; -*- fundamental -*- %ifndef SVM_ASM %define SVM_ASM %include "defs.asm" %include "symbol.asm" SVM_ERROR equ 0xFFFFFFFF SVM_SUCCESS equ 0x00000000 EXPORT DisableInts EXPORT GetGDTR EXPORT GetIDTR EXPORT GetTR EXPORT exit_test EXTERN handle_svm_exit EXPORT launch_svm EXPORT safe_svm_launch ;; These need to be kept similar with the svm return values in svm.h SVM_HANDLER_SUCCESS equ 0x00 SVM_HANDLER_ERROR equ 0x1 SVM_HANDLER_HALT equ 0x2 [BITS 32] ; Save and restore registers needed by SVM %macro Save_SVM_Registers 1 push eax mov eax, dword %1 mov [eax], edi mov [eax + 8], esi mov [eax + 16], ebp mov [eax + 24], dword 0 ;; esp mov [eax + 32], ebx mov [eax + 40], edx mov [eax + 48], ecx push ebx mov ebx, [esp + 4] mov [eax + 56], ebx ;; eax pop ebx pop eax %endmacro %macro Restore_SVM_Registers 1 push eax mov eax, dword %1 mov edi, [eax] mov esi, [eax + 8] mov ebp, [eax + 16] ;; mov esp, [eax + 24] mov ebx, [eax + 32] mov edx, [eax + 40] mov ecx, [eax + 48] ;; mov eax, [eax + 56] pop eax %endmacro %macro vmrun 0 db 00fh, 001h, 0d8h %endmacro %macro vmsave 0 db 00fh, 001h, 0dbh %endmacro %macro vmload 0 db 00fh, 001h, 0dah %endmacro ;VMRUN equ db 0Fh, 01h, D8h ;VMLOAD equ db 0x0F,0x01,0xDA ;VMSAVE equ db 0x0F,0x01,0xDB ;STGI equ db 0x0F,0x01,0xDC ;CLGI equ db 0x0F,0x01,0xDD align 8 DisableInts: cli ret align 8 GetGDTR: push ebp mov ebp, esp pusha mov ebx, [ebp + 8] sgdt [ebx] popa pop ebp ret align 8 GetIDTR: push ebp mov ebp, esp pusha mov ebx, [ebp + 8] sidt [ebx] popa pop ebp ret align 8 GetTR: push ebp mov ebp, esp pusha mov ebx, [ebp + 8] str [ebx] popa pop ebp ret ; I think its safe to say that there are some pretty serious register issues... align 8 launch_svm: push ebp mov ebp, esp pusha mov eax, [ebp + 8] vmrun ; db 00fh, 001h, 0d8h popa pop ebp ret exit_test: mov cr4, eax ret ;; Need to check this.. ;; save_svm_launch(rax, struct guest_gprs * regs) align 8 safe_svm_launch: push ebp mov ebp, esp pushf pusha ;; Save Host state push dword [ebp + 12] ;; pointer to the guest GPR save area push dword [ebp + 8] ;; pointer to the VMCB pointer ;; mov eax, [esp + 4] ;; mov guest GPR pointer to eax Restore_SVM_Registers [esp + 4] ;; Restore Guest GPR state pop eax ;; pop VMCB pointer into eax vmload vmrun vmsave ;; pop eax ;; pop Guest GPR pointer into eax Save_SVM_Registers [esp] ;; save guest GPRs add esp, 4 ;; skip past the gpr ptr popa ;; Restore Host state popf pop ebp ret %endif