* Copyright (c) 2001,2003,2004 David H. Hovemeyer <daveho@cs.umd.edu>
* Copyright (c) 2003, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth <hollings@cs.umd.edu>
* Copyright (c) 2004, Iulian Neamtiu <neamtiu@cs.umd.edu>
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
* This is free software. You are permitted to use,
* redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "COPYING".
SerialMemDump((unsigned char *)0x100000, 512*2);
- while(1);
SerialPrint("\n\nHello, Welcome to this horrid output-only serial interface\n");
// Now we should be copying into actual memory
- SerialPrintLevel(1000,"Copying VM code from %x to %x (%d bytes)\n", VM_KERNEL_START, START_OF_VM+0x100000,VM_KERNEL_LENGTH);
- memcpy((char*)(START_OF_VM+0x100000),(char*)VM_KERNEL_START,VM_KERNEL_LENGTH);
+ //SerialPrintLevel(1000,"Copying VM code from %x to %x (%d bytes)\n", VM_KERNEL_START, START_OF_VM+0x100000,VM_KERNEL_LENGTH);
+ //memcpy((char*)(START_OF_VM+0x100000),(char*)VM_KERNEL_START,VM_KERNEL_LENGTH);
//SerialPrintLevel(1000, "VM copied\n");
// Put the stack at 512K
- SerialPrintLevel(1000,"VM-Launching to vmxassist for boot\n");
vm_thread = Start_Kernel_Thread(VM_Thread, (ulong_t)&vm,PRIORITY_NORMAL,false);