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Cleanup and sanity-checking of divide-by-zero and floating point use bugs (Coverity...
[palacios.releases.git] / palacios / src / extensions / ext_sched_edf.c
index b09b463..498c00f 100644 (file)
-/* \r
- * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed\r
- * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National \r
- * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.  \r
- *\r
- * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University\r
- * and the University of New Mexico.  You can find out more at \r
- *\r
- *\r
- * Copyright (c) 2013, Oscar Mondragon <>\r
- * Copyright (c) 2013, Patrick G. Bridges <>\r
- * Copyright (c) 2013, The V3VEE Project <> \r
- * All rights reserved.\r
- *\r
- * Author: Oscar Mondragon <>\r
- *         Patrick G. Bridges <>\r
- *\r
- * This is free software.  You are permitted to use,\r
- * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE".\r
- */\r
-#include <palacios/vmm.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vmm_time.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vm_guest.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vmm_hashtable.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vmm_config.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vmm_extensions.h>\r
-#include <palacios/vmm_rbtree.h>\r
-#undef PrintDebug\r
-#define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)\r
-/* Overview \r
- *\r
- * EDF Scheduling\r
- *\r
- * The EDF scheduler uses a dynamic calculated priority as scheduling criteria to choose\r
- * what thread will be scheduled.That priority is calculated according with the relative \r
- * deadline of the threads that are ready to run in the runqueue. This runqueue is a per-logical\r
- * core data structure used to keep the runnable virtual cores (threads) allocated to that \r
- * logical core.The threads with less time before its deadline will receive better priorities. \r
- * The runqueue is sorted each time that a vCPU becomes runnable. At that time the vCPU is \r
- * enqueue and a new scheduling decision is taken. Each time a vCPU is scheduled, the parameter\r
- * slice used time is set to zero and the current deadline is calculated using its period. Once\r
- * the vCPU uses the logical core for slice seconds, that vCPU sleeps until its next scheduling \r
- * period (when is re-inserted in the runqueue) and  yields the CPU to allow the scheduling \r
- * of the vCPU with best priority in the runqueue. \r
- */\r
-// Default configuration values for the EDF Scheduler\r
-// time parameters in microseconds \r
-#define MAX_PERIOD 1000000000\r
-#define MIN_PERIOD 50000\r
-#define MAX_SLICE 1000000000\r
-#define MIN_SLICE 10000\r
-#define CPU_PERCENT 100\r
-typedef uint64_t time_us;\r
-/* \r
- * Per-core EDF Scheduling information \r
- */\r
-struct vm_core_edf_sched {\r
-    struct guest_info *info;   // Core struct\r
-    struct rb_node node;      // red-black tree node\r
-    time_us period;           // Amount of time (us) during which the core may received a CPU allocation\r
-    time_us slice;            // Minimum amount of time (us) received for the core during each period \r
-    time_us current_deadline; // Time (us) at which current core period ends\r
-    time_us used_time;        // Amount of time (us) of the slice used whiting the current period\r
-    time_us last_wakeup_time; // Time at which the last wakeup started for this core   \r
-    time_us remaining_time;   // Remaining time (us) before current core period ends (before current deadline) \r
-    bool extra_time;          // Specifies if the virtual core is eligible to receive extra CPU time\r
-    int miss_deadline;        // Number of times the core has missed its deadline\r
-    time_us total_time;       // Total scheduled time for this core. For now used for debugging purposes \r
-    int slice_overuse;        // Statistical purposes\r
-    time_us extra_time_given;     // Statistical\r
-/* \r
- * Scheduler configuration\r
- */\r
-struct vm_edf_sched_config {\r
-    time_us min_slice;       // Minimum allowed slice\r
-    time_us max_slice;       // Maximum allowed slice\r
-    time_us min_period;      // Minimum allowed period\r
-    time_us max_period;      // Maximum allowed period\r
-    int cpu_percent;       // Percentange of CPU utilization for the scheduler in each physical CPU (100 or less)\r
-   \r
-/* \r
- * Run queue structure. Per-logical core data structure  used to keep the runnable virtual cores (threads) allocated to that logical core \r
- * Contains a pointer to the red black tree, the structure of configuration options and other info\r
- */\r
-struct vm_edf_rq{\r
-    \r
-    //int cpu_id; // Physical CPU id\r
-    int cpu_u; // CPU utilization (must be less or equal to the cpu_percent in vm_edf_sched_config)     \r
-    struct rb_root vCPUs_tree; // Red-Black Tree\r
-    struct vm_edf_sched_config edf_config;     // Scheduling configuration structure\r
-    int nr_vCPU;       // Number of cores in the runqueue\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_vCPU;       // Current running CPU          \r
-    struct rb_node *rb_leftmost;     // vCPU with the earliest deadline (leftmost in the tree)\r
-    time_us last_sched_time;  // statistical purposes\r
-/* \r
- * Basic functions for scheduling \r
- */\r
-int v3_init_edf_scheduling();\r
- * init_edf_config: Initialize scheduler configuration\r
- */\r
-static void \r
-init_edf_config(struct vm_edf_sched_config *edf_config){\r
-    edf_config->min_slice = MIN_SLICE;\r
-    edf_config->max_slice = MAX_SLICE;\r
-    edf_config->min_period = MIN_PERIOD;\r
-    edf_config->max_period = MAX_PERIOD;\r
-    edf_config->cpu_percent = CPU_PERCENT;\r
- * priv_data_init: Initialize the run queue\r
- */\r
-int \r
-priv_data_init(struct v3_vm_info *vm){\r
-    PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. Initializing EDF Scheduling \n");\r
-    vm->sched_priv_data = V3_Malloc( vm->avail_cores * sizeof(struct vm_edf_rq));\r
-    if (!vm->sched_priv_data) {\r
-       PrintError(vm, VCORE_NONE,"Cannot allocate in priv_data in priv_data_init\n");\r
-       return -1;\r
-    }\r
-    int lcore = 0;\r
-  \r
-    PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. priv_data_init. Available cores %d\n", vm->avail_cores);\r
-    for(lcore = 0; lcore < vm->avail_cores ; lcore++){\r
-        PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. priv_data_init. Initializing logical core %d\n", lcore);\r
-        struct vm_edf_rq * edf_rq_list =   (struct vm_edf_rq *)vm->sched_priv_data;\r
-        struct vm_edf_rq * edf_rq = &edf_rq_list[lcore];\r
-    \r
-        edf_rq->vCPUs_tree = RB_ROOT;\r
-        edf_rq->cpu_u=0;\r
-        edf_rq->nr_vCPU=0;\r
-        edf_rq->curr_vCPU=NULL;\r
-        edf_rq->rb_leftmost=NULL;\r
-        edf_rq->last_sched_time=0;\r
-        init_edf_config(&edf_rq->edf_config);\r
-    }\r
-   return 0;\r
-   \r
- * is_admissible_core: Decides if a core is admited to the red black tree according with \r
- * the admisibility formula.\r
- */\r
-static bool \r
