qual = get_qual_type(dest_mac_str); if (dest_mac_qual == -1) { ret_str->assign("Invalid Qual Type"); return CTRL_ERROR; } memset(dest_mac, 0, 6); } else { if(dest_mac_str.substr(0,3) == NOT) { dest_mac_qual = NOT_TYPE; dest_mac_str = dest_mac_str.substr(4); } else { dest_mac_qual = EMPTY_TYPE; } dest_mac_str = dest_mac_str.substr(0,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(3,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(6,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(9,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(12,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(15,2); ConvertHexEthernetAddressToBinary(dest_mac_str.c_str(), dest_mac); } if (type == INTERFACE) { int dest_dev; dest_dev = get_device(dest_str); if (dest_dev == -1) { ret_str->assign("Could not find Destination Interface"); return CTRL_ERROR; } dest = dest_dev; route_type = INTERFACE_TYPE; } else if (type == EDGE) { hostent * remote_he; if ((remote_he = gethostbyname(dest_str.c_str())) == NULL) { ret_str->assign("Could not lookup address for " + dest_str); return CTRL_ERROR; } dest = find_link_entry((*((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr)).s_addr, -1); if (dest == -1) { JRLDBG("AddRoute: Invalid Destination: %s\n", inet_ntoa((*((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr)))); ret_str->assign("Addroute requested for invalid destination"); return CTRL_ERROR; } route_type = EDGE_TYPE; } if (src_type.empty() || (src_type == ANY_SRC)) { src = -1; src_route_type = ANY_SRC_TYPE; } else if (src_type == INTERFACE) { if (src_str.empty()) { ret_str->assign("Missing Source INTERFACE"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if (src_str == ANY_SRC) { src = -1; } else { int src_dev; src_dev = get_device(src_str); if (src_dev == -1) { ret_str->assign("Could not find Source Interface"); return CTRL_ERROR; } src = src_dev; } src_route_type = INTERFACE_TYPE; } else if (src_type == EDGE) { if (src_str == ANY_SRC) { src = -1; } else { hostent * src_he; if (src_str.empty()) { ret_str->assign("Missing Source EDGE Address"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if ((src_he = gethostbyname(src_str.c_str())) == NULL) { ret_str->assign("Could not lookup address for " + src_str); return CTRL_ERROR; } src = find_link_entry((*((struct in_addr *)src_he->h_addr)).s_addr, -1); if (src == -1) { JRLDBG("AddRoute: Invalid Destination: %s\n", inet_ntoa((*((struct in_addr *)src_he->h_addr)))); ret_str->assign("Addroute requested for invalid destination"); return CTRL_ERROR; } } src_route_type = EDGE_TYPE; } JRLDBG("Route Def: %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d src_qual=%d, dest_qual=%d, dest=%d, type=%d src=%d, src_type=%d\n", src_mac[0], src_mac[1], src_mac[2], src_mac[3], src_mac[4], src_mac[5], dest_mac[0], dest_mac[1], dest_mac[2], dest_mac[3], dest_mac[4], dest_mac[5], src_mac_qual, dest_mac_qual, dest, route_type, src, src_route_type); route_index = find_route_entry(src_mac, dest_mac, src_mac_qual, dest_mac_qual, dest, route_type, src, src_route_type); if (route_index != -1) { JRLDBG("Route Already Exists, Index: %d\n", route_index); ret_str->assign("Route alredy Exists"); return CTRL_ERROR; } route_index = add_route_entry(src_mac, dest_mac, src_mac_qual, dest_mac_qual, dest, get_route_type(type), src, src_route_type); if (route_index >= 0) { ret_str->assign("Successfully added the route for " +src_mac_str+ " and "+dest_mac_str); } else { ret_str->assign("Could not add route for " + src_mac_str + " and " + dest_mac_str); return CTRL_ERROR; } return route_index; } #endif int add_device_to_table(char *device_name, int type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICES; i++) { if (g_devices[i].use == 0) { // g_devices[i].device_name = device_name; strcpy(g_devices[i].device_name, device_name); g_devices[i].type = type; g_devices[i].use = 1; if (g_first_device == -1) g_first_device = i; g_devices[i].prev = g_last_device; g_devices[i].next = -1; if (g_last_device != -1) g_devices[g_last_device].next = i; g_last_device = i; g_num_devices++; return i; } } return -1; } int find_link_entry(unsigned long dest, int type) { int i; // PringDebug("Src: %lu, Dst: %lu\n", src, dest); FOREACH_LINK(i, g_links, g_first_link) { if ( (g_links[i].dest == dest) && ((type == -1) || (g_links[i].type == type)) ) { return i; } } return -1; } int delete_link_entry(int index) { int next_i; int prev_i; if (g_links[index].use == 0) { return -1; } g_links[index].dest = 0; // g_links[index].authenticated = 0; g_links[index].type = 0; g_links[index].link_sock = -1; g_links[index].use = 0; prev_i = g_links[index].prev; next_i = g_links[index].next; if (prev_i != -1) g_links[prev_i].next = g_links[index].next; if (next_i != -1) g_links[next_i].prev = g_links[index].prev; if (g_first_link == index) g_first_link = g_links[index].next; if (g_last_link == index) g_last_link = g_links[index].prev; g_links[index].next = -1; g_links[index].prev = -1; g_num_links--; return 0; } int delete_link_entry_by_addr(unsigned long dest, int type) { int index = find_link_entry(dest, type); if (index == -1) { return -1; } return delete_link_entry(index); } #if 0 int delete_device(string device_name) { int index = get_device(device_name); if (index == -1) { return -1; } delete_device(index); return 0; } #endif int delete_device(int index) { int next_i; int prev_i; g_devices[index].device_name = ""; g_devices[index].use = 0; prev_i = g_devices[index].prev; next_i = g_devices[index].next; if (prev_i != -1) g_devices[prev_i].next = g_devices[index].next; if (next_i != -1) g_devices[next_i].prev = g_devices[index].prev; if (g_first_device == index) g_first_device = g_devices[index].next; if (g_last_device == index) g_last_device = g_devices[index].prev; g_devices[index].next = -1; g_devices[index].prev = -1; g_num_devices--; return 0; } int find_route_entry(char src_mac[6], char dest_mac[6], int src_mac_qual, int dest_mac_qual, int dest, int type, int src, int src_type) { int i; char temp_src_mac[6]; char temp_dest_mac[6]; if ((src_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (src_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { memcpy(temp_src_mac, src_mac, 6); } else { memset(temp_src_mac, 0, 6); } if ((dest_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (dest_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { memcpy(temp_dest_mac, dest_mac, 6); } else { memset(temp_dest_mac, 0, 6); } FOREACH_LINK(i, g_routes, g_first_route) { if ( (memcmp(temp_src_mac, g_routes[i].src_mac, 6) == 0) && (memcmp(temp_dest_mac, g_routes[i].dest_mac, 6) == 0) && (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual == src_mac_qual) && (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == dest_mac_qual) && ( (type == -1) || ((type == g_routes[i].type) && (g_routes[i].dest == dest))) && ( (src_type == -1) || ((src_type == g_routes[i].src_type) && (g_routes[i].src == src))) ) { return i; } } return -1; } int delete_route_entry(int index) { int next_i; int prev_i; memset(g_routes[index].src_mac, 0, 6); memset(g_routes[index].dest_mac, 0, 6); g_routes[index].dest = 0; g_routes[index].src = 0; g_routes[index].src_mac_qual = 0; g_routes[index].dest_mac_qual = 0; g_routes[index].type = -1; g_routes[index].src_type = -1; g_routes[index].use = 0; prev_i = g_routes[index].prev; next_i = g_routes[index].next; if (prev_i != -1) g_routes[prev_i].next = g_routes[index].next; if (next_i != -1) g_routes[next_i].prev = g_routes[index].prev; if (g_first_route == index) g_first_route = g_routes[index].next; if (g_last_route == index) g_last_route = g_routes[index].prev; g_routes[index].next = -1; g_routes[index].prev = -1; g_num_routes--; return 0; } int delete_route_entry_by_addr(char src_mac[6], char dest_mac[6], int src_mac_qual, int dest_mac_qual, int dest, int type, int src, int src_type) { int index = find_route_entry(src_mac, dest_mac, src_mac_qual, dest_mac_qual, dest, type, src, src_type); if (index == -1) { return -1; } delete_route_entry(index); return 0; } #if 0 int DeleteLink(string input, SOCK * link_sock, string * ret_str) { string output; string hello,password, version, command; string remote_address, type, remote_password; int ctrl_port = 0; struct hostent * remote_he; unsigned long dest_addr; int link_index; int ret = CTRL_DO_NOTHING; con_t ctrl_con; struct sockaddr_in local_address; char buf[128]; *link_sock = 0; { istringstream is(input,istringstream::in); is >> hello >> password >> version >> command >> remote_address >> ctrl_port >> remote_password >> type ; } if ((remote_address.empty()) || (remote_password.empty()) || (type.empty()) || (ctrl_port == 0)) { *ret_str = "Invalid Deletelink command"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (get_tunnel_type(type) == -1) { *ret_str = "Invalid link type"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if ((remote_he = gethostbyname(remote_address.c_str())) == NULL) { *ret_str = "could not lookup address of " + remote_address; return CTRL_ERROR; } dest_addr = (*((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr)).s_addr; JRLDBG("Deleting Dst: %lu\n", dest_addr); link_index = find_link_entry(dest_addr, get_tunnel_type(type)); if (link_index == -1) { JRLDBG("Link Does Not Exist\n"); *ret_str = "Link Does not exist"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (type == TCP_STR) { *link_sock = g_links[link_index].link_sock; *ret_str = "Successfully deleted a TCP link to " + remote_address; ret = CTRL_DELETE_TCP_SOCK; } else if (type == UDP_STR) { *ret_str = "Successfully deleted a virtual UDP link to " + remote_address; } else if (type == VTP_STR) { *ret_str = "Successfully deleted a VTP link to " + remote_address; // TODO: Send delete control message } if (create_ctrl_connection(&ctrl_con, remote_address, ctrl_port) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not establish control connection\n"); *ret_str = "Could not deregister link"; CLOSE(*link_sock); return CTRL_ERROR; } /* if (GetLocalSockAddress(ctrl_con.sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local_address) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not get local address\n"); *ret_str = "Could not deregister link"; CLOSE(*link_sock); return CTRL_ERROR; } snprintf(buf, 128, "%s", inet_ntoa(local_address.sin_addr)); */ output = "DEREGISTERLINK "; output = output + "myself" + " " + type; if (send_ctrl_msg(ctrl_con, output, remote_password) == -1) { // Could not register on the remote host, CLOSE(*link_sock); *ret_str = "Could not deregister link on remote host"; return CTRL_ERROR; } if (close_ctrl_connection(ctrl_con, remote_password) == -1) { JRLDBG("Could not close control connection\n"); } if (close_link(link_index) == -1) { *ret_str = "Could not delete link"; return CTRL_ERROR; } return ret; } int DeleteRoute(string input, string * ret_str) { int src_mac_qual; int dest_mac_qual; int dest; int src; int ret = 0; char src_mac[6]; char dest_mac[6]; int route_type; int src_route_type; string hello, version, password, command; string src_str, dest_str, src_mac_str, dest_mac_str, type, src_type; { istringstream is(input,istringstream::in); is >> hello >> password >> version >> command >> src_mac_str >> dest_mac_str >> type >> dest_str >> src_type >> src_str ; } if ((src_mac_str.empty()) || (dest_mac_str.empty()) || (dest_str.empty()) || (type.empty())) { ret_str->assign("Invalid Deleteroute command"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if (get_route_type(type) == -1) { ret_str->assign("Invalid route type"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if (!(src_type.empty()) && (get_route_src_type(src_type) == -1)) { ret_str->assign("Invalid route source type"); return CTRL_ERROR; } //We will first do some parsing to obtain correct the qualifier for source and destination address if (src_mac_str.find(":",0) == string::npos) { src_mac_qual = get_qual_type(src_mac_str); if (src_mac_qual == -1) { ret_str->assign("Invalid qual type"); return CTRL_ERROR; } memset(src_mac, 0, 6); } else { if(src_mac_str.substr(0,3) == NOT) { src_mac_qual = NOT_TYPE; src_mac_str = src_mac_str.substr(4); } else { src_mac_qual = EMPTY_TYPE; } src_mac_str = src_mac_str.substr(0,2) + src_mac_str.substr(3,2) + src_mac_str.substr(6,2) + src_mac_str.substr(9,2) + src_mac_str.substr(12,2) + src_mac_str.substr(15,2); ConvertHexEthernetAddressToBinary(src_mac_str.c_str(), src_mac); } if (dest_mac_str.find (":",0) == string::npos) { dest_mac_qual = get_qual_type(dest_mac_str); if (dest_mac_qual == -1) { ret_str->assign("Invalid Qual Type"); return CTRL_ERROR; } memset(dest_mac, 0, 6); } else { if(dest_mac_str.substr(0,3) == NOT) { dest_mac_qual = NOT_TYPE; dest_mac_str = dest_mac_str.substr(4); } else { dest_mac_qual = EMPTY_TYPE; } dest_mac_str = dest_mac_str.substr(0,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(3,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(6,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(9,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(12,2) + dest_mac_str.substr(15,2); ConvertHexEthernetAddressToBinary(dest_mac_str.c_str(), dest_mac); } if (type == INTERFACE) { int dest_dev; dest_dev = get_device(dest_str); if (dest_dev == -1) { ret_str->assign("Could not find Destination Interface"); return CTRL_ERROR; } dest = dest_dev; route_type = INTERFACE_TYPE; } else if (type == EDGE) { hostent * remote_he; if ((remote_he = gethostbyname(dest_str.c_str())) == NULL) { ret_str->assign("Could not lookup address for " + dest_str); return CTRL_ERROR; } dest = find_link_entry((*((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr)).s_addr, -1); if (dest == -1) { ret_str->assign("Route requested for invalid destination"); return CTRL_ERROR; } route_type = EDGE_TYPE; } if (src_type.empty() || (src_type == ANY_SRC)) { src = -1; src_route_type = ANY_SRC_TYPE; } else if (src_type == INTERFACE) { if (src_str.empty()) { ret_str->assign("Missing Source INTERFACE"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if (src_str == ANY_SRC) { src = -1; } else { int src_dev; src_dev = get_device(src_str); if (src_dev == -1) { ret_str->assign("Could not find Source Interface"); return CTRL_ERROR; } src = src_dev; } src_route_type = INTERFACE_TYPE; } else if (src_type == EDGE) { if (src_str.empty()) { ret_str->assign("Missing Source EDGE Address"); return CTRL_ERROR; } if (src_str == ANY_SRC) { src = -1; } else { hostent * src_he; if ((src_he = gethostbyname(src_str.c_str())) == NULL) { ret_str->assign("Could not lookup address for " + src_str); return CTRL_ERROR; } src = find_link_entry((*((struct in_addr *)src_he->h_addr)).s_addr, -1); if (src == -1) { JRLDBG("DeleteRoute: Invalid Destination: %s\n", inet_ntoa((*((struct in_addr *)src_he->h_addr)))); ret_str->assign("DeleteToute requested for invalid destination"); return CTRL_ERROR; } } src_route_type = EDGE_TYPE; } ret = delete_route_entry(src_mac, dest_mac, src_mac_qual, dest_mac_qual, dest, route_type, src, src_route_type); if (ret == 0) { ret_str->assign("Successfully deleted the route for " +src_mac_str+ " and "+dest_mac_str); } else { ret_str->assign("Could not delete the route"); return CTRL_ERROR; } return ret; } #endif int delete_sock(struct sock_list * socks, int *first_sock, int *last_sock, SOCK fd) { int i; int prev_i; int next_i; FOREACH_SOCK(i, socks, (*first_sock)) { if (socks[i].sock == fd) { V3_Close_Socket(socks[i].sock); socks[i].sock = -1; prev_i = socks[i].prev; next_i = socks[i].next; if (prev_i != -1) socks[prev_i].next = socks[i].next; if (next_i != -1) socks[next_i].prev = socks[i].prev; if (*first_sock == i) *first_sock = socks[i].next; if (*last_sock == i) *last_sock = socks[i].prev; socks[i].next = -1; socks[i].prev = -1; return 0; } } return -1; } /* //During testing, route table, link table, etc. are writen in program, isteadjing of AddRoute(), AddLink()... void Create_topologies() { //create link table unsigned long dest; // dest_addr = *((struct in_addr *)remote_he->h_addr); dest = dest_addr.s_addr; add_link_entry(dest, TCP_STR, int data_port, SOCK fd) //the parameter need modify //create device table add_device_to_table(eth0) //create route table //example(VnetClientJava):FORWARD endeavor.cs.northwestern.edu EDGE not-00:0C:29:0F:4E:AA 00:0C:29:0F:4E:AA virtuoso-22.cs.northwestern.edu ANY ANY //format(VnetClientJava): String routeStr = "FORWARD " + host.getHostname() + " " + dstType + " " + srcMacStr + " " + dstMacStr + " " + dst + " " + srcType + " " + src; char src_mac[6]; //={}; //00:0C:29:0F:4E:AA char dest_mac[6]; //00:0C:29:0F:4E:AA, empty type is only a mac adress. add_route_entry(src_mac, dest_mac, NOT_TYPE, EMPTY_TYPE, , EDGE, ANY, ANY); //decide "dest" after creade device table or link table. } */ //int data_port, is udp/tcp port. SOCK fd comes from socket() function.. so this function is called after socket(). void store_topologies(int data_port, SOCK fd) { int i; int src_mac_qual = ANY_TYPE; int dest_mac_qual = ANY_TYPE; int dest =0; //this is in_addr.s_addr int type = UDP_TYPE; int src = 0; int src_type= ANY_SRC_TYPE; //store link table for(i = 0; i < 1; i++) { if (g_links[i].use == 0) { g_links[i].dest = dest; // g_links[i].authenticated = authenticated; g_links[i].type = type; g_links[i].link_sock = fd; g_links[i].remote_port = data_port; g_links[i].use = 1; // g_links[i].link_class = link_class; if (g_first_link == -1) g_first_link = i; g_links[i].prev = g_last_link; g_links[i].next = -1; if (g_last_link != -1) { g_links[g_last_link].next = i; } g_last_link = i; g_num_links++; } } //store route table type = EDGE_TYPE; dest =0; for(i = 0; i < 1; i++) { if (g_routes[i].use == 0) { if ((src_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (src_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { // memcpy(g_routes[i].src_mac, src_mac, 6); } else { memset(g_routes[i].src_mac, 0, 6); } if ((dest_mac_qual != ANY_TYPE) && (dest_mac_qual != NONE_TYPE)) { // memcpy(g_routes[i].dest_mac, dest_mac, 6); } else { memset(g_routes[i].dest_mac, 0, 6); } g_routes[i].src_mac_qual = src_mac_qual; g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual = dest_mac_qual; g_routes[i].dest = dest; g_routes[i].type = type; g_routes[i].src = src; g_routes[i].src_type = src_type; g_routes[i].use = 1; if (g_first_route == -1) g_first_route = i; g_routes[i].prev = g_last_route; g_routes[i].next = -1; if (g_last_route != -1) { g_routes[g_last_route].next = i; } g_last_route = i; g_num_routes++; } } } //int MatchRoute(char * src_mac, char * dst_mac, int src_type, int src_index, int * do_we_analyze, int * matches) { int MatchRoute(char * src_mac, char * dst_mac, int src_type, int src_index, int * matches) { int values[g_num_routes]; int matched_routes[g_num_routes]; int num_matches = 0; int i; int max = 0; int no = 0; int exact_match = 0; FOREACH_ROUTE(i, g_routes, g_first_route) { if ( (g_routes[i].src_type != ANY_SRC_TYPE) && ( (g_routes[i].src_type != src_type) || ( (g_routes[i].src != src_index) && (g_routes[i].src != -1) ) ) ) { PrintDebug("Source route is on and does not match\n"); continue; } if ( (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) && (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) ) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 3; num_matches++; } if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].src_mac, (void *)src_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { if (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 6; num_matches++; } else if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].dest_mac, (void *)dst_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 8; exact_match = 1; num_matches++; } } } } if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].dest_mac, (void *)dst_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { if (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 6; num_matches++; } else if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].src_mac, (void *)src_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { if (exact_match == 0) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 8; num_matches++; } } } } } if ( (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == NOT_TYPE) && (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].dest_mac, (void *)dst_mac, 6) != 0)) { if (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 5; num_matches++; } else if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].src_mac, (void *)src_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 7; num_matches++; } } } if ( (g_routes[i].src_mac_qual == NOT_TYPE) && (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].src_mac, (void *)src_mac, 6) != 0) ) { if (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == ANY_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 5; num_matches++; } else if (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].dest_mac, (void *)dst_mac, 6) == 0) { if (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual != NOT_TYPE) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 7; num_matches++; } } } } FOREACH_ROUTE(i, g_routes, g_first_route) { if ( (memcmp((void *)&g_routes[i].src_mac, (void *)src_mac, 6) == 0) && (g_routes[i].dest_mac_qual == NONE_TYPE) && ( (g_routes[i].src_type == ANY_SRC_TYPE) || ( (g_routes[i].src_type == src_type) && ( (g_routes[i].src == src_index) || (g_routes[i].src == -1) )))) { matched_routes[num_matches] = i; values[num_matches] = 4; PrintDebug("We matched a default route (%d)\n", i); num_matches++; } } //If many rules have been matched, we choose one which has the highest value rating if (num_matches == 0) { return 0; } for (i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) { if (values[i] > max) { no = 0; max = values[i]; matches[no] = matched_routes[i]; no++; } else if (values[i] == max) { matches[no] = matched_routes[i]; no++; } } return no; } bool HandleDataOverLink(RawEthernetPacket *pkt, int src_link_index) { char src_mac[6]; char dst_mac[6]; // int do_we_analyze; int matches[g_num_routes]; int num_matched_routes = 0; int i; struct HEADERS headers; // char hash_key[HASH_KEY_SIZE]; // get the ethernet and ip headers from the packet memcpy((void *)&headers, (void *)pkt->data, sizeof(headers)); int j; for(j = 0;j < 6; j++) { src_mac[j] = headers.ethernetsrc[j]; dst_mac[j] = headers.ethernetdest[j]; } //#ifdef DEBUG char dest_str[18]; char src_str[18]; mac_to_string(src_mac, src_str); mac_to_string(dst_mac, dest_str); PrintDebug("SRC(%s), DEST(%s)\n", src_str, dest_str); //#endif // make_hash_key(hash_key, src_mac, dst_mac, EDGE_TYPE, src_link_index); // num_matched_routes = MatchRoute(src_mac, dst_mac, EDGE_TYPE, src_link_index, &do_we_analyze, matches); num_matched_routes = MatchRoute(src_mac, dst_mac, EDGE_TYPE, src_link_index, matches); PrintDebug("Matches=%d\n", num_matched_routes); for (i = 0; i < num_matched_routes; i++) { int route_index = -1; int link_index = -1; int dev_index = -1; route_index = matches[i]; #ifdef DEBUG { // char *route_str; PrintDebug("Forward packet from link according to Route entry %d\n", route_index); // route_to_str(route_index, &route_str); // PrintDebug("Route Rule: %s\n", route_str.c_str()); } #endif if (g_routes[route_index].type == EDGE_TYPE) { link_index = g_routes[route_index].dest; // PrintDebug("Destination Host: %s\n", ip_to_string(htonl(g_links[link_index].dest))); if(g_links[link_index].type == UDP_TYPE) { int size; PrintDebug("Serializing UDP Packet from LINK, fd=%d\n", g_links[link_index].link_sock); if ((size = V3_SendTo_IP(g_links[link_index].link_sock, g_links[link_index].dest, g_links[link_index].remote_port, pkt->data, pkt->size)) != pkt->size) { PrintError("Vnet: sending by UDP Exception, %x\n", size); return false; } } else if (g_links[link_index].type == TCP_TYPE) { // PrintDebug("Serializing TCP Packet from link to LINk %s\n", ip_to_string(htonl(g_links[link_index].dest))); RawEthernetPacketSerialize(pkt, g_links[link_index].link_sock); } } else if (g_routes[route_index].type == INTERFACE_TYPE) { dev_index = g_routes[route_index].dest; PrintDebug("Writing Packet to device=%s\n", g_devices[dev_index].device_name); if (if_write_pkt(g_devices[dev_index].vnet_device, pkt) == -1) { PrintDebug("Can't write output packet to link\n"); return false; } } } return true; } #endif //Route static void hanlder_ProcessTcp(struct handler *hd) { RawEthernetPacket *pt; pt = (RawEthernetPacket *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(RawEthernetPacket)); if (pt == NULL){ PrintError("Vnet: Malloc fails\n"); return; } if (RawEthernetPacketUnserialize(pt, hd->fd) == false){ PrintError("Vnet: Hanlder:ProcessTcp: receiving packet from TCP fails\n"); return; } PrintDebug("Vnet: In Hanlder.ProcessTcp: get packet\n"); print_packet(pt->data, pt->size); #ifdef ROUTE /* int *link_index ; link_index = (int *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(int)); if (link_index == NULL){ PrintError("Vnet: Malloc fails\n"); return; } *link_index = find_link_by_fd(hd->fd); */ int link_index; // int *link_index_ptr; link_index = find_link_by_fd(hd->fd); // link_index_ptr = &link_index; // v3_enqueue(src_link_index_q, (addr_t)link_index_ptr); pt->index = link_index; #endif v3_enqueue(vnet_inpkt_q, (addr_t)pt); } static void RunUdp(struct handler *hd) { RawEthernetPacket *pt; while (1) { pt = (RawEthernetPacket *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(RawEthernetPacket)); if (pt == NULL){ PrintError("Vnet: Malloc fails\n"); return; } PrintDebug("Vnet: In Hanlder.RunUdp: socket: %d receive from ip %x, port %d\n", hd->fd, hd->remote_address, hd->remote_port); pt->size = V3_RecvFrom_IP(hd->fd, hd->remote_address, hd->remote_port, pt->data, ETHERNET_PACKET_LEN); if (pt->size <= 0){ PrintDebug("Vnet: Hanlder:ProcessUdp: receiving packet from UDP fails\n"); V3_Free(pt); return; } PrintDebug("Vnet: In Hanlder.RunUdp: get packet\n"); print_packet(pt->data, pt->size); v3_enqueue(vnet_inpkt_q, (addr_t)pt); } } static