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updated the pci and IDE configuration.
[palacios.releases.git] / palacios / src / palacios / svm_handler.c
index 6a14ddd..6d38fb7 100644 (file)
+ * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed
+ * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National 
+ * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.  
+ *
+ * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University
+ * and the University of New Mexico.  You can find out more at 
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Jack Lange <> 
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, The V3VEE Project <> 
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Author: Jack Lange <>
+ *
+ * This is free software.  You are permitted to use,
+ * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE".
+ */
 #include <palacios/svm_handler.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm.h>
 #include <palacios/vm_guest_mem.h>
-#include <palacios/vmm_emulate.h>
-#include <palacios/svm_ctrl_regs.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_decoder.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_ctrl_regs.h>
 #include <palacios/svm_io.h>
+#include <palacios/svm_halt.h>
+#include <palacios/svm_pause.h>
+#include <palacios/svm_wbinvd.h>
 #include <palacios/vmm_intr.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_emulator.h>
+#include <palacios/svm_msr.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_profiler.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_hypercall.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_direct_paging.h>
-extern struct vmm_os_hooks * os_hooks;
-int handle_svm_exit(struct guest_info * info) {
-  vmcb_ctrl_t * guest_ctrl = 0;
-  vmcb_saved_state_t * guest_state = 0;
-  ulong_t exit_code = 0;
-  guest_ctrl = GET_VMCB_CTRL_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
-  guest_state = GET_VMCB_SAVE_STATE_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
+int v3_handle_svm_exit(struct guest_info * info) {
+    vmcb_ctrl_t * guest_ctrl = 0;
+    vmcb_saved_state_t * guest_state = 0;
+    ulong_t exit_code = 0;
+    guest_ctrl = GET_VMCB_CTRL_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
+    guest_state = GET_VMCB_SAVE_STATE_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
-  // Update the high level state 
-  info->rip = guest_state->rip;
-  info->vm_regs.rsp = guest_state->rsp;
-  info->vm_regs.rax = guest_state->rax;
-  info->vm_regs.rsp = guest_state->rsp;
+    // Update the high level state 
+    info->rip = guest_state->rip;
+    info->vm_regs.rsp = guest_state->rsp;
+    info->vm_regs.rax = guest_state->rax;
+    info->cpl = guest_state->cpl;
+    info->ctrl_regs.cr0 = guest_state->cr0;
+    info->ctrl_regs.cr2 = guest_state->cr2;
+    info->ctrl_regs.cr3 = guest_state->cr3;
+    info->ctrl_regs.cr4 = guest_state->cr4;
+    info->dbg_regs.dr6 = guest_state->dr6;
+    info->dbg_regs.dr7 = guest_state->dr7;
+    info->ctrl_regs.cr8 = guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_TPR;
+    info->ctrl_regs.rflags = guest_state->rflags;
+    info->ctrl_regs.efer = guest_state->efer;
+    get_vmcb_segments((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data), &(info->segments));
+    info->cpu_mode = v3_get_cpu_mode(info);
+    info->mem_mode = v3_get_mem_mode(info);
-  exit_code = guest_ctrl->exit_code;
-  // PrintDebugVMCB((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
-  if (exit_code == VMEXIT_IOIO) {
-    struct svm_io_info * io_info = (struct svm_io_info *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1);
-    if (io_info->type == 0) {
-      if (io_info->str) {
-       handle_svm_io_outs(info);
-      } else {
-       handle_svm_io_out(info);
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (io_info->str) {
-       handle_svm_io_ins(info);
-      } else {
-       handle_svm_io_in(info);
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (exit_code == VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE) {
-    PrintDebug("CR0 Write\n");
+    exit_code = guest_ctrl->exit_code;
-    if (handle_cr0_write(info) == -1) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    /*
-  } else if (( (exit_code == VMEXIT_CR3_READ)  ||
-              (exit_code == VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE) ||
-              (exit_code == VMEXIT_INVLPG)    ||
-              (exit_code == VMEXIT_INVLPGA)   || 
-              (exit_code == VMEXIT_EXCP14)) && 