-is_admissible_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * new_sched_core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-    int curr_utilization = runqueue->cpu_u;\r
-    int new_utilization = curr_utilization + (100 * new_sched_core->slice / new_sched_core->period);\r
-    int cpu_percent = (runqueue->edf_config).cpu_percent; \r
-    if (new_utilization <= cpu_percent)\r
-        return true;\r
-    else\r
-       return false;    \r
-return true;\r
- * count_cores: Function useful to count the number of cores in a runqueue (Not used for now)\r
- *\r
- */\r
-/*static int count_cores(struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-  struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);\r
-  struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_core;\r
-  int number_cores = 0;    \r
-    while(node){\r
-        \r
-        curr_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-        node = v3_rb_next(node);\r
-        number_cores++;\r
-    }\r
-   return number_cores;\r
-}*/ \r
- * insert_core_edf: Finds a place in the tree for a newly activated core, adds the node \r
- * and rebalaces the tree\r
- */\r
-static bool \r
-insert_core_edf(struct vm_core_edf_sched *core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-    struct rb_node **new_core = &(runqueue->vCPUs_tree.rb_node);\r
-    struct rb_node *parent = NULL;\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_core;\r
-    // Find out place in the tree for the new core \r
-    while (*new_core) {\r
-    \r
-        curr_core = container_of(*new_core, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-        parent = *new_core;\r
-        \r
-       if (core->current_deadline < curr_core->current_deadline)\r
-           new_core = &((*new_core)->rb_left);\r
-       else if (core->current_deadline > curr_core->current_deadline)\r
-           new_core = &((*new_core)->rb_right);\r
-        else // Is Possible to have same current deadlines in both cores!\r
-            return false;\r
-    }\r
-    // Add new node and rebalance tree. \r
-    rb_link_node(&core->node, parent, new_core);\r
-    v3_rb_insert_color(&core->node, &runqueue->vCPUs_tree);\r
-    \r
-    return true;\r
- } \r
- * get_curr_host_time: Calculates the current host time (microseconds)\r
- */\r
-static uint64_t \r
-get_curr_host_time(struct vm_core_time *core_time){\r
-    uint64_t cur_cycle = v3_get_host_time(core_time);\r
-    uint64_t cpu_khz = core_time->host_cpu_freq;\r
-    uint64_t curr_time_us = 1000 * cur_cycle / cpu_khz;\r
-    return curr_time_us;\r
- * next_start_period: Given the current host time and the period of a given vCPU, \r
- * calculates the time in which its next period starts.\r
- *\r
- */\r
-static uint64_t \r
-next_start_period(uint64_t curr_time_us, uint64_t period_us){\r
-    uint64_t time_period_us = curr_time_us % period_us;\r
-    uint64_t remaining_time_us = period_us - time_period_us;\r
-    uint64_t next_start_us = curr_time_us + remaining_time_us;\r
-    return next_start_us;\r
- * get_runqueue: Get the runqueue assigned to a virtual core.\r
- */\r
-struct vm_edf_rq * get_runqueue(struct guest_info *info){\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue_list = (struct vm_edf_rq *) info->vm_info->sched_priv_data;\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = &runqueue_list[info->pcpu_id]; \r
-    return runqueue;\r
- * wakeup_core: Wakeup a given vCPU thread\r
- */\r
-static void \r
-wakeup_core(struct guest_info *info){\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = info->sched_priv_data;\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);\r
-    if (!info->core_thread) {\r
-              PrintError(info->vm_info, info,"ERROR: Tried to wakeup non-existent core thread vCPU_id %d \n",info->vcpu_id);\r
-    } \r
-    else {\r
-        PrintDebug(info->vm_info, info,"EDF Sched. run_next_core. vcpu_id %d, logical id %d, Total time %llu, Miss_deadlines %d, slice_overuses %d extra_time %llu, thread (%p)\n", \r
-            core->info->vcpu_id,\r
-            core->info->pcpu_id,\r
-            core->total_time,\r
-            core->miss_deadline,\r
-            core->slice_overuse,\r
-            core->extra_time_given,\r
-            (struct task_struct *)info->core_thread); \r
-       \r
-       V3_Wakeup(info->core_thread);\r
-       core->last_wakeup_time = get_curr_host_time(&core->info->time_state);\r
-       runqueue->curr_vCPU = core;\r
-    }\r
- * activate_core - Moves a core to the red-black tree.\r
- * used time is set to zero and current deadline is calculated \r
- */\r
-static void \r
-activate_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-    \r
-    if (is_admissible_core(core, runqueue)){\r
-            \r
-        uint64_t curr_time_us = get_curr_host_time(&core->info->time_state);\r
-        uint64_t curr_deadline = next_start_period(curr_time_us, core->period);\r
-        \r
-        core->current_deadline = curr_deadline;\r
-        core->used_time=0; \r
-        core->remaining_time=core->slice; \r
-        \r
-        bool ins = insert_core_edf(core, runqueue);\r
-        /* \r
-         * If not inserted is possible that there is other core with the same deadline.\r
-         * Then, the deadline is modified and try again \r
-         */   \r
-        while(!ins){  \r
-            core->current_deadline ++;\r
-            ins = insert_core_edf(core, runqueue);  \r
-        }    \r
-     \r
-        runqueue->cpu_u += 100 * core->slice / core->period;\r
-        runqueue->nr_vCPU ++;\r
-        \r
-        /*\r
-         * If this is the first time to be activated pick first earliest deadline core to wakeup.\r
-         */\r
-        if(core->last_wakeup_time == 0){\r
-            struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core;\r
-        \r
-            /*\r
-            * Pick first earliest deadline core\r
-             */\r
-            struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);\r
-            next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-          \r
-            // Wakeup next_core\r
-            wakeup_core(next_core->info);\r
-       \r
-            //Sleep old core\r
-  \r
-            V3_Sleep(0);\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-      }\r
-      else \r
-          PrintError(core->info->vm_info, core->info,"EDF Sched. activate_core. CPU cannot activate the core. It is not admissible");  \r
- * edf_sched_core_init: Initializes per core data structure and \r
- * calls activate function.\r
- */\r
-int \r
-edf_sched_core_init(struct guest_info * info){\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core_edf;\r
-    PrintDebug(info->vm_info, info,"EDF Sched. Initializing vcore %d\n", info->vcpu_id);\r
-    core_edf = (struct vm_core_edf_sched *) V3_Malloc(sizeof (struct vm_core_edf_sched));\r
-    if (!core_edf) {\r
-       PrintError(info->vm_info, info,"Cannot allocate private_data in edf_sched_core_init\n");\r
-       return -1;\r
-    }\r
-    info->sched_priv_data = core_edf;\r
-    \r
-    // Default configuration if not specified in configuration file  \r
-  \r
