--- /dev/null
+#include <palacios/vmm_config.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_debug.h>
+#include <devices/serial.h>
+#include <devices/keyboard.h>
+#include <devices/8259a.h>
+#include <devices/8254.h>
+#include <devices/nvram.h>
+#include <devices/generic.h>
+int config_guest(struct guest_info * info, void * config_ptr) {
+ struct guest_mem_layout * layout = (struct guest_mem_layout *)config_ptr;
+ extern v3_cpu_arch_t v3_cpu_type;
+ void * region_start;
+ PrintDebug("Time Init\n");
+ v3_init_time(info);
+ PrintDebug("Shadow map Init\n");
+ init_shadow_map(info);
+ if (v3_cpu_type == V3_SVM_REV3_CPU) {
+ info->shdw_pg_mode = NESTED_PAGING;
+ } else {
+ init_shadow_page_state(info);
+ info->shdw_pg_mode = SHADOW_PAGING;
+ }
+ info->cpu_mode = REAL;
+ info->mem_mode = PHYSICAL_MEM;
+ init_vmm_io_map(info);
+ init_interrupt_state(info);
+ dev_mgr_init(info);
+ int i;
+ // SerialPrint("Guest Mem Dump at 0x%x\n", 0x100000);
+ //PrintDebugMemDump((unsigned char *)(0x100000), 261 * 1024);
+ if (layout->magic != MAGIC_CODE) {
+ PrintDebug("Layout Magic Mismatch (0x%x)\n", layout->magic);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ PrintDebug("%d layout regions\n", layout->num_regions);
+ region_start = (void *)&(layout->regions[layout->num_regions]);
+ PrintDebug("region start = 0x%x\n", region_start);
+ for (i = 0; i < layout->num_regions; i++) {
+ struct layout_region * reg = &(layout->regions[i]);
+ uint_t num_pages = (reg->length / PAGE_SIZE) + ((reg->length % PAGE_SIZE) ? 1 : 0);
+ void * guest_mem = V3_AllocPages(num_pages);
+ PrintDebug("Layout Region %d bytes\n", reg->length);
+ memcpy(guest_mem, region_start, reg->length);
+ PrintDebugMemDump((unsigned char *)(guest_mem), 16);
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, reg->final_addr, reg->final_addr + (num_pages * PAGE_SIZE), (addr_t)guest_mem);
+ PrintDebug("Adding Shadow Region (0x%x-0x%x) -> 0x%x\n", reg->final_addr, reg->final_addr + (num_pages * PAGE_SIZE), guest_mem);
+ region_start += reg->length;
+ }
+ //
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0x0, 0xa0000, (addr_t)V3_AllocPages(160));
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xa0000, 0xc0000, 0xa0000);
+ //hook_guest_mem(info, 0xa0000, 0xc0000, passthrough_mem_read, passthrough_mem_write, NULL);
+ // TEMP
+ //add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc0000, 0xc8000, 0xc0000);
+ if (1) {
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc7000, 0xc8000, (addr_t)V3_AllocPages(1));
+ if (add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc8000, 0xf0000, (addr_t)V3_AllocPages(40)) == -1) {
+ PrintDebug("Error adding shadow region\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc0000, 0xc8000, 0xc0000);
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc8000, 0xf0000, 0xc8000);
+ }
+ //add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0x100000, 0x2000000, (addr_t)Allocate_VMM_Pages(8192));
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0x100000, 0x1000000, (addr_t)V3_AllocPages(4096));
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0x1000000, 0x8000000, (addr_t)V3_AllocPages(32768));
+ // test - give linux accesss to PCI space - PAD
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(info, 0xc0000000,0xffffffff,0xc0000000);
+ print_shadow_map(&(info->mem_map));
+ {
+ struct vm_device * nvram = create_nvram();
+ //struct vm_device * timer = create_timer();
+ struct vm_device * pic = create_pic();
+ struct vm_device * keyboard = create_keyboard();
+ struct vm_device * pit = create_pit();
+ //struct vm_device * serial = create_serial();
+#define GENERIC 1
+ generic_port_range_type range[] = {
+#if 1
+ {0x00, 0x07, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 channels 0,1,2,3 (address, counter)
+ {0xc0, 0xc7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 channels 4,5,6,7 (address, counter)
+ {0x87, 0x87, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 channel 0 page register
