4 qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom arch/x86_64/boot/image.iso -serial stdio
6 (Can add -smp 4 option as well, but the BIOS my version of QEMU is using
7 doesn't appear to provide an MP table, which Kitten depends on. KVM seems
8 to work fine with -smp 4 arg... all cpus are detected and initialized.)
10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 Scripts for building cross-compiler toolchains are in scripts/toolchain.
13 E.g., to build an x86-64 toolchain:
18 By default, the toolchain will be installed in /opt/toolchain/x86_64.
19 Edit PREFIX in build-x86_64.sh to change this.
21 To build a x86_64 Kitten using a cross-compiler:
23 export PATH=/opt/toolchain/x86_64/bin:$PATH
24 make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu- config
25 make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu-
27 The resulting kernel image is at:
29 arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage
31 This is a drop in replacement for a Linux bzImage.
33 If you have syslinux installed ('syslinux' Debian package), a bootable
34 iso cdrom image can be built with:
36 make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu- isoimage
38 and booted under the Qemu full-system simulator ('qemu' Debian package):
40 qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom arch/x86_64/boot/image.iso