-    core_edf->info = info; \r
-    core_edf->period = 500000;\r
-    core_edf->slice = 50000;\r
-    core_edf->used_time = 0;\r
-    core_edf->last_wakeup_time = 0;\r
-    core_edf->remaining_time = core_edf->slice;  \r
-    core_edf->miss_deadline = 0;\r
-    core_edf->extra_time = true;\r
-    core_edf->total_time = 0;\r
-    core_edf->slice_overuse = 0;\r
-    core_edf->extra_time_given = 0;\r
-    v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg_tree = core_edf->info->vm_info->cfg_data->cfg;\r
-    v3_cfg_tree_t * core = v3_cfg_subtree(v3_cfg_subtree(cfg_tree, "cores"), "core");\r
-    \r
-    while (core){\r
-        char *id = v3_cfg_val(core, "vcpu_id");\r
-        char *period = v3_cfg_val(core, "period");\r
-        char *slice = v3_cfg_val(core, "slice");\r
-        char *extra_time = v3_cfg_val(core, "extra_time");\r
-        \r
-        if (atoi(id) == core_edf->info->vcpu_id){\r
-   \r
-            core_edf->period = atoi(period);\r
-            core_edf->slice = atoi(slice);\r
-            core_edf->remaining_time = core_edf->slice;  \r
-            if (strcasecmp(extra_time, "true") == 0)\r
-                core_edf->extra_time = true;\r
-            else    \r
-                core_edf->extra_time = false;\r
-            break;\r
-        }\r
-        core = v3_cfg_next_branch(core);\r
-    }\r
-    activate_core(core_edf,runqueue); \r
-    return 0; \r
- * search_core_edf: Searches a core in the red-black tree by using its vcpu_id\r
- */\r
-static struct vm_core_edf_sched * \r
-search_core_edf(struct vm_core_edf_sched *core_edf, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-    struct rb_node *node = runqueue->vCPUs_tree.rb_node;\r
-       \r
-    while (node) {\r
-     \r
-        struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-       \r
-        if (core_edf->current_deadline < core->current_deadline)\r
-            node = node->rb_left;\r
-       else if (core_edf->current_deadline > core->current_deadline)\r
-           node = node->rb_right;\r
-        else\r
-            if(core->info->vcpu_id == core_edf->info->vcpu_id){\r
-                return core;\r
-            }\r
-    }\r
-    return NULL;\r
-/* \r
- * delete_core_edf: Deletes a core from the red black tree, generally when it has \r
- * consumed its time slice within the current period.\r
- */\r
-static bool \r
-delete_core_edf( struct vm_core_edf_sched *core_edf  , struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = search_core_edf(core_edf, runqueue);\r
-        if (core){ \r
-            v3_rb_erase(&core->node, &runqueue->vCPUs_tree);  \r
-           return true;\r
-        } \r
-       else{\r
-           PrintError(core->info->vm_info, core->info,"EDF Sched. delete_core_edf.Attempted to erase unexisting core");\r
-            return false;        \r
-        }\r
- * deactivate_core - Removes a core from the red-black tree.\r
- */\r
-static void \r
-deactivate_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-     if(delete_core_edf(core, runqueue)){\r
-         runqueue->cpu_u -= 100 * core->slice / core->period;\r
-         runqueue->nr_vCPU -- ;\r
-     }         \r
- * pick_next_core: Returns the next core to be scheduled from the red black tree\r
- */\r
-static struct vm_core_edf_sched * \r
-pick_next_core(struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){\r
-  \r
-  \r
-    /*\r
-     * Pick first earliest deadline core\r
-     */\r
-    struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-    /* \r
-     * Verify if the earliest deadline core has used its complete slice and return it if not\r
-     */\r
-    if (next_core->used_time < next_core->slice){\r
-        if(next_core->current_deadline < get_curr_host_time(&next_core->info->time_state))\r
-            next_core->miss_deadline++; \r
-        return next_core;\r
-    }\r
-    /*\r
-     * If slice used, pick the next core that has not used its complete slice    \r
-     */\r
-    else {  \r
-        while(next_core->used_time >= next_core->slice){\r
-            \r
-            if(next_core->current_deadline < get_curr_host_time(&next_core->info->time_state) || !next_core->extra_time ){\r
-                deactivate_core(next_core,runqueue); \r
-                activate_core(next_core,runqueue);\r
-           \r
-            }            \r
-            node = v3_rb_next(node);\r
-            if(node){\r
-                next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-            }\r
-            else{   \r
-                node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree); // If all cores have used its slice return the first one\r
-            return container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);\r
-            }   \r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    return next_core;\r
-static void \r
-adjust_slice(struct guest_info * info, int used_time, int extra_time)\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = info->sched_priv_data;\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);\r
-    core->used_time = used_time;\r
-    if (extra_time >= 0) {\r
-       core->used_time += extra_time;\r
-    }\r
-    if( core->used_time >= core->slice){     \r
-        deactivate_core(core,runqueue);\r
-        activate_core(core,runqueue);\r
-    }\r
- * run_next_core: Pick next core to be scheduled and wakeup it\r
- */\r
-static void \r
-run_next_core(struct guest_info *info, int used_time, int usec)\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = info->sched_priv_data;\r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core;\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);\r
-   \r
-    /* The next core to be scheduled is choosen from the tree (Function pick_next_core). \r
-     * The selected core is the one with the earliest deadline and with available time \r
-     * to use within the current period (used_time < slice)   \r
-     */\r
-   \r
-     next_core = pick_next_core(runqueue); // Pick next core to schedule\r
-          \r
-     if (core != next_core){\r
-         // Wakeup next_core\r
-         wakeup_core(next_core->info);\r
-         core->total_time += used_time;\r
-        if (used_time > core->slice){\r
-            core->slice_overuse++;\r
-            core->extra_time_given += (used_time - core->slice);\r
-        }\r
-         // Sleep old core\r
-  \r
-         V3_Sleep(usec);\r
-       \r
-       }\r
- * edf_schedule: Scheduling function\r
- */\r
-static void\r
-edf_schedule(struct guest_info * info, int usec){\r
-    uint64_t host_time = get_curr_host_time(&info->time_state);\r
-    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);  \r
-    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = (struct vm_core_edf_sched *) info->sched_priv_data;\r
-    uint64_t used_time = 0;\r
-    if(core->last_wakeup_time != 0) \r
-        used_time =  host_time - core->last_wakeup_time;\r
-    if(usec == 0) runqueue->last_sched_time = host_time; // Called from edf_sched_scheduled\r
-    adjust_slice(core->info, host_time - core->last_wakeup_time, usec);\r
-    run_next_core(core->info,used_time, usec);\r
-    return;\r