-            (info->page_mode == SHADOW_PAGING)) {
-    handle_shadow_paging(info);
-    */
-  } else {
-    addr_t rip_addr = get_addr_linear(info, guest_state->rip, guest_state->cs.selector);
-    char buf[15];
-    addr_t host_addr;
-    PrintDebug("SVM Returned:(VMCB=%x)\n", info->vmm_data); 
-    PrintDebug("RIP: %x\n", guest_state->rip);
-    PrintDebug("RIP Linear: %x\n", rip_addr);
-    PrintDebug("SVM Returned: Exit Code: %x\n",exit_code); 
-    PrintDebug("io_info1 low = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t*)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1));
-    PrintDebug("io_info1 high = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t *)(((uchar_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1)) + 4));
-    PrintDebug("io_info2 low = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t*)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info2));
-    PrintDebug("io_info2 high = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t *)(((uchar_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info2)) + 4));
+    if ((info->intr_state.irq_pending == 1) && (guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_IRQ == 0)) {
-    if (guest_pa_to_host_pa(info, guest_state->rip, &host_addr) == -1) {
-      PrintDebug("Could not translate guest_state->rip to host address\n");
-      return -1;
+       PrintDebug("Interrupt %d taken by guest\n", info->intr_state.irq_vector);
+       if (!guest_ctrl->exit_int_info.valid) {
+           info->intr_state.irq_pending = 0;
+           // PrintDebug("Injected Interrupt %d\n", info->intr_state.irq_vector);
+           v3_injecting_intr(info, info->intr_state.irq_vector, EXTERNAL_IRQ);
+       } else {
+           PrintDebug("EXIT INT INFO is set (vec=%d)\n", guest_ctrl->exit_int_info.vector);
+       }
-    PrintDebug("Host Address of rip = 0x%x\n", host_addr);
-    memset(buf, 0, 15);
-    PrintDebug("Reading from 0x%x in guest\n", rip_addr);
+    // Disable printing io exits due to bochs debug messages
+    //if (!((exit_code == VMEXIT_IOIO) && ((ushort_t)(guest_ctrl->exit_info1 >> 16) == 0x402))) {
-    read_guest_pa_memory(info, rip_addr, 15, buf);
-    PrintTraceMemDump(buf, 15);
-    while(1);
-  }
-  // Update the low level state
-  if (intr_pending(&(info->intr_state))) {
-    guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.vector = get_intr_number(&(info->intr_state));
-    guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.valid = 1;
-    switch (get_intr_type(&(info->intr_state))) {
-    case EXTERNAL_IRQ:
-      break;
-    case NMI:
-      guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_NMI;
-      break;
-    case EXCEPTION:
-      guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_EXCEPTION;
-      guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.error_code = info->intr_state.excp_error_code;
-      break;
-    case SOFTWARE:
-      guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_SOFT_INTR;
-      break;
-    case VIRTUAL:
-      guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_VIRTUAL_INTR;
-      break;
-    case INVALID_INTR: 
-    default:
-      PrintDebug("Attempted to issue an invalid interrupt\n");
-      return -1;
+    if ((0) && (exit_code <= VMEXIT_EXCP14)) {
+       uchar_t instr[32];
+       int ret;
+       // Dump out the instr stream
+       //PrintDebug("RIP: %x\n", guest_state->rip);
+       PrintDebug("\n\n\nRIP Linear: %p\n", (void *)get_addr_linear(info, info->rip, &(info->segments.cs)));
+       v3_print_GPRs(info);
+       v3_print_ctrl_regs(info);
+       // OK, now we will read the instruction
+       // The only difference between PROTECTED and PROTECTED_PG is whether we read
+       // from guest_pa or guest_va
+       if (info->mem_mode == PHYSICAL_MEM) { 
+           // The real rip address is actually a combination of the rip + CS base 
+           ret = read_guest_pa_memory(info, get_addr_linear(info, info->rip, &(info->segments.cs)), 32, instr);
+       } else { 
+           ret = read_guest_va_memory(info, get_addr_linear(info, info->rip, &(info->segments.cs)), 32, instr);
+       }
+       if (ret != 32) {
+           // I think we should inject a GPF into the guest
+           PrintDebug("Could not read instruction (ret=%d)\n", ret);
+       } else {
+           PrintDebug("Instr Stream:\n");
+           PrintTraceMemDump(instr, 32);
+       }
-    // We need to figure out stack parameters....
