/* Assumes src and dest are arrays of 6 characters. */
-int NE2K_Send(uchar_t src[], uchar_t dest[], uint_t type, uchar_t *data, uint_t size)
+int NE2K_Send(uchar_t *packet, uint_t size)
+ struct _CR * cr = (struct _CR*)&(regs->cr);
+ regs->cr = 0x21; /* Turn off remote DMA, stop command */
+ cr->stp = 0x0; /* toggle start on */
+ cr->sta = 0x1;
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_CR, regs->cr);
+ // Read-before-write bug fix?
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RBCR0, 0x42);
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RBCR1, 0x00);
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RSAR0, 0x42);
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RSAR1, 0x00);
+ cr->rd = 0x01; /* set remote DMA to 'remote read' */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_CR, regs->cr);
+ regs->isr = 0x40; /* clear 'remote DMA complete' interrupt */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_ISR, regs->isr);
+ /* Set remote byte count registers */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RBCR0, size & 0xff);
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RBCR1, (size >> 8) & 0xff);
+ /* Set transmit byte count registers. */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_TBCR0, size & 0xff);
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_TBCR1, (size >> 8) & 0xff);
+ /* Set remote start address registers to the first page of the transmit ring buffer. */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_RSAR0, 0x00);
+ cr->rd = 0x02; /* Set remote DMA to 'remote write' */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_CR, regs->cr);
+ /* Push the packet data to into the dataport */
+ uint_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {
+ Out_Word(NE2K_CR + 0x10, (*(packet + i + 1) << 8) | *(packet + i));
+ }
+ cr->txp = 0x1; /* Start transmission */
+ Out_Byte(NE2K_CR, regs->cr);
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+/* Assumes src and dest are arrays of 6 characters. */
+int NE2K_Send2(uchar_t src[], uchar_t dest[], uint_t type, uchar_t *data, uint_t size)
struct _CR * cr = (struct _CR*)&(regs->cr);
uint_t packet_size = size + 16;
return 0;
int NE2K_Receive()