- * edf_sched_schedule: Main scheduling function. Computes amount of time in period left,\r
- * recomputing the current core's deadline if it has expired, then runs\r
- * scheduler \r
- * It is called in the following cases:\r
- *    A vCPU becomes runnable\r
- *    The slice of the current vCPU was used\r
- *    The period of a vCPU in the runqueue starts\r
- *    Other case?? \r
- * TODO Something to do with extra time?\r
- * TODO Check the use of remaining_time\r
- */\r
-void \r
-edf_sched_schedule(struct guest_info * info){\r
-    edf_schedule(info, 0);\r
-    return;\r
- * edf_sched_yield: Called when yielding the logical cpu for usec is needed\r
- */\r
-void \r
-edf_sched_yield(struct guest_info * info, int usec){\r
-    edf_schedule(info, usec);\r
-    return;\r
-    \r
- * edf_sched_deinit: Frees edf scheduler data structures\r
- */\r
-int \r
-edf_sched_deinit(struct v3_vm_info *vm)\r
-    void *priv_data = vm->sched_priv_data;\r
-    \r
-    if (priv_data) \r
-        V3_Free(priv_data);\r
-    return 0;\r
- * edf_sched_deinit: Frees virtual core data structures\r
- */\r
-int \r
-edf_sched_core_deinit(struct guest_info *core)\r
-    void *priv_data = core->sched_priv_data;\r
-    \r
-    if (priv_data) \r
-        V3_Free(priv_data);\r
-    return 0;\r
-int edf_sched_vm_init(struct v3_vm_info *vm){\r
-    return 0;\r
-int edf_sched_admit(struct v3_vm_info *vm){\r
-    /*\r
-     * Initialize priv_data for the vm: \r
-     * For EDF this is done here because we need the parameter\r
-     * avail_core which is set in v3_start_vm before the\r
-     * v3_scheduler_admit_vm function is called.\r
-     */\r
-   \r
-    priv_data_init(vm);\r
-    // TODO Admission\r
-     \r
-    return 0;\r
-static struct vm_scheduler_impl edf_sched = {\r
-    .name = "edf",\r
-    .init = NULL,\r
-    .deinit = NULL,\r
-    .vm_init = edf_sched_vm_init,\r
-    .vm_deinit = NULL,\r
-    .core_init = edf_sched_core_init,\r
-    .core_deinit = edf_sched_core_deinit,\r
-    .schedule = edf_sched_schedule,\r
-    .yield = edf_sched_yield,\r
-    .admit = edf_sched_admit,\r
-    .remap = NULL,\r
-    .dvfs=NULL\r
-static int \r
-ext_sched_edf_init() {\r
-    PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE,"Sched. Creating (%s) scheduler\n",;\r
-    return v3_register_scheduler(&edf_sched);\r
-static int \r
-ext_sched_edf_vm_init() {\r
-    return 0;\r
-static struct v3_extension_impl sched_edf_impl = {\r
-       .name = "EDF Scheduler",\r
-       .init = ext_sched_edf_init,\r
-       .vm_init = ext_sched_edf_vm_init,\r
-        .vm_deinit = NULL,\r
-       .core_init = NULL,\r
-       .core_deinit = NULL,\r
-       .on_entry = NULL,\r
-       .on_exit = NULL\r
+ * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed
+ * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National
+ * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.
+ *
+ * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University
+ * and the University of New Mexico.  You can find out more at
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Oscar Mondragon <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Patrick G. Bridges <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, The V3VEE Project <>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Author: Oscar Mondragon <>
+ *         Patrick G. Bridges <>
+ *
+ * This is free software.  You are permitted to use,
+ * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE".
+ */
+#include <palacios/vmm.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_time.h>
+#include <palacios/vm_guest.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_hashtable.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_config.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_extensions.h>
+#include <palacios/vmm_rbtree.h>
+#undef PrintDebug
+#define PrintDebug(fmt, args...)
+/* Overview
+ *
+ * EDF Scheduling
+ *
+ * The EDF scheduler uses a dynamic calculated priority as scheduling criteria to choose
+ * what thread will be scheduled.That priority is calculated according with the relative
+ * deadline of the threads that are ready to run in the runqueue. This runqueue is a per-logical
+ * core data structure used to keep the runnable virtual cores (threads) allocated to that
+ * logical core.The threads with less time before its deadline will receive better priorities.
+ * The runqueue is sorted each time that a vCPU becomes runnable or when its period is over.
+ * At that time the vCPU is enqueue. A new scheduling decision is taken is time that an interruption
+ * is received. At that time if the earliest deadline core is different that the current core,
+ * the current core goes to sleep and the earliest deadline core is wake up. Each time a vCPU is scheduled,
+ * the parameter "used_time" is set to zero and the current deadline is calculated using its period.
+ * One vCPU uses at least slice seconds of CPU.Some extra time can be allocated to that virtual core after
+ * all the other virtual cores consumes their slices.
+ */
+// Default configuration values for the EDF Scheduler
+// time parameters in microseconds
+#define MAX_PERIOD 1000000000
+#define MIN_PERIOD 50000
+#define MAX_SLICE 1000000000
+#define MIN_SLICE 50000
+#define CPU_PERCENT 80
+#define DEADLINE_INTERVAL 30000000 // Period in which the missed deadline ratio is checked
+typedef uint64_t time_us;
+ * Per-core EDF Scheduling information
+ */
+struct vm_core_edf_sched {
+    struct guest_info *info;              // Core data struct
+    struct rb_node node;                  // red-black tree node
+    time_us period;                       // Amount of time (us) during which the virtual core may received a CPU allocation
+    time_us slice;                        // Minimum amount of time (us) received for the virtual core during each period
+    time_us current_deadline;             // Time (us) at which current virtual core period ends
+    time_us used_time;                    // Amount of time (us) used whiting the current period
+    time_us last_wakeup_time;             // Time at which the last wakeup started for this virtual core
+    time_us remaining_time;               // Remaining time (us) to reach the expected time allocated to the virtual core
+    bool extra_time;                      // Specifies if the virtual core is eligible to receive extra CPU time (For now it is true always)
+    uint64_t deadline;                    // Total number of deadlines
+    int deadline_percentage;              // Percentage of total missed deadlines
+    uint64_t miss_deadline;               // Number of times the core has missed deadlines
+    uint64_t deadline_interval;           // Total number of deadlines in the latest interval
+    int deadline_percentage_interval;     // Percentage of missed deadlines in the latest interval
+    uint64_t miss_deadline_interval;      // Number of times the core has missed deadlines in the last interval
+    time_us print_deadline_interval;      // Last time missed deadline ratio was printed
+    time_us total_time;                   // Total scheduled time for this virtual core.