-    //EVENTINJ.error_code
-  }
+    if (info->enable_profiler) {
+       rdtscll(info->profiler.start_time);
+    }
-  guest_state->rax = info->vm_regs.rax;
-  guest_state->rip = info->rip;
-  guest_state->rsp = info->vm_regs.rsp;
+    //PrintDebug("SVM Returned: Exit Code: %x\n",exit_code); 
+    switch (exit_code) {
+       case VMEXIT_IOIO: {
+           struct svm_io_info * io_info = (struct svm_io_info *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1);
+           if (io_info->type == 0) {
+               if (io_info->str) {
+                   if (v3_handle_svm_io_outs(info) == -1 ) {
+                       return -1;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   if (v3_handle_svm_io_out(info) == -1) {
+                       return -1;
+                   }
+               }
+           } else {
+               if (io_info->str) {
+                   if (v3_handle_svm_io_ins(info) == -1) {
+                       return -1;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   if (v3_handle_svm_io_in(info) == -1) {
+                       return -1;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+           break;
+       }
+       case VMEXIT_MSR:
+           if (guest_ctrl->exit_info1 == 0) {
+               if (v3_handle_msr_read(info) == -1) {
+                   return -1;
+               }
+           } else if (guest_ctrl->exit_info1 == 1) {
+               if (v3_handle_msr_write(info) == -1) {
+                   return -1;
+               }
+           } else {
+               PrintError("Invalid MSR Operation\n");
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE: 
+           PrintDebug("CR0 Write\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr0_write(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_CR0_READ: 
+           PrintDebug("CR0 Read\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr0_read(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE: 
+           PrintDebug("CR3 Write\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr3_write(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }    
+           break;
+       case  VMEXIT_CR3_READ: 
+           PrintDebug("CR3 Read\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr3_read(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_CR4_WRITE: 
+           PrintDebug("CR4 Write\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr4_write(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }    
+           break;
+       case  VMEXIT_CR4_READ: 
+           PrintDebug("CR4 Read\n");
+           if (v3_handle_cr4_read(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP14: {
+           addr_t fault_addr = guest_ctrl->exit_info2;
+           pf_error_t * error_code = (pf_error_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1);
+           PrintDebug("PageFault at %p (error=%d)\n", 
+                      (void *)fault_addr, *(uint_t *)error_code);
+           if (info->shdw_pg_mode == SHADOW_PAGING) {
+               if (v3_handle_shadow_pagefault(info, fault_addr, *error_code) == -1) {
+                   return -1;
+               }
+           } else {
+               PrintError("Page fault in un implemented paging mode\n");
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       } 
+       case VMEXIT_NPF: {
+           addr_t fault_addr = guest_ctrl->exit_info2;
+           pf_error_t * error_code = (pf_error_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1);
+           if (info->shdw_pg_mode == NESTED_PAGING) {
+               if (v3_handle_nested_pagefault(info, fault_addr, *error_code) == -1) {
+                   return -1;
+               }
+           } else {
+               PrintError("Currently unhandled Nested Page Fault\n");
+               return -1;
+                   }
+           break;
+           }
+       case VMEXIT_INVLPG: 
+           if (info->shdw_pg_mode == SHADOW_PAGING) {
+               PrintDebug("Invlpg\n");
+               if (v3_handle_shadow_invlpg(info) == -1) {
+                   return -1;
+               }
+           }
+           break;    
+       case VMEXIT_VMMCALL: 
+           /* 
+            * Hypercall 
+            */
+           if (v3_handle_hypercall(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           // VMMCALL is a 3 byte op
+           info->rip += 3;
+           break;          
+       case VMEXIT_INTR:
+           // handled by interrupt dispatch earlier
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_SMI:
+           //   handle_svm_smi(info); // ignored for now
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_HLT:
+#ifdef DEBUG_HALT
+           PrintDebug("Guest halted\n");
+           if (v3_handle_svm_halt(info) == -1) {
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_PAUSE:
+           //PrintDebug("Guest paused\n");
+           if (v3_handle_svm_pause(info) == -1) { 
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+       case VMEXIT_WBINVD:   
+           PrintDebug("WBINVD\n");
+           if (v3_handle_svm_wbinvd(info) == -1) { 
+               return -1;
+           }
+           break;
+           /* Exits Following this line are NOT HANDLED */
+           /*=======================================================================*/
+       default: {
+           addr_t rip_addr;
+           PrintDebug("Unhandled SVM Exit: %s\n", vmexit_code_to_str(exit_code));
+           rip_addr = get_addr_linear(info, guest_state->rip, &(info->segments.cs));
+           PrintError("SVM Returned:(VMCB=%p)\n", (void *)(info->vmm_data)); 
+           PrintError("RIP: %p\n", (void *)(addr_t)(guest_state->rip));
+           PrintError("RIP Linear: %p\n", (void *)(addr_t)(rip_addr));
+           PrintError("SVM Returned: Exit Code: %p\n", (void *)(addr_t)exit_code); 
+           PrintError("io_info1 low = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t*)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1));
+           PrintError("io_info1 high = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t *)(((uchar_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info1)) + 4));
+           PrintError("io_info2 low = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t*)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info2));
+           PrintError("io_info2 high = 0x%.8x\n", *(uint_t *)(((uchar_t *)&(guest_ctrl->exit_info2)) + 4));
+           if (info->shdw_pg_mode == SHADOW_PAGING) {
+               PrintHostPageTables(info, info->ctrl_regs.cr3);
+               //PrintGuestPageTables(info, info->shdw_pg_state.guest_cr3);
+           }
+           return -1;              
+       }
+    }
-  return 0;
+    if (info->enable_profiler) {
+       rdtscll(info->profiler.end_time);
+       v3_profile_exit(info, exit_code);
+    }
+    // Update the low level state
+    if (info->intr_state.irq_pending == 1) {
+       guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_IRQ = 1;
+       guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_INTR_VECTOR = info->intr_state.irq_vector;
+       guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_IGN_TPR = 1;
+       guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_INTR_PRIO = 0xf;
+    } else if (v3_excp_pending(info)) {
+       uint_t excp = v3_get_excp_number(info);
+       guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_EXCEPTION;
+       if (info->excp_state.excp_error_code_valid) {
+           guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.error_code = info->excp_state.excp_error_code;
+           guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.ev = 1;
+           PrintDebug("Injecting exception %d with error code %x\n", excp, guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.error_code);
+       }
