/* * This file is part of the Palacios Virtual Machine Monitor developed * by the V3VEE Project with funding from the United States National * Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. * * The V3VEE Project is a joint project between Northwestern University * and the University of New Mexico. You can find out more at * http://www.v3vee.org * * Copyright (c) 2010, Lei Xia * Copyright (c) 2010, The V3VEE Project * All rights reserved. * * Author: Lei Xia * * * This is free software. You are permitted to use, * redistribute, and modify it as specified in the file "V3VEE_LICENSE". */ //backend device for Virtio NIC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CONFIG_DEBUG_VNET_NIC #undef PrintDebug #define PrintDebug(fmt, args...) #endif struct vnet_nic_state { char mac[6]; struct v3_vm_info * vm; struct v3_dev_net_ops net_ops; int vnet_dev_id; }; /* called by frontend device, * tell the VNET can start sending pkt to it */ static void start_rx(void * private_data){ //struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; //v3_vnet_enable_device(vnetnic->vnet_dev_id); } /* called by frontend device, * tell the VNET stop sending pkt to it */ static void stop_rx(void * private_data){ //struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; //v3_vnet_disable_device(vnetnic->vnet_dev_id); } /* called by frontend, send pkt to VNET */ static int vnet_nic_send(uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len, void * private_data) { struct vnet_nic_state * vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; struct v3_vnet_pkt pkt; pkt.size = len; pkt.src_type = LINK_INTERFACE; pkt.src_id = vnetnic->vnet_dev_id; memcpy(pkt.header, buf, ETHERNET_HEADER_LEN); pkt.data = buf; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_VNET_NIC { PrintDebug("Virtio VNET-NIC: send pkt size: %d, pkt src_id: %d\n", len, vnetnic->vnet_dev_id); v3_hexdump(buf, len, NULL, 0); } #endif return v3_vnet_send_pkt(&pkt, NULL);; } /* send pkt to frontend device */ static int virtio_input(struct v3_vm_info * info, struct v3_vnet_pkt * pkt, void * private_data){ struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; return vnetnic->net_ops.recv(pkt->data, pkt->size, vnetnic->net_ops.frontend_data); } /* tell frontend device to poll data from guest */ static void virtio_poll(struct v3_vm_info * info, void * private_data){ struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; vnetnic->net_ops.poll(info, vnetnic->net_ops.frontend_data); } /* tell the frontend to start sending pkt to VNET*/ static void start_tx(void * private_data){ struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; vnetnic->net_ops.start_tx(vnetnic->net_ops.frontend_data); } /* tell the frontend device to stop sending pkt to VNET*/ static void stop_tx(void * private_data){ struct vnet_nic_state *vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)private_data; vnetnic->net_ops.stop_tx(vnetnic->net_ops.frontend_data); } static int vnet_nic_free(struct vm_device * dev) { return 0; } static struct v3_device_ops dev_ops = { .free = vnet_nic_free, }; static struct v3_vnet_dev_ops vnet_dev_ops = { .input = virtio_input, .poll = virtio_poll, .start_tx = start_tx, .stop_tx = stop_tx, }; static int register_to_vnet(struct v3_vm_info * vm, struct vnet_nic_state * vnet_nic, char * dev_name, uchar_t mac[6]) { PrintDebug("Vnet-nic: register Vnet-nic device %s, state %p to VNET\n", dev_name, vnet_nic); return v3_vnet_add_dev(vm, mac, &vnet_dev_ops, (void *)vnet_nic); } static int str2mac(char * macstr, char mac[6]){ char hex[2], *s = macstr; int i = 0; while(s){ memcpy(hex, s, 2); mac[i++] = (char)atox(hex); if (i == 