+ {0x83, 0x83, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 channel 1 page register
+ {0x81, 0x81, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 channel 2 page register
+ {0x82, 0x82, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 channel 3 page register
+ {0x8f, 0x8f, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 channel 4 page register
+ {0x8b, 0x8b, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 channel 5 page register
+ {0x89, 0x89, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 channel 6 page register
+ {0x8a, 0x8a, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 channel 7 page register
+ {0x08, 0x0f, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 1 misc registers (csr, req, smask,mode,clearff,reset,enable,mmask)
+ {0xd0, 0xde, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // DMA 2 misc registers
+ {0x3f8, 0x3f8+7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // COM 1
+ {0x2f8, 0x2f8+7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // COM 2
+ {0x3e8, 0x3e8+7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // COM 3
+ {0x2e8, 0x2e8+7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // COM 4
+#if 0
+#if 0
+ {0x3f0, 0x3f2, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Primary floppy controller (base,statusa/statusb,DOR)
+ {0x3f4, 0x3f5, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Primary floppy controller (mainstat/datarate,data)
+ {0x3f7, 0x3f7, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Primary floppy controller (DIR)
+ {0x370, 0x372, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Secondary floppy controller (base,statusa/statusb,DOR)
+ {0x374, 0x375, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Secondary floppy controller (mainstat/datarate,data)
+ {0x377, 0x377, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}, // Secondary floppy controller (DIR)
+ // {0x378, 0x400, GENERIC_PRINT_AND_IGNORE}
+ {0,0,0}, // sentinal - must be last
+ };
+ struct vm_device * generic = create_generic(range, NULL, NULL);
+ v3_attach_device(info, nvram);
+ //v3_attach_device(info, timer);
+ v3_attach_device(info, pic);
+ v3_attach_device(info, pit);
+ v3_attach_device(info, keyboard);
+ // v3_attach_device(info, serial);
+ // Important that this be attached last!
+ v3_attach_device(info, generic);
+ PrintDebugDevMgr(info);
+ }
+ // give keyboard interrupts to vm
+ // no longer needed since we have a keyboard device
+ //hook_irq(&vm_info, 1);
+#if 1
+ // give floppy controller to vm
+ v3_hook_irq_for_guest_injection(info, 6);
+#if 1
+ //primary ide
+ v3_hook_irq_for_guest_injection(info, 14);
+ // secondary ide
+ v3_hook_irq_for_guest_injection(info, 15);
+ info->rip = 0xfff0;
+ info->vm_regs.rsp = 0x0;
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+ if (0) {
+ // add_shared_mem_range(&(vm_info.mem_layout), 0, 0x800000, 0x10000);
+ // add_shared_mem_range(&(vm_info.mem_layout), 0, 0x1000000, 0);
+ rip = (ulong_t)(void*)&BuzzVM;
+ // rip -= 0x10000;
+ // rip = (addr_t)(void*)&exit_test;
+ // rip -= 0x2000;
+ vm_info.rip = rip;
+ rsp = (addr_t)Alloc_Page();
+ vm_info.vm_regs.rsp = (rsp +4092 );// - 0x2000;
+ } else if (0) {
+ //add_shared_mem_range(&(vm_info.mem_layout), 0x0, 0x1000, 0x100000);
+ // add_shared_mem_range(&(vm_info.mem_layout), 0x0, 0x100000, 0x0);
+ /*
+ shadow_region_t *ent = Malloc(sizeof(shadow_region_t));;
+ init_shadow_region_physical(ent,0,0x100000,GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY,
+ add_shadow_region(&(vm_info.mem_map),ent);
+ */
+ add_shadow_region_passthrough(&vm_info, 0x0, 0x100000, 0x100000);
+ v3_hook_io_port(&vm_info, 0x61, &IO_Read, &IO_Write, NULL);
+ v3_hook_io_port(&vm_info, 0x05, &IO_Read, &IO_Write_to_Serial, NULL);
+ /*
+ vm_info.cr0 = 0;
+ vm_info.cs.base=0xf000;
+ vm_info.cs.limit=0xffff;
+ */
+ //vm_info.rip = 0xfff0;
+ vm_info.rip = 0;
+ vm_info.vm_regs.rsp = 0x0;
+ } else {
+ }