+       guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.vector = excp;
+       guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.valid = 1;
+       PrintDebug("Injecting Exception %d (EIP=%p)\n", 
+                  guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.vector, 
+                  (void *)(addr_t)info->rip);
+       v3_injecting_excp(info, excp);
+    } else if (v3_intr_pending(info)) {
+       switch (v3_get_intr_type(info)) {
+           case EXTERNAL_IRQ: {
+               uint_t irq = v3_get_intr_number(info);
+               // check to see if ==-1 (non exists)
+               guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_IRQ = 1;
+               guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_INTR_VECTOR = irq;
+               guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_IGN_TPR = 1;
+               guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_INTR_PRIO = 0xf;
+               PrintDebug("Injecting Interrupt %d (EIP=%p)\n", 
+                          guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_INTR_VECTOR, 
+                          (void *)(addr_t)info->rip);
+               info->intr_state.irq_pending = 1;
+               info->intr_state.irq_vector = irq;
+               break;
+           }
+           case NMI:
+               guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_NMI;
+               break;
+           case SOFTWARE_INTR:
+               guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_SOFT_INTR;
+               break;
+           case VIRTUAL_INTR:
+               guest_ctrl->EVENTINJ.type = SVM_INJECTION_VIRTUAL_INTR;
+               break;
+           case INVALID_INTR: 
+           default:
+               PrintError("Attempted to issue an invalid interrupt\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+    }
+    guest_state->cr0 = info->ctrl_regs.cr0;
+    guest_state->cr2 = info->ctrl_regs.cr2;
+    guest_state->cr3 = info->ctrl_regs.cr3;
+    guest_state->cr4 = info->ctrl_regs.cr4;
+    guest_state->dr6 = info->dbg_regs.dr6;
+    guest_state->dr7 = info->dbg_regs.dr7;
+    guest_ctrl->guest_ctrl.V_TPR = info->ctrl_regs.cr8 & 0xff;
+    guest_state->rflags = info->ctrl_regs.rflags;
+    guest_state->efer = info->ctrl_regs.efer;
+    guest_state->cpl = info->cpl;
-int handle_shadow_paging(struct guest_info * info) {
-  vmcb_ctrl_t * guest_ctrl = GET_VMCB_CTRL_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
-  //  vmcb_saved_state_t * guest_state = GET_VMCB_SAVE_STATE_AREA((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data));
+    guest_state->rax = info->vm_regs.rax;
+    guest_state->rip = info->rip;
+    guest_state->rsp = info->vm_regs.rsp;
-  if (guest_ctrl->exit_code == VMEXIT_CR3_READ) {
-  }
+    set_vmcb_segments((vmcb_t*)(info->vmm_data), &(info->segments));
-  return 0;
+    if (exit_code == VMEXIT_INTR) {
+       //PrintDebug("INTR ret IP = %x\n", guest_state->rip);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static const char VMEXIT_CR0_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR0_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR1_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR1_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR2_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR2_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR3_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR3_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR4_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR4_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR5_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR5_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR6_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR6_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR7_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR7_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR8_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR8_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR9_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR9_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR10_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR10_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR11_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR11_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR12_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR12_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR13_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR13_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR14_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR14_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR15_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR15_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR1_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR1_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR2_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR2_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR4_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR4_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR5_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR5_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR6_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR6_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR7_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR7_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR8_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR8_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR9_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR9_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR10_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR10_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR11_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR11_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR12_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR12_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR13_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR13_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR14_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR14_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR15_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR15_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR0_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR0_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR1_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR1_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR2_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR2_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR3_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR3_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR4_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR4_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR5_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR5_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR6_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR6_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR7_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR7_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR8_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR8_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR9_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR9_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR10_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR10_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR11_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR11_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR12_