+    int slice_overuse;                    // Number of times a core consumes extra time
+    time_us extra_time_given;             // Total extra time given to a virtual core
+    time_us start_time;                   // Time at which this virtual core start to be scheduled
+    time_us expected_time;                // Minimum CPU time expected to be allocated to this virtual core
+ * Scheduler configuration
+ */
+struct vm_edf_sched_config {
+    time_us min_slice;       // Minimum allowed slice
+    time_us max_slice;       // Maximum allowed slice
+    time_us min_period;      // Minimum allowed period
+    time_us max_period;      // Maximum allowed period
+    int cpu_percent;         // Percentange of CPU utilization for the scheduler in each physical CPU (100 or less)
+ * Run queue structure. Per-logical core data structure  used to keep the runnable virtual cores (threads) allocated to that logical core
+ * Contains a pointer to the red black tree, the data structure of configuration options, and other info
+ */
+struct vm_edf_rq{
+    int cpu_u;                                 // CPU utilization (must be less or equal to the cpu_percent in vm_edf_sched_config)
+    struct rb_root vCPUs_tree;                 // Red-Black Tree
+    struct vm_edf_sched_config edf_config;     // Scheduling configuration structure
+    int nr_vCPU;                               // Number of cores in the runqueue
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_vCPU;       // Current running CPU
+    time_us last_sched_time;                    // Last time a virtual core in this runqueue was scheduled
+    time_us check_deadline_time;                // Last time in which the deadlines were recalculated
+    time_us smallest_period;                    // Smallest period of the virtual cores in the runqueue, used to control the period of deadlines recalculation
+    time_us print_time;                         // Last time of debugging print
+    time_us start_time;                         // Time at which first core started running in this runqueue
+    int sched_low;                              // Incremented when the time between interruptions is large
+    bool yielded;                               // CPU yielded to palacios (No core running)
+ * Basic functions for scheduling
+ */
+int v3_init_edf_scheduling();
+ * Debugging Function
+ */
+static void
+print_parameters(time_us host_time, struct vm_edf_rq * runqueue, struct vm_core_edf_sched * core){
+    time_us elapsed_time = 0;
+    if(runqueue->start_time != 0)
+        elapsed_time = host_time - runqueue->start_time;
+    PrintDebug(core->info->vm_info, core->info,"Test: %llu %llu %d %d %llu %llu %llu %d\n",
+             host_time,
+            elapsed_time,
+             core->info->vcpu_id,
+             core->info->pcpu_id,
+             core->total_time,
+            core->expected_time,
+            core->miss_deadline,
+            core->deadline_percentage);
+   runqueue->print_time = host_time;
+ * init_edf_config: Initialize scheduler configuration
+ */
+static void
+init_edf_config(struct vm_edf_sched_config *edf_config){
+    edf_config->min_slice = MIN_SLICE;
+    edf_config->max_slice = MAX_SLICE;
+    edf_config->min_period = MIN_PERIOD;
+    edf_config->max_period = MAX_PERIOD;
+    edf_config->cpu_percent = CPU_PERCENT;
+ * priv_data_init: Initialize the run queue
+ */
+priv_data_init(struct v3_vm_info *vm){
+    PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. Initializing EDF Scheduling \n");
+    vm->sched_priv_data = V3_Malloc( vm->avail_cores * sizeof(struct vm_edf_rq));
+    if (!vm->sched_priv_data) {
+       PrintError(vm, VCORE_NONE,"Cannot allocate in priv_data in priv_data_init\n");
+       return -1;
+    }
+    int lcore = 0;
+    PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. priv_data_init. Available cores %d\n", vm->avail_cores);
+    for(lcore = 0; lcore < vm->avail_cores ; lcore++){
+        PrintDebug(vm, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. priv_data_init. Initializing logical core %d\n", lcore);
+        struct vm_edf_rq * edf_rq_list =   (struct vm_edf_rq *)vm->sched_priv_data;
+        struct vm_edf_rq * edf_rq = &edf_rq_list[lcore];
+        edf_rq->vCPUs_tree = RB_ROOT;
+        edf_rq->cpu_u=0;
+        edf_rq->nr_vCPU=0;
+        edf_rq->curr_vCPU=NULL;
+        edf_rq->last_sched_time=0;
+        edf_rq->check_deadline_time=0;
+        edf_rq->sched_low=0;
+        edf_rq->smallest_period=0;
+        edf_rq->start_time = 0;
+        edf_rq->yielded=false;
+        init_edf_config(&edf_rq->edf_config);
+    }
+   return 0;
+ * is_admissible_core: Decides if a core is admited to the red black tree according with
+ * the admisibility formula.
+ */
+static bool
+is_admissible_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * new_sched_core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    int curr_utilization = runqueue->cpu_u;
+    int new_utilization = curr_utilization + (100 * new_sched_core->slice / new_sched_core->period);
+    int cpu_percent = (runqueue->edf_config).cpu_percent;
+    if (new_utilization <= cpu_percent)
+        return true;
+    else
+       return false;
+return true;
+ * insert_core_edf: Finds a place in the tree for a newly activated core, adds the node
+ * and rebalaces the tree
+ */
+static bool
+insert_core_edf(struct vm_core_edf_sched *core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    struct rb_node **new_core = &(runqueue->vCPUs_tree.rb_node);
+    struct rb_node *parent = NULL;
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_core;
+    // Find out place in the tree for the new core
+    while (*new_core) {
+        curr_core = container_of(*new_core, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        parent = *new_core;
+       if (core->current_deadline < curr_core->current_deadline)
+           new_core = &((*new_core)->rb_left);
+       else if (core->current_deadline > curr_core->current_deadline)
+           new_core = &((*new_core)->rb_right);
+        else // Is Possible to have same current deadlines in both cores!
+            return false;
+    }
+    // Add new node and rebalance tree.
+    rb_link_node(&core->node, parent, new_core);
+    v3_rb_insert_color(&core->node, &runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+    return true;
+ }
+ * get_curr_host_time: Calculates the current host time (microseconds)
+ */
+static uint64_t
+get_curr_host_time(struct vm_core_time *core_time){
+    uint64_t cur_cycle = v3_get_host_time(core_time);
+    uint64_t cpu_khz = core_time->host_cpu_freq;
+    uint64_t curr_time_us = 1000 * cur_cycle / cpu_khz;
+    return curr_time_us;
+ * count_cores: Function useful to count the number of cores in a runqueue (Not used for now)
+ *
+ */
+static int count_cores(struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+  struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+  struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_core;
+  int number_cores = 0;
+    while(node){
+        number_cores++;
+        curr_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        time_us host_time =  get_curr_host_time(&curr_core->info->time_state);
+        PrintDebug(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Count %d. core %d, used time %llu, deadline %llu, host time  %llu extra_time %llu\n",
+                  number_cores,
+                  curr_core->info->vcpu_id,
+                  curr_core->used_time,
+                  curr_core->current_deadline,
+                  host_time,
+                  curr_core->extra_time_given);
+        node = v3_rb_next(node);
+    }
+   return number_cores;
+ * next_start_period: Given the current host time and the period of a given vCPU,
+ * calculates the time in which its next period starts.
