Notes: - The compiled X11 directory contains a copy of all the libraries that my-microcore-con guest needs to run X. These libraries are in x11/build/bin/ and x11/build/lib/ If you're running a more "advanced" guest, you may not need the libraries and you should edit the setup script accordingly (remove the commands that copy libraries). - To test X11 on the microcore guest: mount x11 as a FILEDISK device into the guest (x11.dat contains all the x11 source files and the setup script, see my-microcore-con.xml) In the host: run the vncserver and client. In the guest: type the following commands: 1. mkdir new-x11/ 2. sudo mount /dev/hdb/ new-x11/ 3. source ./ 4. cd x11/build/bin/ 5. sudo ./startx -- -config xorg.conf & xclock and 3 xterms should be visible in the vncclient window.