* GeekOS interrupt handling data structures and functions
* Copyright (c) 2001,2003 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
uint_t errorCode = state->errorCode;
- PrintBoth("eax=%08x ebx=%08x ecx=%08x edx=%08x\n"
+ SerialPrint("eax=%08x ebx=%08x ecx=%08x edx=%08x\n"
"esi=%08x edi=%08x ebp=%08x\n"
"eip=%08x cs=%08x eflags=%08x\n"
"Interrupt number=%d (%s), error code=%d\n"
* x86 port IO routines
* Copyright (c) 2001, David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
- * Read a byte from an I/O port.
+ * Read a word from an I/O port.
ushort_t In_Word(ushort_t port)
+ * Write a double word to an I/O port.
+ */
+void Out_DWord(ushort_t port, uint_t value)
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "outl %0, %1"
+ :
+ : "a" (value), "Nd" (port)
+ );
+ * Read a double word from an I/O port.
+ */
+uint_t In_DWord(ushort_t port)
+ uint_t value;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "inl %1, %0"
+ : "=a" (value)
+ : "Nd" (port)
+ );
+ return value;
* Short delay. May be needed when talking to some
* (slow) I/O devices.
* Kernel threads
* Copyright (c) 2001,2003 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Revision: 1.3 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
* will "return", and then Schedule() will return to wherever
* it was called from.
+ SerialPrint("Switch_To_Thread() in Schedule()\n");
* Copyright (c) 2001,2003,2004 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
* Copyright (c) 2003, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth <hollings@cs.umd.edu>
* Copyright (c) 2004, Iulian Neamtiu <neamtiu@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.36 $
+ * $Revision: 1.37 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
#include <geekos/vmm_stubs.h>
+#include <geekos/pci.h>
+ Init_PCI();
// Init_IDE();
* GeekOS timer interrupt support
* Copyright (c) 2001,2003 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
* Copyright (c) 2003, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth <hollings@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
SerialPrint("Host Timer Interrupt Handler running\n");
+#if 0
+#define STACK_LEN 256
+ SerialPrint("Timer====\n");
+ Dump_Interrupt_State(state);
+ // SerialMemDump((unsigned char*)(¤t),STACK_LEN);
+ SerialPrint("Timer done===\n");
/* Update global and per-thread number of ticks */
* If thread has been running for an entire quantum,
* inform the interrupt return code that we want
struct vm_device * keyboard = create_keyboard();
struct vm_device * pit = create_pit();
- //generic_port_range_type range = {0,1024} ; // hook first 1024 ports if not already hooked
- //struct vm_device * generic = create_generic(&range, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+ generic_port_range_type range[] = {
+ {0x00, 0x07}, // DMA 1 channels 0,1,2,3 (address, counter)
+ {0xc0, 0xc7}, // DMA 2 channels 4,5,6,7 (address, counter)
+ {0x87, 0x87}, // DMA 1 channel 0 page register
+ {0x83, 0x83}, // DMA 1 channel 1 page register
+ {0x81, 0x81}, // DMA 1 channel 2 page register
+ {0x82, 0x82}, // DMA 1 channel 3 page register
+ {0x8f, 0x8f}, // DMA 2 channel 4 page register
+ {0x8b, 0x8b}, // DMA 2 channel 5 page register
+ {0x89, 0x89}, // DMA 2 channel 6 page register
+ {0x8a, 0x8a}, // DMA 2 channel 7 page register
+ {0x08, 0x0f}, // DMA 1 misc registers (csr, req, smask,mode,clearff,reset,enable,mmask)
+ {0xd0, 0xde}, // DMA 2 misc registers
+ {0x3f0, 0x3f2}, // Primary floppy controller (base,statusa/statusb,DOR)
+ {0x3f4, 0x3f5}, // Primary floppy controller (mainstat/datarate,data)
+ {0x3f7, 0x3f7}, // Primary floppy controller (DIR)
+ {0x370, 0x372}, // Secondary floppy controller (base,statusa/statusb,DOR)
+ {0x374, 0x375}, // Secondary floppy controller (mainstat/datarate,data)
+ {0x377, 0x377}, // Secondary floppy controller (DIR)
+ {0x378, 0x400}
+ };
+ struct vm_device * generic = create_generic(range,19,NULL,0,NULL,0);
attach_device(&(vm_info), nvram);
//attach_device(&(vm_info), timer);
attach_device(&(vm_info), pit);
attach_device(&(vm_info), keyboard);
// Important that this be attached last!
- //attach_device(&(vm_info), generic);
+ attach_device(&(vm_info), generic);
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
+ push fs
+ push gs
pusha ;; Save Host state
add esp, 4 ;; skip past the gpr ptr
popa ;; Restore Host state
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
pop ebp
struct x86_operand * dst_operand,
struct x86_operand * extra_operand) {
- V3_Assert(src_operand != NULL);
- V3_Assert(dst_operand != NULL);
- V3_Assert(extra_operand != NULL);
- V3_Assert(instr_length != NULL);
- V3_Assert(info != NULL);
+ V3_ASSERT(src_operand != NULL);
+ V3_ASSERT(dst_operand != NULL);
+ V3_ASSERT(extra_operand != NULL);
+ V3_ASSERT(instr_length != NULL);
+ V3_ASSERT(info != NULL);
// Ignore prefixes for now
- while (is_prefix_byte(*instr)) {
- instr++;
+ while (is_prefix_byte(*instr_ptr)) {
+ instr_ptr++;