void RunTcp(struct handler *hd) { struct v3_sock_set fds; int rc; while (1) { V3_SOCK_ZERO(&fds); V3_SOCK_SET(hd->fd, &fds); rc = V3_Select_Socket(&fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); PrintDebug("Vnet: In Hanlder.Run: Return from Select(): rc : %d\n", rc); if (rc < 0) { PrintError("Vnet: In Hanlder.Run: Return from Select() Error: rc : %d\n", rc); return; } else if (rc == 0) { // huh? didn't ask for timeouts so just repeat continue; } else { hanlder_ProcessTcp(hd); } } } static int vnet_handle(struct handler *hd) { if (use_tcp) RunTcp(hd); else RunUdp(hd); return 0; } static bool handler_tx_packet(struct handler *hd, RawEthernetPacket *pt) { if (pt == NULL) { PrintError("VNET Hanlder: sending a NULL packet\n"); return false; } PrintDebug("VNET Hanlder: socket: %d local %x:[%d], remote %x:[%d]\n", hd->fd, hd->local_address, hd->local_port, hd->remote_address, hd->remote_port); if (use_tcp) return RawEthernetPacketSerialize(pt, hd->fd); else return RawEthernetPacketSendUdp(pt, hd->fd, hd->remote_address, hd->remote_port); } int V3_Send_pkt(uchar_t *buf, int length) { PrintDebug("VNET: In V3_Send_pkt: pkt length %d\n", length); print_packet((char *)buf, length); return vnet_send_pkt((char *)buf, length); } int V3_Register_pkt_event(int (*netif_input)(uchar_t * pkt, uint_t size)) { return vnet_register_pkt_event("NE2000", netif_input, NULL); } int vnet_send_pkt(char *buf, int length) { struct handler * hd; RawEthernetPacket pt; hd = get_handler(); if (hd == NULL){ return -1; } PrintDebug("Vnet: vnet_send_pkt: get handler: %p\n", hd); RawEthernetPacketInit(&pt, buf, length); //====here we copy sending data once if (!handler_tx_packet(hd, &pt)) return -1; V3_Yield(); return 0; } int vnet_register_pkt_event(char *dev_name, int (*netif_input)(uchar_t * pkt, uint_t size), void *data) { struct vnet_device *dev; dev = (struct vnet_device *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct vnet_device)); if(dev == NULL){ PrintError("VNET: Malloc fails\n"); return -1; } strncpy(dev->name, dev_name, (strlen(dev_name) < 50)?strlen(dev_name):50); dev->input = netif_input; dev->data = data; if (!add_device(dev)) return -1; return 0; } int vnet_check() { // struct vnet_device *(*dev)[]; -- YT // struct vnet_device *dev; RawEthernetPacket *pt; int link_index; // int i; //PrintDebug("VNET: In vnet_check\n"); V3_Yield(); // while (((pt = (RawEthernetPacket *)v3_dequeue(vnet_inpkt_q)) != NULL)&&((link_index = (int *)v3_dequeue(src_link_index_q)) != NULL)){ while ((pt = (RawEthernetPacket *)v3_dequeue(vnet_inpkt_q)) != NULL){ #ifdef ROUTE /* dev = get_device(pt); //while (dev[device_num] != NULL) { //multi-get_device -- YT if (dev == NULL){ PrintDebug("VNET: In vnet_check: pkt length %d, no destination device, pkt discarded\n", (int)pt->size); V3_Free(pt); continue; } dev->input((uchar_t *)pt->data, pt->size); PrintDebug("VNET: In vnet_check: pkt length %d, device: %s\n", (int)pt->size, dev->name); for (i = 0; i < (int)pt->size; i++) PrintDebug("%x ", pt->data[i]); PrintDebug("\n"); */ link_index = pt->index; if(HandleDataOverLink(pt, link_index)) { PrintDebug("VNET: vnet_check: Receive and Send a packet!\n"); //--YT } #endif // V3_Free(link_index); V3_Free(pt); //be careful here } return 0; } static int handler_thread(void *arg) { struct handler *hd = (struct handler *)arg; return vnet_handle(hd); } static int vnet_setup_handler(int con_fd, ctype local_config, int remote_addr, int remote_port) { struct handler *h; h = (struct handler *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct handler)); if (local_config != LOCAL && local_config != REMOTE){ PrintError("VNET: bad local config\n"); return -1; } h->local_config = local_config; h->local_address = bind_address; h->local_port = bind_port; h->remote_address = remote_addr; h->remote_port = remote_port; if (h->local_config == LOCAL) { if ((h->fd = V3_Create_TCP_Socket() < 0)){ PrintError("VNET: can't create socket\n"); return -1; } if (V3_Connect_To_IP(h->fd, h->remote_address, h->remote_port) < 0){ V3_Close_Socket(h->fd); PrintError("VNET: can't connect to remote VNET server\n"); return -1; } PrintDebug("VNET: ConnectToHost done\n"); } else if (local_config == REMOTE) { if (con_fd < 0) { PrintError("VNET: Invalid socket