#!/usr/bin/perl -w use IPC::Cmd qw/can_run/; if ($#ARGV!=0) { print "v3_console /dev/v3-vmXXX\n"; print "Use v3_console if you are on a terminal and\n"; print " want to connect to the VM's screen+keybaord\n"; print " in text mode.\n"; print " Use '\\' or 'CTRL-ALT-\\' to escape\n"; print "Use v3_cons if you are on a raw PC console and\n"; print " want to connnect to the VM's screen+keyboard\n"; print " in text mode.\n"; print "Use v3_vncclient if you want to connect to the\n"; print " VM's screen+keyboard in graphical mode.\n"; print " This requires a v3_vncserver and an correctly\n"; print " configured VM.\n"; print "Use v3_stream if you are on a terminal and\n"; print " want to connect to a stream on the VM, \n"; print " for example a serial port.\n"; exit; } $vm=shift; if (can_run('v3_cons_tc')) { system "v3_cons_tc $vm 2>/dev/null"; } elsif (can_run('v3_cons_sc')) { system "v3_cons_sc $vm 2>/dev/null"; } else { print "You have no console program on your path\n"; }