+ *
+ */
+static uint64_t
+next_start_period(uint64_t curr_time_us, uint64_t period_us){
+    uint64_t time_period_us = curr_time_us % period_us;
+    uint64_t remaining_time_us = period_us - time_period_us;
+    uint64_t next_start_us = curr_time_us + remaining_time_us;
+    return next_start_us;
+ * get_runqueue: Get the runqueue assigned to a virtual core.
+ */
+struct vm_edf_rq * get_runqueue(struct guest_info *info){
+    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue_list = (struct vm_edf_rq *) info->vm_info->sched_priv_data;
+    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = &runqueue_list[info->pcpu_id];
+    return runqueue;
+ * wakeup_core: Wakeup a given vCPU thread
+ */
+static void
+wakeup_core(struct guest_info *info){
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = info->sched_priv_data;
+    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);
+    time_us host_time = get_curr_host_time(&core->info->time_state);
+    if (!info->core_thread) {
+              PrintError(info->vm_info, info,"ERROR: Tried to wakeup non-existent core thread vCPU_id %d \n",info->vcpu_id);
+    }
+    else {
+       V3_Wakeup(info->core_thread);
+       if(core->start_time == 0){
+            core->start_time = host_time;
+            print_parameters(host_time, runqueue, core);
+       }
+       core->last_wakeup_time = host_time;
+       runqueue->curr_vCPU = core;
+    }
+ * activate_core - Moves a core to the red-black tree.
+ * used time is set to zero and current deadline is calculated
+ */
+static int
+activate_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    if (is_admissible_core(core, runqueue)){
+        uint64_t curr_time_us = get_curr_host_time(&core->info->time_state);
+        uint64_t curr_deadline = next_start_period(curr_time_us, core->period);
+        core->current_deadline = curr_deadline;
+        core->used_time=0;
+        bool ins = insert_core_edf(core, runqueue);
+        /*
+         * If not inserted is possible that there is other core with the same deadline.
+         * Then, the deadline is modified and try again
+         */
+        while(!ins){
+            core->current_deadline ++;
+            ins = insert_core_edf(core, runqueue);
+        }
+        runqueue->cpu_u += 100 * core->slice / core->period;
+        runqueue->nr_vCPU ++;
+        if(runqueue->nr_vCPU == 1){
+            runqueue->smallest_period = core->period;
+        }
+        else if(core->period < runqueue->smallest_period){
+         runqueue->smallest_period = core->period;
+        }
+        /*
+         * If this is the first time to be activated pick first earliest deadline core to wakeup.
+         */
+         if(!runqueue->curr_vCPU){
+           struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core;
+           // Pick first earliest deadline core
+            struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+            next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+            PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. First time activation, core %d, time %llu \n", next_core->info->vcpu_id, curr_time_us);
+            // Wakeup next_core (It is not neccessary to wakeup since in this case this is the first core launched by Palacios
+           // however wakeup_core is called to initialize some needed parameters.
+            wakeup_core(next_core->info);
+            next_core->start_time =  get_curr_host_time(&next_core->info->time_state);
+            print_parameters(curr_time_us, runqueue, next_core);
+            runqueue->start_time = next_core->start_time;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+          PrintError(core->info->vm_info, core->info,"EDF Sched. activate_core. CPU cannot activate the core. It is not admissible");
+    return 0;
+#define CEIL_DIV(x,y) (((x)/(y)) + !!((x)%(y)))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
+ * edf_sched_core_init: Initializes per core data structure and
+ * calls activate function.
+ */
+edf_sched_core_init(struct guest_info * info){
+    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core_edf;
+    struct v3_time *vm_ts = &(info->vm_info->time_state);
+    uint32_t tdf = vm_ts->td_denom;
+    uint_t cpu_khz = V3_CPU_KHZ();
+    PrintDebug(info->vm_info, info,"EDF Sched. Initializing vcore %d, tdf %d\n", info->vcpu_id,tdf);
+    core_edf = (struct vm_core_edf_sched *) V3_Malloc(sizeof (struct vm_core_edf_sched));
+    if (!core_edf) {
+       PrintError(info->vm_info, info,"Cannot allocate private_data in edf_sched_core_init\n");
+       return -1;
+    }
+    info->sched_priv_data = core_edf;
+    // Default configuration if not specified in configuration file
+    core_edf->info = info;
+    core_edf->period = MIN_PERIOD;
+    core_edf->slice = MIN_SLICE;
+    core_edf->used_time = 0;
+    core_edf->last_wakeup_time = 0;
+    core_edf->remaining_time = 0;
+    core_edf->deadline = 0;
+    core_edf->miss_deadline = 0;
+    core_edf->extra_time = true;
+    core_edf->total_time = 0;
+    core_edf->slice_overuse = 0;
+    core_edf->extra_time_given = 0;
+    core_edf->expected_time = 0;
+    core_edf->start_time = 0;
+    core_edf->deadline_interval = 0;
+    core_edf->deadline_percentage_interval = 0;
+    core_edf->miss_deadline_interval = 0;
+    core_edf->print_deadline_interval = 0;
+    v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg_tree = core_edf->info->vm_info->cfg_data->cfg;
+    v3_cfg_tree_t * core = v3_cfg_subtree(v3_cfg_subtree(cfg_tree, "cores"), "core");
+    while (core){
+        char *id = v3_cfg_val(core, "vcpu_id");
+        char *period = v3_cfg_val(core, "period");
+        char *slice = v3_cfg_val(core, "slice");
+        char *extra_time = v3_cfg_val(core, "extra_time");
+        char *speed = v3_cfg_val(core, "khz");
+        uint_t speed_khz = cpu_khz;
+        if (atoi(id) == core_edf->info->vcpu_id){
+            if(speed){
+               speed_khz = atoi(speed);
+            }
+            if(slice){
+                core_edf->slice = atoi(slice);
+               core_edf->slice = MAX(MIN_SLICE,core_edf->slice);
+            }
+           else{
+               core_edf->slice = MIN_SLICE;
+            }
+           if(period){
+               core_edf->period = atoi(period);
+               core_edf->period = MAX(MIN_PERIOD,core_edf->period);
+            }
+           else{
+               core_edf->period = (core_edf->slice * cpu_khz * tdf)/speed_khz;
+               // WTF is this floating point doing here?!
+               // core_edf->period += 0.3*(100*core_edf->slice/core_edf->period); // Give faster vcores a little more bigger periods.
+               core_edf->period += CEIL_DIV(100*core_edf->slice/core_edf->period,3); // Give faster vcores a little more bigger periods.