discriptor\n"); return -1; } h->fd = con_fd; } else { return -1; } add_handler(h); // Now run protocol to bootstrap the remote VNET server PrintDebug("VNET: socket connection done socket: %d\n", h->fd); V3_CREATE_THREAD(&handler_thread, (void *)h, "VNET_HANDLER"); return 0; } static int vnet_setup_tcp() { uint_t remote_ip; uint_t remote_port; int accept_socket; int connection_socket; uint_t server_ip = (0 | 172 << 24 | 23 << 16 | 1 ); uint_t server_port = 22; if (vnet_server) { if ((accept_socket = V3_Create_TCP_Socket() < 0)){ PrintError("VNET: Can't setup socket\n"); return -1; } if (bind_address == 0) { if (V3_Bind_Socket(accept_socket, bind_port) < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Can't bind socket\n"); return -1; } } else { if (0) {//BindSocketwAdx(accept_socket, bind_address, bind_port) < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Can't bind socket\n"); return -1; } } if (V3_Listen_Socket(accept_socket, 1) < 0) { PrintError("VNET: Can't listen socket\n"); return -1; } // create new connection for each handler remotely // this will stuck the initiation of vnet // TODO: put this in a separate kernel thread do{ PrintDebug("VNET: In Accepting Socket\n"); connection_socket = V3_Accept_Socket(accept_socket, &remote_ip, &remote_port); PrintDebug("VNET: return from Accepting Socket %d\n", connection_socket); if (connection_socket < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Accept failed"); return -1; } //At this point our TCP connection is setup and running vnet_setup_handler(connection_socket, REMOTE, 0, 0); }while (0); }else { //vnet_host PrintDebug("VNET: In host status\n"); //At this point our TCP connection is not setup vnet_setup_handler(-1, LOCAL, server_ip, server_port); } return 0; } static int vnet_setup_udp() { uint_t client_ip = (0 | 172 << 24 | 23 << 16 | 2 ); uint_t client_port = 22; int socket; uint_t server_ip = (0 | 172 << 24 | 23 << 16 | 1 ); uint_t server_port = 22; struct handler *hd; hd = (struct handler *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct handler)); if ((socket = V3_Create_UDP_Socket()) < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Can't setup udp socket\n"); return -1; } if (vnet_server) {// vnet_proxy PrintDebug("VNET: In proxy status local ip: %x, %d\n", server_ip, server_port); if (V3_Bind_Socket(socket, server_port) < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Can't bind socket\n"); return -1; } hd->local_address = server_ip; hd->local_port = server_port; hd->remote_address = client_ip; hd->remote_port = client_port; hd->fd = socket; hd->remote_config = REMOTE; }else { //vnet_host PrintDebug("VNET: In host status local ip: %x\n", client_ip); if (V3_Bind_Socket(socket, client_port) < 0){ PrintError("VNET: Can't bind socket\n"); return -1; } hd->local_address = client_ip; hd->local_port = client_port; hd->remote_address = server_ip; hd->remote_port = server_port; hd->fd = socket; hd->remote_config = LOCAL; } PrintDebug("VNET: vnet_setup_udp new handler: socket: %d local %x:[%d], remote %x:[%d]\n", hd->fd, hd->local_address, hd->local_port, hd->remote_address, hd->remote_port); add_handler(hd); PrintDebug("VNET: add handler: %d\n", hd->fd); V3_CREATE_THREAD(&handler_thread, (void *)hd, "VNET_HANDLER"); return 0; } void vnet_init() { int i=0; #ifdef VNET_SERVER vnet_server = 1; #endif extern struct v3_socket_hooks * sock_hooks; PrintDebug("In VMM_SOCK: %p\n", sock_hooks); PrintDebug("VNET Init: VNET_SERVER: %d\n", vnet_server); vnet_inpkt_q = v3_create_queue(); v3_init_queue(vnet_inpkt_q); //queue for src_link_index -- YT #ifdef ROUTE // src_link_index_q = v3_create_queue(); // v3_init_queue(src_link_index_q); #endif for (i = 0; i < NUM_DEVICES; i++) available_devices[i] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NUM_HANDLERS; i++) active_handlers[i] = NULL; if (use_tcp) vnet_setup_tcp(); else vnet_setup_udp(); //not continue on the guest //while(1){} } #if 0 static void test_send(int sock, int time) { char *buf = "\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\009\010\011\012\013\014\015\n"; int i, j; int num; i = time; while(i-- > 0){ num = V3_Send_pkt((uchar_t *)buf, strlen(buf)); PrintDebug("VNET: In test Send: sent size %d\n", num); for (j = 0; i < strlen(buf); j++) PrintDebug("%x ", buf[j]); PrintDebug("\n"); } } #endif