#ifndef __VMM_MEM_H #define __VMM_MEM_H #include typedef ulong_t addr_t; /* Guest Shadow Host Virtual Physical Virtual Physical Virtual Physical OK OK OK NOK NOK OK NOK NOK */ // These are the types of physical memory address regions // from the perspective of the guest typedef enum guest_region_type { GUEST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, GUEST_REGION_NOTHING, GUEST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE} guest_region_type_t; // These are the types of physical memory address regions // from the perspective of the HOST typedef enum host_region_type { HOST_REGION_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, HOST_REGION_UNALLOCATED, HOST_REGION_NOTHING, HOST_REGION_MEMORY_MAPPED_DEVICE, HOST_REGION_REMOTE, HOST_REGION_SWAPPED, } host_region_type_t; typedef struct shadow_region { guest_region_type_t guest_type; addr_t guest_start; addr_t guest_end; host_region_type_t host_type; union host_addr_t { struct physical_addr { addr_t host_start; } phys_addr; // Other addresses, like on disk, etc, would go here } host_addr; struct shadow_region *next, *prev; } shadow_region_t; typedef struct shadow_map { uint_t num_regions; shadow_region_t * head; } shadow_map_t; void init_shadow_region(shadow_region_t * entry, addr_t guest_addr_start, addr_t guest_addr_end, guest_region_type_t guest_region_type, host_region_type_t host_region_type); void init_shadow_region_physical(shadow_region_t * entry, addr_t guest_addr_start, addr_t guest_addr_end, guest_region_type_t guest_region_type, addr_t host_addr_start, host_region_type_t host_region_type); void init_shadow_map(shadow_map_t * map); void free_shadow_map(shadow_map_t * map); shadow_region_t * get_shadow_region_by_addr(shadow_map_t * map, addr_t guest_addr); shadow_region_t * get_shadow_region_by_index(shadow_map_t * map, uint_t index); int guest_paddr_to_host_paddr(shadow_region_t * entry, addr_t guest_addr, addr_t * host_addr); // Semantics: // Adding a region that overlaps with an existing region results is undefined // and will probably fail int add_shadow_region(shadow_map_t * map, shadow_region_t * entry); // Semantics: // Deletions result in splitting int delete_shadow_region(shadow_map_t * map, addr_t guest_start, addr_t guest_end); void print_shadow_map(shadow_map_t * map); #endif