struct vm_device * nvram = create_nvram();
- struct vm_device * timer = create_timer();
+ //struct vm_device * timer = create_timer();
struct vm_device * pic = create_pic();
struct vm_device * keyboard = create_keyboard();
- //struct vm_device * pit = create_pit();
+ struct vm_device * pit = create_pit();
//generic_port_range_type range = {0,1024} ; // hook first 1024 ports if not already hooked
attach_device(&(vm_info), nvram);
- attach_device(&(vm_info), timer);
+ //attach_device(&(vm_info), timer);
attach_device(&(vm_info), pic);
- //attach_device(&(vm_info), pit);
+ attach_device(&(vm_info), pit);
attach_device(&(vm_info), keyboard);
// Important that this be attached last!