#include #include #include extern struct vmm_os_hooks * os_hooks; /**********************************/ /* GROUP 0 */ /**********************************/ int host_va_to_host_pa(addr_t host_va, addr_t * host_pa) { if ((os_hooks) && (os_hooks)->vaddr_to_paddr) { *host_pa = (addr_t)(os_hooks)->vaddr_to_paddr((void *)host_va); if (*host_pa == 0) { return -1; } } else { return -1; } return 0; } int host_pa_to_host_va(addr_t host_pa, addr_t * host_va) { if ((os_hooks) && (os_hooks)->paddr_to_vaddr) { *host_va = (addr_t)(os_hooks)->paddr_to_vaddr((void *)host_pa); if (*host_va == 0) { return -1; } } else { return -1; } return 0; } int guest_pa_to_host_pa(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_pa, addr_t * host_pa) { // we use the shadow map here... if (lookup_shadow_map_addr(&(guest_info->mem_map), guest_pa, host_pa) != HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY) { PrintDebug("Could not find address in shadow map (addr=%x)\n", guest_pa); return -1; } return 0; } /* !! Currently not implemented !! */ // This is a scan of the shadow map // For now we ignore it // int host_pa_to_guest_pa(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t host_pa, addr_t * guest_pa) { *guest_pa = 0; return -1; } /**********************************/ /* GROUP 1 */ /**********************************/ /* !! Currently not implemented !! */ // This will return negative until we implement host_pa_to_guest_pa() int host_va_to_guest_pa(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t host_va, addr_t * guest_pa) { addr_t host_pa; *guest_pa = 0; if (host_va_to_host_pa(host_va, &host_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (host_pa_to_guest_pa(guest_info, host_pa, guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int guest_pa_to_host_va(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_pa, addr_t * host_va) { addr_t host_pa; *host_va = 0; if (guest_pa_to_host_pa(guest_info, guest_pa, &host_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (host_pa_to_host_va(host_pa, host_va) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int guest_va_to_guest_pa(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_va, addr_t * guest_pa) { if (guest_info->page_mode == SHADOW_PAGING) { switch (guest_info->cpu_mode) { case REAL: case PROTECTED: case LONG: case PROTECTED_PAE: // guest virtual address is the same as the physical *guest_pa = guest_va; return 0; case PROTECTED_PG: { addr_t tmp_pa; pde32_t * pde; addr_t guest_pde = CR3_TO_PDE32(guest_info->shdw_pg_state.guest_cr3); if (guest_pa_to_host_va(guest_info, guest_pde, (addr_t *)&pde) == -1) { return -1; } switch (pde32_lookup(pde, guest_va, &tmp_pa)) { case NOT_PRESENT: *guest_pa = 0; return -1; case LARGE_PAGE: *guest_pa = tmp_pa; return 0; case PTE32: { pte32_t * pte; if (guest_pa_to_host_va(guest_info, tmp_pa, (addr_t*)&pte) == -1) { return -1; } if (pte32_lookup(pte, guest_va, guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } default: return -1; } } case PROTECTED_PAE_PG: { // Fill in } case LONG_PG: { // Fill in } default: return -1; } } else if (guest_info->page_mode == NESTED_PAGING) { // Fill in } else { return -1; } return 0; } /* !! Currently not implemented !! */ /* This will be a real pain.... its your standard page table walker in guest memory * * For now we ignore it... */ int guest_pa_to_guest_va(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_pa, addr_t * guest_va) { *guest_va = 0; return -1; } /**********************************/ /* GROUP 2 */ /**********************************/ int guest_va_to_host_pa(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_va, addr_t * host_pa) { addr_t guest_pa; *host_pa = 0; if (guest_va_to_guest_pa(guest_info, guest_va, &guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (guest_pa_to_host_pa(guest_info, guest_pa, host_pa) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* !! Currently not implemented !! */ int host_pa_to_guest_va(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t host_pa, addr_t * guest_va) { addr_t guest_pa; *guest_va = 0; if (host_pa_to_guest_pa(guest_info, host_pa, &guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (guest_pa_to_guest_va(guest_info, guest_pa, guest_va) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int guest_va_to_host_va(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_va, addr_t * host_va) { addr_t guest_pa; addr_t host_pa; *host_va = 0; if (guest_va_to_guest_pa(guest_info, guest_va, &guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (guest_pa_to_host_pa(guest_info, guest_pa, &host_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (host_pa_to_host_va(host_pa, host_va) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* !! Currently not implemented !! */ int host_va_to_guest_va(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t host_va, addr_t * guest_va) { addr_t host_pa; addr_t guest_pa; *guest_va = 0; if (host_va_to_host_pa(host_va, &host_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (host_pa_to_guest_pa(guest_info, host_pa, &guest_pa) != 0) { return -1; } if (guest_pa_to_guest_va(guest_info, guest_pa, guest_va) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* This is a straight address conversion + copy, * except for the tiny little issue of crossing page boundries..... */ int read_guest_va_memory(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_va, int count, char * dest) { addr_t cursor = guest_va; int bytes_read = 0; while (count > 0) { int dist_to_pg_edge = (PAGE_ADDR(cursor) + PAGE_SIZE) - cursor; int bytes_to_copy = (dist_to_pg_edge > count) ? count : dist_to_pg_edge; addr_t host_addr; if (guest_va_to_host_va(guest_info, cursor, &host_addr) != 0) { return bytes_read; } memcpy(dest + bytes_read, (void*)host_addr, bytes_to_copy); bytes_read += bytes_to_copy; count -= bytes_to_copy; cursor += bytes_to_copy; } return bytes_read; } /* This is a straight address conversion + copy, * except for the tiny little issue of crossing page boundries..... */ int read_guest_pa_memory(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_pa, int count, char * dest) { addr_t cursor = guest_pa; int bytes_read = 0; while (count > 0) { int dist_to_pg_edge = (PAGE_ADDR(cursor) + PAGE_SIZE) - cursor; int bytes_to_copy = (dist_to_pg_edge > count) ? count : dist_to_pg_edge; addr_t host_addr; if (guest_pa_to_host_va(guest_info, cursor, &host_addr) != 0) { return bytes_read; } /* PrintDebug("Trying to read %d bytes\n", bytes_to_copy); PrintDebug("Dist to page edge=%d\n", dist_to_pg_edge); PrintDebug("PAGE_ADDR=0x%x\n", PAGE_ADDR(cursor)); PrintDebug("guest_pa=0x%x\n", guest_pa); */ memcpy(dest + bytes_read, (void*)host_addr, bytes_to_copy); bytes_read += bytes_to_copy; count -= bytes_to_copy; cursor += bytes_to_copy; } return bytes_read; } /* This is a straight address conversion + copy, * except for the tiny little issue of crossing page boundries..... */ int write_guest_pa_memory(struct guest_info * guest_info, addr_t guest_pa, int count, char * src) { addr_t cursor = guest_pa; int bytes_written = 0; while (count > 0) { int dist_to_pg_edge = (PAGE_ADDR(cursor) + PAGE_SIZE) - cursor; int bytes_to_copy = (dist_to_pg_edge > count) ? count : dist_to_pg_edge; addr_t host_addr; if (guest_pa_to_host_va(guest_info, cursor, &host_addr) != 0) { return bytes_written; } memcpy((void*)host_addr, src + bytes_written, bytes_to_copy); bytes_written += bytes_to_copy; count -= bytes_to_copy; cursor += bytes_to_copy; } return bytes_written; }