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR12_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR13_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR13_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR14_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR14_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR15_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR15_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR0_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR0_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR1_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR1_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR2_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR2_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR3_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR3_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR4_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR4_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR5_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR5_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR6_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR6_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR7_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR7_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR8_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR8_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR9_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR9_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR10_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR10_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR11_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR11_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR12_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR12_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR13_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR13_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR14_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR14_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_DR15_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_DR15_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP0_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP0";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP1_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP1";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP2_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP2";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP3_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP3";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP4_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP4";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP5_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP5";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP6_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP6";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP7_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP7";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP8_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP8";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP9_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP9";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP10_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP10";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP11_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP11";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP12_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP12";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP13_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP13";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP14_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP14";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP15_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP15";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP16_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP16";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP17_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP17";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP18_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP18";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP19_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP19";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP20_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP20";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP21_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP21";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP22_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP22";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP23_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP23";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP24_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP24";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP25_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP25";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP26_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP26";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP27_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP27";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP28_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP28";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP29_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP29";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP30_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP30";
+static const char VMEXIT_EXCP31_STR[] = "VMEXIT_EXCP31";
+static const char VMEXIT_INTR_STR[] = "VMEXIT_INTR";
+static const char VMEXIT_NMI_STR[] = "VMEXIT_NMI";
+static const char VMEXIT_SMI_STR[] = "VMEXIT_SMI";
+static const char VMEXIT_INIT_STR[] = "VMEXIT_INIT";
+static const char VMEXIT_VINITR_STR[] = "VMEXIT_VINITR";
+static const char VMEXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_IDTR_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_IDTR_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_GDTR_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_GDTR_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_LDTR_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_LDTR_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_TR_READ_STR[] = "VMEXIT_TR_READ";
+static const char VMEXIT_TR_WRITE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_TR_WRITE";
+static const char VMEXIT_RDTSC_STR[] = "VMEXIT_RDTSC";
+static const char VMEXIT_RDPMC_STR[] = "VMEXIT_RDPMC";
+static const char VMEXIT_PUSHF_STR[] = "VMEXIT_PUSHF";
+static const char VMEXIT_POPF_STR[] = "VMEXIT_POPF";
+static const char VMEXIT_CPUID_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CPUID";
+static const char VMEXIT_RSM_STR[] = "VMEXIT_RSM";
+static const char VMEXIT_IRET_STR[] = "VMEXIT_IRET";
+static const char VMEXIT_SWINT_STR[] = "VMEXIT_SWINT";
+static const char VMEXIT_INVD_STR[] = "VMEXIT_INVD";
+static const char VMEXIT_PAUSE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_PAUSE";
+static const char VMEXIT_HLT_STR[] = "VMEXIT_HLT";
+static const char VMEXIT_INVLPG_STR[] = "VMEXIT_INVLPG";
+static const char VMEXIT_INVLPGA_STR[] = "VMEXIT_INVLPGA";
+static const char VMEXIT_IOIO_STR[] = "VMEXIT_IOIO";
+static const char VMEXIT_MSR_STR[] = "VMEXIT_MSR";
+static const char VMEXIT_VMRUN_STR[] = "VMEXIT_VMRUN";
+static const char VMEXIT_VMMCALL_STR[] = "VMEXIT_VMMCALL";
+static const char VMEXIT_VMLOAD_STR[] = "VMEXIT_VMLOAD";
+static const char VMEXIT_VMSAVE_STR[] = "VMEXIT_VMSAVE";
+static const char VMEXIT_STGI_STR[] = "VMEXIT_STGI";