6) return 0; s=strchr(s, ':'); if(s) s++; } return -1; } static int vnet_nic_init(struct v3_vm_info * vm, v3_cfg_tree_t * cfg) { struct vnet_nic_state * vnetnic = NULL; char * dev_id = v3_cfg_val(cfg, "ID"); char * macstr = NULL; char mac[6]; int vnet_dev_id; v3_cfg_tree_t * frontend_cfg = v3_cfg_subtree(cfg, "frontend"); macstr = v3_cfg_val(frontend_cfg, "mac"); if (macstr == NULL) { PrintDebug("Vnet-nic: No Mac specified\n"); } else { str2mac(macstr, mac); } vnetnic = (struct vnet_nic_state *)V3_Malloc(sizeof(struct vnet_nic_state)); memset(vnetnic, 0, sizeof(struct vnet_nic_state)); struct vm_device * dev = v3_add_device(vm, dev_id, &dev_ops, vnetnic); if (dev == NULL) { PrintError("Could not attach device %s\n", dev_id); V3_Free(vnetnic); return -1; } vnetnic->net_ops.send = vnet_nic_send; vnetnic->net_ops.start_rx = start_rx; vnetnic->net_ops.stop_rx = stop_rx; memcpy(vnetnic->mac, mac, 6); vnetnic->vm = vm; if (v3_dev_connect_net(vm, v3_cfg_val(frontend_cfg, "tag"), &(vnetnic->net_ops), frontend_cfg, vnetnic) == -1) { PrintError("Could not connect %s to frontend %s\n", dev_id, v3_cfg_val(frontend_cfg, "tag")); v3_remove_device(vnetnic); return -1; } PrintDebug("Vnet-nic: Connect %s to frontend %s\n", dev_id, v3_cfg_val(frontend_cfg, "tag")); if ((vnet_dev_id = register_to_vnet(vm, vnetnic, dev_id, vnetnic->mac)) == -1) { PrintError("Vnet-nic device %s (mac: %s) fails to registered to VNET\n", dev_id, macstr); v3_remove_device(vnetnic); return 0; } vnetnic->vnet_dev_id = vnet_dev_id; PrintDebug("Vnet-nic device %s (mac: %s, %ld) registered to VNET\n", dev_id, macstr, *((ulong_t *)vnetnic->mac)); //for temporary hack for vnet bridge test #if 0 { uchar_t zeromac[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; if(!strcmp(dev_id, "vnet_nic")){ struct v3_vnet_route route; route.dst_id = vnet_dev_id; route.dst_type = LINK_INTERFACE; route.src_id = 0; route.src_type = LINK_EDGE; memcpy(route.dst_mac, zeromac, 6); route.dst_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; memcpy(route.src_mac, zeromac, 6); route.src_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; v3_vnet_add_route(route); route.dst_id = 0; route.dst_type = LINK_EDGE; route.src_id = vnet_dev_id; route.src_type = LINK_INTERFACE; memcpy(route.dst_mac, zeromac, 6); route.dst_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; memcpy(route.src_mac, zeromac, 6); route.src_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; v3_vnet_add_route(route); } } #endif //for temporary hack for Linux bridge (w/o encapuslation) test #if 1 { static int vnet_nic_guestid = -1; static int vnet_nic_dom0 = -1; uchar_t zeromac[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; if(!strcmp(dev_id, "vnet_nic")){ //domu vnet_nic_guestid = vnet_dev_id; } if (!strcmp(dev_id, "vnet_nic_dom0")){ vnet_nic_dom0 = vnet_dev_id; } if(vnet_nic_guestid != -1 && vnet_nic_dom0 !=-1){ struct v3_vnet_route route; route.src_id = vnet_nic_guestid; route.src_type = LINK_INTERFACE; route.dst_id = vnet_nic_dom0; route.dst_type = LINK_INTERFACE; memcpy(route.dst_mac, zeromac, 6); route.dst_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; memcpy(route.src_mac, zeromac, 6); route.src_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; v3_vnet_add_route(route); route.src_id = vnet_nic_dom0; route.src_type = LINK_INTERFACE; route.dst_id = vnet_nic_guestid; route.dst_type = LINK_INTERFACE; memcpy(route.dst_mac, zeromac, 6); route.dst_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; memcpy(route.src_mac, zeromac, 6); route.src_mac_qual = MAC_ANY; v3_vnet_add_route(route); } } #endif return 0; } device_register("VNET_NIC", vnet_nic_init)