/* * V3 Control utility * (c) Jack lange, 2010 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "v3_ctrl.h" #define SYS_PATH "/sys/devices/system/memory/" #define BUF_SIZE 128 char offname[256]; FILE *off; int num_offline; unsigned long long *start_offline; unsigned long long *len_offline; static int read_offlined(); static int write_offlined(); static int find_offlined(unsigned long long base_addr); static int clear_offlined(); static int offline_memory(unsigned long long mem_size_bytes, unsigned long long mem_min_start, int limit32, unsigned long long *num_bytes, unsigned long long *base_addr); static int online_memory(unsigned long long num_bytes, unsigned long long base_addr); int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { unsigned long long mem_size_bytes = 0; unsigned long long mem_min_start = 0; int v3_fd = -1; int request = 0; int limit32 = 0; int help=0; int alloffline=0; enum {NONE, ADD, REMOVE} op; int node = -1; int c; unsigned long long num_bytes, base_addr; struct v3_mem_region mem; while ((c=getopt(argc,argv,"harklm:n:"))!=-1) { switch (c) { case 'h': help=1; break; case 'a': op=ADD; break; case 'r': op=REMOVE; break; case 'k': request=1; break; case 'l': limit32=1; break; case 'm': mem_min_start = atoll(optarg) * (1024*1024); break; case 'n': node = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': if (optopt=='n') { printf("-n requires the numa node...\n"); return -1; } else if (optopt=='m') { printf("-m requires the minimum starting address (in MB)...\n"); return -1; } else { printf("Unknown option %c\n",optopt); return -1; } break; default: printf("Unknown option %c\n",optopt); break; } } if (op==NONE || optind==argc || help) { printf("usage: v3_mem [ [-k] [-l] [-n k] [-m n] -a ] | [-r | offline]\n\n" "Palacios Memory Management\n\nMemory Addition\n" " -a Allocate memory for use by Palacios (MB).\n\n" " With -k this requests in-kernel allocation\n" " Without -k this attempts to offline memory via hot remove\n\n" " With -l the request or offlining is limited to first 4 GB\n" " Without -l the request or offlining has no limits\n\n" " With -m n the search for offlineable memory starts at n MB\n" " Without -m n the search for offlineable memory starts at 0 MB\n\n" " With -n i the request is for numa node i\n" " Without -n i the request can be satified on any numa node\n\n" "Memory Removal\n" " -r Free Palacios memory containing hexaddr, online it if needed\n" " -r offline Free all offline Palacios memory and online it\n" ); return -1; } if (op==ADD) { mem_size_bytes = atoll(argv[optind]) * (1024 * 1024); } else if (op==REMOVE) { if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind],"offline")) { alloffline=1; } else { base_addr=strtoll(argv[optind],NULL,16); } } if (!getenv("PALACIOS_DIR")) { printf("Please set the PALACIOS_DIR variable\n"); return -1; } strcpy(offname,getenv("PALACIOS_DIR")); strcat(offname,"/.v3offlinedmem"); if (!(off=fopen(offname,"a+"))) { printf("Cannot open or create offline memory file %s",offname); return -1; } // removing all offlined memory we added is a special case if (op==REMOVE && alloffline) { int i; int rc=0; // we just need to reinvoke ourselves read_offlined(); for (i=0;i=0) { printf("Onlining the memory to make it available to the kernel\n"); online_memory(start_offline[entry],len_offline[entry]); len_offline[entry] = 0; write_offlined(); } else { printf("Memory was deallocated in the kernel\n"); } clear_offlined(); close(v3_fd); fclose(off); return 0; } } static int dir_filter(const struct dirent * dir) { if (strncmp("memory", dir->d_name, 6) == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } static int dir_cmp(const struct dirent **dir1, const struct dirent ** dir2) { int num1 = atoi((*dir1)->d_name + 6); int num2 = atoi((*dir2)->d_name + 6); return num1 - num2; } #define UNWIND(first,last) \ do { \ int i; \ for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { \ FILE *f; \ char name[256]; \ snprintf(name,256,"%smemory%d/state",SYS_PATH,i); \ f=fopen(name,"r+"); \ if (!f) { \ perror("Cannot open state file\n"); \ return -1; \ } \ printf("Re-onlining block %d (%s)\n",i,name); \ fprintf(f,"online\n"); \ fclose(f); \ } \ } while (0) static int offline_memory(unsigned long long mem_size_bytes, unsigned long long mem_min_start, int limit32, unsigned