/* * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. * * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University * and the University of New Mexico. You can find out more at * http://www.v3vee.org * * Copyright (c) 2008, Jack Lange * Copyright (c) 2008, The V3VEE Project * All rights reserved. * * Author: Jack Lange * * This is free software. You are permitted to use, * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE". */ #ifndef __VMCB_H #define __VMCB_H #ifdef __V3VEE__ #include #include #define VMCB_CTRL_AREA_OFFSET 0x0 #define VMCB_STATE_SAVE_AREA_OFFSET 0x400 #define GET_VMCB_CTRL_AREA(page) (page + VMCB_CTRL_AREA_OFFSET) #define GET_VMCB_SAVE_STATE_AREA(page) (page + VMCB_STATE_SAVE_AREA_OFFSET) typedef void vmcb_t; struct Ctrl_Registers { uint_t cr0 : 1; uint_t cr1 : 1; uint_t cr2 : 1; uint_t cr3 : 1; uint_t cr4 : 1; uint_t cr5 : 1; uint_t cr6 : 1; uint_t cr7 : 1; uint_t cr8 : 1; uint_t cr9 : 1; uint_t cr10 : 1; uint_t cr11 : 1; uint_t cr12 : 1; uint_t cr13 : 1; uint_t cr14 : 1; uint_t cr15 : 1; } __attribute__((packed)); struct Debug_Registers { uint_t dr0 : 1; uint_t dr1 : 1; uint_t dr2 : 1; uint_t dr3 : 1; uint_t dr4 : 1; uint_t dr5 : 1; uint_t dr6 : 1; uint_t dr7 : 1; uint_t dr8 : 1; uint_t dr9 : 1; uint_t dr10 : 1; uint_t dr11 : 1; uint_t dr12 : 1; uint_t dr13 : 1; uint_t dr14 : 1; uint_t dr15 : 1; } __attribute__((packed)); struct Exception_Vectors { uint_t de : 1; // (0) divide by zero uint_t db : 1; // (1) Debug uint_t nmi : 1; // (2) Non-maskable interrupt uint_t bp : 1; // (3) Breakpoint uint_t of : 1; // (4) Overflow uint_t br : 1; // (5) Bound-Range uint_t ud : 1; // (6) Invalid-Opcode uint_t nm : 1; // (7) Device-not-available uint_t df : 1; // (8) Double Fault uint_t ex9 : 1; uint_t ts : 1; // (10) Invalid TSS uint_t np : 1; // (11) Segment-not-present uint_t ss : 1; // (12) Stack uint_t gp : 1; // (13) General Protection Fault uint_t pf : 1; // (14) Page fault uint_t ex15 : 1; uint_t mf : 1; // (15) Floating point exception uint_t ac : 1; // (16) Alignment-check uint_t mc : 1; // (17) Machine Check uint_t xf : 1; // (18) SIMD floating-point uint_t ex20 : 1; uint_t ex21 : 1; uint_t ex22 : 1; uint_t ex23 : 1; uint_t ex24 : 1; uint_t ex25 : 1; uint_t ex26 : 1; uint_t ex27 : 1; uint_t ex28 : 1; uint_t ex29 : 1; uint_t sx : 1; // (30) Security Exception uint_t ex31 : 1; } __attribute__((packed)); struct Instr_Intercepts { uint_t INTR : 1; uint_t NMI : 1; uint_t SMI : 1; uint_t INIT : 1; uint_t VINTR : 1; uint_t CR0 : 1; uint_t RD_IDTR : 1; uint_t RD_GDTR : 1; uint_t RD_LDTR : 1; uint_t RD_TR : 1; uint_t WR_IDTR : 1; uint_t WR_GDTR : 1; uint_t WR_LDTR : 1; uint_t WR_TR : 1; uint_t RDTSC : 1; uint_t RDPMC : 1; uint_t PUSHF : 1; uint_t POPF : 1; uint_t CPUID : 1; uint_t RSM : 1; uint_t IRET : 1; uint_t INTn : 1; uint_t INVD : 1; uint_t PAUSE : 1; uint_t HLT : 1; uint_t INVLPG : 1; uint_t INVLPGA : 1; uint_t IOIO_PROT : 1; uint_t MSR_PROT : 1; uint_t task_switch : 1; uint_t FERR_FREEZE : 1; uint_t shutdown_evts: 1; } __attribute__((packed)); struct SVM_Instr_Intercepts { uint_t VMRUN : 1; uint_t VMMCALL : 1; uint_t VMLOAD : 1; uint_t VMSAVE : 1; uint_t STGI : 1; uint_t CLGI : 1; uint_t SKINIT : 1; uint_t RDTSCP : 1; uint_t ICEBP : 1; uint_t WBINVD : 1; uint_t MONITOR : 1; uint_t MWAIT_always : 1; uint_t MWAIT_if_armed : 1; uint_t reserved : 19; // Should be 0 } __attribute__((packed)); struct Guest_Control { uchar_t V_TPR; uint_t V_IRQ : 1; uint_t rsvd1 : 7; // Should be 0 uint_t V_INTR_PRIO : 4; uint_t V_IGN_TPR : 1; uint_t rsvd2 : 3; // Should be 0 uint_t V_INTR_MASKING : 1; uint_t rsvd3 : 7; // Should be 0 uchar_t V_INTR_VECTOR; uint_t rsvd4 : 24; // Should be 0 } __attribute__((packed)); #define SVM_INJECTION_IRQ 0 #define SVM_INJECTION_NMI 2 #define SVM_INJECTION_EXCEPTION 3 #define SVM_INJECTION_SOFT_INTR 4 struct Interrupt_Info { uint_t vector : 8; uint_t type : 3; uint_t ev : 1; uint_t rsvd : 19; uint_t valid : 1; uint_t error_code : 32; } __attribute__((packed)); struct VMCB_Control_Area { // offset 0x0 struct Ctrl_Registers cr_reads; struct Ctrl_Registers cr_writes; struct Debug_Registers dr_reads; struct Debug_Registers dr_writes; struct Exception_Vectors exceptions; struct Instr_Intercepts instrs; struct SVM_Instr_Intercepts svm_instrs; uchar_t rsvd1[44]; // Should be 0 // offset 