+            }
+           PrintDebug(info->vm_info,info,"EDF_SCHED. Vcore %d, Pcore %d, cpu_khz %u, Period %llu Speed %d, Utilization %d, tdf %d %llu \n",
+                  core_edf->info->vcpu_id,
+                   core_edf->info->pcpu_id,
+                   cpu_khz,
+                  core_edf->period,
+                  speed_khz,
+                  (int)(100*core_edf->slice/core_edf->period),
+                  tdf,
+                  runqueue->smallest_period);
+            if(extra_time){
+                if (strcasecmp(extra_time, "true") == 0)
+                    core_edf->extra_time = true;
+                else
+                    core_edf->extra_time = false;
+            }
+            else
+                core_edf->extra_time = false;
+            break;
+        }
+        core = v3_cfg_next_branch(core);
+    }
+    return activate_core(core_edf,runqueue);
+ * search_core_edf: Searches a core in the red-black tree by using its current_deadline
+ */
+static struct vm_core_edf_sched *
+search_core_edf(time_us current_deadline, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    struct rb_node *node = runqueue->vCPUs_tree.rb_node;
+    while (node) {
+        struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        if (current_deadline < core->current_deadline)
+            node = node->rb_left;
+       else if (current_deadline > core->current_deadline)
+           node = node->rb_right;
+        else
+            return core;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * delete_core_edf: Deletes a core from the red black tree, generally when it has
+ * consumed its time slice within the current period.
+ */
+static bool
+delete_core_edf( struct vm_core_edf_sched *core_edf  , struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = search_core_edf(core_edf->current_deadline, runqueue);
+        if (core){
+            v3_rb_erase(&core->node, &runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+           return true;
+        }
+       else{
+           PrintError(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"EDF Sched. delete_core_edf.Attempted to erase unexisting core");
+            return false;
+        }
+ * deactivate_core - Removes a core from the red-black tree.
+ */
+static void
+deactivate_core(struct vm_core_edf_sched * core, struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+     if(delete_core_edf(core, runqueue)){
+         runqueue->cpu_u -= 100 * core->slice / core->period;
+         runqueue->nr_vCPU -- ;
+     }
+ * adjust_slice - Adjust vcore parameters values
+ */
+static void adjust_slice(struct vm_core_edf_sched *core){
+    time_us host_time = get_curr_host_time(&core->info->time_state);
+    time_us used_time =  host_time - core->last_wakeup_time;
+    if(core->last_wakeup_time != 0){
+        core->used_time += used_time;
+        core->total_time += used_time;
+        if(core->start_time != 0){
+            core->expected_time = ((host_time - core->start_time)/core->period)*core->slice;
+       }
+        if(core->total_time <= core->expected_time){
+            core->remaining_time = core->expected_time - core->total_time;
+       }
+        else{
+           core->remaining_time =0;
+       }
+        if (core->used_time > core->slice){
+            core->slice_overuse++;
+        }
+    }
+ * Check_deadlines - Check virtual cores, and re-insert in the runqueue the ones which deadline is over
+ */
+static void check_deadlines(struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+    time_us host_time = get_curr_host_time(&next_core->info->time_state);
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched * deadline_cores[runqueue->nr_vCPU];
+    int nr_dcores=0;
+    int i=0;
+    memset(deadline_cores, 0, runqueue->nr_vCPU);
+    while(node){
+        next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        if(next_core->current_deadline < host_time){
+           next_core->deadline++;
+            next_core->deadline_interval++;
+            deadline_cores[nr_dcores++]= next_core;
+            if(next_core->used_time < next_core->slice){
+                next_core->miss_deadline++;
+                next_core->miss_deadline_interval++;
+               /*PrintError(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Test: Core %d miss_deadlines %d, used time %llu, slice %llu, deadline %llu, host time %llu \n",
+                      next_core->info->vcpu_id,
+                      next_core->miss_deadline,
+                      next_core->used_time,
+                       next_core->slice,
+                       next_core->current_deadline,
+                      host_time);*/
+            }
+            else{
+             next_core->extra_time_given += (next_core->used_time - next_core->slice);
+             /* PrintError(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Test: Extra time, core %d, core used time %llu, slice %llu, extra time %llu, Total extra time %llu \n",
+                next_core->info->vcpu_id,
+                 next_core->used_time,
+                next_core->slice,
+                (next_core->used_time - next_core->slice),
+                next_core->extra_time_given);*/
+            }
+        }
+       else{
+           break;
+        }
+        node = v3_rb_next(node);
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<nr_dcores;i++){
+        next_core = deadline_cores[nr_dcores-1-i];
+        deactivate_core(next_core,runqueue);
+        activate_core(next_core,runqueue);
+    }
+    runqueue->check_deadline_time = host_time;
+ * pick_next_core: Returns the next core to be scheduled from the red black tree
+ */
+static struct vm_core_edf_sched *
+pick_next_core(struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue){
+    /*
+     * Pick first earliest deadline core
+     */
+    struct rb_node *node=NULL;
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core=NULL;
+    time_us core_deadline=0;         // Deadline of the core with more time remaining
+    time_us core_extra_deadline=0;   // Deadline of the core with extra time enable and earliest deadline
+    time_us max_remaining=0;
+    time_us host_time = get_curr_host_time(&runqueue->curr_vCPU->info->time_state);
+    if(host_time - runqueue->check_deadline_time >= runqueue->smallest_period ){
+        check_deadlines(runqueue);
+    }
+    node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+    next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+    if (next_core->used_time < next_core->slice){
+         return next_core;
+    }
+    if(next_core->total_time < next_core->expected_time){
+        max_remaining = next_core->remaining_time;
+        core_deadline = next_core->current_deadline;
+    }
+    if(next_core->extra_time){
+        core_extra_deadline = next_core->current_deadline;
+    }
+    // Pick the next core that has not used its whole slice
+    while(node){
+        next_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        if(next_core->remaining_time > max_remaining){
+            max_remaining = next_core->extra_time_given;
+            core_deadline = next_core->current_deadline;
+            if(core_extra_deadline !=0 && next_core->extra_time){
+               core_extra_deadline = next_core->current_deadline;
+            }
+       }
+        if(next_core->used_time < next_core->slice){
+         return next_core;
+        }
+        node = v3_rb_next(node);
+    }
+    if(core_extra_deadline !=0){
+        next_core  = search_core_edf(core_extra_deadline, runqueue);
+    }
+    else if (core_deadline != 0){
+        next_core  = search_core_edf(core_deadline, runqueue);
+    }
+     return NULL;
+ * run_next_core: Pick next core to be scheduled and wakeup it
+ */
+static void
+run_next_core(struct guest_info *info, int usec)
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *core = info->sched_priv_data;
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *next_core;
+    struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);
+    time_us host_time = get_curr_host_time(&info->time_state);
+     /* The next core to be scheduled is choosen from the tree (Function pick_next_core).
