/* * defs.h * * Created on: Oct 4, 2012 * Author: Abhinav Kannan */ #ifndef DEFS_H_ #define DEFS_H_ const char* STATUS_BAR_MSG_READY = "Ready"; const char* TITLE_MAIN_WINDOW = "Palacios"; const char* TITLE_DOCK_TELEMETRY = "Kernel messages"; const char* TITLE_DOCK_VM_LIST = "List of VMs"; const char* MENU_FILE = "File"; const char* MENU_VIEW = "View"; const char* MENU_VM = "VM"; const char* MENU_HELP = "Help"; const char* FILE_MENU_NEW_VM = "New VM"; const char* NEW_VM_STATUS_TIP = "Create a new virtual machine"; const char* FILE_MENU_EXIT = "Exit"; const char* EXIT_STATUS_TIP = "Exit Palacios VMM"; const char* VM_MENU_START = "Start VM"; const char* VM_MENU_STOP = "Stop VM"; const char* VM_MENU_PAUSE = "Pause VM"; const char* VM_MENU_RESTART = "Restart VM"; const char* VM_MENU_REMOVE = "Delete VM"; const char* VM_MENU_ACTIVATE = "Activate VM"; const char* VM_MENU_RELOAD = "Reload VMs"; const char* VM_STOP_WARNING_MESSAGE = "You are about to stop a running virtual machine. Please stop all executing processes" "within the virtual machine to insure safe termination of VM. Do you want to continue?"; const char* VM_DELETE_WARNING_MESSAGE = "Are you sure you want to delete this VM?"; const char* DELETE_RUNNING_VM_ERROR = "This VM is currently running! Please stop the VM before deleting"; const char* HELP_MENU_ABOUT = "About Palacios"; const char* ABOUT_PALACIOS = "Palacios is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) " "that is available for public use as a community resource. Palacios is highly configurable " "and designed to be embeddable into different host operating systems, such as Linux and the " "Kitten lightweight kernel. Palacios is a non-paravirtualized VMM that makes extensive use of " "the virtualization extensions in modern Intel and AMD x86 processors. " "Palacios is a compact codebase that has been designed to be easy to understand and readily " "configurable for different environments. It is unique in being designed to be embeddable into " "other OSes instead of being implemented in the context of a specific OS. Palacios is distributed under the BSD license." "\nPalacios is part of the V3VEE Project"; const char* XTERM_CMD = "/usr/bin/xterm"; const char* FILE_VM_LIST = "virtual_machines_list.txt"; const char* TAG_VM = "vm"; const char* ERROR_TELEMETRY = "Telemetry information currently unavailable"; const char* LABEL_ACTIVE_INVENTORY = "Active Inventory"; const char* LABEL_ACTIVE_NOT_INVENTORY = "Not in inventory"; const char* LABEL_INACTIVE_INVENTORY = "Inactive Inventory"; const char* ERROR_SETUP_MODULE_INSTALL = "Kernel Module not installed"; const char* ERROR_SETUP_MODULE_INSTALL_FAILED = "Kernel module not installed correctly"; const char* ERROR_SETUP_MEMORY = "Memory not intialized"; const char* ERROR_APP_CLOSE = "There are running VMs in the current session. Stop or pause the VMs before exiting"; const char* ERROR_VM_RUNNING = "VM is already running"; const char* ERROR_UPDATE_VM_STATE = "Error could not update VM state"; const char* ERROR_RUN_ACTIVE_NOT_INVENTORY = "VM instance exists on the system but has not been added to the inventory. Activate VM to proceed"; const char* ERROR_RUN_INACTIVE_INVENTORY = "VM instance has not been activated"; const char* ERROR_NO_DEVFILE_FOR_LAUNCH = "Could not find /dev/v3-vm# file to launch VM"; const char* ERROR_STOP_VM = "VM is not running"; const char* ERROR_VM_NOT_INVENTORY = "Cannot stop VM. VM is either inactive or not available in inventory"; const char* ERROR_LAUNCH_VM_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = "Error launching VM! Device file not found"; const char* ERROR_LAUNCH_VM_IOCTL = "VM Launch: IOCTL error! Check kernel logs for details"; const char* ERROR_STOP_VM_PATH = "Error executing stop command. Check path variable"; const char* ERROR_STOP_VM_IOCTL = "VM Stop: IOCTL error! Check kernel logs for details"; const char* ERROR_STOP_VM_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = "Could not stop VM! Device file not found"; const char* ERROR_PAUSE_VM_IOCTL = "VM Pause: IOCTL error! Check kernel logs for details"; const char* ERROR_PAUSE_VM_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = "Error pausing VM! Could not open device file"; const char* ERROR_RESTART_VM_IOCTL = "VM Restart: IOCTL error! Check kernel logs for details"; const char* ERROR_RESTART_VM_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = "Error restarting VM! Device file not found."; const char* ERROR_VM_CREATE_PATH = "VM creation failed: Check PATH variable"; const char* ERROR_VM_CREATE_IOCTL = "VM creation failed: Check kernel logs for more details"; const char* ERROR_VM_CREATE_DB = "VM creation failed: Could not save VM. Error in database"; const char* ERROR_VM_CREATE_PROC = "VM creation failed: Unable to get dev file"; const char* ERROR_VM_CREATE_FAILED = "VM creation failed: Could not create dev file for new VM. Check kernel logs for more details"; const char* SUCCESS_VM_ADDED = "VM added to inventory. Activate to use"; const char* SUCCESS_VM_CREATE = "VM created successfully!"; const char* VM_TAB_TITLE = "VM Details"; const char* ERROR_VM_LAUNCH = "VM Launch failed: Check kernel logs for details"; const char* ERROR_VM_DELETE_PATH = "VM Deletion failed: Check PATH variable"; const char* ERROR_VM_DELETE_IOCTL = "VM Deletion failed: Check kernel logs for more details"; const char* ERROR_VM_DELETE_DB = "VM Deletion failed: Database error"; const char* ERROR_VM_DELETE_INVALID_ARGUMENT = "VM Deletion failed: Could not find dev file!"; const char* SUCCESS_VM_DELETE = "VM deleted successfully"; #endif /* DEFS_H_ */