/usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu -m 512 -fda ./vmm.img c.img -m 512 = 512 MB RAM -M = machine type -cpu = CPU type -monitor `tty` gives access to a qemu console that lets you dump memory, registers, disassemble, etc. It's not a complete debugger, thoough -S waits for a gdb connection. This seems to only work for kgdb and linux kernels -serial stdio redirects COM1 to stdio -serial file: writes COM1 to the given file MAKING an ISO image from a floppy image mkisofs -pad -b -R -o /usr/local/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -serial file:serial.out -m 1024 -fda vmm.img -cdrom guest_no_timer.iso