+     * The selected core is the one with the earliest deadline and with available time
+     * to use within the current period (used_time < slice)
+     */
+    if(!runqueue->yielded){
+        adjust_slice(core);
+    }
+    next_core = pick_next_core(runqueue); // Pick next core to schedule
+    if(host_time - core->print_deadline_interval >= DEADLINE_INTERVAL){
+        if(core->deadline_interval != 0){
+            core->deadline_percentage_interval = (int)100*core->miss_deadline_interval/core->deadline_interval;
+        }
+        PrintDebug(info->vm_info,info,"deadline: %d %llu %llu %d",
+            core->info->vcpu_id,
+           core->deadline_interval,
+           core->miss_deadline_interval,
+           core->deadline_percentage_interval);
+        core->print_deadline_interval = host_time;
+        core->deadline_interval=0;
+        core->miss_deadline_interval = 0;
+        core->deadline_percentage_interval = 0;
+    }
+    if(!next_core){
+        runqueue->yielded=true;
+        V3_Yield();
+        return;
+    }
+    runqueue->yielded=false;
+    if(core->deadline != 0)
+        core->deadline_percentage = (int)100*core->miss_deadline/core->deadline;
+    if (core != next_core){
+        print_parameters(host_time, runqueue,core);
+        wakeup_core(next_core->info);
+        V3_Sleep(usec);
+     }
+    else{
+        // Necessary to update last_wakeup_time to adjust slice properly later
+        next_core->last_wakeup_time = get_curr_host_time(&next_core->info->time_state);
+        if(host_time - runqueue->print_time >= runqueue->smallest_period ){
+            print_parameters(host_time, runqueue,core);
+        }
+     }
+ * edf_schedule: Scheduling function
+ */
+static void
+edf_schedule(struct guest_info * info, int usec){
+  uint64_t host_time = get_curr_host_time(&info->time_state);
+  struct vm_edf_rq *runqueue = get_runqueue(info);
+  /*PrintDebug(info->vm_info,info,"Test PCORE. %d host time: %llu Last sched_time: %llu, difference: %llu\n",
+    info->pcpu_id,  host_time, runqueue->last_sched_time, host_time-runqueue->last_sched_time); */
+  /* if( (runqueue->last_sched_time !=0) && ((host_time - runqueue->last_sched_time) > 10000)){
+         PrintDebug(info->vm_info,info,"%d Test PCORE. %d LOW SCHED FREQUENCY  host time: %llu Last sched_time: %llu, difference: %llu\n",
+                ++runqueue->sched_low,info->pcpu_id,  host_time, runqueue->last_sched_time, host_time-runqueue->last_sched_time);
+                }*/
+  runqueue->last_sched_time = host_time;
+  run_next_core(info, usec);
+    return;
+ * edf_sched_schedule: Main scheduling function. Called each time that an interruption occurs.
+ *
+ */
+edf_sched_schedule(struct guest_info * info){
+    edf_schedule(info, 0);
+    return;
+ * edf_sched_yield: Called when yielding the logical cpu for usec is needed
+ */
+edf_sched_yield(struct guest_info * info, int usec){
+    edf_schedule(info, usec);
+    return;
+ * edf_sched_core_stop. Stops virtual machine. All the virtual cores yield the CPU
+ */
+edf_sched_core_stop(struct guest_info * info){
+    struct vm_edf_rq * runqueue =  get_runqueue(info);
+    struct rb_node *node = v3_rb_first(&runqueue->vCPUs_tree);
+    struct vm_core_edf_sched *curr_core;
+    while(node){
+        curr_core = container_of(node, struct vm_core_edf_sched, node);
+        wakeup_core(curr_core->info);
+        PrintDebug(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Waking up core %d, thread (%p)\n",
+                  curr_core->info->vcpu_id,
+                 (struct task_struct *)info->core_thread);
+        V3_Yield();
+        PrintDebug(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Yielding Thread %p\n",(struct task_struct *)info->core_thread);
+        node = v3_rb_next(node);
+    }
+   return 0;
+ * edf_sched_deinit: Frees edf scheduler data structures
+ */
+edf_sched_deinit(struct v3_vm_info *vm)
+    PrintDebug(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Freeing vm\n");
+    void *priv_data = vm->sched_priv_data;
+    if (priv_data)
+        V3_Free(priv_data);
+    return 0;
+ * edf_sched_deinit: Frees virtual core data structures
+ */
+edf_sched_core_deinit(struct guest_info *core)
+    PrintDebug(VM_NONE,VCORE_NONE,"Freeing core\n");
+    void *priv_data = core->sched_priv_data;
+    if (priv_data)
+        V3_Free(priv_data);
+    return 0;
+ * edf_sched_vm_int. Called when the VM starts
+ */
+int edf_sched_vm_init(struct v3_vm_info *vm){
+    return 0;
+int edf_sched_admit(struct v3_vm_info *vm){
+    /*
+     * Initialize priv_data for the vm:
+     * For EDF this is done here because we need the parameter
+     * avail_core which is set in v3_start_vm before the
+     * v3_scheduler_admit_vm function is called.
+     */
+    priv_data_init(vm);
+    // TODO Admission
+    return 0;
+ * vm_scheduler_impl. Functions that implement vmm_scheduler interface
+ */
+static struct vm_scheduler_impl edf_sched = {
+    .name = "edf",
+    .init = NULL,
+    .deinit = NULL,
+    .vm_init = edf_sched_vm_init,
+    .vm_deinit = edf_sched_deinit,
+    .core_init = edf_sched_core_init,
+    .core_stop = edf_sched_core_stop,
+    .core_deinit = edf_sched_core_deinit,
+    .schedule = edf_sched_schedule,
+    .yield = edf_sched_yield,
+    .admit = edf_sched_admit,
+    .remap = NULL,
+    .dvfs=NULL
+ * ext_sched_edf_init. Creates an register the EDF scheduler.
+ */
+static int
+ext_sched_edf_init() {
+    PrintDebug(VM_NONE, VCORE_NONE,"Sched. Creating (%s) scheduler\n",;
+    return v3_register_scheduler(&edf_sched);
+ * ext_sched_edf_vm_int. Called when the VM starts
+ */
+static int
+ext_sched_edf_vm_init() {
+    return 0;
+ * v3_extension_impl. EDF extension functions
+ */
+static struct v3_extension_impl sched_edf_impl = {
+       .name = "EDF Scheduler",
+       .init = ext_sched_edf_init,
+       .vm_init = ext_sched_edf_vm_init,
+        .vm_deinit = NULL,
+       .core_init = NULL,
+       .core_deinit = NULL,
+       .on_entry = NULL,
+       .on_exit = NULL