0x040 ullong_t IOPM_BASE_PA; ullong_t MSRPM_BASE_PA; ullong_t TSC_OFFSET; uint_t guest_ASID; uchar_t TLB_CONTROL; uchar_t rsvd2[3]; // Should be 0 struct Guest_Control guest_ctrl; uint_t interrupt_shadow : 1; uint_t rsvd3 : 31; // Should be 0 uint_t rsvd4; // Should be 0 ullong_t exit_code; ullong_t exit_info1; ullong_t exit_info2; /* This could be a typo in the manual.... * It doesn't actually say that there is a reserved bit * But it does say that the EXITINTINFO field is in bits 63-1 * ALL other occurances mention a 1 bit reserved field */ // uint_t rsvd5 : 1; //ullong_t exit_int_info : 63; /* ** */ // AMD Manual 2, pg 391, sect: 15.19 struct Interrupt_Info exit_int_info; // uint_t NP_ENABLE : 1; //ullong_t rsvd6 : 63; // Should be 0 ullong_t NP_ENABLE; uchar_t rsvd7[16]; // Should be 0 // Offset 0xA8 struct Interrupt_Info EVENTINJ; /* This could be a typo in the manual.... * It doesn't actually say that there is a reserved bit * But it does say that the EXITINTINFO field is in bits 63-1 * ALL other occurances mention a 1 bit reserved field */ // uint_t rsvd8 : 1; //ullong_t N_CR3 : 63; ullong_t N_CR3; /* ** */ uint_t LBR_VIRTUALIZATION_ENABLE : 1; ullong_t rsvd9 : 63; // Should be 0 } __attribute__((packed)); typedef struct VMCB_Control_Area vmcb_ctrl_t; struct vmcb_selector { uint16_t selector; /* These attributes are basically a direct map of the attribute fields of a segment desc. * The segment limit in the middle is removed and the fields are fused together * There IS empty space at the end... See AMD Arch vol3, sect. 4.7.1, pg 78 */ union { ushort_t raw; struct { uint_t type : 4; // segment type, [see Intel vol. 3b, sect. (because I have the books)] uint_t S : 1; // System=0, code/data=1 uint_t dpl : 2; // priviledge level, corresonds to protection ring uint_t P : 1; // present flag uint_t avl : 1; // available for use by system software uint_t L : 1; // long mode (64 bit?) uint_t db : 1; // default op size (0=16 bit seg, 1=32 bit seg) uint_t G : 1; // Granularity, (0=bytes, 1=4k) uint_t rsvd : 4; } __attribute__((packed)) fields; } __attribute__((packed)) attrib; uint32_t limit; uint64_t base; } __attribute__((packed)); struct VMCB_State_Save_Area { struct vmcb_selector es; // only lower 32 bits of base are implemented struct vmcb_selector cs; // only lower 32 bits of base are implemented struct vmcb_selector ss; // only lower 32 bits of base are implemented struct vmcb_selector ds; // only lower 32 bits of base are implemented struct vmcb_selector fs; struct vmcb_selector gs; struct vmcb_selector gdtr; // selector+attrib are reserved, only lower 16 bits of limit are implemented struct vmcb_selector ldtr; struct vmcb_selector idtr; // selector+attrib are reserved, only lower 16 bits of limit are implemented struct vmcb_selector tr; uchar_t rsvd1[43]; //offset 0x0cb uchar_t cpl; // if the guest is real-mode then the CPL is forced to 0 // if the guest is virtual-mode then the CPL is forced to 3 uint_t rsvd2; // offset 0x0d0 ullong_t efer; uchar_t rsvd3[112]; //offset 0x148 ullong_t cr4; ullong_t cr3; ullong_t cr0; ullong_t dr7; ullong_t dr6; ullong_t rflags; ullong_t rip; uchar_t rsvd4[88]; //offset 0x1d8 ullong_t rsp; uchar_t rsvd5[24]; //offset 0x1f8 ullong_t rax; ullong_t star; ullong_t lstar; ullong_t cstar; ullong_t sfmask; ullong_t KernelGsBase; ullong_t sysenter_cs; ullong_t sysenter_esp; ullong_t sysenter_eip; ullong_t cr2; uchar_t rsvd6[32]; //offset 0x268 ullong_t g_pat; // Guest PAT // -- only used if nested paging is enabled ullong_t dbgctl; // Guest DBGCTL MSR // -- only used if the LBR registers are virtualized ullong_t br_from; // Guest LastBranchFromIP MSR // -- only used if the LBR registers are virtualized ullong_t br_to; // Guest LastBranchToIP MSR // -- only used if the LBR registers are virtualized ullong_t lastexcpfrom; // Guest LastExceptionFromIP MSR // -- only used if the LBR registers are virtualized ullong_t lastexcpto; // Guest LastExceptionToIP MSR // -- only used if the LBR registers are virtualized } __attribute__((packed)); typedef struct VMCB_State_Save_Area vmcb_saved_state_t; void PrintDebugVMCB(vmcb_t * vmcb); void v3_set_vmcb_segments(vmcb_t * vmcb, struct v3_segments * segs); void v3_get_vmcb_segments(vmcb_t * vmcb, struct v3_segments * segs); #endif // ! __V3VEE__ #endif