+static const char VMEXIT_CLGI_STR[] = "VMEXIT_CLGI";
+static const char VMEXIT_SKINIT_STR[] = "VMEXIT_SKINIT";
+static const char VMEXIT_RDTSCP_STR[] = "VMEXIT_RDTSCP";
+static const char VMEXIT_ICEBP_STR[] = "VMEXIT_ICEBP";
+static const char VMEXIT_WBINVD_STR[] = "VMEXIT_WBINVD";
+static const char VMEXIT_MONITOR_STR[] = "VMEXIT_MONITOR";
+static const char VMEXIT_MWAIT_STR[] = "VMEXIT_MWAIT";
+static const char VMEXIT_NPF_STR[] = "VMEXIT_NPF";
+const char * vmexit_code_to_str(uint_t exit_code) {
+    switch(exit_code) {
+       case VMEXIT_CR0_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR0_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR1_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR1_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR2_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR2_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR3_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR3_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR4_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR4_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR5_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR5_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR6_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR6_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR7_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR7_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR8_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR8_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR9_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR9_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR10_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR10_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR11_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR11_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR12_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR12_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR13_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR13_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR14_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR14_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR15_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_CR15_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR0_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR1_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR1_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR2_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR2_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR3_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR4_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR4_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR5_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR5_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR6_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR6_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR7_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR7_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR8_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR8_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR9_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR9_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR10_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR10_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR11_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR11_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR12_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR12_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR13_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR13_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR14_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR14_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR15_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR15_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR0_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR0_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR1_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR1_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR2_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR2_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR3_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR3_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR4_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR4_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR5_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR5_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR6_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR6_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR7_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR7_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR8_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR8_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR9_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR9_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR10_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR10_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR11_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR11_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR12_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR12_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR13_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR13_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR14_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR14_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR15_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_DR15_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR0_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR0_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR1_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR1_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR2_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR2_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR3_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR3_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR4_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR4_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR5_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR5_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR6_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR6_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR7_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR7_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR8_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR8_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR9_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR9_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR10_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR10_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR11_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR11_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR12_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR12_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR13_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR13_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR14_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR14_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_DR15_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_DR15_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP0:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP0_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP1:