long long *num_bytes, unsigned long long *base_addr) { unsigned int block_size_bytes = 0; int bitmap_entries = 0; unsigned char * bitmap = NULL; int num_blocks = 0; int reg_start = 0; int mem_ready = 0; printf("Trying to find %dMB (%d bytes) of memory above %llu with limit32=%d\n", mem_size_bytes/(1024*1024), mem_size_bytes, mem_min_start, limit32); /* Figure out the block size */ { int tmp_fd = 0; char tmp_buf[BUF_SIZE]; tmp_fd = open(SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes", O_RDONLY); if (tmp_fd == -1) { perror("Could not open block size file: " SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes"); return -1; } if (read(tmp_fd, tmp_buf, BUF_SIZE) <= 0) { perror("Could not read block size file: " SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes"); return -1; } close(tmp_fd); block_size_bytes = strtoll(tmp_buf, NULL, 16); printf("Memory block size is %dMB (%d bytes)\n", block_size_bytes / (1024 * 1024), block_size_bytes); } num_blocks = mem_size_bytes / block_size_bytes; if (mem_size_bytes % block_size_bytes) num_blocks++; mem_min_start = block_size_bytes * ((mem_min_start / block_size_bytes) + (!!(mem_min_start % block_size_bytes))); printf("Looking for %d blocks of memory starting at %p (block %llu) with limit32=%d\n", num_blocks, (void*)mem_min_start, mem_min_start/block_size_bytes,limit32); // We now need to find consecutive offlinable memory blocks /* Scan the memory directories */ { struct dirent ** namelist = NULL; int size = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int last_block = 0; int first_block = mem_min_start/block_size_bytes; int limit_block = 0xffffffff / block_size_bytes; // for 32 bit limiting last_block = scandir(SYS_PATH, &namelist, dir_filter, dir_cmp); bitmap_entries = atoi(namelist[last_block - 1]->d_name + 6) + 1; size = bitmap_entries / 8; if (bitmap_entries % 8) size++; bitmap = alloca(size); if (!bitmap) { printf("ERROR: could not allocate space for bitmap\n"); return -1; } memset(bitmap, 0, size); for (i = 0 ; j < bitmap_entries - 1; i++) { struct dirent * tmp_dir = namelist[i]; int block_fd = 0; char status_str[BUF_SIZE]; char fname[BUF_SIZE]; memset(status_str, 0, BUF_SIZE); memset(fname, 0, BUF_SIZE); snprintf(fname, BUF_SIZE, "%s%s/removable", SYS_PATH, tmp_dir->d_name); j = atoi(tmp_dir->d_name + 6); int major = j / 8; int minor = j % 8; if (ilimit_block) { printf("Skipping %s due to 32 bit constraint\n",fname); continue; } // The prospective block must be (a) removable, and (b) currently online printf("Checking %s...", fname); block_fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (block_fd == -1) { printf("Hotpluggable memory not supported or could not determine if block is removable...\n"); return -1; } if (read(block_fd, status_str, BUF_SIZE) <= 0) { perror("Could not read block removability information\n"); return -1; } status_str[BUF_SIZE-1]=0; close(block_fd); if (atoi(status_str) == 1) { printf("Removable "); } else { printf("Not removable\n"); continue; } snprintf(fname, BUF_SIZE, "%s%s/state", SYS_PATH, tmp_dir->d_name); block_fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (block_fd<0) { perror("Could not open block state\n"); return -1; } if (read(block_fd, status_str, BUF_SIZE) <=0) { perror("Could not read block state information\n"); return -1; } status_str[BUF_SIZE-1]=0; close(block_fd); if (!strncasecmp(status_str,"offline",7)) { printf("and Already Offline (unusable)\n"); } else if (!strncasecmp(status_str,"online",6)) { printf("and Online (usable)\n"); bitmap[major] |= (0x1 << minor); } else { printf("and in Unknown State '%s' (unusable)\n",status_str); } } } while (!mem_ready) { /* Scan bitmap for enough consecutive space */ { // num_blocks: The number of blocks we need to find // bitmap: bitmap of blocks (1 == allocatable) // bitmap_entries: number of blocks in the system/number of bits in bitmap // reg_start: The block index where our allocation will start int i = 0; int run_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < bitmap_entries; i++) { int i_major = i / 8; int i_minor = i % 8; if (!