; Boot sector for GeekOS
; Copyright (c) 2001,2004 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
; Copyright (c) 2003, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth <hollings@cs.umd.edu>
-; $Revision: 1.2 $
+; $Revision: 1.3 $
; This is free software. You are permitted to use,
; redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
; Now we're executing in INITSEG
; We want the data segment to refer to INITSEG
; (since we've defined variables in the same place as the code)
mov ds, ax ; ax still contains INITSEG
mov ss, ax
mov sp, (BOOTSEG << 4) + 512 - 2
; Load the setup code.
mov ax, word [setupStart]
; equivalent to dividing by 128).
; Figure out start sector and max sector
mov ax, word [kernelStart]
mov word [sec_count], ax
add ax, word [kernelSize]
mov word [max_sector], ax
mov ax, [sec_count] ; logical sector on the floppy
+; mov dx, ax
+; call PrintHex
+; call PrintNL
push ax ; 1st param to ReadSector (log sec num)
sub ax, [kernelStart] ; convert to 0-indexed
mov cx, ax ; save in cx
shr ax, 7 ; divide by 128
shl ax, 12 ; ...and multiply by 0x1000
add ax, KERNSEG ; ...to get base relative to KERNSEG
+; mov dx, ax
+; call PrintHex
+; call PrintNL
push ax ; 2nd param to ReadSector (seg base)
and cx, 0x7f ; mod sector by 128
shl cx, 9 ; ...and multiply by 512
push cx ; to get offset in segment (3rd parm)
+; mov dx, cx
+; call PrintHex
+; call PrintNL
; read the sector from the floppy
call ReadSector
add sp, 6 ; clear 3 word params
; on to next sector
inc word [sec_count]
cmp word [sec_count], bx
jl .again
+ ; Load the guest image starting at 1MB
+ ; floppy into memory at KERNSEG. Note that there are 128 sectors
+ ; per 64K segment. So, when figuring out which segment to
+ ; load the sector into, we shift right by 7 bits (which is
+ ; equivalent to dividing by 128).
+ ; Figure out start sector and max sector
+ mov ax, word [vmStart]
+ mov word [sec_count], ax
+ add ax, word [vmSize]
+ mov word [max_sector], ax
+ mov ax, [sec_count] ; logical sector on the floppy
+ push ax ; 1st param to ReadSector (log sec num)
+ mov dx, ax
+ call PrintHex
+ call PrintNL
+ mov ax, VMSEG ; ...to get base relative to VMSEG
+ push ax ; 2nd param to ReadSector (seg base)
+ mov dx, ax
+ call PrintHex
+ call PrintNL
+ mov ax, 2000h ; Always write at the start of the segment
+ push ax ; 3rd parameter
+ mov dx, ax
+ call PrintHex
+ call PrintNL
+ ; read the sector from the floppy
+ call ReadSector
+ add sp, 6 ; clear 3 word params
+; execute bios call
+ push cx
+ push si
+ push bx
+ push es ;
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov si, bootsect_gdt
+ mov ax, 0x8700 ;
+ int 0x15
+ mov dx, ax
+ call PrintHex
+ call PrintNL
+ pop es ;
+ pop bx
+ pop si
+ pop cx
+ ; on to next sector
+ inc word [sec_count]
+ ; update the low->high copy table for the bios
+; mov ax, word [bootsect_src_base] ;
+; add ax, 512
+; mov dx,ax;
+; call PrintHex
+; adc byte [bootsect_src_base+2], 0
+; mov word [bootsect_src_base],ax
+ mov ax, word [bootsect_dst_base] ;
+ add ax, 512
+ adc byte [bootsect_dst_base+2], 0
+ mov word [bootsect_dst_base],ax
+ ; have we loaded all of the sectors?
+ mov bx, word [max_sector]
+ cmp word [sec_count], bx
+ jl .again2
; Now we've loaded the setup code and the kernel image.
; Jump to setup code.
mov bx, [bp+4] ; offset goes in bx
; (es:bx points to buffer)
; Call the BIOS Read Diskette Sectors service
int 0x13
pop bp ; leave stack frame
-; Include utility routines
-%include "util.asm"
+; Include utility routines:
+;%include "util.asm"
+ pusha
+ mov cx, 4 ; 4 hex digits
+ rol dx, 4 ; rotate so that lowest 4 bits are used
+ mov ax, 0E0Fh ; ah = request, al = mask for nybble
+ and al, dl
+ add al, 90h ; convert al to ascii hex (four instructions)
+ daa ; I've spent 1 hour to understand how it works..
+ adc al, 40h
+ daa
+ int 10h
+ loop .PrintDigit
+ popa
+ ret
+; Print a newline.
+PrintNL: ; print CR and NL
+ push ax
+ mov ax, 0E0Dh ; CR
+ int 10h
+ mov al, 0Ah ; LF
+ int 10h
+ pop ax
+ ret
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Variables
sec_count: dw 0
max_sector: dw 0
+ dw 0,0,0,0
+ dw 0,0,0,0
+ dw 0x200-1
+ db 0,02,9 ; ! base = 0x092000
+ db 0x93 ; ! typbyte
+ dw 0 ; ! limit16,base24 =0
+ dw 0x200-1
+ db 0,0,0x10 ; ! base = 0x100000
+ db 0x93 ; ! typbyte
+ dw 0 ; ! limit16,base24 =0
+ dw 0,0,0,0 ; ! BIOS CS
+ dw 0,0,0,0 ; ! BIOS DS
; Padding to make the PFAT Boot Record sit just before the BIOS signature.
-Pad_From_Symbol PFAT_BOOT_RECORD_OFFSET, BeginText
+;Pad_From_Symbol PFAT_BOOT_RECORD_OFFSET, BeginText
; PFAT boot record
; Describes how to load the setup program and kernel.
;; part of pfat boot record
+ ;; part of pfat boot record
+ ;; part of pfat boot record
-; Finish by writing the BIOS signature to mark this as
+ ; Finish by writing the BIOS signature to mark this as
; a valid boot sector.
Pad_From_Symbol BIOS_SIGNATURE_OFFSET, BeginText
Signature dw 0xAA55 ; BIOS controls this to ensure this is a boot sector