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP1_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP2:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP2_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP3:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP3_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP4:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP4_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP5:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP5_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP6:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP6_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP7:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP7_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP8:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP8_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP9:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP9_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP10:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP10_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP11:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP11_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP12:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP12_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP13:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP13_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP14:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP14_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP15:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP15_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP16:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP16_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP17:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP17_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP18:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP18_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP19:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP19_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP20:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP20_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP21:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP21_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP22:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP22_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP23:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP23_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP24:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP24_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP25:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP25_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP26:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP26_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP27:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP27_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP28:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP28_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP29:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP29_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP30:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP30_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_EXCP31:
+           return VMEXIT_EXCP31_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_INTR:
+           return VMEXIT_INTR_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_NMI:
+           return VMEXIT_NMI_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_SMI:
+           return VMEXIT_SMI_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_INIT:
+           return VMEXIT_INIT_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_VINITR:
+           return VMEXIT_VINITR_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_CR0_SEL_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_IDTR_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_IDTR_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_GDTR_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_GDTR_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_LDTR_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_LDTR_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_TR_READ:
+           return VMEXIT_TR_READ_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_IDTR_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_IDTR_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_GDTR_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_GDTR_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_LDTR_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_LDTR_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_TR_WRITE:
+           return VMEXIT_TR_WRITE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_RDTSC:
+           return VMEXIT_RDTSC_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_RDPMC:
+           return VMEXIT_RDPMC_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_PUSHF:
+           return VMEXIT_PUSHF_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_POPF:
+           return VMEXIT_POPF_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CPUID:
+           return VMEXIT_CPUID_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_RSM:
+           return VMEXIT_RSM_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_IRET:
+           return VMEXIT_IRET_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_SWINT:
+           return VMEXIT_SWINT_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_INVD:
+           return VMEXIT_INVD_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_PAUSE:
+           return VMEXIT_PAUSE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_HLT:
+           return VMEXIT_HLT_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_INVLPG:
+           return VMEXIT_INVLPG_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_INVLPGA:
+           return VMEXIT_INVLPGA_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_IOIO:
+           return VMEXIT_IOIO_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_MSR:
+           return VMEXIT_MSR_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_TASK_SWITCH:
+           return VMEXIT_TASK_SWITCH_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_FERR_FREEZE:
+           return VMEXIT_FERR_FREEZE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_SHUTDOWN:
+           return VMEXIT_SHUTDOWN_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_VMRUN:
+           return VMEXIT_VMRUN_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_VMMCALL:
+           return VMEXIT_VMMCALL_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_VMLOAD:
+           return VMEXIT_VMLOAD_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_VMSAVE:
+           return VMEXIT_VMSAVE_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_STGI:
+           return VMEXIT_STGI_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_CLGI:
+           return VMEXIT_CLGI_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_SKINIT:
+           return VMEXIT_SKINIT_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_RDTSCP:
+           return VMEXIT_RDTSCP_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_ICEBP:
+           return VMEXIT_ICEBP_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_WBINVD:
+           return VMEXIT_WBINVD_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_MONITOR:
+           return VMEXIT_MONITOR_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_MWAIT:
+           return VMEXIT_MWAIT_STR;
+       case VMEXIT_NPF:
+           return VMEXIT_NPF_STR;
+           return VMEXIT_INVALID_VMCB_STR;
+    }
+    return NULL;