(bitmap[i_major] & (0x1 << i_minor))) { reg_start = i + 1; // skip the region start to next entry run_len = 0; continue; } run_len++; if (run_len >= num_blocks) { break; } } if (run_len < num_blocks) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find enough consecutive memory blocks... (found %d)\n", run_len); // no offlining yet, so no need to unwind here return -1; } } /* Offline memory blocks starting at reg_start */ { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { FILE * block_file = NULL; char fname[256]; memset(fname, 0, 256); snprintf(fname, 256, "%smemory%d/state", SYS_PATH, i + reg_start); block_file = fopen(fname, "r+"); if (block_file == NULL) { perror("Could not open block file"); UNWIND(reg_start, i+reg_start-1); return -1; } printf("Offlining block %d (%s)\n", i + reg_start, fname); fprintf(block_file, "offline\n"); fclose(block_file); } } /* We asked to offline set of blocks, but Linux could have lied. * To be safe, check whether blocks were offlined and start again if not */ { int i = 0; mem_ready = 1; // Hopefully we are ok... for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { int block_fd = 0; char fname[BUF_SIZE]; char status_buf[BUF_SIZE]; memset(fname, 0, BUF_SIZE); memset(status_buf, 0, BUF_SIZE); snprintf(fname, BUF_SIZE, "%smemory%d/state", SYS_PATH, i + reg_start); block_fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (block_fd == -1) { perror("Could not open block state file"); return -1; } if (read(block_fd, status_buf, BUF_SIZE) <= 0) { perror("Could not read block state"); return -1; } status_buf[BUF_SIZE]=0; printf("Checking offlined block %d (%s)...", i + reg_start, fname); int ret = strncmp(status_buf, "offline", strlen("offline")); if (ret != 0) { // uh oh int j = 0; int major = (i + reg_start) / 8; int minor = (i + reg_start) % 8; bitmap[major] &= ~(0x1 << minor); // mark the block as not removable in bitmap mem_ready = 0; // Keep searching printf("ERROR - block status is '%s'\n", status_buf); // Unwind space UNWIND(reg_start,reg_start+num_blocks-1); break; } } printf("Offlined Memory OK\n"); } } /* Memory is offlined. Calculate size and phys start addr to send to Palacios */ *num_bytes = (unsigned long long)(num_blocks) * (unsigned long long)(block_size_bytes); *base_addr = (unsigned long long)(reg_start) * (unsigned long long)(block_size_bytes); return 0; } static int online_memory(unsigned long long base_addr, unsigned long long num_bytes) { unsigned int block_size_bytes = 0; int bitmap_entries = 0; unsigned char * bitmap = NULL; int num_blocks = 0; int reg_start = 0; int mem_ready = 0; printf("Trying to online memory from %llu to %llu\n",base_addr,base_addr+num_bytes-1); /* Figure out the block size */ { int tmp_fd = 0; char tmp_buf[BUF_SIZE]; tmp_fd = open(SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes", O_RDONLY); if (tmp_fd == -1) { perror("Could not open block size file: " SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes"); return -1; } if (read(tmp_fd, tmp_buf, BUF_SIZE) <= 0) { perror("Could not read block size file: " SYS_PATH "block_size_bytes"); return -1; } close(tmp_fd); block_size_bytes = strtoll(tmp_buf, NULL, 16); printf("Memory block size is %dMB (%d bytes)\n", block_size_bytes / (1024 * 1024), block_size_bytes); } num_blocks = num_bytes / block_size_bytes; if (num_bytes % block_size_bytes) num_blocks++; reg_start = base_addr / block_size_bytes; printf("That is %lu blocks of size %llu starting at block %d\n", num_blocks, block_size_bytes, reg_start); /* Online memory blocks starting at reg_start */ { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { FILE * block_file = NULL; char fname[256]; memset(fname, 0, 256); snprintf(fname, 256, "%smemory%d/state", SYS_PATH, i + reg_start); block_file = fopen(fname, "r+"); if (block_file == NULL) { perror("Could not open block file"); return -1; } printf("Onlining block %d (%s)\n", i + reg_start, fname); fprintf(block_file, "online\n"); fclose(block_file); } } return 0; } static int read_offlined() { rewind(off); unsigned long long base, len; int i; num_offline=0; while (fscanf(off,"%llx\t%llx\n",&base,&len)==2) { num_offline++; } start_offline=(unsigned long long *)calloc(num_offline, sizeof(unsigned long long)); len_offline=(unsigned long long *)calloc(num_offline, sizeof(unsigned long long)); if (!start_offline || !len_offline) { printf("Cannot allocate space to load offline map\n"); return -1; } rewind(off); for (i=0;i=start_offline[i] && base_addr<(start_offline[i]+len_offline[i])) { return i; } } return -1; }